A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As I arrived with Oberyn on the outskirts of the city where the tourney was being held. We saw hundreds, if not thousands of people walking around viewing all the different parts of the week-long event. There were all sorts of places serving food and drinks, with small stages throughout the event that people used to put on plays, puppet shows, and something called 'mummer performances'. Which I learned was a play that makes fun of an event or over-exaggerates it.

Outside the many different smaller things that performers were doing to make coins, the main events would be held in the large arena area. There was an area where many blacksmiths were working as well. With possibly hundreds of Knights walking around waiting for their time to be in the event or events they are joining.

The first event was horse racing around a track they built, where later jousting would take place too. As the event started, I sat with Rhaegar, his new wife Elia, and Oberyn near the King and Queen. Elia spoke of who she believed would win the race, with Rhaegar speaking his opinion on the matter. Normally Rhaegar would partake in the events, but since this is for his wedding he decided not to join this time.

The horse racing took most of the day up as several dozen knights took part in it. The overall winner was a knight from the 'Vale', which was the mountainy area of the Kingdom located north of King's Landing. The next day's main event was an Axe-throwing competition. At the end of each main event, a play would be performed depicting certain events in the Kingdom's history, mostly Targaryen victories. 

The man who won the axe-throwing competition apparently to no one's surprise was a northerner. The Lord of House Mormont, Jeor Mormont a man who just passed his prime in age but his skill is very much there still. From what Oberyn and Rhaegar tell me northerners are hardy folk and very loyal, taking oaths and honor much more seriously than most southerners. Atleast they sat that is what the northerners claim, though, from my experience watching these nobles, it appears to be a case-by-case basis.

The third day's main event was an archery contest, which Oberyn took part in as our bet was for the melee which was on the fourth and into the fifth day's main events. The archery event was much like the axe-throwing one, though with bows and arrows. Oberyn was a good archer, but not the best as the winner was a man everyone called 'Blackfish', but his real name was Brynden Tully.

As the fourth day started all the people partaking in the melee gathered early in the morning. When the rest of us arrived we saw all the men involved in the event gathered before the King and Queen. There appeared to be over a hundred knights taking part in the melee. Breaking them up into groups of ten knights, where each group would fight and whoever remained would be the winner of the group. Then after the winners were decided they would all fight each other and see who was the final winner.

Oberyn was in the fifth group, I was surprised to see that Jaime Lannister was taking part too. Jamie was in the third group and it appeared he was going to use this event to try to gain Knighthood. Though I could see something else in his eyes like he was going to use his possible winning to ask the King for something. As the event took place the winners of the first two groups were older knights.

As Jaime took the field in his group he was the youngest in the group and the others seemed to not be taking him seriously. As they all kneeled before the King and Queen as the others did, saying a small speech about fighting for them. Then each knight walked to the edge of the large oval-shaped arena.  With a wave of his hand, the King started the melee.

As soon as the melee started the knights rushed towards the closest combatant to them. A knight wearing the House Hightower insignia rushed toward Jaime, who rushed the knight without fear. Even with blunted blades, sparks would fly here and there from the strikes made by each knight. Jaime was one of the youngest, if not the youngest who took part in the melee, but his skill with the sword was very high.

He was easily matching the older knight's strikes with his own, by parrying everything thrown his way or sidestepping the strikes. His father watched this with a neutral face, but I could see the pride in Tywin's eyes at his son's skill. Cersei watched it with pride on her face not hiding her happiness, but I could see worry for her brother in her eyes at the same time.

Jaime was able to successfully disarm his opponent after exchanging blows for a minute or two. The Knight from House Hightower yielded after being disarmed, leaving the arena as Jaime rushed the next closest combatant. It seems the knight's disregard for Jaime due to his age was their downfall, as Jaime successfully won moving to the finals.

Out of all the knights so far, most wielded longswords, axes, or maces. Oberyn was the first one to wield a spear in the melee. I was not surprised seeing this as that was his weapon of choice, but many of the other knights who did not know him were surprised at his weapon choice. As soon as his match started Elia cheered for her brother very enthusiastically and Rhaegar joined the cheers as well supporting his wife's brother.

Oberyn's skill with the spear was amazing to see, as it was not a very popular weapon outside war or among Nobles. Though Oberyn showed the world just how good a spear can really be in the right hands. He easily won him from his group and moved on to the finals.

As the rest of the event concluded, the day ended and when the next day started the finals took place from the melee. With all the winners joining the field, one of the more notable ones was Jonothor Darry, a current Kingsguard member. With the fight starting, Jamie rushed another knight, as Jonothor Darry dispatched his current adversary almost immediately moving to Oberyn right after who dispatched his adversary just as quickly.

The two met in combat as Oberyn used his spear's reach to keep Jonothor from getting too close. Oberyn used the spear to prod Jonothor's armor gaps and looked to be slowly wearing down the Kingsguard. Making Oberyn get a little too much confidence as his next thrust was caught in the arm of Jonothor. He pulled Oberyn close to him with a yank before Oberyn could react.

Though Oberyn reacted, just not in time as Jonothor used the pommel of his longsword to smack Oberyn across the face disorienting him. Oberyn tried to move away, but his overconfidence made him lose, as Jonothor rested his longsword on Oberyn's neck forcing him to yield. Oberyn gave the man a very aggravated look but let out a sigh before yielding. As Oberyn left the field he shot me and his family a sad smile but shrugged off his loss.

Meanwhile, Jaime finished off the remaining combatants and caught his breath as Oberyn and Jonothor fought. Then the last two fighters eyed one another as Jaime cautiously moved around Jonothor eyeing his opponent. Jonothor stood still waiting for Jaime to make the first move. After a few tense seconds of circling him, Jaime lunged forward swinging his sword at Jonothor.

Though it was a feint and it seemed Jonothor saw that not moving until the real strike came parrying it almost immediately. Jaime appeared to be a prodigy for the sword, but Jonothor had the experience to help him, plus I doubt just anyone can join the Kingsguard. Jonothor then made his move doing several feints trying to confuse Jaime who would stare down his feints. Parrying his real strike just as Jonothor did with his.

"Seems these two are almost evenly matched," Oberyn says having rejoined the stands with us watching the last two fighters.

"Though I believe Ser Jonothor will win this, he has much more experience," Oberyn continues to say as Cersei looks back and shoots him a hate-filled glare.

"Maybe… though Jaime does appear to be extremely good with the sword. Just as the stories say he really does appear to be a prodigy," Rhaegar says and Elia nods her head agreeing with her husband's assessment.

"What say you Lord Valtaris?" Oberyn asks me as everyone turns to me with a curious look, even Tywin looks at me.

"From the footwork, skill, and counting experience that Ser Jonothor has it will be a very hard-fought fight for Jaime. Though having seen what Jaime is capable of… it is hard for me to say who I believe will come out of this as the winner… Though if I really had to decide… I would place my bet on Jaime," I say to them and they all nod hearing my statement. Though Cersei and Tywin seem very pleased with my answer.

The battle went on for another ten minutes with both fighters becoming more tired. Though it appears with Jaime's younger age this battle of attrition is in his favor, as the older Knight is becoming more tired faster. Leading to Jonothor making the smallest of openings in his latest strike, Jaime immediately took advantage of disarming the knight. The Knight grunted in surprise as the whole crowd cheered for the spectacle they just witnessed and now it seems Jaime made a name for himself today outside his father's shadow.

"I hear by declare Jaime Lannister as the winner for the melee!" King Aerys says standing up with a mad look in his eyes.

"Arthur, please Knight Jaime Lannister. I believe he has shown he is worthy of the title today," Aerys says to Ser Arthur Dayne, who is one of the Kingsguard and most renowned swordsmen in the Kingdom. 

Ser Arthur Dayne nods his head to Aerys and makes his way down to Jaime. Jaime meanwhile is standing there like a statute in awe hearing the King's statement, though quickly kneeling as Ser Arthur Dayne approaches him.

"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Jaime Lannister, as a knight of the Seven Kingdoms," Ser Arthur Dayne says to Jaime as he kneels and becomes a Knight, one of youngest to be knighted if the history I read is true.

"Jaime Lannister, tell me is there anything you would like for winning the melee? Outside the gold of course?" Aerys says with this smile that almost seems evil as if he knows something and is about to harm someone.

"My King… If possible I would like to become a King's guard," Jaime says as Aerys's smile becomes even wider having suspected this. Now I understand his happiness as I see the face of Tywin contort in a complete rage, which he quickly hides behind a forced neutral look.

"My King, do you not think that Jaime is too young to be a Kingsguard?" Tywin says with a forced look to King Aerys who is smiling cruelly at Tywin even more so now.

"Not at all. Jaime has proven himself here today to be one of the best swordsmen in the seven kingdoms! If anything I would have asked him to join myself!" Aerys says while almost laughing like a crazed maniac. Tywin has this vein on his forehead that looks about to burst from sheer rage, but he still portrays a calm exterior.

"I hear by name you Jaime Lannister as part of the Kingsguard!" Aerys says announcing it to everyone present who all become silent and then begin to murmur among themselves.

"Jaime Lannister, repeat after me the oath of the Kingsguard. 'I swear to ward the king with all my strength and give my blood for his. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard his secrets, obey his commands, ride at his side, and defend his name and honor'," Ser Arthur Dayne says to Jaime who nods his head before kneeling to the King and repeats the oath. I can practically hear Tywin's teeth breaking from here as he grits his mouth in utter anger.

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