A Vampire in Tamriel.

Chapter 6

"So Mir'inale, should we head for the stables or the caravan?" I hold out my hand for her to guide me. "Hmm...the stables, i-if it's alright with you Jordan?" I smile beneath my helm "A good idea as any, my friend." She questions me as we walk toward the stables, "So..forgive This One for asking...but are you truly blind?" I hear her heart quicken when she speaks, probably still scared of angering me, despite the fact I've been nothing but kind. 'Those yellow skinned Nazi's must have hurt her bad if she's this skittish.' I think to myself as I answer her,"In a sense, yes. Daylight brings my eyes nothing but pain when I see it. Thankfully though, I have a sort of..field...around me that allows me a kind of sight. And I have very powerful senses, so its not all bad. Also I'm only blind during daylight hours...despite all my attempts at fixing my eyes through magic. And remember Mir'inale, I swore not to harm you-so there's no need to be afraid of me." "Oh, yes-um...so you are a Wizard?" "A Wizard? Well...yes, I suppose I could be considered a Wizard..if you squinted really hard. Ah, we're nearing the stables, remember, until we are alone, you are my daughter and guide."  "Oh! Yes-right." 

As we approach the stable we ask around for Shadr. Eventually one of the stablehands points and says for us to go the sixth stable on the left, "It's where his favorite horse is, and I saw him head in there when I passed by." "Thank you for your help." Mir'inale responds. We head over and find a man-I assume its Shadr because I can't exactly see color-in the specified stable, feeding the horse within an apple and patting it. "Don't worry, Ball-Breaker, I'm sure someone will buy you soon-oh! Uh, hello. Can I help you Sir, Miss?" He asks inquisitively. I say "Yes you can, my good man. You see, me and my daughter here"-I gesture toward Mir'inale- "were told you could grant us someplace to lay our heads tonight. If it helps any...I can give you some of what's left of my gold after being terrorized by brigands?" "Uh...well, l-let me go ask Hofgrir. He's the boss. You're welcome to follow, if you want." As he says this, he moves past us and begins walking forwards-I assume to one of the buildings. "Come on, Mir'inale, let's follow the lad." She halts her indecisive shuffling and does as I request, following close behind Shadr. 

We get to the homey building and head inside after Shadr.  He calls out toward a man writing something on a desk, "Hofgrir! These two folk over here have requested lodging for the night. The armored fellow said he'd pay..." I sensed the man turn towards us when Shadr called for him "Sorry lad, what'd you say? I was busy writing to Ms. Maiden-Loom over in Whiterun." Shadr responds. "These folk over here-" he gestures towards us-" are searching for lodging for tonight. They said they would be willing to pay." Hofgrir turns his head our way, most likely assessing us. "Hmm....well, I got no problem with that, what say you both to two silver, eh? More than a fair deal." Mir'inale looks at me, leaving the negotiations to my 'capable' hands. "Well, er, Hofgrir, was it? See, the thing is.. I only have gold septims. Damned bandits took everything el-" I cough like an elderly man, interuppting my speech.-"*ahem* sorry, lung injury, acts up every now and then. As I was saying, them damned bandits took everything else. Even the land deed...if Miri hadn't been keeping the gold on her person, they'd a taken that too." I say with a ting of sadness in my voice. Mir'inale squeezes my arm and flattens her ears, following along with my little tale. Hofgrir and Shadr shuffle their feet, Hofgrir sighing and saying "I'm sorry to hear that, truly, and...taking your gold wouldn't sit right with me...you can stay the night, but by noon 'morrow you should either pay for the next night, or go to the caravans down the road..they'd likely welcome you with open arms-long as you have the coin, o'course." He finishes the last bit with some good natured grumbling. I nod my helmeted head, "Thank you lad, good to know some Nords are still raised right." I yawn, "Now, about where me and my daughter will be sleeping, an old man's bones need some rest." Hofgrir points to the interior door on the left side. "That store room over there is fairly empty, need to take out a barrel two, but its big enough for two people to sleep in comfortably-he pauses for a second{4}-"looks like its getting night out , so why don't Sha-er I help you with that, and we can call it a day,eh?" Shadr had snuck outside while we were talking, probably sensing incoming work. "Sounds like a great idea, Miri?" She nods to me and we head to the store room, Miri guiding me. Hofgrir stops and watches us as we make our way over to the closed door."Are you...." I nod "Blind? Yes. Dying Thalmor got me with a spell during the war, last thing I ever saw." He nods, "Well, let me move out the barrels and get you two some bedrolls, then you can both rest, eh?" He says. "Ay." " Jat -er okay." We both say and he quickly moves the barrels out, then heads outside and comes back with two bedrolls, one under each arm. He hands them to Mir'inale and says "All right, I trust you'll need nothing else?" Mir'inale's stomach grumbles at that exact moment. I 'look' at her as Hofgrir sniggers and moves to a bowl(?) laying on the table he was sitting at when we came in, quickly moving back towards us."It's half empty and cold stew, but it'll help." Miri hesitantly takes it, sniffs it, and says "Thank you." He waves it off "Not a problem, would've been eaten in the night anyway...skeevers." He shivers. I shiver too 'big ass rodents, like chihuahuas, ugh'. She looks questioningly looks between us, confused, but shrugs and begin eating, deciding food is more important than answers. While she eats, me and Hofgrir chat about things, mostly me asking about his life as a stablemaster and regaling him with some amusing stories about my army buddies shenanigans(adapted to fit the world and changing their names, of course.) We all get some good laughs out of my tales. 'Huh, I should be feeling sadness I'll never speak to my brothers-or my Ma- again, but I'm not..no regrets,no sadness, nothing but fondness and..peace. Guess its true what The Admin said. It's a new life, and I plan on living it to the fullest.' 

After we finished chatting and Mir'inale finished her meal, we all called it a night and went to our respective rooms. As I laid in my bedroll, focusing on Mir'inale's heartbeat and breathing to drown the noises outside, a plan begins to form in my mind, a fairly ambitious one, but a plan I can pull off, now that I'm a vamp. ' Beware bandits of Faldar's Tooth, I'm coming for your ass'.' With that thought, I turn over and tell the still awake Mir'inale "I'm going to be gone for a little while, should be back before daylight. I'll be busy getting us a nice place to stay." She nods "Okay Jordan, be safe." I smirk at her cockily "It'll take more than some bandits to kill me, don't worry. Oh, and pleasant dreams." Before she can say anything else, I'm already outside and fully armored. I crack my neck. 'Let's do this.'

...................                                       A.N 

Hey y'all, took a while to finish this chapter, I've been planning some shit for our MC, how his mind works, that sort of thing, and how the people of Nirn should react to his frankly unfair OPness. "HAHAHAHA"


Bonus content:

*Savos' sneezes*

*Harkon jerks out of his coffin, gasping for breath and eyes roving around his frankly disgusting room*

*Ancano whimpers in his sleep*

*A beautiful, white haired Nord woman wakes up, three days south of Skyrim*

*A man in chains blearily blinks his eyes open, back aching from his recent wounds*

*A certain Telvanni looks up from his papers, looking around alertly*

*An Argonian man grips his blade, aiming a firespell at a bandit*

*A degenerate elf living in a icy  Nordic ruin has a nightmare*

*A white furred Khajit woman crosses the border, grimly searching for her brother*

*A woman trapped in a crypt, shifts in her multi-era slumber*

*A wet, unconscious Dunmer man is pulled aboard an Imperial ship*

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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