A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 78. First step

Without even blinking, the controlled Ameist did a one-eighty and dashed back into the vast grass. Not to be left behind by his own minion, Leo followed, keeping a fair distance from the ant just in case. While he didn't doubt the efficiency of Minor Takeover, those creatures might have a way to check if one of theirs was lost.

That is, if the violet eyes aren't enough of a giveaway... Leo snorted, blades extending from his arms as three more Ameist came into sight the moment he passed a thick gathering of plants.

Two of them were purely focused on a blade of grass, their mandibles cutting the plant at its root. The third one, however, wasn't a Minion but a Warrior, its snow-white chitin glinting in the few rays of sun that pushed past the overgrowth.

Searching for the link with his minion, Leo fired off a quick command. While at the same time, his own momentum only quickened. Stop, wait for me. Don't interfere.

A small signal of acknowledgment immediately registered in his mind. Pushing it aside, Leo dove towards the level seven ant warrior, who finally noticed the presence of a stronger predator. The beast raised its lancer arms, crimson eyes glaring ahead.

Let's see how tough you are.

Blades and lances met, and despite the latter holding strong initially, the edge of Leo's weapons slid into their opposition after a moment. The gash wasn't deep, maybe not even an inch, but it once more proved that his blades possessed more cutting power than anything he had ever seen.

The Warrior Ameist hissed, the sound finally alerting the two minions. Leo backed off, twirling away as the creatures spat a mouthful of acid at him. The white ant followed soon after, both with its own poison and damaged lances.

The Ameist threw its arms forward, hoping to skewer Leo in one attack. Only to be met with another failure.

End of the road. Leo grinned as he grabbed the two lances and pushed them to the sides with all his might. The ant stumbled, and before it had a chance to recover, two blades went straight into its front, earning a pained screech from the beast.

To finish off, Leo, with his blades still deep inside the monster, dragged his arms upward, leaving two long gashes behind. Blood and green acid dripped on the ground as he rolled away, and the warrior followed, only it was no longer among the living.

The two Minion Ameists, who just missed another spit throw, froze momentarily as their protector just lay there, unmoving. They hissed, bodies trembling while taking one step back after another.

So they aren't as stupid as I thought. Leo noted, two shadow daggers forming in his hands. Not that it matters. They could run, they could try to fly, but in the end, he would always catch them.

"Too slow," Leo muttered as the two ants dropped like a sack of potatoes on the dirt below. They barely had enough time to move a few meters before he added a single, deep hole to each of their heads.

You can't even call it a fight. Leo shook his head, shadows fading away like a mist as he dipped to his knees and devoured the warrior. In the meantime, he glanced towards his hiding minion and called out. Come out and continue with my first command.

The taken-over Ameist skittered out of a huge bush and just warbled as it passed Leo. The creature didn't even try to spare its fallen kin a glance and just continued onward like nothing ever happened.

That's... a bit disturbing, but at least now I know that Takeover is absolute.

Shrugging, Leo sprinted after his minion. They weaved through the thick and thin undergrowth, passing gigantic bushes, weeds, and other plants as the Vetilim ant hills grew closer and closer. A few more Ameists tried to stand in their way, but they lost their lives before even an ounce of acid could leave their mouths...

None of them were even level five. Doubt I received much experience from them. Leo sighed as he stopped right before the giant alien half-dome. The Ameist paused too, its gaze glued to a small opening that wouldn't even be able to fit the beast.

This is the entrance? He addressed the ant, and the monster gave a stiff but instant nod. Can you get in?

This time the Ameist didn't answer and just stepped closer to the opening. Its mouth bulged a bit, and in the next moment, the ant spat on the entrance, the green acid sizzling over Vetilim. Leo was ready to kill the minion and find another way in, only to pause as the opening shuddered.

The Vetilim retreated, giving more and more space for the entrance until it grew large enough to easily fit two grown humans. Only then did the movement stop, the Void's living matter just swirling along the edges.

I won't say what it reminds me of... Leo grimaced. Nature can be really weird at times. Though, I can't say I'm much better if this is the first thing I think about... Shit.

Before some quite disturbing thoughts could consume Leo's mind, the single minion chirped, its violet eyes glinting. The thing pretty much looked like a proud dog. A very unique, overgrown dog...

Yes, you did well. Now, how many of your kin can I expect to try to kill me right after I enter? Despite the question definitely being transferred over the link, the Ameist just tilted its head. Leo groaned. Right, too complicated for your tiny brain. Let's try something different... Are there Ameists close by?

The ant warbled happily, its mandibles opening and closing.

Can you bait a few of them outside? Another chirp. Good. Do that. I will be waiting here. And remember, only bait. Don't fight. The ant warbled for the last time before diving right into the opening, its form disappearing in the tunnel's darkness.

In the meantime, Leo climbed above the entrance, staying clear of the moving Vetilim. Now he just had to hope that his minion's limited intelligence could pull this off.

This is gonna be fun... Leo snorted, the black flash of Kiss of Death filling his blades. Shadows followed soon after, swirlings in his hands to form two short spears. However, unlike his recent creations, those had a familiar tether attached to his shoulders which easily let him leave those spears hanging off his back.

As long as it won't bring the entire swarm here, I'm good. Nevertheless, just to play it safe, more pure Essence surged into Leo's muscles, ready to spring into action if necessary. A command for Limit Break activation also awaited in the back of his head, but hopefully, that much support wouldn't be needed for this.

What about you? Want to step on a few ants? Hunter's roar echoed throughout his mind, the slumbering bloodlust spiking just a bit. That's what I thought. And just in time for the party to arrive.

An amalgamation of hisses and screeches filled the air, barely hearable at first but growing louder with each second. Even the ant hill thrummed with the power of the marching herd below, the Vetilim movement becoming erratic.

Here they come.

The taken-over ant darted out first, and he took a deep breath. Three Ameist Warriors dived out shortly after with a squad of Minions hot on their heels, trying to reach its traitorous kin. Still, Leo stayed his blade from running through the beasts below and focused fully on a soft buzzing that had just reached his ears.

And now. He shouted internally, jumping high just in time for two more Ameists to burst out of the entrance. Their insectoid wings at once carried them into the air, but their domain wasn't as safe as they thought.

Like a falling angel, Leo dropped on the first Flier, slicing its back open with a single strike. The beast didn’t even have time to hiss before he was off once more. With the falling monster's momentum, he dived right towards the other flying insect that paused upon hearing its kin's dying shriek.

Bad move.

Leo's other blade, still charged with Kiss of Death, cut right through the middle of the Flier's wings and torso. Blood and acid rained down upon the earth, yet he paid it no mind as he dropped to the ground, his knees buckling.

Two down, six left.

Grabbing the two shadow spears off his back, Leo aimed at the herd, which had already changed direction, charging at him like one unit. This time there was no fear among those creatures as the Minions didn't stand in the back. No, this time around, they led the attack.

Another mistake.

The spears sailed through the air, connected to Leo by a tiny tether of shadows. Fuelled by Grace and earlier experience, the weapons found their mark, and two ants stumbled, crashing into the dirt, dead.

The lightest spark of Reinforcement ignited in Leo's body as he rushed to meet the group. The distance might have been short, just the length of a house. But before they clashed in the middle, another Minion fell to the shadows, its form crumbling to the ground.

Five down, three left.

The last Minion tried to dodge; it really did. Only it didn't matter in the face of Leo's speed. His claws slashed straight through the beast's legs, leaving it wriggling in the dirt as he faced the only true contenders in this fight.

The two Ameist Warriors.

With still some distance between them, the monsters fired more acid shots, yet Leo didn't dodge. Rather, his left hand rose, green alien symbols flaring to life, activating Valron Protection.

The energy shield met the acid head-on, the liquid splattering uselessly over the protected limb. Leo couldn't thank his forethought of leaving his cloak beside the entrance enough. This much acid would have taken hours to get rid of...

Still running at full speed, Leo dived and slid right beneath one of the warriors. One blade did the rest of the job, leaving behind a long and deep gash on its underbelly. The beast collapsed, screeching, still clinging to life.

Doesn't matter. Will come back to you in a moment.

An extended blade met the side of a lancer arm, the last ant falling into a frenzy. Repeated lance thrusts rained upon Leo faster than the eight levels of the creature should allow. Not that it changed the fact that not a single strike connected.

Leo dodged, parried, and redirected everything. There were plenty of chances to finish this, to stab a blade right between the monster's eyes. However, he didn't use them, at least not right away.

This controlled environment gave Leo the perfect opportunity to practice. To further his control over the body he now possessed. Every single second let him learn something new.

When to flick his tails to the side. How to correctly balance his overall weight. How to use his small talons to never slip in a battle of strength. Those were the tiny things, yet when collected into a pile, they changed everything.

However, all good things had to end, and a warning growl from Hunter brought on just that. Although, it wasn't like Leo could fault the beast. More Ameists could arrive at any moment, and even if they weren't a threat, he came here with a task in mind.

Still, it was good practice. Leo shrugged as the final monster's head dropped to the ground. Every bit of Essence he lost during the battle quickly returned, leaving only dust behind.

Time for the next part. I will probably need you once I go inside. Leo called out to Hunter, pausing close to the entrance. The discarded cloak once more found its place on his shoulders, and he sighed, taking small comfort from the soft material engulfing his body.

A flicker of Essence went into the connection to his somehow still-alive minion, and the Ameist dashed through the opening without the need for another command. Leo followed, bloodlust awakening as a single System message flared to life.

Entering Ameist Nest Colony. Kill all the Queens to annihilate this instance forever. Warning! This nest is on high alert, be mindful of your steps.

Into the nest, we go!

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