A Vampire in Tamriel.

Chapter 4 The ‘Fight’ Part 1

I did not elaborate on my words, deciding to be a bit mysterious. Mir'inale said "She gets the feeling you will not tell her, so She will not ask. She will follow your lead. So, She thinks you should be the one to question people, because This One will not receive a warm welcome, going by Her current luck. O-of course, She will do as you wish, so if you want Her too ask where Honeyside is, She will do so gladly!"  "No, no, I'll ask around, because you are apparently right.... I'm really going to require a history lesson soon." Saying that,I move forward, her hand in mine, and ask the closest man who, through my senses, appears to be brushing a horse, where Honeyside is, he thoughtlessly says "Well, the balcony of the manor is right outside the Northern Wall, by the lake's edge, can't miss it." 

I thank the man and we move beyond the stables, slowly heading down the slope towards the lake's edge, and once we reach it, Mir'inale points with her left hand "There, I think that's it. "  "Lead the way, my friend." Once we finally reach the stairs leading up to the balcony entrance, I stop, let go of her hand, and move towards the Northern wall, feeling out the edges, searching for-Got ya!- the entryway to the cistern. I smirk and say to Mir'inale, who had been curiously watching me "Ha, somethings never change. Mir'inale, would you mind going on the balcony and hiding behind the jutting out wall until I return?" She shifts her feet and hesitantly does as I ask, giving a confirmative answer while moving up and eventually just out of range of my echolocation.  I think to myself  [ 'Time to put your game face on Jordan, either they join you, or they die, no matter what.' ]   After steeling myself for what comes next, I raise my fist, and smash it through the bolted wood grate blocking my entrance into the city. Ripping it clean off and moving inside the tight tunnel. Then proceeding to wrinkle my nose at the stench, gagging. After going a good ways from any source of light, I stop, take off my helmet, and unwrap the cloths from my eyes, looking around and seeing everything as if it were well lit. Then I...vamp out. My teeth sharpen, my canines lengthen, my eyes go dark as the blackest of nights, and my skin turns pale blue. 

I chuckle to myself, "Mercer, your luck has finally ran out." I then put my helm back on, stowing the cloths away in a pouch. Before continuing, I ready a Destruction Spell. Moving forward, I begin to hear a commotion. "Vex, please I'm-ow! Ow! Stop! Uff!" I hear  someone collapse , and wheeze. "I warned you already Delvin to*kick* stop *kick* watching me *kick*  BATHE!!" Groaning comes from-who I now know is- Delvin. [ ' Well shit. I probably won't have to worry about him.'] I think, amused. [ 'Well, let's say hello.']  I move over to the grate blocking my view of the altercation, hearing chuckles from a very unforgettable voice, Brynjolf. "Lad, you really need to learn that women have a sixth sense when their being spied on."  "Oh, shut up Brynjolf."  "Not on your-" I punch through the grate and let out a demonic roar, interrupting their little back and forth. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" "Shit!" And other various expletives are sound out as they wonder where the noises come from. "The grate leading out of the city, somethings coming through it!" "Ready yourselves everyone!" I lunge out, laughing like a madman, and Shout "Faas Ru Maar!"  I hear someone fall over, passed out, and whimpers of fear, along with faster heartbeats. Someone starts to say something, but I zip out of my little hideyhole, slow enough for most of them to see a very fast blur. I then walk up the wall, unto the ceiling if the cistern, and loudly chuckle, subtly casting some Illusion magic to seemingly deepen the shadows around us, making vague figures with glowing, nauseatingly green eyes appear within. They all cry out and gather in small groups, one of them casting a flickering fire spell in their hand, trying-and failing- to pierce the darkness surrounding them. I see just fine, looking around for and seeing eye catching red hair-Brynjolf, gotcha-  in one group, and immediately zipping down, moving in close enough to breath on the back of his neck and loudly doing so. "SHIT!" He shouts in fright, but I'm already moving forward and grabbing one of his group, yanking her back within the shadows, making her scream in terror before silencing her. "SAPPHIRE!! SHIT! EVERYONE, STAY CLOSE TO EACH OTHER!" I cast a sound based Illusion spell (while gently laying a passed out Sapphire down) on the surroundings so everyone hears flesh being ripped from bone, splashing sounds, and gurgles of a dying woman, before quickly ending the spell. "We're fucked." Someone depressedly states. I then move towards another group, this one close to the left side, near the beds. I yank someone from that group, using telekinesis. He screams, before being put to sleep by a spell. I repeat the sound magic used once before, gently laying down my latest catch. Then I zip to the group with the second source of light, close to the entryway leading too Vekel's bar, which they are slowly moving towards. I telekinetichally yank on a dark skinned human woman's foot, making her fall down and slowly draw her closer, while she hysterically begs someone to help her "Fandri!" An Altmer man within the same group lunges and grabs hold of Fandri's left arm. I play a small tug of war with the Altmer, to give them some hope. The remaining member of the group moves forward, past the ankle I grabbed hold of, and strikes downwards with his sword, 'cutting through' the shadowed hand 'holding' her.      [ 'Okay then, since your so determined, you can have her!] I stop channeling the spell and let her go, while the illusionary being moves backward, 'screeching'. "Come on, RUN!" The man with the shortsword shouts at the two, helping them up and booking it for the exit.    [ 'Nope, your not leaving here conscious!'] I have my illusionary shades move out of the deep shadows and 'grab' the slowest of the group, the Altmer, and drag him back, kicking and screaming. Fandri stops,cries out "YANIR!", and recklessly chases after the shades who grabbed him. Thereby 'sealing her fate'. Several more 'shades'(me with telekinesis) grab hold of her arms, halting her attack, and drag her into the darkness. I knock them out with a spell, then rush toward the really fast human man, who's already reached the entrance and is shouting for help. Of course,by the time he gets out -attacked!", I'm already there, chocking him out and non too gently dragging him back where the other four are. I then promptly knock him out and drop him next to the others. Of course, while that happened, the auditorial illusion spell was at work, making it sound like they were all getting ripped apart, though not without a fight. The others in the cistern couldn't really see what happened, what with their vision being impaired and only one of them having a small flame spell active-and the one who did was on the other end of the chamber, thereby nullifying any help it could have given in seeing the altercation. Brynjolf shouted "Viper! Gods, were being slaughtered!" Only nine remained, although I could here running feet coming from the entrance into The Ragged Flagon. [ 'Now, who's next?]


A.N:  The reason he's doing all this, is to ensure their all properly shaken and scared of him when he makes his demands, thereby increasing the likelyhood they'll do as he says, at least short-term. He's not the kind of person to do things without a plan. Unless  it's sudden and he has to act fast.

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