A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 44. Advancement

"Hound is the go-to evolution for most weak canine creatures around the Multiverse when an Outbreak hits. It might not be the strongest, but becoming a Hound still offers most of the things that normal canines are already used to.

Their possible future evolutions are also nothing to scoff at. Although Hounds usually need more time to advance than other basic Voidling subspecies. It is the price they pay for a well-developed pack mentality that gives them an edge over other creatures in this new reality."

~Creatures of the Void, 42nd Edition

Like any other time when Leo forgot about or pushed the System notifications for later, there were quite a number of them waiting for him in the backlog. The usual information about his kills and awarded Ether greeted Leo first, but just like he had expected, those were far from the only ones requiring his attention.

A lot of Ether... Those rats might be weak, but at least I'm not wasting time killing them. Now if only they weren't so annoying to deal with. Leo sighed as he dismissed the kill notifications. And what do we have here?

The passive of the Install-type item Touch of Carnage (Rare): First Circle has reached its maximum threshold. Do you wish to proceed with your item's advancement? This action is irreversible and might lead to some unexpected outcomes.

Additional assessment: The user's soul should be easily capable of incorporating the item's increased power. Warning! The user should still be wary of overloading his soul with Install-type items.

So it finally happened. Leo narrowed his eyes, scanning the messages once more. Considering that the item only needed another twenty-one percent the last time he checked, he expected this to happen earlier.

Obviously, he was wrong.

Is this how every Install item works? Do all of them have a passive that leads to advancement? Those were the obvious questions at first, yet the System was not helpful in the slightest in answering them. I guess I will need another one to compare. Great…

The assessment seemed like a valuable function. Maybe not now, but in the future, when Leo collected more Install-type items? Yeah, I can see its use. Not that I can feel much weight from Touch of Carnage any longer. It had almost disappeared sometime during my trip inside the Void... Good times.

Now, the critical part still remained. Should Leo just proceed like the System asked?

With a guaranteed power-up, this still looked like a no-brainer question. At least until Leo read the follow-up sentence again and again. Unexpected outcomes? He scowled. Nothing can be simple with you, right? Have to complicate every fucking thing…

Leo probably should have waited; it was the best course of action, really, especially with him being out in the open. However, after everything that had happened today, his inhibitions took a hard hit, and so after moving a few steps away from the roof's edge, Leo made the choice.

Choice acknowledged. Proceeding with the advancement of Touch of Carnage (Rare). Please relax, and under no circumstances should you attempt to manipulate your soul during the process.





The moment those words faded from his vision, Leo's soul - and yes, it was definitely his soul - exploded outwards as Essence surged from its deepest pit. It moved right to the tiny spot where Touch of Carnage sat and encompassed the item in a tight bubble, pulsing with such strength that even Leo's veins began to glow.

When the pressure slowly started to settle down, and Essence attempted to move away from the item, Leo's new heart lurched. It wrestled the control of Essence away from his soul like an angry demon and directed it back at the item.

Leo squeezed his eyes shut as the blood in his veins began to boil. His skin itched as Essence, not the one from his soul but the Pure Void version resting inside his cursed arm, flowed deeper into his body. It went straight to Leo's new heart, and from there, the damned shard drove it right into his soul, to the Touch of Carnage.

For a minute, maybe longer, Leo lay splattered on the roof, his body trembling. Whenever he thought the torture might be ending, Nikra's shard betrayed him once again, sending his mind spiraling into the unending circle of pain.

Nevertheless, even through the haze, Leo knew something was changing within him. How or why? He had no clue, but every bit of Essence was still congregated around his only install-type item. The energy's movements were wild and erratic, yet they still carried a purpose.

Bloody fuck! Leo gasped for air, a silent scream escaping his mouth. And along with it, the pain stopped, his Essence returning to the deep recesses of his soul where it waited once more, ready to answer the call.

Groaning, Leo rolled onto his back, eyes staring at the cloudless sky. What in the hell was that? He could still sense the presence of Touch of Carnage inside his soul, but it was different, much different than before.

The constant weight, as unnoticeable as it was before, disappeared completely from his soul. Rather, the item now felt like a crucial part of his soul, an extension that would never come apart.

What have you done? System!?

At once, the powerful entity answered, lines of text spawning in front of Leo. His eyes widened, a disbelieving chuckle escaping his throat as he reached the last few sentences.

Item advancement finished successfully. Grade upgraded from Rare to Rare+.

Warning! Unauthorized internal influence detected. Adjusting... Adjustment successful. Support for further advancement granted to Mutation: Heart of the Void. Proceeding immediately. Brace yourself, User.

Brace yourself, my ass, you fucker! You didn't even give me a bloody second to process this shit. Leo scowled, quickly counting to ten, hoping to push his reignited rage away. This better be worth it.

Apparently, it was.

Forced advancement finished successfully. Touch of Carnage (Rare+) upgraded to Touch of the Void (Epic). Congratulations.

A whole grade better. But Touch of the Void, really? Am I not touched enough? Leo grumbled as his gaze fell upon his cursed arm. However, with this action came yet another revelation, one he was far from prepared for.

What in the…

The taint of the Void, which previously only reached the beginning of his biceps, now spread further. It consumed his entire arm and only gave way to the human skin at his shoulder.

The itching in the beginning. That must have been it.

Instantly Leo summoned a different part of the System, momentarily forgetting about the upgraded item. The entity thankfully answered right away, and he sighed when a familiar text appeared before him.

Sated Status: 89 hours remaining.

Fuck... Got me worried for a second there, System. Maybe Leo should have felt worse about losing more of his human body, but in the end, did it really matter?


Leo knew what he had to face once he returned to his small group. The evolution he sought would demand more of him than this cursed arm ever could, stripping away his humanity. He delayed the process long enough, and now even his last excuse was gone. Time to man up and take what was his.

"Soon," Leo muttered and flinched at the sound. He had forgotten that the forced item advancement completely disrupted his Essence. Thankfully a single flicker of his energy quickly fixed that problem.

Alright then. Let's see what I'm working with now. I'm going Void all the way, apparently…

Install: Touch of the Void (Epic):
Created as the result of combining a lower-grade origin item and the influence of Old One's shard. The blood of the First and Essence of the Void is now connected to your soul, giving you a link to a power many can only dream of. The potential of this item is just unfolding; now you must go further.
Limit Break: +10 Might and Vision, +6 Grace. Grants technique Void: Minor Takeover.
Passive: Second Circle - Essence is the answer (0%). Soulbound - Cannot be removed by traditional means.

Here I thought you couldn't make up anything more ominous... And now, the Void has a claim to my soul too. Really? Wasn't Tainted and Heart of the Void enough for you? Leo ranted to a non-existent person. Although if Nikra somehow could hear him, she should prepare some good answers for their inevitable meeting.

'You will get them and more, child. Just remember I am here to help you.' Nikra's — and it was her, there was no denying it at this point — soft and melodious, yet tired voice froze Leo in his spot. He had heard it so many times already, but it was never so clear, never so loud in the past.

You! Leo snapped to attention, his eyes narrowing. Forgive me for not believing your words after you almost boiled me from the inside out.

'I apologize.' The ancient goddess whispered as her voice once more began to fade. 'I did what I had to. Soon I will explain, but now, I must rest. Stay strong, Leo Hale.'

Hey! For fuck sake, you can't just say shit like that and disappear. Come back! Leo shouted into his mind, and yet he received no answer. God dammit. Nothing can be easy…

Growling, Leo turned his attention back to his new item. If Nikra wanted him to wait, then fine, he would wait. Not like he had any other choice in that regard. Besides, for the first time, she finally answered him with more than a few words. This had to count for something, right?

Whatever... Twelve more attributes overall. Not bad, even if I expected a bit more from a jump in the entire grade. At least it should still be able to get stronger going by the new passive. Leo sighed, before his eyes fell on the entirely new bit of information.

Grants technique Void: Minor Takeover. Even as Leo read it again and again, the expected rush of knowledge never came. Considering what Dylan had told him about them, he couldn't help but wonder. Do I need to access techniques manually because I already know about them? No way, right?

Yet, the moment Leo called out to the System, he was again proved wrong. I really hate you…

Welcome to your Technique display, User.

Techniques are abilities typically related to a specific aspect, with their use heavily assisted by the System. Depending on your connection to a given aspect, you might be able to improve your mastery over a technique and thus, its efficiency. In addition, some techniques are capable of advancing, similar to regular skills.

Most I already knew, but good to have some confirmation. Next.

True/False Affinity requirement negated for Void: Minor Takeover due to the influence of Tainted, Heart of the Void, and Touch of the Void. Access to mastery granted.

Nice, I guess? Leo quirked an eyebrow. And what in the hell is a False Affinity? I could use an explanation about those... Shit, I wish I had a bit more time to talk with the Traveler bloke.

Leo summoned the description of his first technique with a shake of his head. The rush of knowledge finally came, but it was less intense than with his other skills, providing only general instructions on activating the ability and what to do afterward. However, all of that was still far from enough to understand what this technique was about.

Pretty much what Dylan said... Let's see what it really does.

Void: Minor Takeover (Novice)
A technique that allows for a complete takeover of a Void-born creature. The success of this ability depends on the user's connection to the Void affinity, level, and overall strength. Creatures stronger or of similar power will resist an attempt at controlling them, and special types of Voidlings will completely resist this minor technique. Please note that physical contact is required to begin a takeover.
Estimated maximum number of controlled Void-borns: 1.

Leo blinked, his mouth opening.


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