A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

95. Orochimaru and Danzo: A Clandestine Alliance (2)

He stated, his voice low yet compelling, "And I presume I don't need to explain the urgency of this request to someone of your understanding... Knowing you, you are probably already onto it... Not that you had any 'reservations' about those two clans ever before, but now you have even more reasons than ever to act boldly...",

He continued, his words underscored with a serious tone, "It's evident by this point that these bloodlines are not just powerful but hold the keys to unimaginable strength, they are full of strange and seemingly endless mysteries the more I think about everything I thought I knew so far recently. In this shinobi world, everything is about bloodlines... There are clear limits that can't be crossed no matter your intellect level or unique technique you possess.",

"Everything else, all the jutsu I have ever learned, pales in comparison to the raw power exhibited by the Hyuga patriarch, not to mention the legendary might of Hashirama and Madara recorded in historical records. This is the new understanding that I arrived at...",

Orochimaru paused briefly, ensuring his next words were clearly understood, "Therefore, If you expect me to share the fruits of my hard-won research on Senju cells discreetly, without the teacher's authorization, since you probably wouldn't get it from him, you'll need to offer something of comparable worth to me in return, such as either of those unique eyes...",

"Keep in mind, I'm confident that at this point there are not many people up to my level of scientific literacy, not to mention now that I focus on that full time. So, I know my worth.",

"Powerful bloodline powers for powerful bloodline powers, that's a fair exchange. This is non-negotiable...", His gaze penetrating, cutting through any pretense as he laid it out.

His expression was particularly greedy and envious the entire time he mentioned those large shinobi clans' bloodline matters. 

Danzo responded with a tone of pragmatic understanding, acknowledging the complexities involved in fulfilling Orochimaru's request, "Even I recognize the formidable challenge of acquiring Byakugan, particularly now.",

The Main Branch of the Hyuga is largely staying out of the war, with only three members participating, and the Hyuga Patriarch remains in Konoha now to protect the others. It's nearly an impossible task...", He explained, setting realistic expectations.

However, Danzo's expression shifted slightly as he continued, revealing a glimmer of strategic intent, "As for the Uchiha, the situation might be more favorable. I've long had an interest in the Sharingan and have been preparing for an opportunity such as this war to explore it further. I already have some ideas on how to proceed...", He revealed, hinting at plans already in motion.

Danzo then made a specific offer, aligning closely with Orochimaru's interests, "If you successfully master those Hashirama cells for transplantation and are willing to transplant them onto me, I could provide you with a pair of Sharingan If I get one...", He proposed. 

Danzo's offer reflected a calculated risk and a deep investment in the power dynamics shaped by kekkei genkai, positioning both him and Orochimaru at a potential advantage in the broader shinobi landscape.

Danzo's tone turned earnest as he continued, laying out a broader strategic vision that went beyond mere transactional exchanges, "However, there is no need for such a conditional relationship between us. We are, after all, on the same boat.",

"You should already know that Hiruzen recently decided to finally position Minato fully as his successor, believing he has more potential than you. At this point, personal relationships and personalities are useless, only the strength matters for our overall interest faction's well-being and that's why he chose him in the end, as the next Hokage instead of you seemingly.",

"It's pretty evident, that he had met him many times during these war preparations, almost every day, and has even convinced Jiraiya to take Minato to Mount Myoboku to train in Sage Mode, and Minato's mastery of the Flying Raijin also increases by the day. Soon, he might completely overshadow you without a possibility of a comeback in all competitive areas...",

He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, "If you aim to grow stronger, both in terms of your strength and your influence, we need to unite. Moreover, I would prefer you as the next Hokage, not Minato.",

"His idealism and leniency towards the major clans, and potential external threats, make him too 'nice' for such a complex role. We need someone with a more 'pragmatic' outlook, someone cold and calculating, like you.", 

Danzo's words were carefully chosen, designed to appeal to Orochimaru's ambitions and fears, forging a deeper alliance based on shared goals and mutual concerns about the future leadership of Konoha.

Danzo's strategic considerations were also deeply influenced by his personal standing within the village hierarchy.

He was acutely aware that Minato's ascension to Hokage could jeopardize his position, given Minato's less-than-favorable view of him at worst, and neutral at best, impression of him, not anything like the close, life-long personal relationship he shared with Hiruzen for example.

This made the young shinobi's potential leadership a direct threat to his influence and operations within Konoha.

"Minato's ideals and his perception of my methods do not align. If he ascends to Hokage, it would significantly weaken my position within the village...", Danzo confessed, his tone laden with concern over the future political landscape.

"Therefore, I see you, Orochimaru, as a more suitable candidate for Hokage. However, for you to be a viable candidate, you must grow significantly in strength and gather more merits, and I will do my best to help you in return for you increasing my standing once you become the next Hokage many years in the future thanks to my help.", Danzo stated, outlining the necessity for Orochimaru to enhance his public and political profile within the village first.

Danzo's plan involved more than just supporting Orochimaru's present research endeavors; it required elevating his status to that of a war hero of his front, capable of wielding both power and influence—a leader who could eventually be seen as a legitimate contender for Hokage after Hiruzen steps down. This involved orchestrating situations where Orochimaru could demonstrate his capabilities and loyalty to the village, thereby increasing his appeal.

This proposal showcased that even within a single faction like Hiruzen's broad faction, there were deeper, vague layers of internal divisions and sub-factions. Each member had their own goals and strategies, which often led to conflicting agendas under the surface.

Danzo's efforts to position Orochimaru as Hokage, contrary to Hiruzen's current support for Minato, highlighted these complex internal politics. It showed that alliances within the village were not just about shared goals but also about individual ambitions and tactical maneuvers.

"Very well, Danzo...", Orochimaru finally said, his voice tinged with a calculated calm, "I agree to this proposal as well but on an equal basis. We shall advance together in this venture. If Hiruzen sees more potential in Minato for now, then let him.",

"He will be in for a great surprise later. But, you, if you bet right at this time, may achieve even more power than currently in the village.", However, after saying that Orochimaru sighed in disappointment at his teacher's choice.

Orochimaru also felt a sting of indignation about Hiruzen's recent more subtle preference for Minato, after the Hyuga's Patriarch's great show of power back there and hence the indirect suggestion that Minato held more potential in terms of personal power for these 'hard times', as Hiruzen started getting closer and closer to him right after that meeting ended back then.

In an era where power determined both status and survival, Orochimaru was acutely aware that appearing weak was not an option now.

He recognized that his ambitions—particularly his research into immortality and ascending the hierarchy of the shinobi world—depended heavily on having both funding and autonomy.

To secure these, becoming the next Hokage of Konoha was essential; without that position, he risked being marginalized, and forced to live on the fringes of the ninja world like a stray.

Orochimaru also understood the political dynamics at play, that's why he agreed so easily to join hands with Danzo. Even if Hiruzen's faction were to triumph over adversaries like the Hyuga and Uchiha, the victory would be hollow for him if Minato were to assume leadership.

Under Minato's likely more stringent oversight, Orochimaru's controversial research could be halted entirely, forcing him to rebel next and live like a rebel shinobi for the rest of his life.

And for now, Danzo appeared as the most logical and even available partner for himself, as everyone else, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, and other Advisors, were already on Minato's boat entirely or supported Minato simply because he was Hiruzen's choice like the two Advisors.

This contemplation drove Orochimaru to delve deeper into the specifics of his upcoming research. He knew that this was crucial for all of his goals and even survival in this kind of 'external' situation, whereas pressure mounted from both inside and outside the village.

The allure of researching Hashirama Senju's cells and DNA lay in the potential to harness the legendary shinobi's remarkable physical traits, his extraordinary regenerative abilities, vast chakra reserves, and even the unique Wood Release theoretically.

Yet, after having procured such valuable genetic material from Hashirama's grave, under approval from his teacher, and already conducted preliminary observations, Orochimaru realized that awakening Hashirama's Wood Release through transplantation was a complex challenge, potentially requiring the alignment of multiple, still mysterious to him, factors.

Given these complexities, Orochimaru had already begun to consider alternative applications for the Senju cells. His body, though powerful, was not naturally suited to withstand the rigors of Sage Mode, from the Ryuchi Cave, a state he aspired to achieve to amplify his power, but was recently told that he was unqualified in terms of his general physique.

Now that Minato was about to learn the Toad Sage Mode, possibly even the perfect version unlike Jiraiya, the pressure was mounting on him.

And that was also the only power he considered could now rival those exceptional bloodline-type abilities and essentially help him fight his 'pre-programmed fate' as a shinobi that many civilian-origin shinobi like him got stuck at and then get 'eaten' in this kind of world over time.

Thus, he planned to use the Senju cells to try and enhance his physiological resilience and compatibility with natural energy, thereby paving the way for him to master the perfect Snake Sage Mode as soon as possible to give him the qualifications to fight for his standing. But, Orochimaru's ambitions extended beyond just the enhancement of his physical abilities.

He also planned to continue to refine his formidable, unique jutsu, the 'Living Corpse Reincarnation', for his immortality efforts, as well as the 'Edo Tensei', in collaboration with Danzo, for his further understanding of souls.

Moreover, he was keen on exploring the secrets of the Sharingan, and bloodline powers in general, should Danzo succeed in acquiring a pair for him.

His curiosity was piqued by the potential to unlock new levels of power by integrating these diverse branches of research—spanning souls, genetics, cells, natural energy, and more.

Orochimaru was further intrigued recently by the possibility of creating a synergistic 'fusion' of these various elements which could lead to unprecedented advancements in his overall capabilities and influence.

However, on the outside, after formalizing their cooperation, Danzo and Orochimaru continued their strategic planning, talking with a calculative precision, being on the same 'wavelength' completely, similar in personality, now focusing on how to position Orochimaru as the next Hokage successfully.

They discussed strengthening Orochimaru's power base, particularly through his command of the Western Front during the war.

They envisioned building a loyal cadre of shinobi under his leadership, a force that could support his bid for Hokage even after the conflict ended and the time for new Hokage elections approached potentially.

Danzo and Orochimaru then spent considerable time more in the shadowy confines of their underground meeting place, meticulously planning each step of this ambitious endeavor. 


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