A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 76. Alone once more

"Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Scavenger
Expected Potential: H
Weapon of Choice: Jaws
Known Weaknesses: Existence
Scavengers appear everywhere. Their appearance might differ from planet to planet, but no matter the Outbreak, they will be there. Widely recognized as one of the weakest Voidling subspecies, Scavengers were relegated to a unique H (Harmless) rank. No matter how much they try, Scavengers do not pose any danger to a survivor unless faced with hundreds of representatives of this species."
~An older entry from Leo's Bestiary

"There's nothin' to thank for, mate. A favor's a favor, and like I said, I'd do this anyway," Dylan shrugged. "However... there's just one detail about this that I'm not too sure about."

The smile slipped from Leo's face, brow furrowing. "What is it?"

"How do we get back to you with whatever we find?" The older man asked, and it was a really good question.

From here on out, their temporary partnership was over. The trio would go on to join the group, while Leo... Well, he didn't really know what was next for him. All his plans depended on the survivors inside that Safe Zone.

Nick's wife and child were all that remained of his family inside Wolford. If they weren't there, then Leo's chances of finding them, dead or alive, were probably as high as winning a lottery in the old world. Small Wolford might be, but there was no way for him to search the entire city. And hell, even if he did, there was no guarantee he would find them. Void had already shown it had enough surprises prepared to prove that.

Yeah, I need to know what's happening inside this place before I do anything else... This is my only remaining hope within Wolford.

Sighing, Leo broke the silence. "Good point... I can't go with you. We've already established that... But it doesn't mean you can't come to me."

In the background, Tyler tensed, and Laura glanced at her cousin worryingly. Leo didn't care too much. At least not as long as the warrior kept his opinion to himself or for a time after they parted ways.

"You want to wait here for us," Dylan noted, more than asked.

Leo nodded. "That's the only way I think this can work... For the next five days, I'll be here waiting each morning for at least an hour. And just in case, I'd like you to come even if you don't find anything. That way I'll know nothing stopped you from finding me."

Five days was a lot of time, more than enough to discover if Ava and Adam were inside the Safe Zone. Moreover, Leo had no idea how the bigger group treated those they took in. For whatever abstract reason, they could stop them from leaving for a time. Nevertheless, he needed info from on the inside, so it was a risk he had to take.

"And what if we don't come," Tyler finally joined the conversation, his gaze hard as steel.

Leo rolled his eyes. If the younger man thought he was intimidating, he had another thing coming. He had faced — ran away from — a Cursed Juggernaut. At this point, only the Nightmares could scare him... Well, them and the probably countless of different creatures hidden inside the Void.

Not important now. Leo tilted his head, violet eyes peering at the warrior. "Then I'll take matters into my own hands. The hope of seeing my family again is what brought me this far. If I have to force my way into this Safe Zone for them, then so be it."

The warrior narrowed his eyes, the hand holding the gun rising ever so slightly. "You would risk the only sa..."

"Enough, Tyler!" Dylan hissed, glaring at his companion. "Take Laura and wait by the exit. I'll join you in a moment." Yet Tyler didn't seem keen on moving. "I said go!"

For a moment, it looked like the younger man would disobey and keep glaring at Leo, as if it would change anything. It took another nudge from Laura for Tyler to almost jump to his feet and leave with a snarl, the girl hot on his heels.

"I'm sorr..." Dylan tried to apologize, only for Leo to raise his hand.

"Don't bother. It doesn't matter," he commented. "And even if it did, it's not your apology to give. Tyler made it clear how he feels about me... I might not like it, but I can understand that much, even if he is an annoying little shit."

Dylan chuckled, but the sound was almost hollow. "You grow used to it... with time."

Leo shrugged, standing up. "Maybe, maybe not. Like I said, it doesn't matter. In less than an hour, you three will be safe among other people while I remain here."

Dylan grimaced as he also rose to his feet. "That is, if they're friendly. I've seen enough movies and studied people long enough to imagine how an apocalypse could affect those who've survived."

Don’t get cold feet now, man. I’m well aware there is a chance those people will attack you on sight, but I need you to go. You three are my only way in for now. And I really don’t want to have to attack a Safe Zone…

"They seemed alright from a distance," Leo quickly remarked, and the other man's eyebrows rose. "I saw a group of eight fight against those ants I told you about. Nothing to write home about, but I also didn't notice anything really concerning... Not that you can find out a lot about a person without talking to them, but still..."

Dylan nodded, mulling over Leo's words. "That makes me feel a bit better. Thanks, lad." Once again, the man hesitated for a moment, before diving in. "Listen, Leo, I know you don't want to hear it, but I really am sorry our little group didn't work out. The thing near the Mirage was unfortunate, but..."

As the man trailed off, Leo cut in before Dylan could say another word. "Yes, it was, but this alliance between us? It was never meant to work. You only accepted me because I could help Laura right away. There was no real trust between us. You might hide it the best, but you're still scared. I can see it and feel it."

"And Tyler?" Leo snorted. "He never tried to hide his fear, not even before I evolved. That Mirage Ambush just gave him a reason to show it... As for Laura? She's a nice girl, but wherever Tyler goes, she follows... Family, I can respect that."

This simple truth had been hanging above them ever since Leo met the trio. Honestly, it was nothing complicated. There wasn't much he could do against humanity's natural fear of the unknown. Those things required time, and a week just wasn't enough. It would never be...

"I..." Dylan shook his head. "No, you're right… This was always doomed to fail... A damn shame if I say so, Leo. It would've been nice to have someone like you by our side."

"Maybe in the future," Leo chuckled. "For now, it's way too early for humans to fully accept what I've become. Like you said, a shame, but that's the life we live now."

And I've mostly accepted it. You guys just have to catch up.

"Aye, that we do..." Dylan muttered, his shoulders sagging a bit.

Alright, that's enough of this heavy shit. This was supposed to be a tense goodbye, not a heart-to-heart... Though — at least for now — I know I have a tentative ally in Dylan for the future. One out of three. Not bad.

Clearing his throat, Leo broke through whatever thought process was going on inside his head. "We should go. Don't want Tyler to barge in and glare at me again."

Dylan chuckled lightly, "Aye, true that. Just one more thing." With that, the older man removed the gun with its harness from his waist and handed it over to Leo. "Take it, lad. You might not need it now, but it's better to have one than not. I missed most of my shots anyway, so you can't be much worse than me."

Lips quirking slightly at the remark, Leo nodded and took the harness. "Your loss," he commented, quickly throwing the thing inside his backpack.

"I should focus more on my Essence anyway, so I don't think so, lad," Dylan noted. "Now, let's move out."

Casting his gaze around the room, Leo's eyes fell on the remnants of a knocked-down wardrobe. "Go ahead. The path is pretty much clear. Just look out for any giant ants. I need to wipe this shit off my body first," he pointed a claw at the remnants of green acid on his face.

For a moment, it seemed like Dylan couldn't decide if Leo was serious, but then he nodded and approached the entrance to the corridor. "In case I can't come back here for some reason, I just want to say that it was a pleasure to meet you, Leo. I wish you luck in finding your family."

Throwing a piece of dirty cloth to the side, Leo called back. "Likewise, Dylan. Wish I could say the same about Tyler, but we both know that ain't gonna happen... Good luck, and until we meet again."

"Until we meet again..." Dylan muttered, leaving the room.

Sighing, Leo picked up another torn shirt. He should probably hurry up and ensure the trio didn't get killed on the last straight. That would have been a complete waste of the last day.

They didn't get killed. Hell, not even a single Voidling attacked the trio on their way to the Safe Zone. Leo might have noticed the almost complete lack of the usual Voidlings in the area before, but not to this degree.

And while true that this place had only a few buildings scattered around, it still should've been enough for normies to be present. So either the survivors from the Safe Zone managed to completely clear the area and keep it that way even with Voidlings wandering in. Or alternatively, the presence of the Nest Colony affected this neighborhood enough for normal Voidlings to abandon this place.

Probably a bit of both. Leo mused, watching the area in front of the Safe Zone from the highest tree he could find. They should be coming out right about noooow...

As if summoned, the trio stepped onto the overgrown street, their forms previously hidden by another house. Even from a distance, Leo could easily see their squared shoulders and tight grips upon their weapons.

As expected. I would be worried too if I were in their shoes...

Nevertheless, the trio didn't slow down, and in almost the blink of an eye, they entered the free space in front of the Safe Zone — which was precisely when the door to ReachHope Foundation's headquarters snapped open, and ten people rushed out, weapons in hands, but still lowered.

Leo's grip upon the branch below tightened, claws digging into the wood as the two groups met in the middle. No one attacked, thankfully, and he prayed to whoever wanted to listen for it to stay that way.

Come on. Be bloody normal, and not some batshit insane fuckers...

For once, Leo's prayers were answered as a single man from the bigger group stepped forward and shook hands with Dylan. Words were exchanged between the two, none that he could hear, but going by the smiles on a few faces, it couldn't be anything terrible.

Thank fuck. Leo sighed, slumping against the tree’s trunk.

The now-joined group didn't stay out for much longer. If Leo wasn't wrong, then some short introductions were probably made before they all quickly returned to the Safe Zone, disappearing behind its doors.

And now the waiting game begins... Thank the Void that there's something around here that can entertain me in the meantime…

Throwing a final look at the Safe Zone, Leo muttered. "Good luck. Don't make me wait too long."

Yo! Small notice. Caught the flu, and my head is killing me way too hard to write anything that won't be shit. Today I used a chapter from Patreon to post this, but there will be no chapter this Monday(18.09.2023). I will be back next Friday (22.09.2023). Sorry (Psst, you can still read more on my Patreon :D). 

Patreon (9 Chapters ahead, will be back to 10 next week): https://www.patreon.com/Chaos65 Discord: Land of Chaos 

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