A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 50. Mistakes were made

"Apex variants aren't common or even rare, especially in the beginning. Of course, finding one or two in a Nest or a Tainted Wasteland shouldn't be a surprise, but outside of those places, the odds of finding one are very small, probably not even one in a thousand. Some even compare this to the likelihood of finding a Void Gate, but those are exaggerations by people who have no idea what they are talking about.

Now, as rare as Apex variants are, they still have nothing on Prime evolutions. Which, in hindsight, is understandable. After all, no Voidling can become a Prime variant of their race."

~Study of the Void by Unknown

The saying "No plan survives first contact with the enemy" was undeniably great. It served as a stark reminder to those who placed excessive trust in their plans, cautioning them that unforeseen factors could derail even the most meticulously crafted strategies.

Even more important, its relevance extended beyond the realm of battle tactics. It resonated with the unpredictability of life itself — a truth that people often conveniently overlooked.

As life went on, the saying always lingered in the recesses of Leo's mind, particularly after the passing of his biological mother. To him, those words held an inherent truth, constantly reminding him that nothing could be taken at face value.

Each time they reinforced the notion that the world could just take his plans and throw them into a grinder regardless of Leo's efforts. He could be careful and do everything step by step very slowly, and it still wouldn't matter. After all, life was a love-hate relationship that Leo had somewhat grown used to.

The world was unfair, and the sooner people learned this hard truth, the better their life would become... Probably.

However, even accepting and embracing the world's unfairness couldn't prepare Leo for the clusterfuck that his task had become. Things just escalated a bit too much for his liking…

Fuck, fuck, fuck. This one word, repeated endlessly in Leo's mind, summed up the entire situation pretty well, all things considered.

How the fuck could I have known that those bloody buildings would collapse after a bit of abuse!

Leo scowled, his heart thudding in his chest like a jackhammer on steroids. Every single muscle on his body burned as the combination of full power Reinforcement and Limit Break tried to tear through all the fibers and tissue layers, some of which Leo didn't even know could hurt.

Nevertheless, he didn't stop in his mad dash through the Wasteland.

Already over halfway through, Leo punched another Cursed Human that wanted to get in his way and quickly sailed over another fissure. The instant his feet made contact with the ground, a tremor reverberated through the earth. He knew what was happening, but Leo didn't dare to turn and look at the ancient buildings crumbling like a castle made of glass.

The entire fucking city must be hearing this.

Leo grunted and slid between a Voidling's legs, slashing through its tendons as he went. At least his hands were free to do the fighting again. The wetness and gurgle coming from his pockets notwithstanding.

Out of nowhere, getting past Leo's temporary deafness and his ear band, a bone-chilling screech pierced through the air. It reverberated with an eerie resonance, unlike any sound he had encountered before. Low and raspy, almost like the creature responsible had to fight itself to unleash such a sound from its throat.

Despite knowing he shouldn't, Leo's head snapped towards the creature, eyes widening when he spotted the jagged crown on its head. Already the Voidling was gaining on him, the razor-sharp claws on its legs carving into the ground with each powerful stride.


Sheathing his knives, Leo, in a matter of seconds, closed the distance between him and the end of the Wasteland. Don't you dare follow me! But he didn't turn to check, and instead, in two decisive steps, he leaped straight at the building on the other side of the street.

Leo's claws sank deep into the wall, their grip unwavering as his other hand sought leverage. With each grunt, he propelled his body higher, defying gravity's grasp. Despite the building's three-story height, Leo ascended swiftly, surpassing even the most skilled climbers. It was as if he were soaring, covering almost a whole floor in a single fluid leap.

Come on! Come on! Leo gritted his teeth as he pulled himself onto the roof. Instantly he released the hold on Limit Break and let Reinforcement die off slowly.

Leo's body cried out in agony as Essence receded back into his soul, leaving behind seared muscles and dulled senses devoid of the adrenaline-fueled rush. With a strained grunt, he trudged towards the roof's edge, his legs trembling beneath him. His gaze fixed upon the Apex Cursed Runner accompanied by three minions, watching as they neared the very same wall he had just scaled.

At least the other fuckers are running like headless chickens with everything collapsing around them…

As one unit, they followed Leo's steps and began scaling the wall, only way slower than their prey.

Now Leo had two options. One, he could turn around and run away as fast as his abused body would let him. Or two, he could stay here and play a game of whack-a-mole with the Voidlings, hoping against hope that they would give up sooner or later.

Considering Leo could barely run, the choice became obvious quite quickly. He had the advantage here.

The Apex Runner was the fastest, climbing with a swiftness of a nimble monkey. To reward the beast's dedication, Leo grabbed the nearest rubble and hurled it directly at the monster's head.

The Voidling emitted a low, menacing hiss as it faltered, its footing slipping for a brief moment. Then with renewed focus, it quickly regained its composure and propelled itself upward with a mighty leap, finally reaching the third floor.

Now that won't do. Leo grimaced and renewed his onslaught. He seized anything within his reach, throwing it with whatever remaining strength he possessed at the swiftly advancing Apex Voidling.

However, his efforts proved futile.

The creature let out a piercing screech, undeterred by the barrage, and continued its ascent like any other relentless Voidling. Its climb persisted until its head emerged, peering over the rooftop, crimson eyes locking with Leo's gray.

I'm going to regret this, but fuck it. Leo grunted as he pulled himself up and swung his leg. Limit Break to one hundred!

With the renewed power surging into Leo's veins, his boot met the Apex Runner's head with a resounding crack.

The beast's grip on the rooftop slackened immediately, and a haunting howl erupted from its gaping maw as it plummeted toward the ground below. However, to Leo's disbelief, the Runner twitched and contorted its neck, swiftly rising to its feet as if utterly unfazed by the fall, ready to begin the climb anew.

Alright, that didn't work. Plan B.

Leo, still fueled by Limit Break, brought out his bowie knife once more as a Tainted normie reached the top, barring its teeth. Undeterred, he dashed forward and stomped down on the hand that clung to the edge, shattering its bones.

The Voidling immediately tried to answer with its other hand, but Leo quickly snatched it with his claws and twisted the limb. The bowie knife followed shortly after and went straight through the roof of the beast's mouth.

The Voidling fell, freefalling toward the ground. Yet, it didn't matter much when a shattering roar reached Leo's throbbing ears.

The Juggernaut finally decided to join the fight.

Oh fuck!

The colossal Voidling reared its four arms and thundered forward, barreling straight toward the strip of buildings on which Leo stood. With each step, the ground quivered beneath its undeniable power. Not even the beast's allies were spared from its rampage as the Voidling ruthlessly kicked or swatted aside anything in its path, most likely killing at least a few of its kind.

With the Juggernaut rapidly closing in, Leo's mind finally caught up with the imminent danger, jolting his body into action. Despite the searing pain coursing through his battered frame and the other Voidlings that were finally reaching the top, Leo ran or rather limped away slowly.

With strength still provided by Limit Break, Leo hobbled along the many interconnected roofs, begging his body to go faster. But his weary limbs could only carry him so far, and just as he neared the point of escape, with only two roofs left to reach the Vetilim webs that could lead him to safety, the Juggernaut struck.

Leo didn't know exactly what happened, but he could imagine well enough with the way the entire roof shook. He barely managed to stay upright, and going by the screeches behind him, the Voidlings on his tail weren't faring much better.

Just a bit more. Leo pleaded as the roof trembled once more, a muffled roar coming from somewhere underneath him. The Juggernaut raged, and he couldn't help but question who the fuck decided to give him the information about Tainted Voidlings no liking to leave their Wasteland.

Such bullish- Fuck!

With a burst of adrenaline, Leo threw himself over a chasm that opened in the roof before him. Cracks began to spread over the building; even Vetilim and Corcera, which covered quite a bit of the structure, couldn't hold it together. The living matter simply withered and withdrew in front of his eyes.

Groaning, Leo dove past the sounds of terror surrounding him from each side and pushed onward. First crawling and then once again hobbling toward the last roof as everything around him began to break. Vetilim, Corcera, concrete. Nothing was spared from the Juggernaut that raged inside those buildings.

I hope it will become your tomb, you dumb fuck.

Limit Break flared to full power, barely giving Leo a spark of strength to be used. Yet, he still worked with what he was given and turned his hobble into a broken sprint as parts of the roof collapsed on each side. He could only imagine how everything looked behind him, and considering the lack of screeching from the Voidlings on his tail, he had a good guess.

Obviously, the Juggernaut wanted the same fate for Leo as the moment only a meter or two separated Leo from an almost withered Vetilim web, the building shook for the last time.

Everything went down, and Leo, with all his remaining strength, launched himself towards the web. His fingers clenched tightly around the fragile matter, his grip unwavering even as the world around him crumbled and dust consumed his vision.

Leo began to fall right away, a scream leaving his lips as his body went into and straight through something solid, a crack echoing in his ears. The way down didn't last long, and before he knew it, he crashed into something hard yet soft at the same time.

Fuck! Must be the grass... At least I made it down... Leo thought through the haze of pain, his eyes shut tight. He could feel bruises and broken bones scattered all over his body, slowly bleeding out.

I need to get out of here.

Yet as Leo tried to rise, his cursed arm the only limb capable of fully supporting his weight, something struck him in the side. He screamed, eyes snapping open to the sight of normies surrounding him from each side.

Fucking hyenas... You won't take me out, you bloody wankers, at least not without dying yourself.

Even as a Voidling struck Leo again, he just reached into himself and grabbed tightly all the remaining Essence he had. He channeled every bit of rage, anger, pain, and hate into it before letting shadows claim the bubbling orb of power.

Leo held it for a bit longer, and when the other Cursed Humans stepped even closer, he let go, ignoring another System message.


At once, shadows exploded from Leo's every pore, hundreds of tendrils of a black mass shooting outwards. The Voidlings all around howled like one unit as shadows speared their bodies, turning them into Swiss cheese.

As fast as the shadow tendrils went out, they returned just as quickly, sinking into Leo's body. All the beasts collapsed one by one, and he joined them back on the bloody ground, now fully drained.

Somehow silence fell upon the street, and Leo knew he could just close his eyes and sleep, but he mustn't. This was no fairy tale; no one would rescue him from the monsters that would soon come. He had to get to safety.

Come on, body! You survived this much. What are a few more minutes…

Leo's battered form quivered as he crawled, his flesh marred by countless wounds that seeped blood. The nearest open building on the other side of the street wasn't far, and he could get there even with his current speed.

At least all of this wasn't for nothing. Leo grimaced when he still felt the familiar weights in his pockets. The hearts were probably squashed and barely recognizable, but he wouldn't complain too much as long as they gave him the last evolution.

Complain too much. Ha! Leo snorted, wincing at the pain the action produced. I almost fucking died for this... Hopefully, I can heal. Your shard better get to work, Nikra, or your newest legacy will be dead before we can meet. If you even care about that…

'You are not a normal human anymore, Leo Hale. You will live. Just get to safety and rest. And please, next time don’t let your emotions dictate your actions.'

Even if his entire body told him otherwise, Leo chuckled faintly as he pushed himself into the building.

I will do just that. Thanks...

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