A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 19: Aisha Prepared A Special Gift!

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Chapter 19: Aisha Prepared A Special Gift! by Harem-Fan


     I feel really well rested...

     As my eyes opened, I felt my lips being sucked on, and pecked in a cute plus seductive way, all at the same time.

     Opening my eyes, I see the blurry face of Luna, who is laying in my left arm, with her D-cups pressed in my ribs. My left arm is now moving on its own to hold her slim waist.

     "Morning lover, I cannot get used to my bad vision. I only see a fuzzy angel in my arms, like I am dreaming."

     The warm breath of Luna tickles my ear as she is kissing it, and she said.

     "I am dreaming too, so do not wake me up. I never could fall asleep as well. I am so excited for our first child. What should we name him or her?"

     [Ah? Oh I am awake now, that was a strange way to wake up a man with no kids yet!]

     "I will leave it to you dear... What time is it?"

     Last night, we only made love one time. Except for Jill, I have long past the phase of needing excessive sex, unless I am drunk. I was married in a past life with a lover, so I had many years of sex, so one time is good for me, plus Luna will not be bedridden from her first night.

     "I was told by our personal maids it is 10 am, and breakfast will be ready soon. We slept in, because I knew you were tired. You are going to be late for that date with that little slut, Aisha. I told my maid to call her and move the time from noon to 1 pm, because you are too tired from our first night together."

     [Ah, fuck man, Aisha will make me miserable now. But if the drawbridge does not go down, I cannot do anything about it. Actually, the fact Luna is even letting me leave today is a damn Miracle!]

     Crack Creek! The double doors then opened and two women entered. I see the 40 year old woman who is Luna's assistant, followed by a blushing Rain, who is hugging a touch tablet to hide her chest.

     I can tell she is in shame for some reason, but the black and white outfit is really nice, too bad my glasses are not on to see it better.

     "Morning Masters, your baths are drawn and ready, then we will have breakfast with the Masters. Young lady, come with me, and Miss Warm will take the young master to his bath."

     Last night, Luna had her first time on top of her white robe, so she kept it as her maiden momento. So the bed stayed clean. She kissed my cheek and then slid out from the silk sheets, putting on a new robe handed to her. She said to me,

     "Dear, I shall see you with the parents at breakfast, bye, fufu."

     Then the two left and closed the doors as Rain handed me my glasses. I look at her and ask, as my vision finally clears up.

     "What is wrong, Rain? You are kinda blushing a bit much?"

     "When they gave me five sets of this outfit, they did not give me bras, and you can see my b-breast cleavage!"

     [Wow that is fucking incredible?! Will she hand me that tablet if I ask, hehe. I really want to see...]

     Just as my eyes were scanning her body, her face looked like she would cry, then her eyes went grey. Rain then placed the tablet on the table next to the bed and put her hands to her sides, allowing me to see everything. I won't lie, I got stiff.

     "Do you like this outfit on me Tim? I really do not mind wearing it for you, however, I won't like strange men looking at me like this. What do you think?"

     Using the sheets to cover my growing brother, I say to Cold seriously.

     "If we are alone, or here at the castle, I love it very much, but... I do not want men to see you like this. I would like to enjoy your beauty alone. I think a white silk teddy would hide the open chest just right, while looking sexy, what do you think?"

     Cold nods to me and tells me seriously.

     "You and I are of the same mind. Tim, I overheard you mumble about having the Charm Power, have you selected a life partner with it yet?"

     Did I say that out loud last night? But due to trusting her, I nod and confirm.

     "I am sure I might have it, but I have to use your chamber to know how strong it is. And no, I have not decided, because it is a lifelong commitment. Why do you ask?"

     "Then, if you truly trust me, use your power on me... I only want you, and being connected with you is good for both of us. It is not a lustful power, but a truly personal connection. Warm will feel better about us as well."

     I put on my boxers and climbed out of the bed, then I stood in front of her and asked.

     "My trust in you is max-level, but this power cannot be undone unless one of us dies, are you sure?"

     Cold then hugged me and placed my face in her open valley, and then ran her fingers in my hair.

     "Personally, I am not good at seducing you, but I am very smart, and this decision is the best for you, me, and Warm, so do it."

     I held her waist, and stood back up to look into her grey eyes, then I kissed her and mentally thought about joining our hearts.

     As Rain closed her eyes, and let me entwine our tongues, the two of us felt our hearts connect.

     The feeling of joining with both Rain's hearts at one time was mind blowing, and soon, Rain opened her eyes of blue. I then stop the kiss as Warm is flushed. She then made one word come out.


     I held her waist more and felt our connection, while her body trembled. Soon she said,

     "Tim, your feelings for me are too intense, my heart feels like it is being crushed by your feelings for me?!"

     "Sorry, I really like you, Rain..."

     She gave me a soft smile, seeing my guilty face. Rain then leaned in to give me a tame kiss. Then she said,

     "No, Cold was absolutely right in choosing you. Do not feel sorry for this warm feeling I am now full-of, even Cold fled into our space, because she cannot hold your feelings right now, fufu. Tim Smith, I can tell you are a kind Yandere!"

     At first I wanted to say no, but I do feel possessive of her, Jill, Luna, and even Ann. So I nod at her words, and tell her what I feel.

     "Not only can I find your direction and state of safety, like an S-Class Psychic, but I can feel your distance, and general feelings, like anger, love, and sadness. Not only that, I can tell you about your health conditions... I fear that I may be an SS-Class, or even an SSS-Class Monster, what do you think?"

     Rain put her hands on my face and calmly said, while giving me hopeful eyes.

     "I agree with your words, and I, no we want you to be strong, for us... Now, as your Personal Maid, I advise you to get moving, or Luna will do things, fufu."

     "Darn, you are so right, but I need to do one last thing..."

     I overlap our lips, because I kissed Cold before, so I want Warm to know how I feel, plus I just like kissing. Then we were off.

     And no, hand-jobs are only for before bedtime it seems, damn...


     Breakfast at the castle was as you can imagine, and after some kissing from Luna, I was finally allowed to leave in Rain's car, with me driving.

     I had smiled at my Charm connection with Rain, because when we left the castle, I could feel she was relieved to be free from that death trap.

     Rain parted with me just before 1 pm at the Westfield indoor mall, so I could meet Aisha. Rain was about to pull away and she said to me,

     "I will see you in class tomorrow, and after your Student Council work, meet me at my car. Here, this is an extra set of my car keys, so You do not have to stand outside the car. Good luck tonight. And thanks for your faith in me. Well, you can tell how I feel right now, right? So goodbye..."

     As she left, I felt my heart and said, as I walked into the mall.

     "Yeah, very shy and ashamed of liking a younger man, haha... So cute."


     As I neared the food court, I saw a redhead with black-framed glasses, looking at her smartphone, trying to ignore the 4 university boys trying to flirt with her at the next table.

     Her purple eyes met mine, and she gave me a blaming look of being late for our date, though she knew why. Aisha put on her cute facade and waved me over.

     "Sweetheart, I am over here!"

     She is wearing a cream colored one piece long-sleeve dress that goes to her knees. She is wearing black-stockings under it with flats. It gives her the conservative woman look. But I can bet those black stockings are connected to a slutty garter-belt, hehe.

     It actually matches my tieless casual suit that is grey, Luna dressed me in it, sigh. Luna is showing off to Aisha for sure. But Aisha is smart and knew what I was wearing before I left the castle, and matched me beforehand.

     I sat across from her instead of next to her at our four top.

     [What I am is only a little easy. It is a first date after all, and the odds of Aisha being in love with me at this point of only one week, is slim at best.]

     "Sorry I am late, I was trapped in a castle siege."

     She leaned on her palm and giggled.

     "So did you use your battering ram to knock down the drawbridge? That was really rude of her to keep you when she knew I was first. I asked you out before her. Now I am sad, so make it up to me, buy me some food, boyfriend."

     "Sure, you should like the Panda Express, right? Let us share some dishes."

     [Chinese food and pizza are her two favorites, so I cannot go wrong with that.]

     "I hate Asian cuisine, and I don't care for Italian, so let us eat Jersey Mikes?! Let's split a ham sub, that is romantic, right?"

     [Wait, what the fuck, she all of a sudden hates her two favorites?! That is not right. What, is she wearing granny pants as well? Is this the wrong Aisha? I could have sworn she was a Black Belly woman...]

     On a side note, I find out way too late, she is wearing no underwear at all, top or bottom!

     "Sure, then I will go get it, so stay here."


     As I left in confusion, the students decided to strike up more pickup lines, poor fools...

     "Girl, that cannot be the guy you were waiting for, right? He has bottle-cap thick glasses, and a cheap suit. Come with us, we can go to our apartment for some drinks. I guarantee, we will make you happy."

     Aisha hearing them lost her cute look, and gave them a look of seeing clowns jumping, then in a mature voice not matching her adorable look, she said.

     "Fuck, I have put up with you guys for an hour! So let me set you retards straight. My boyfriend has a 9 inch dick, is filthy rich, and is so powerful I am wet just thinking of fucking him all-night with another sexy woman I picked up as a present to make him love me more... And you worthless dick-brains want to tempt me with small penises and warm piss beer? Get bent!"

     The four university boys were speechless at the words she uttered, no that was really rude and they could not unpack it for a while. Until...

     "Thankfully there was no line, mind if I smoke after we eat? What is up with them, did you or I piss them off?"

     She came over, and sat next to me and held my waist looking up into my eyes and said.

     "They are trying to invite me in for a five-way, sniff, I am afraid sweetheart, let's leave here and get away from those guys."

     [This is fishy as hell, but they do look pissed for some reason. Well, I still don't like how they are looking at Aisha, so.]

     "Then lets eat outside on a bench, then go see the movie?"

     As she and I got up, the big muscle-head with a buzz cut said, in a dark mood.

     "You guys, need to wait a moment, that little bitch needs to say sorry, for insulting us!"

     Aisha squeezed her boobs into my chest, and I felt her bare breasts under her dress, as she stuck out her tongue. Then she said pitifully to me

     "I did not tell a single lie, or provoke them, do you believe me sweetheart?"

     I sigh, because I know her character, she just wants me to show her a cool-side, while causing trouble for others.

     So I nod to Aisha and say to her.

     "You are going to be a pain in my butt, but if you are my girlfriend, I won't let you get wronged, let's go..."

     She impishly grins, and gives me a tame peck on the lips to piss off the boys, and Buzzcut stands.

     [Ah, damn I am not a fighter. Well, I can heal a black eye, right? But why do I want to pick up that butter-knife and use it on this guy?]

     Aisha's thighs tightened hearing my thoughts...



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