A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

The next day we arrived outside Meereen and I could see why it was considered the most powerful of the Slaver's Bay cities. As it had a huge pyramid in the center of the city, though nowhere near as grand as my people's buildings. With a very large city surrounding the pyramid and an even larger fleet waiting for us outside the city. I could even see a few mercenary armies stationed inside and outside the city of Meereen. They seemed very prepared for our arrival, though little did they know just how little their preparedness meant to us.

I had the ships drop off all remaining four hundred thousand and more remaining troops outside the city. While the wyvern riders and dragon turtles easily dealt with the fleet outside the city's docks. As the ships were being burned or crushed, my troops and I began to surround the city. The city was in full panic at seeing this and many of the mercenaries were already trying to flee or surrender seeing this overwhelming force that was my army. The group of mercenaries stationed outside the city, sent a few people to meet me, as my army surrounded the city.

"Are you the Lord of this army?" one of the mercenaries asked me as they were escorted to me.

"That is the Golden Emperor, human!" one of my dragonborn says with hate in his voice hearing the lack of respect for me.

All three men from this mercenary group are eyeing both Daenerys and Kinvara with lust. This surprisingly pisses me off as I am starting to hate when other men look at Daenerys with lust. As this is a new emotion for me, but one I will have to figure out later. Though I can tell one of them is debating something while looking at Daenerys and Kinvara.

"Oh, I apologize. Emperor," the mercenary says with some sarcasm in his voice, which does not go unnoticed as the dragonborn is about to strike him, but I put my hand up to stop him.

"You are making it hard to stop them from killing you. Why are you here? To surrender?" I say to the three men, who are most likely in charge of the mercenary group outside the city.

"Yes, we are here to ask for you to allow us to leave. Normally we'd fight even if it meant losing, but this battle has no hope of winning from our side or losing with minimal losses," the younger of the three men says to me, the one who appeared to be departing something earlier.

"Leave? If I let you leave, you may just try to attack us from behind, while they sally out of the city to attack us from the front," I say to them as I am unwilling to allow them to leave so easily.

"We would not be that foolish. You have the largest army we have ever seen, plus dozens of dragons at your disposal which the whole world thought was dead," one of the older men says to me.

"You have two thousand men, correct? Then surrender and lay down your arms, we will hold you all in our camp until the battle is over. That is my only offer, otherwise, you will die beside the other defenders in the city," I say to them as one of my messenger dragonborn comes in and whispers in my ear that the fleet outside the city has been completely destroyed. My army was almost done setting up the siege, while the final touches are being made with the camp already set.

"That is something we can not do, what is to stop you from killing us all once we surrender," the other older man says to me, the one who was very disrespectful.

"You are just going to have to trust me or die," I say to them.

"Now leave and make your decision, you have until tomorrow before we storm the city and kill anyone who is considered a defender of this city," I say to them and have my dragonborn escort them away without waiting for their reply.

"Do you think they will surrender?" Daenerys asks me after the three men are escorted out. While I contemplate my new feelings that are appearing for her.

"They will and not only that, but pledge themselves to our Emperor," Kinvara says before I can speak as I was lost in thought about Daenerys.

"How can you tell?" Daenerys says to her and is no longer that threatened by Kinvara as she can tell just how hard it is for someone to seduce me.

"The youngest of the three leaders was thinking and from my experience, he was considering turning against his allies to take control and serve the Emperor," Kinvara says to her and I nod my head agreeing with her as the young man did seem lost in thought.

"Why?" Daenerys says and this time I answer.

"Most likely because of the two of you," I say while gesturing to the two women, who are more beautiful than most others in this world. Daenerys just gives me a confused look, while Kinvara smirks having the same thoughts as me.

"That man, like most men, seems to be driven by lust. All three were looking at the two of you with lust, but he was looking at the both of you with a combination of lust and longing," I say to Daenerys trying to have her understand why we thought what we did.

"Daenerys, we women have one of the most powerful tools. A vagina, most men will do anything to have that as most men are just horney animals. The young man appeared to be more interested in that, than being loyal to his comrades," Kinvara says as Daenerys's eyes widen from understanding now. Though the thought of letting another man be with Daenerys angered me.

'Am I interested in her?... A human?... I am falling for a human?' I think to myself as that thought was what made me realize these feelings for Daenerys are one of lust and possibly love.

My stare at Daenerys made her blush a bit and that made me happy on the inside, as Kinvara seemed to have read the atmosphere and gave a knowing smile. While I was shaking the thoughts from my head, as I was unsure if for the first time, I felt love for a being it was not one of my own, but a human.

"I will let the two of you speak, as I try to get into contact with the priests we have inside the city, to see the situation from the inside," Kinvara says while leaving and it snaps me from my thoughts. Daenerys goes quiet while looking at me, as it seems she understands what was on my mind too.

"Were you just thinking about me? What were you thinking about?" Daenerys says to me while slowly moving closer to me, as for the first time in a long time I get nervous around a human. Nervousness about the fact I might just be developing feelings for a being that is not a true dragon or even a lesser dragon.

"I… I was. I was thinking about how it upset me, the thought of you with someone else. I believe your attempts at winning my heart are showing their effect. As I am feeling some attraction to you and–" I say to Daenerys who cuts me off by kissing me passionately and instead of pulling back, I was stunned. Then I returned the kiss feeling all these long-forgotten emotions flood forward, like lust and love.

The kiss quickly turned very passionate, as we both have seemly wanted this for some time now. As I flicked my hand placing an invisible barrier that prevented someone from barging in on us. Though would alert me if someone was here to see me. I picked her up and moved us to the bed in my tent. At this point, my instincts took over and lust filled me, while we were kissing passionately with her hands roaming my body.

The next several hours passed by very quickly and were a blur of lust-filled sex. The beginning was rough for Daenerys, though a little magic made it very fun for both of us. By the time we both stopped it was the middle of the night and I realized no one bothered us the whole time or even tried to. Must have been Kinvara who told them to leave us in private until tomorrow.

"So… what does this mean for us?" Daenerys asked me after we both lay there for a few minutes after all that time we lost ourselves in lust.

"I am unsure… Though I am hoping it means you would consider becoming my wife. I know that seems very sudden, but you are the first being I have become this close with. My kind usually only ever has one mate and when we find the one we choose to be our mate we mate for life. However, I know you humans have different customs, so whatever you wish I am fine with," I say to her though after what I just did with her I feel the want to make her my official mate, but do not want to push her into something she might not want.

"Wife? Empress Daenerys Targaryen… Hmm… I like the sound of that. Plus I don't believe I will ever find someone like you," Daenerys says to me while cuddling closer to me and I feel a sense of relief wash over me, while I smile down at her pulling her closer to me.

"Tomorrow after we take the city, we can do the custom that makes us mates. Then we can do the marriage ceremony that you humans have on the date you want," I say to her and she smiles at me nodding her head.

"Great… now I am tired. Good night my love," Daenerys says with a completely happy and stratified smile on her face, before passing out asleep in my arms.

Sleep takes me shortly after she falls asleep as well. With my thoughts and emotions in slight turmoil from what just happened in these last few hours. I wake up with Daenerys still asleep next to me and cuddled up to me. I smile as I watch her sleep, before slowly getting up and letting her rest. As I walk into the main tent area, I release the barrier and Kinvara comes inside a few minutes later.

"Have a good night my Emperor?" Kinvara says with a knowing smile as I am breaking my fast, having already used magic to clean myself and put on my clothes.

"Very, though I am sure you already know that," I say to her without looking up.

"I'm sure you did. Though the young man has arrived early this morning, a few minutes before I came to see you. It appears our suspicions were correct, he has eliminated his fellow leaders and took the solo position as the leader of his group. He is here to pledge his service to you, though I probably don't need to say you should not trust him completely," Kinvara says to me as Daenerys finally comes out with just a robe on and Kinvara gives her a knowing smile. Daenerys blushes slightly seeing the look on Kinvara's face.

"Very well, have him come to me in an hour. He can then pledge himself before we being the siege. Also, you can tell the others, that they will have an official Empress soon," I say to Kinvara who nods her head smiling at the two of us before taking her leave to carry out my orders.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Daenerys asks me as she takes her seat next to me and makes herself a plate of food.

"I liked watching you sleep, plus from last night I figured you'd need the rest," I say to her with a smirk as she blushes again while smiling at me.

"Well, can you atleast clean me with the spell you use?" Daenerys says and I just smile at her snapping my fingers and casting Prestidigitation cleaning her and the robe.

"Much better, thanks," Daenerys says while smiling and eating the food prepared for us.

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