A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

97. Hikari Contemplates the Altered Paths of Team Minato

Kakashi and Hikari positioned themselves opposite each other in the courtyard. Kakashi's expression was serious, and he told Hikari to not hold back. Clutching his White Light Chakra Sabre, he readied himself, his eyes focused and sharp.

At this moment, Hikari noted the White Light Chakra Sabres held by Kakashi, but also similarly on Sakumo's back at all times.

Therefore it became clear to Hikari that these revered weapons were obviously more numerous than that single item depicted in the original series; after all, a single weapon could hardly serve the needs of an entire shinobi clan.

As the spar began, Kakashi moved with impressive speed, showcasing his proficiency in the basic Body Flicker technique combined with the Samurai Step for enhanced mobility.

His movements and swordsmanship were fluid, reflecting his training in the Hatake clan's basic kenjutsu, which he executed with precision and skill.

As Kakashi darted around him, Hikari admired the young Hatake's current level reached, 'He is truly around a basic Jonin-level of strength, even earlier than in the original series...',

'It seems that Sakumo's decision to stay alive and dedicate himself to training Kakashi has been incredibly beneficial. After all, constant personal guidance from such a legendary shinobi certainly has its perks...', Hikari mused internally, watching Kakashi's attempts to mask his attack direction with agile movements.

Noticing a subtle nod from Sakumo, Hikari interpreted it as a cue to escalate the intensity of the spar, 'It seems that Sakumo-san wants me to not hold back during this spar and in fact, teach him a lesson then...' Hikari thought, sensing that it was time to teach Kakashi a valuable lesson about the realities of combat at higher levels.

During their previous spars, Hikari was always extremely lenient with Kakashi due to Sakumo which might've given the young Kakashi a wrong impression of their differences in power.

With a quick shift in his stance, Hikari activated his Wind Release: Rotation in its fullest potency. The powerful jutsu created a giant fierce whirlwind around him, taking a huge chunk of this courtyard's space, designed to repel and disarm opponents. As the force of the wind hit Kakashi, it blew him back with such intensity that he nearly collided with a nearby wall.

Reacting swiftly, as he was already alert, Sakumo leapt into action, moving with the speed and precision that marked his legendary status. He caught Kakashi in his arms just in time, preventing a harsh impact against the wall and potentially serious injury.

This intervention served not only as a rescue but also as a stark lesson for Kakashi: the gap between his current abilities and the demands and unpredictability of high-level combat.

Kakashi was visibly shaken as he regained his footing, his wide eyes reflecting a mix of shock, amazement, and realization.

The giant force and extent of Hikari's technique, coupled with his father's swift intervention, drove home the intensity and danger of real combat situations.

He now truly realized that Hikari held back greatly during their 'spars' before, as he had never seen this kind of large area-of-effect kind of jutsu from him until now for the first time.

Sakumo, still holding Kakashi steady, turned this into a teachable moment, "Kakashi, you must understand that the strength of an opponent can be overwhelming, and sometimes, unexpected...", Sakumo began, his tone both stern and instructive,

"Today you experienced firsthand how quickly a battle can turn. It's not just about the techniques you know, but how you adapt and react when faced with superior power.",

Kakashi nodded slowly, absorbing his father's words, "This is why you need to continue to train and why you're not ready for the war front...", Sakumo continued, "You have great skill for your age, but the battlefield demands more than skill alone. It requires awareness, experience, and the wisdom to know when to fight and when to retreat."

"Thank you, Father, Hikari-senpai. I... I understand better now...", Kakashi managed, his voice a mix of humility and renewed determination. Sakumo nodded, satisfied that the lesson had made its mark, knowing that these experiences would forge Kakashi into a shinobi worthy of the Hatake name.

Meanwhile, Aas Hikari observed the lesson between Sakumo and Kakashi, his thoughts drifted to the broader implications of the current shinobi alignments in Konoha.

As Kakashi was not part of the regular shinobi force, it was obvious that he was not on the same team with Obito and Rin, under Minato, during this time, as he was in the original.

This alteration piqued his curiosity about the fates of Obito and Rin, who were now navigating the shinobi world without Kakashi's direct involvement.

They were both only genin now and would probably participate in the war, just like the rest of Konoha's shinobi of this generation.

As Rin and Obito never visited the Hatake residence due to political differences, between Minato and Sakumo, for example, during this time, Hikari, therefore, never had a chance to personally come across them.

Hikari recalled from his past interactions with Kakashi that although there was still a semblance of friendship between him, Obito, and Rin, their meetings were infrequent, and overall slowed down over the years, and strained due to the current factional tensions.

Obito and Rin, still only genin, were under Minato's mentorship alone, which left Hikari wondering how this change would impact their development and roles in the impending war.

Particularly, he was concerned about Obito, whose fate in the original timeline was dramatically shaped by the war and his encounters during it.

Given the current political climate and the separation of the original Team Minato, Hikari speculated about the possibilities, 'Would Obito still end up under Madara's influence?...'

He thought to himself. The alterations in their team structure and the absence of Kakashi could lead to vastly different experiences for both Obito and Rin in the war.

These thoughts led Hikari to consider the "Butterfly Effect" his actions and the altered team dynamics might have on the broader narrative of the future of this world.

Without the presence of Kakashi, and with the war's scale and intensity, the paths of Obito and Rin could diverge significantly from what history originally recorded.

Given the heightened tensions between the Uchiha clan and the village—more so than in the original series—Minato's decision to take Obito under his wing was not merely a matter of chance or preference.

Hikari speculated that there were strategic calculations at play, likely orchestrated by Hiruzen. From his discussions with Kiyomi, Hikari understood that Obito, much like Shisui, came from an extremely same, specific 'dovish' lineage within the Uchiha.

Hiruzen, recognizing the potential to mold Obito into an influential figure within the Uchiha, might have seen an opportunity to subtly steer the clan's future directions. This would make Obito a valuable asset, a potential agent of influence who could be used in various ways.

As for why the Uchiha clan consented to Obito training under Minato, it was because their clan, just like all the other shinobi clans, was obligated to contribute some percentage of their overall, shinobi to Konoha's regular shinobi forces, for missions, on a permanent basis.

Giving a 'dove' to him then didn't mean anything, as they were suspicious of him, due to his heritage, probably in the first place. And that meant that they wouldn't need to worry about Minato brainwashing 'one of their own' then as, nowadays, they already didn't consider him 'their own', as the 'dove' faction got sidelined from all clan matters during the last few years after the Uchica clan formed the 'Anti-Hokage' coalition, or simply switched to other factions.

Hikari also had some other considerations regarding Obito. The lack of a strong friendship with Kakashi, this time around, in this universe, combined with increased ostracism and bullying likely faced from his own clan every day, due to Hikari's own Butterfly Effects creating a much more divisive village-Uchiha dynamic than it already was in the original series, probably now having other clansmen considering Obito something akin to 'traitor' as well, not just as some funny-looking, talentless weakling within the Uchiha clan, had probably all, in Hikari's opinion, made Obito even more emotionally reliant on Rin than ever before. That heightened dependency created a precarious situation where Obito was even more susceptible to manipulation than in the original series as an unintended consequence.

In Hikari's assessment, these circumstances could make it easier for someone like Madara to exploit Obito's emotional vulnerabilities, as he knew that Obito was probably Madara's perfect target.

After all, theoretically, the more love a Uchiha clan member had, the more emotional disturbance it could generate if it is transformed into another negative emotion, creating way more powerful eyes in the process. 

Madara's penchant for manipulating Uchiha clan members who felt marginalized or wronged was well-documented, and Obito's growing isolation within his clan and reliance on Rin for emotional support presented a perfect storm for such influence.

Adding to the complexity, Obito and Rin's alignment with the Hokage's Faction meant that they were likely to be deployed to fronts away from the Uchiha-controlled Suna's or his own Front for example, once the decision to send such young genins fresh off Academy gets made. Or maybe they would even only follow Minato inside of his newly created Division.

This geographical and operational separation from the Uchiha clan's influence placed Obito and Rin entirely out of Hikari's reach, making it challenging, if not impossible, for Hikari to intervene or protect Obito from potential manipulation by Madara.

Hikari was deeply concerned about this setup. With Obito and Rin dispatched far from any protective oversight and deeply embedded in environments controlled by the Hokage's Faction, the opportunity for Madara to step in and manipulate Obito unchecked increased dramatically.

And Hikari dreaded having such a powerful individual on the opposing side, after all, due to Madara's and Black Zetsu's fundamental goals, they would certainly have to clash sometime.


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