A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 56. Uncaged

"Not unlike the basic Cursed variant, Seekers is the favored starting point for the majority of small flying creatures. While the pack mentality may be a new concept for most, it is a choice that offers great potential. Hence, the skies are often teeming with these vexing creatures in the early stages of an Outbreak.

Fortunately, unless encountered in large numbers or subjected to a coordinated attack, a group of three Seekers should pose little challenge for even an inexperienced survivor. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant and watch your surroundings, as these creatures often like to strike their opponents in the back."

~Creatures of the Void, 42nd Edition

The darkness might have claimed Leo, but not even for a second did he lose consciousness. The transition from the shadowy depths of his soulscape to the boundless expanse of darkness was seamless; only now, his sight — and most likely his body — was lost to him.

That's uncomfortable... Thank the Void that Nikra saved me from spending the entire evolution here. I would go mad... Well, that is, if I didn't go mad already. I'm talking to myself, after all... Damn. It does make me wonder if this is how it always will be.

Leo hoped it wouldn't... Only a moment had passed since his arrival in the infinite space, and already he didn't like it, talking to himself notwithstanding. While there was no pain, unlike what Nikra mentioned, there was also nothing familiar about this place. He couldn't move or see, and to make matters worse, Leo could constantly feel weird energies floating all around.

It wasn't Essence, or at least not fully. Leo's limited senses could barely catch onto the surges of energy that passed through him, and even then, he could tell there was more to it, so much more.

Is it Ether? Maybe some energy unique to the System? Damn, I could use some of that limited knowledge of yours right about now, Nikra.

It was rather ironic how, mere moments after parting ways with Nikra, Leo found himself seeking her assistance once again. He really shouldn't become too reliant on her presence. She was still a major unknown, and considering all the issues that could arise between them, developing any kind of dependency on Nikra was a disaster in the making.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised that I latched onto the first person who was forthcoming with information. Didn't really have enough time to do that with the Traveler... Besides, there was something wrong with him, and Nikra's reactions to him only proved that…


Given the state of the world, hell, the entire Universe, Leo really shouldn't have to concern himself with all-powerful beings and the complex history of the Multiverse. Survival, becoming stronger, and finding his family should be his primary worries, and yet here he was.

Man, I am really overcomplicating this, aren't I? Should just stick to adapt or die and worry about all the other shit when it will matter. Or at least when I will finally have the entire story…

Nodding despite not having a body, Leo pushed all those raging thoughts into the deepest pits of his mind. There would come a time to unravel them all, but that time was not today.

Okay, so now what?

For quite some time, Leo was left without an answer. He drifted in the boundless darkness, enveloped by unseen energies of mysterious origins. Fortunately, even he couldn't be unlucky enough to remain in the dark indefinitely. So, when a light suddenly burst forth in all directions, Leo sighed. Or he would have if only such a physical act were possible in his current state.

In a shower of sparks, the particles of light coalesced into shimmering golden letters, swirling and rearranging themselves to form words. Before long, lines of text, bearing a striking familiarity, remained suspended in front of Leo.

Oh, wow…

Stage II Evolution completed successfully. Cooling stage initiation in progress. During this time, please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the previously unlisted changes brought about by your evolution. It is important to note that detailed descriptions will only be accessible once you have emerged from the protective cocoon.

Leo blinked — and it actually worked. Cooling stage? Ah whatever, let's see.

The description of your Prime Night Hunter evolution has been updated.

For some reason, I'm not surprised at all. Leo snorted internally. Though it was a bit disconcerting, the one you gave me was mostly lackluster, System…

Due to the Fusion nature of your evolution, your Job has advanced to the next stage. As a result, you can now access Type information when identifying Void-born creatures, and your Hunter's Pulse ability has been upgraded to Epic quality.

Type information? Job advancement? Leo raised an imaginary eyebrow. Guess I will find out soon.

Congratulations, former human, on joining the esteemed ranks of Akirians, the elite of the Void. As a result of your evolution, you have been bestowed with the Low-end Akirian Physiology trait. May your journey through the Void be fruitful.

Okay, you didn't have to throw it in my face... I'm well aware that I abandoned my humanity with this choice... Leo grumbled just before a thought struck him. Although it really makes me wonder why you didn't mention this trait before. It can't be anything negative, right?

Natural mutations unlocked. You might now access the Mutation menu at any point in time. Please be careful with your choices.

Well, that I already knew, but thanks for the warning, I guess?

Class skill Dagger Mastery has become a Racial skill and evolved into Night Hunter's Blade Mastery. Abilities gained from the lesser version of this skill are still available.

What the hell is Night Hunter's blade? Leo reread the notification again and again, hoping it would uncover more information. Yet, nothing happened, and Identify also didn't answer his call.

I have a bad feeling about this...

Title Prime gained. Displaying description now due to its importance. Title will be assimilated into Nikra's Legacy.

You have transcended beyond the limits of your sub-species, reaching heights never claimed. Never stop in your path; push forward. You are the first and the last of your kind, so make it count.
Freshly-born Akirians recognize your power. If they exist, other Night Hunters will refrain from attacking you and may even be open to obeying your commands.

Holy shit... Leo gaped. I understood that Apex Voidlings were something special, but man, this is something else. And the first and the last? That got to be wrong.

Yet, the longer Leo thought about it, the more sense it made. His evolution was pretty unique, and if he was the only Night Hunter, it wouldn't surprise him in the slightest.

And there goes the possibility of commanding more Night Hunters... Oh well, not that I expected even that much. Though, 'Freshly-born Akirians recognize your power' might come in handy one day…

Leo nodded, and the notifications disappeared suddenly, only to be replaced by another, shorter one.

Cooling stage ready.

Please be informed that Evolution menu will be unavailable until level 35. From now on, your future path depends only on you, User. Your choices, battles, experiences, and many other factors will decide what paths you might find when the menu opens once more. Until then, we wish you success in your hunts.

Level 35?! That's a long fucking way to go. Leo frowned, making sure to reread the notification. Although maybe my block just came a bit too early, or Tainted Humans follow different rules? Fuck, I have to ask Dylan and the others what their race gives per level.

Despite the sudden turmoil in Leo's head, the System quickly reminded him that it wasn't the end of the road.

Beginning cooling stage. Warning! Detected multiple Void-borns in the moderate area and two survivors close by. Please be careful upon awakening.

Survivors close by? Fuck! I really don't need any guests when I am bleeding out and have just finished evolving. Please, just stay away. For both our sakes...




Cocoon cooling in progress. Time to release: 1 minute.

At the exact time that the text faded away, Leo's body snapped back into his possession, accompanied by a scorching pain that he had forgotten about during the evolution. It surged through his limbs, some of which he didn't recognize as his own. However, he had no time to dwell on that realization as every bruise, cut, and broken bone attacked Leo's senses, almost overwhelming him.

Yet, the pain was far from the only thing that decided to make a comeback.

Exhaustion permeated his entire being, infiltrating every muscle, whether wounded or unharmed. A dense fog followed, descending upon his mind, momentarily numbing the pain but constantly reminding Leo of its existence. Then, deep within his soul, an insatiable hunger for Essence ignited, a hunger that had been suppressed in the battle for survival. It demanded to be sated, and he could do nothing to quell the overwhelming thirst that consumed him.

What... the... fuck! Leo screamed through the haze. Shit!

The timer counting down towards the release was somewhere in the corner of Leo's vision, but no matter how intently he tried to focus, the numbers eluded his gaze. They always slipped away, just out of reach, whether due to the surges of pain or the constant hunger and anger that raged within his mind.

Then there were the voices, two of them, distant and just barely reaching Leo's ears through what he understood was his cocoon.

"...moving. Come... Wait! Protection still..." Was all Leo heard from the first one, even as pain assaulted his every sense. He tried to wiggle his body, hardly noticing that it seemed wrong and unnatural.

"Fuck if... know... Shoot right... We don't... the time! Bloody scouts... near... Frank will... us... Clayton!"

There were more words, more snippets that barely meant anything, yet Leo caught a mention of a timer and seconds, of a cocoon and release. Combine those with the snippet about shooting, and it painted a grim picture for him.

They don't even need to be hostile towards survivors. Leo forced his thoughts through, gritting his teeth. One look at my evolved self will probably be enough to brand me as a Voidling. Heavy physical evolution, my ass…

Amidst the haze of pain, hunger, and exhaustion, Leo's attempts to formulate a plan for the upcoming encounter proved futile. His thoughts were fleeting and scattered, refusing to form into anything coherent. Hell, he scarcely registered the abrupt movement of his body as it jolted forward, slipping through an opening that wasn't there before.

Fuck! Leo growled as he landed on his knees, hands supporting his weight as he stared at the floor. Despite the fog and rage consuming his mind, he couldn't help but notice a slightly wider range of vision and a subtle increase in details. However, what truly captured his complete attention were the unexpected words that echoed in the air.

"Bloody hell! You're an ugly fucker, ain't ya?" A gruff voice spoke with a chuckle. "Mason, you fat fuck, come 'ere. Look at this poor sod. Free experience just..."

Whatever the man wanted to say was abruptly silenced by a low, rumbling growl that emanated from deep within Leo's throat. The sound filled the entire room, resonating with the primal intensity of the rage that burned deep inside his mind.

Without warning, Leo's head — which definitely wasn't the same as before — snapped towards the man. His eyes, which just a moment before saw with perfect clarity, locked onto the humanoid blur in the doorway. It was like something snapped within Leo, igniting a surge of instincts, and without hesitation, his body lunged forward.

The blur tried to raise his hand — probably a gun, Leo thought through the pain that exploded thanks to the sudden movement — but he was way too slow. Somehow, his body, guided purely by something inhuman and full of rage, closed the distance between them within a blink of an eye.

Black as night claws descended upon the man's neck, and in one sharp tug, they tore it into shreds. The man gurgled, but Leo just drove the claws of his other hand deep into the lifeless body's stomach and forcefully dragged it into the corridor.

A shot followed by another rang through the entire building, yet no more pain came. Instead, a sense of clarity washed over Leo, and his vision sharpened, allowing him to see details once again. With each passing moment, the rage slowly calmed, relieving him of some of the earlier turmoil.

Despite that, Leo's body, along with the meatshield, still pushed onward, straight into the second man at the end of the corridor.

"Stay the fuck away!" He shouted, unloading the last few bullets in his magazine straight into his friend's body.

However, Leo, now fully aware yet still not in control of his actions, could only watch as his body closed the remaining distance. In one move he could barely follow, the man lost his head to a dark blade that ran along the edge of his forearm and suddenly extended at least a foot past his pinkie finger.

The entire altercation, or rather a massacre, lasted no more than a few seconds. And Leo was left there standing, his gaze blank as he stared at the lifeless bodies suspended from his claws. Their Essence flowed into him, rejuvenating his battered frame, while the control of his body finally returned to his rightful hands.

What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened?!

As I wrote in the last chapter, due to a procedure I will be going under, I will most likely be out of commission for at least a week. This means that next week there will be no new chapters. I'm sorry but you will have to wait for the new chapter until the 10th of July. Trust me I don't really want to make this break, but there is nothing I can do to shorten my recovery period...

While my Patreon won't be getting any new chapters till the 10th, it's still 5 chapters ahead so if anyone is curious about what will happen next, it's always a choice: https://www.patreon.com/Chaos65 (Subscription based, so no matter when you subscribe, you will have access for an entire month.) Discord: Land of Chaos  | All links in one: Linktree | Discord | Patreon | My fanfic profile

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