A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 2: Cold & Warm Rain!

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Chapter 2: Cold & Warm Rain! by Harem-Fan


     "Tim Smith, I see you are finally awake. I am Angel Hollywood, and I am the school nurse. Can you understand my words?"

     My vision is blurry again, and I can tell the woman leaning next to me is a short haired Asian woman with no accent. I then realized who this poor woman was...

     "I understand but... Miss Hollywood, my vision seems blurry?"

     I can tell that this pretty woman is smiling at me in humor, because she covered her lips and is holding in a laugh, then she put on my glasses that I am not used to wearing.

     "Mr Smith, the fact you are not even used to wearing or putting on your glasses reflexively, shows that your amnesia is really deep. The good news is your cognitive ability and analysis are not damaged. This loss of memorie may return within 24 hours if you are lucky."

     I look at the beautiful nurse I wrote as a side Heroine and marvel at how she was fleshed out from the pages of my book. Shoulder length straight midnight black hair, slanted phoenix eyes, a mature air about her, and finally the well proportioned figure that is pleasing to any man. Angel stands at 5 feet 6 inches, and is wearing a skirt, blouse, and white lab coat.

     [It is so sad that Angel will be raped and murdered by Sandman in a few months, because she is a normal virgin. That Sandman is Night City's biggest super villain. He is the strongest Psychic who has been making Night City his own breeding grounds for super human development for 20 years. And to think the most dangerous bad guy is a teacher here in First High School, sigh...]

     "You were named well, you really are an Angel. And how long was I out for?"

     Then the voice of teacher Nero was heard off to the back by the front of my bed.

     "Mr Smith, it has been roughly 20 minutes or so. While you were out, I had your blood and vitals tested, so Miss Hollywood, if you could go to my class and tell the Principal that I will be there shortly with Tim Smith, that would be helpful."

     "Sure thing Miss Nero. Oh and Mr Smith, please if you are feeling any sequelly from your amnesia, or just need help with school or real life matters, just find me here in my office, goodbye."

     And then Angel, who is a good woman, left with her trademark friendly personality. Then when the door closed, Cold Rain, the grey eyed variant said to me in a no nonsense tone.

     "Despite your lack of memories from your amnesia, you seemed to know who I was... Before you passed out, you called me FBI agent Nero. Do we know each other? We clearly have never met before?"

     [Crap, did I say that out loud? Well, I may not know her from this life, but how could I not know about the woman I created with all of my heart?]

     I look at the grey eyed goddess, who has her arms crossed under her impressive chest I dream of, and think of her details...

     [Rain Nero... Age 23, pink hair, and grey (blue) eyes. Psychic Power: Parallel Thinking (Mental Twin Clone). Psychic Mental Backlash: Split Personality Disorder (warm/cold). She is 5 feet 9 inches tall, with a perfect overall beauty that I purposefully sculpted from my fantasy. When I wrote the story of Night City, I made her the 'perfect heroine' who was even better than the main Character, Dan Evergreen. Even though the story revolved around Dan, Rain was the real number one in my heart, sigh...]

     "I will be honest with you Miss Nero... You and I have never personally met in this life, but I do seem to know a bit about you instinctively. By the way, your current grey eyes are beautiful..."

     [Right now, Rain has her grey eyes and not her default blue eyes going on. This means the personality in main-control of her body is the hardhearted but amazingly strong Cold Rain. The Warm Rain is the version of herself with blue eyes. They are truly one person, but 2 souls that split themselves in half to be stronger than one alone... This is also known as Parallel Thinking, the ability to mentally do two entirely separate activities at one time. But whenever Warm Rain is stressed, Cold will take over and cut off her emotions to make the best judgments for both of them.]

     As I sat up to assess myself, Rain narrowed her lovely eyes and told me something world shattering...

     "I think I know why you know me... When I tested your blood, I confirmed that you are in fact a Psychic Humanbeing with supernatural powers. I still do not know what your gifts are, but based on your ability to know me, I presume you have or are a Seer, Telepath, Empath, Diviner, or Regressed. Your amnesia may not be caused by your fall, but by your powers awakening, and your memory-loss may be permanent. Mr Smith, do you believe in the supernatural?"

     I look at her funny and smile.

     [Woman, I created all the Psychic Power in this stupid world, so yeah I believe in it. But the problem is me, Tim Smith is not supposed to have powers at all. That is why I will be killed so easily in the beginning. But I trust Rain because I made her. She is the only person in this whole novel world I would trust with my life, because I made her the best, in terms of body, good moral character, and intellect. She is also very honest and loyal. So if she said I have powers, it must be true. This means my original novel storyline is no longer what I made up?!]

     "I believe you Miss Nero, but does that mean I am trapped in Night City like other supernatural humans? I may have no memories, but I seem to know about the power to contain psychic space, and no one can leave the range of that almighty cursed being?"

     The grey eyed beauty nodded to my words and asked me.

     "So does that mean, you know who the wielder of Psychic Space is? And is he evil or good?"

     Hearing her words, my smile could not help but shine.

     [I wonder if I told her it was her future lover, Dan Evergreen, how she would react? Yes, the person trapping all psychics for 18 years is in fact my best friend and neighbor, Dan Evergreen. Dan of course has no clue he is even a Psychic Human, and he is really unlucky, being kidnapped and raped at least once a week by his insane harem. Yes every man would love that, but most of the women chasing the poor guy are really dangerous killers. It is sad that Dan and 3 of the 5 main female Heroins will die tragically in the end.]

     "No, the person you are looking for is that tall boy named Dan Evergreen that helped me when I lost my memories, he is both kind and gentle. He will never be a threat to humans, he is too kind for that."

     Cold Rain nods to my words and then asks.

     "I assume you must know to keep the secrets of the supernatural from normal humans? Also, do you have any questions for me?"

     I stand up and see I am as tall as Rain in her heels, which should mean I am about 5 feet and 10 inches tall. I ask with a smile.

     "The taboo of the supernatural is known to me, but my real question is... Is there a mirror so I can see what I look like? Also, how can I find out where I live and if I have family anymore?"

     Rain's eyes shift from grey to blue and she smiles, points to a bathroom in the clinic, telling me.

     "There is a wall mirror in there. I already looked up your information, and your parents died about 2 months ago, just after you graduated last year, leaving you alone in your home with no other living relatives. You seem to be antisocial and only rely on the Evergreen family as your only social support. Your address and keys are in your pocket, along with your ID, and bankcard. Also I am in fact an undercover FBI agent, so please keep my identity a secret."

     The smiling Warm Rain is so beautiful, and I listened to her instructions. I then entered the bathroom, forgetting to close the door.

    Tim Smith was only a Mob sidekick character that was cannon-fodder for the opening of the book, to show how cruel the world was. I only described Tim simply, so I ignored him as a harem writer and did not flesh out his appearance or background as much as others.

     So looking in the mirror, I see my true face...

     [Pale complection, but not bad, just not an outdoorsman. I am 18 years old, with short brown hair, Blue eyes, 5 feet-10 inches tall, thick lensed glasses, and slightly above average looks. I seem to be a notch worse than the MC Dan, but I am still decent for a young man. Uh? Shit, I better look at what I have under the hood, because I made Dan only an average 6 or 7 inch man for his height, so how bad will I be?!]

     Nervously, I pulled down my jeans and boxers to see my little brother, and I sigh in relief.

     [Damn, thank God for small miracles... When I am at full mast, I should be about 8 or 9 inches. Plus it seems I shave my body hair around my buddy and chest. Well, if I do not die at the end of class, I might be able to make a woman happy with this. In the book, I said that Ann stabbed me 72 times for a fixed reason, but without any memories or insight, I do not know how I offended that yandere? In the book as she murdered me, she only says... "I have tolerated you for 8 years, and stealing the seat next to my brother in our senior year is the last straw. If you live, my brother will turn gay for you, and I will never have him, humph!"]

     Cough! Just as I was happy then sad, I heard Rain do a cough to the side, and I realized that my actions of examining my face, body, and pulled down pants were all seen by my favorite character... I will die from shame now. She said to me as I rushed to pull up my jeans.

     "I understand your need to know who you are. Due to keeping my secret, I will not mention this to others, fufu..."

     As Warm Rain teased me, my heart hurt and a sad tear fell.

     [When I first created Night City and made Rain Nero, she at first had only one personality, and it was the Cold Rain who was based on my dead wife. She was a serious intellectual woman who took care of me. But in my sad depression, my other lover, my mistress, the warm and loving woman, had to be the best woman in the story. So I made Rain have the personalities of both my dead wife and lover in one body. And Rain's tease just now was identical to how my lover made fun of me. Dealing with Rain in the future will be hard on me, especially when she falls in love with Dan...]

     Rain, seeing my pain, said softly.

     "Sorry if I brought up some bad memories... Does this mean you have regained some?"

     I shook my head and wiped that blasted tear, then smiled with a cover.

     "No, it was only a random feeling inside, no memories recovered. Okay, now what Miss Nero?"

     Blue eyed Rain smiles, pointing to the clinic door, and tells me.

     "You do not need to go to the hospital, and as a patient with memory loss, you need to just try and relearn your life. So follow me back to class and let's make it through today first. I will give you my personal phone number in case you find life challenging and need my help. As your teacher, it is my job to let you graduate. Let's go."

     Tap Tap Tap! After adding her contacts to my smartphone, she leads me into the halls. In a daze I look at this fictional woman's back and admire the perfect woman I created in my harem novel and then sigh in my heart...

     [Rain Nero, I think being killed to meet you in person was a blessing in disguise, so if I die today, I am satisfied...]

     I could not see the eyes of the woman in front of me, shift from blue to grey, then a small smile made its way on the corner of her lips.



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