A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 54. Power of the Void

"I..." Nikra shook her head. "No, you're right. It might be best to get this out of the way before moving on to more important subjects. That's why I pulled you here after all. Dodging those issues won't help anyone, not if we ever want to work together without any unnecessary squabbles."

Leo nodded absently. There were hundreds of questions he wanted to ask, but most of them could wait. From what he understood, Nikra was here to stay, and any smaller matters could be questioned at a later date. For now, he needed to know all there was about the Void and its aspect.

The ongoing evolution would change a lot, probably more than Leo was ready for. But maybe, just maybe, with Nikra's help, he could at least diminish the shock when the process finished. And understanding the Void and its influence was the first step to do that.

That's what I get for embracing Void's taint on my soul. Leo chuckled internally just when Nikra spoke up again.

"The first thing you must understand is that Void Essence and aspect are two different but inseparable concepts. You see, the first cannot function properly without the other, but the other doesn't have a purpose without the first. A fact that can be said about any other aspect, but not to the same degree. Why? Because while normal Essence would still exist without aspects, Void Essence would not." Nikra raised both hands, energy springing from her palms, forming into two empty orbs that slowly began to fill up.

You made it more confusing than probably necessary, but okay, I'm following for now. Leo mused as he glanced at the arm where not even an hour ago, the Void's mark upon his body was still visible. Though, at least now, I think I know why Minor Takeover took Essence from my arm.

"This," Nikra gestured to her left hand, where a luminous orb of vibrant hues floated, its movements gentle and serene. "You could say, is the representation of your average Essence, the energy harnessed by most survivors. It can be shaped into almost every desired form or aspect, and with proper nurturing, this pure and untainted Essence can possess unlimited potential."

"Now, this is an entirely different matter," Nikra nodded towards her other hand, where a swirling vortex of crimson, violet, and black raged. "Void Essence can only be derived from Voidlings, Akirians, or the very fabric of the Void itself. It possesses the same properties as normal Essence, yet as you have already learned, this energy is also capable of so much more."

Leo grimaced, his mind flashing to the streets of Wolford, filled with monsters and living matter straight out of nightmares. Yes, Void Essence was definitely more than just average energy used for skills; the System made that very clear during the introduction.

Entire Universe changed with only ten percent of the population left...

"Void Essence is wild, often untameable. It is much more potent than your average energy and usually produces stronger effects when using abilities. In return, it's quite a bit harder to control, a fact proved by the simplicity of low-ranked Voidlings' abilities." Nikra continued to explain as if a thousand thoughts weren't speeding through Leo's mind.

"However, none of those things truly matter in the face of one single property that Void Essence possesses," Nikra stated, her gaze piercing into Leo's eyes. "The steady connection to the Void and its aspect. Without it, like I said before, Void Essence would be just another type of energy or cease to exist altogether."

"This tiny connection is where the power to corrupt, consume and destroy comes from, Leo, because that's all the true Void is about." Nikra chuckled bitterly.

"So, to answer your question..." She sighed, "Yes, all Voidlings have a link to the Void aspect. But this link only manifests itself as additional strength and abilities unique to the Void because no matter how strong the connection is, it will never be powerful enough for them to wield the power of true Void, to become one with it."

Silence fell between the two as Leo processed all that Nikra just said. It explained a lot but, at the same time, raised even more questions and worries. Could he grow into the power of the true Void or was it impossible for anyone who wasn't Nikra in her prime?

Might be. I’m her Legacy, after all…

Yet instead of getting an answer, Leo just shook his head. Even if the potential was there, it was way off, and he really didn’t want to think about that for now. And so he decided to just fish for different information.

"You said that the Void only corrupts, consumes, and destroys. But how can this be true if it creates more Voidlings? Wouldn't that be outside of its capabilities?"

"No," Nikra muttered with a sigh, her gaze downcast. "The Void will push past the limits of its power as long as it fuels its three principles. Voidlings are merely a tool, a means to an end. Through their acts of killing and spreading in all directions, they accelerate the impending collapse of the current Universe. That is the sole desire of the Void: to devour the entire Multiverse. Life against death."

Morbid, but can't deny the accuracy... Leo's brow furrowed. Previously, his concerns had been solely focused on his family, but Nikra's explanation had broadened his perspective. However, he couldn't shake off the Traveler's words about people living inside the Void. If that were true, then it couldn't be all bad, right?

But what happens when there are no more universes to consume? Will the entire Void turn against those that are using it as home? Fuck... I still don't know enough. I don't even have a clue how people survive there. Is it a constant struggle for life, or is it safe to continue living without worrying about Voidlings?

"Calm down, young one," Nikra's soft voice brought him back to reality. "Indeed, there is much to be concerned about, and there are countless unknowns. However, you need not face them alone. I am here by your side, ready to be your guide and impart as much wisdom as I possess. And when we reach the limits of my knowledge, we will learn together, step by step."

Just like before, Leo shouldn't have been placated by her words. It was her fault he was in this position, after all. And yet, his body slumped slightly, the raging pool of shadows in the pit calming almost instantly, following its owner's emotions.

"Good," Nikra smiled. "Now, I can sense that there's one question that has been troubling your mind for quite some time, and my previous explanation did nothing to alleviate your concerns. So please, Leo, ask, and I shall answer."

Leo swallowed, or at least tried to. There had been a lot of questions running through his mind, but Nikra was right. One of them had been there even before the evolution, and the Old One's explanation only managed to fuel his worries.

"Right..." Leo muttered. "My evolution... it will change me into a Voidling, or well… an Akirian. I've been worried about how it will affect me, not just my appearance, but as a person. Will I be the same? Will nothing change? Or will my connection to the Void make me a complete monster, just like the ones walking the streets?"

"It won't make you a monster, no, but there will be changes, a lot of them," Nikra answered after a moment of silence. "You need to understand that despite what the System told you, this evolution is much more than just a change of a trait and appearance."

Leo snorted, "Wouldn't be the first time when it decided to leave out important info."

Nikra chuckled. "Yes, the System tends to do that, but not out of cruelty, never that."

Leo raised an imaginary eyebrow but didn't ask. It could wait for later, and the Old One was speaking again.

"Usually, it takes two or three evolutions to completely change the nature of a being. Yet, thanks to your starting race, and to a smaller degree, my shard, it only took you a single one. As such, everything about you is changing."

"Your entire physiology is shifting to match that of an Akirian. Your very soul is adapting to bear the weight of Void Essence. And your mind is assimilating the nature of the creature you will become," Nikra explained, each word striking Leo's chest like a bullet.

His chuckle echoed hollowly, devoid of mirth. "Doesn't sound like there will be much of me left.

"That was your choice, Leo Hale."

Leo truly didn't have a retort to that. Aye, it was my choice, and I can't blame anyone for it. He smiled lightly, watching the shadows dance as a soft murmur left his lips, "Adapt or die."

"A wise code to live by. One I wish I had followed instead of running away from my problems," Nikra replied, her voice coming from a lot closer than before. "But fear not, young one. The new instincts will coexist with your own consciousness, for they are now yours. Live with them and, as you said, adapt... And if it gets too hard, I will help as much as I can."

Right, help. You are helpful now, but how much can I really trust you? The same standing issue, with trusting someone who caused it all, came crashing back. How much to take and how much to give…

Shit... Leo shifted his gaze towards the woman, now seated right next to him, and forced his lips to curl into a faint smile. "Thanks... I think."

"I understand," Nikra sighed softly. "If we are to have any chance of working together, it seems we should address the proverbial 'elephant in the room,' as you aptly put it."

Leo grimaced. Well, there went his subtely and privacy of his mind... Not that he could complain too much, this was what he wanted to hear, after all.

"Yeah. Probably a good idea," Leo muttered back, giving the Old One a side glance.

Nikra nodded and curled her knees up to her chest. "There were six of us, born out of nowhere with more power than anything in existence... or so we thought..."

"I was the first one to appear, with Geron and my other four siblings following soon after. Darkness, Void, Light, Creation, Death, Knowledge, Time, Space, Power, Chaos, and finally Destruction. Eleven primal aspects of the Multiverse assigned to us six."

Leo perked up slightly, "So one of you was left with only one aspect?"

Nikra nodded. "My youngest sister," she began, her voice filled with a mix of sorrow and pride. "Although power may have been her sole affinity, it never meant she was weak. Quite the contrary, in fact. While to mortals we embodied the concept of infinite energy, my sister was the same to the five of us."

Leo shuddered. "That's... terrifying?"

"Quite so. It didn't help that her aspect perfectly reflected her personality," Nikra smiled wistfully before shaking her head. "But I digress. The six of us had complete control over Multiverse, but we wanted a place to call home. And so Universe Prima was born, our foothold that we populated with beings from all over the Multiverse..."

"All was good for a very long time. Yes, there were some squabbles and fighting, but in the end, it never reached the point of… of…"

As Nikra trailed off, Leo slowly took over, knowing well where it was going. "...of no return like the war between you and your siblings."

Nikra hugged her knees. "It was all my fault," she whispered, and Leo averted his gaze. "I thought I could ignore the Void, lock the connection, and throw away the key. But that's impossible, and the fear of my own power was strong enough to destroy everything I held dear."

"Slowly, Void's power began to seep into me and those around me. I was affected the most, but normally my siblings would never push me away, not like that," Nikra shook her head. "Petty disagreements escalated into small fights, and the first major conflict unfolded into the tragedy you are well acquainted with… All of this due to my foolishness and subtle whispers of an entity connected to the Void almost as well as I."

Leo's eyes shot wide, head snapping towards Nikra. Another being who could control the Void and was powerful enough to manipulate six gods?

Please tell me I misheard...

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