A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 21: Psychokinesis!

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Chapter 21: Psychokinesis! by Psychic-Fan


"Tim dear, this is not for you but me. I want my first time to be a sex video with the man I will love and marry. I want to remember my most precious moment, so do a good job sweetheart, and here I come~!"

[Oh, my mind is getting fuzzy, and her words are hard to hear, but she really is getting on and starting to be the best cowgirl ever, wow... It feels too good, but I cannot focus...]


     What, why does Aisha look like a sexy white haired princess? Oh, am I dreaming, but she feels really warm inside, so good? But she has some tears, let me lick them off for her!

     She has her hands placed on my chest, and I cannot help but keep filling her, because it lightens my fire in my belly. I whisper in the angel's ear.

     "You belong to me, forever~!"

     The angel's pale blue eyes opened wide at my words, and my heart exploded with feelings of the angel.

     I feel regret first, then depression, followed by acceptance, then soon, surprise, confusion, surprise, later joy, and finally love at its beginning... I could not tell how long all of the angels' emotions took to change, but I felt all of them in that order...

     I am blanking out again as I fill her again...


     I had the sleepy looking angel pressed under me in a doggy style, and I think I finished again, so I say.

     "My lover, hold on for me..."

     Suddenly it struck me...

     The bedroom door is closed with a redhead desperately trying to open it, but what is strange is she is floating in the air like a spacewalk in Zero Gravity.

     Not only that, every object including this bed, are all floating in the air. Nothing in this room is touching the floor, and the redhead is Aisha, man my foggy vision makes things tough. When did Aisha leave my arms?

     "AHHH! No, not again, please dear stooop~!"

     I felt like Pain from Naruto, as I reached out for Aisha, and I willed her to me, like pulling in a kite. Then Aisha landed in my arms.

     With a smile, I pulled out of the sleeping angel, and plunged into Aisha, Oh that felt right!

     Hammering Aisha from doggy as well, I tell her...

     "I lost you, now I have you... I love you, and you are mine, now marry me, ugh~!"

     I was suddenly hit with a flood off overwhelming lustful and possessive feelings from Aisha's heart, so much that I passed out! The last thing I remembered here was her crying and sucking the air from my lungs.


     Suddenly in my daze, I notice nothing is flying, but the room is in a mess as everything fell to the floor in disorder, but I am still on the bed with two women in my arms.

     I noticed, I am still fucking Aisha, who looks almost sleeping, and the dazed angel is being held in my left arm, as I add another hickey to her decorated and swollen chest.

     Her half closed eyes looked at me, begging for surrender, and I had enough wit to speak, so I asked her.

     "Do you love me my angel?"

     She sees that some rationality is back in my eyes, and as a specialist in drugs, she took the chance to escape.

     "Tim dear, I told you that I love you, fufu. Remember again, my name is Cary. So dear, let me go to get your water, you are severely dehydrated, and so are we. Just keep fucking Aisha till I come back, okay?"

     I kissed her lips once for caring about me, and then let her go and said.

     "My wife Cary, thanks for your care...Water sounds good. I will keep Aisha company then, hurry back~!"

     My heart felt she was relieved, but I could tell she gave Aisha a smug look like she is getting some kind of revenge on her? Then I almost laughed seeing the naked Cary, not angel, crawl away on her hands and knees out the door, with a nasty amount of my cum leaking...

    I then turned back to my naughty redhead whose heart sank, looking at the girl that got away, and her eyes closed in resignation...

     That was my last thought  as my body collapsed from exhaustion...


     A while later in the living room of Aisha's apartment.

     Two women in bathrobes look like victims of a rape video gone wrong, and Cary spoke with a sad tone.

     "I know our deal was to let my brother go after tonight, but... I cannot let my brother hurt Tim now, not after feeling his care for me. Just let my brother stay in custody and let him get parole in the future. Is that fine?"

     Aisha, who is watching the shocking video we made, says while drinking some tea.

     "You are a smart woman, because with your brother's personality, he would get himself killed by someone protecting Tim in the shadows. As far as my favor, I will get rid of all the evidence of this drug being secretly made from your company by your brother, to use on Luna Vandal. This drug is the devil, and I regret using it, fufu... Ah, no it was fun for one time."

     Seeing all of the zero gravity sex on the screen, Cary said.

     "I was so terrified at first when Tim was making everything fly around the room, and holding us down with telekinetic powers. But after a while, I got used to it, he really is something..."

     "Actually Cary White, you are a strong Psychic, and that power of Psychokinesis is yours he copied. Tim also strengthened your power, but not as good as this. Tim is one of the strongest in the world, and our man."

     Cary, who just finished her bottle of water, looked shocked.

     "You mean, I am a superhero too? I have Telekinesis?!"

     "Yeah, and I control electricity... Tim stunned me when I tried to run, fufu."

     Cary sighs, and closes her eyes and says.

     "I can't believe you and I survived that, did the drug make him so vigorous?"

     "No, he has a minor recovery power, so over time, he can keep going. I made him take more drugs, trying to make him shake it off, but who knew it would bite us in the ass, oops~!"

     Cary tries to stand and asks.

     "No way in hell I can go to work, can I use your place and crash to recover? And what should we do about Tim waking up?"

     "Well we cleaned him and he is in the spare room... I think for our sake, it is best to be in his arms when he wakes, or he will deny all of this. Also, with this evidence, you can tell him to take good responsibility, fufu. He did offer to marry us, and he marked us with his power, so it is forever anyway."

     "I hope he does not mind my age of 24 though?"

     Aisha tries and fails to get up and explained.

     "His first love is 33 years old and a mother, fufu."


     "Ah, wait, help me walk to the room, you left me, and I took it all in the last portion, damn it!"

     With an evil grin, Cary remembered sneaking away, and leaving Aisha alone, good time! But the two women made their way into the lion's den...


     When I woke from my exhaustion, my blurry vision noticed two sets of hair, one a redhead and the other a white platinum-blonde?!

     (A/N Please remember the ONLY women connected to the Empathic Transmission of Tim are... Rain, Jill, Ann, Luna, and Aisha. Women like Cary do not hear it. It was set when Tim first bumped his head and thought about those women in that time frame.)

     [Ah, my head hurts... That is the worst fucking hangover ever, fuck... I need to recall what I did here?!]

     I was horrified at the things I remember! I even put both women in my Charm Power during the sex, and they accepted it! And this woman is Cary White, Damn, not awkward, right?

     [Seems, I gained both women's powers... Well that was fucking nuts, right? I think I am as strong as Sandman in his early days for sure. I should be the second strongest in the world, I guess?!]

     Both women feeling me move, look up into my dazed eyes, and the first thing I say is.

     "Sorry if I hurt you two so fiercely... But I do not regret it, and I will take responsibility for you two. Does anyone know where my glasses and Marlboro Lights are, I need to smoke really badly?!"

     Cary, who happens to be a smoker, like me and Jill, reached over and lit a smoke for me, and then put it in my mouth.

     Aisha, coughing from the smoke, handed me my glasses and moved back a bit, then said.

     "Cough, Sorry, my plans went out the window, fufu. I was trying to make a fun sex night, and get revenge on Tony by fucking his sister. I heard you once mention her name, so I looked her up. A little blackmail, and bam, you fucked her crazy, and here we are..."

     Both girls giggle at my eyes twitching hearing this convoluted plan, but then I realized...

     [Ah, she won't be captured by Sandman now, and he cannot gain her strong power! Also, Cary was never in the harem in my book, but she seems to be okay with me?! I wonder how strong I made her, so I should ask...]

     Sitting up in the bed with an ashtray, I ask Cary.

     "I guess you are aware of the supernatural now, right? Second, you are a Psychic like me and Aisha here. Finally, have you used your power yet? If you have not, please do not try, or you might hurt yourself."

     "No, I have not used it, and I am not sure how... Can you help me with it? Also, I can tell you are caring about me, may I ask why? Especially with my stupid brother trying to kill you?"

     She then lights up another smoke for both of us, and I nod to her.

     "One of my powers is a form of Foresight, so I know possible future trends. You in half a year was to be sold to a super villain by the name of Sandman as a psychic battery and raped, having your power siphoned from your body. The person that sold you was your brother, who works for the group under Sandman. I wanted to rescue you from the plot and keep your amazing power out of his hands. Now that you are my woman, Sandman will avoid you."

     Cary, hearing that her brother she spoils, would sell her to a terrorist killer, just was horrified. I puff my smoke and continue, while drinking some water...

     "In the future when you found out your little brother was killed, your powers erupted blowing your home to shreds, awakening your power, that was when Sandman grabbed you. What happens after was unknown to me, but being pregnant with Sandman's child was the likely outcome. But do not worry, that is not our reality!" (foreshadowing last part, cough)

     I kill her pale lips and warm her soul by telling her.

     "But... I have mastered your power and will teach you how to use it the right way. I also used my power of Charm on you during our coupling, and you seem to have accepted my heart. We are the equivalent of soulmates now, only parting at death... Aisha, um, you also seem to have accepted me. So, that is why you are mine now. But do not worry, it is no mind control, or power to change you, it just lets us exchange hearts. I also can find you and sense your current health or state of mind. I know this is a lot, so Cary, give me your phone, and let me give you my contact information."

     With stars in her eyes from learning the Earth is not flat, she handed me her smartphone, and my power I copied from Aisha lets me control the device, like it is a part of my own person, like the phone is a lung or arm, and my brain instinctively makes it obey me.

     Both women seeing the info enter the phone on its own just look amazed, and Aisha pouts.

     "Tim, you use my power better than me, not fair, I want a shoulder rub!"

     "Cary, I removed all the malicious code from your phone, but left what Aisha put in it. It seems people from your company are spying on you. Aisha, please find out who is betraying Cary, since she is now my woman. I will reward you for doing it. And Cary, later this week, you and I will go on a training date, to a place you cannot hurt anyone, to train your power. Finally, do not allow your brother around your company, because he works with dark forces, and is secretly using your company to make banned substances like that drug we just used."

     "But Tim, my brother is in jail, he cannot get into my pharmaceutical firm?"

     I patted her head like a native child and told both women, surprising them both.

     "Nope, he will be released on bail and be in school tomorrow, free as a bird. The Shadow group under Sanman has Psychics in the local government, and can mind control normal humans. They will make the case go away in paperwork and confusion. No one died, so covering it up is easy. The group known as SHADOW GROUP, is strong with normal humans."

     Aisha clicked her tongue and then remembered what she wanted to say to Cary...

     "Ah, that is right, just so you know Cary... I do not like threesomes, and this was a one time thing that Tim forced, in fact, we do not know eachother... But I will assist if Tim asks. You and I are business partners and not buddies, got it?"


     Aisha for some reason gave me a stink eye like I insulted her?!

     So after that, I got to know a bit more about the two women, and the three of us showered again, and slept to rest our broken bodies, well, my first week was a storm of emotions, love, and fast relationships...

     It is like, all of my women are in a rush to have sex with me, like they knew Sandman was eyeing them, strange...



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