A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 46. Interlude – Whose side are you on?

"Family? Never mention it again in my presence. I have suffered long enough for my mistakes and don't need any more reminders of how I destroyed everything good in my life. That you can't remember any of it just proves how hard I messed up."

~ A conversation, Cycles ago

He trudged through the wooden corridors of Netherum, dragging a hand through his hair as he neared his destination. It had been a very long day for the Traveler, and if he could jump into his private booth and drink himself to death, then that was perfectly fine with him.

Finally, the end of the hall came into view, and with it, the sliding door leading to a booth that Tommy had kept reserved just for the Traveler ever since they met. Being one of the oldest beings in the Multiverse definitely had its perks.

Hopefully, the new Universe won't explode when I am out of commission. The Traveler grumbled as he channeled his unique Essence into the door and smiled just a bit as it slid open.

Without paying much attention, he took a step inside, his mind already going to the impossibly plushy couch and the beverages he could order in just a moment. Only it was not to be, and barely after the door snapped shut behind him, an all too cheery voice reached his ears.

"Six!" The most annoying person in the entire Multiverse called out. "We have been waiting for you for hours! And you know I hate waiting."

I know I have never been a good person, but what have I done to deserve this? The Traveler almost cried out as he collapsed on a couch opposite to the one claimed by two very familiar beings.

The duo were perfect opposites of each other. 'Bright' was an almost ideal description of the first, while 'Hard as stone' suited the other pretty well. Now if those definitions only represented their appearance and not personality, then the Traveler could easily see having a normal conversation with them.

Unfortunately, life just hated him because nothing could be that easy.

Rikora, the bright menace, decided in the past that she wanted to be a dragon. And so it came as no surprise that she designed her sealed form into a humanoid reptile that momentarily blinded everyone with its overly bright scales. The Traveler was just glad that she forgo adding wings to her body…

In contrast, Kirysk never bothered with developing his form too much, be it its sealed state or not. A mountain of muscles made out of black, obsidian-like skin suited him well. Add to that the four massive arms and the last member of Trinity cut an intimidating figure that not many wanted to anger. Especially considering the man's reputation.

At least he is easier to deal with than Rikora. And he somehow keeps her in check... Void, I wish I had that particular ability. The Traveler sighed as he grabbed a small stone tablet resting on the table, separating him from the duo.

"How did you get inside?" Might as well delay the inevitable a bit longer. Besides, the Traveler really wanted to know how they got into his private booth.

"Why Six! No hello, or how have you been? I'm hurt," Rikora pouted like a child, and considering her draconic features, the Traveler couldn't help but grimace.

He had never grown used to seeing someone affiliated with so much power act so childish all the damn time. Even if the woman fought a being way above her strength, her personality wouldn't change in the slightest. The Traveler knew that from experience…

That's probably the main reason why we clash so hard.

"Rikora... How did you get here?" The Traveler sighed, sliding his finger across the stone tablet and leaving a blackened path in its wake. That should do it. He nodded and returned the item to its former position.

"Rude," Rikora grumbled, crossing her arms. "But if you really have to know, then Tommy let us in. Isn't that great, Six?"

Of course, he did. For an Ancient Magma Phantom, that damned brat loves to have fun at other people's expense. If only he wasn't a co-owner of this place...

"I told you to never call me that again, girl. It's not my name and never was. Don't make me beat you up again," The Traveler warned, a challenge shining in his violet eyes.

Rikora smirked, her claws coming to rest on the table as her yellow eyes glowed with power. "Oh?" She purred. "I think you will find that I learned quite a lot since we last fought, Six. I won't go down easily again."

Essence began to fill every crook of the booth, almost cracking the dark wood surrounding them from each side. Yet, before the Traveler could retort, the golem of a man that was Kirysk raised one of his massive fists.

"Rikora, that's enough!" His voice, just as hard as his body, rumbled through the booth. It swallowed Rikora's Essence, the heavy presence disappearing instantly.

"Sorry, brother," the damned girl dared to grin as she leaned back into the plush. "I was just sooo bored from all that waiting. You really should hurry up next time, Traveler. I thought you were better than that."

"Rikora..." Kirysk growled, and the girl immediately threw her hands into the air.

"Alright, alright," she pouted only to grimace as she took a whiff of a foul smell that just now filled the booth. "Gross. How can you even drink that?"

The 'that' in question was a large cup of shimmering brown beverage that appeared in a flash on the table. Rikora was definitely right regarding the odor the drink released, but at least the taste wasn't as bad. At least in the Traveler's humble opinion.

"It is one of the few things that can still make us drunk, and I'm looking forward to a few calm days," the Traveler shrugged and took a sip. The fluid flowed down his throat, burning everything in its wake. "Perfect like always."

Rikora shuddered, and he couldn't help but shoot her a wink. "You are disgusting, Traveler. If you really wanted to get drunk, you could have just gone to Narzak. They know how to make proper whiskey."

The Traveler snorted. "And deal with their Elders and Commander? Fuck no. I would rather spend an entire day with you than listen to another recruitment pitch they came up with this time."

"Ohhh, we love you too!" Rikora crooned, a wide grin on her face.

Void save me…

Downing a mouthful of his drink, the Traveler turned to the other member of Trinity. "Alright, enough messing around. What do you want?"

Like the unmoving rock he represented, Kirysk answered steadily. "Peria sent us to investigate what transpired. You left her presence after the wave of Essence alerted almost the entire Void."

"That I did," the Traveler muttered, and in hindsight, leaving without a word wasn't the best of his ideas. However, he found solace in the fact that his swift actions had given rise to a new Legacy — Nikra's at that —, and that outweighed any concerns he had about Peria's reaction.

"So what did you find?!" Rikora's excitement brought him back to reality. "Come on, spill, Traveler! Was it really Nikra's shard? "

The man shrugged. "Most likely. Unfortunately, whatever or whoever took it departed long before I arrived. I was left with an empty Void pocket filled to the brim with an Old One's Essence and every possible party knocking at my doors."

Rikora's shoulders slumped, and even Kirysk's unwavering gaze lost some of its intensity. "It vanished? After countless cycles of relentless searching, someone simply took it?" The golem muttered, his hands clenching.

"That's what I said," the Traveler grumbled but quickly added when Kirysk glared at him. "Don't worry, friend. With the amount of Essence the shard released, it shouldn't be too hard to find the thief. I just want to rest for a bit after dealing with the pocket and all of the idiots that came after."

That I already know where the new Legacy lives is not something you need to know for now. Nor that no one will be able to find Leo without being right next to him. I made sure of that.

"Good," Kirysk nodded, the weight of his presence fading away. "Were there any problems with the Void pocket and factions?"

"As if you have to ask..." The Traveler rolled his eyes and took another sip. "Cleaning up the pocket wasn't that hard. Even though I had to hold off all of those fucker in the meantime. They definitely didn't spare any firepower..."

"As for the factions?" He continued with a shrug. "They weren't happy to find me inside, but what is new? I gave the representatives some bullshit story and then slipped out when I found the right moment. Gonna need to stay low for a bit, but they will forget about it soon. For the Void, I bet they are all fighting inside that pocket now."

Rikora snorted. "That sounds about right." She then grinned at him, "So what? Are we searching for the thief now? I can't wait!"

"No," the Traveler stated firmly, his drink forgotten. "You tell Peria that only I will search for them. I don't think I need to remind you what happened with the first shard, right?"

And wasn't that one giant clusterfuck. No way the Traveler was letting the Trinity anywhere near Nikra's Legacy after they messed everything up back then. He had waited far too long for the emergence of another shard after the last one was lost.

Sixty-three Outbreaks; no more, not ever.

"But Six!" Rikora whined. "That was our predecessors' fault. Don't leave us out of the fun!"

"I don't care which generation it was. I have known all of you forever, and I can barely tell each iteration apart," the Traveler scowled. "Besides, you can't reach the new Universe yet while I have no such limitations."

"Then teach us how to pass the Veil," Kirysk argued. "You have withheld this ability from all of the Void, which we can understand... But aren't we your allies, your family?"

The Traveler chuckled, ignoring how Kirysk's eyes narrowed. "No. No matter how much you beg, what arguments you use, I won't teach you. The Veil is there for a reason, and if the System isn't allowing you to pass, then you aren't meant to pass. Now, are we done?"

"We are," Kirysk almost spat as he rose from his seat. "Come, Rikora. We have to inform Peria of what we learned. Expect a call soon, Six."

With that said, the duo departed after Rikora threw a small wave and winked in the Traveler's direction. Apparently, not even the tense atmosphere could put this girl down.

Downing the rest of his drink, the Traveler shook his head.

How I sometimes hate those three...

Cycle after cycle, she watched, endlessly observing as universe after universe collapsed around her. She could barely do anything, split into three parts as she was. Yet, it didn't mean she was hopeless.

The first shard, the weakest, failed in its task, but still constantly provided her with information that she would never get otherwise. Even now, it traversed the Void in the hands of a being unaware of what it really possessed, feeding her knowledge that would soon prove priceless.

Her third shard lay untouched, its power never noticed even by the strongest beings inside the Void. But now, with the work finished thanks to her second shard, sooner or later, her power would be reunited under a new host. A host that could fix what she and Geron destroyed.

For sixty-three Outbreaks, I've bided my time, subtly influencing the world around me so that I can return. And now the long-awaited moment has arrived, Leonardo Brown. It is time for our paths to fully intertwine so that we can face a destiny crafted from my mistakes.



A bit late today, but well, shit happens. Thank you all for reading, and to people who are waiting for evolution. It's coming; I literally just finished writing the chapter where it begins. That is chapter 51 for those curious.

Anyway, have a great day/night, you all, and if you want to read ahead or just support me, just follow the link below.

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