A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 24: The First Student Is Killed!

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Chapter 24: The First Student Is Killed! by Harem-Fan


     Tuesday morning in the Smith home.

     At the kitchen island, I am holding Jill in my lap sideways, while she is feeding me scrambled eggs with sausage and bell-peppers.

     After swallowing the food, I took a sip of my Long Island Iced Tea. I look at the grinning woman who is teasing me.

     "So, Ellen Stand is going to move into the guest room as a renter next month. She does not know our personal details, but I have a feeling you will like this woman. I made her rent cheap so she would jump on it, fufu."

     [I feel really complicated about this woman living in my home next month, well, my home is technically Jill's due to my parents final-will, and why Jill was my guardian till I was 18 years old... Asking the fox to guard the henhouse, haha. I wonder if my parents knew?]

     Jill smiles at my inner thoughts, and I ask another question... I rub Jill's tummy and lay my cards out.

     "I am guessing you are not really on the pill, and want our child, right?"

     Jill busted, bit her lip and asked unsure.

     "Are you upset, husband?"

     "Not at all, but I assume last Monday was our real first time, right? Not accusing, I just want to know more about us."

     Jill blushes and nods like a kid in trouble.

     "Before you were 18, we would use our mouths and hands... and my boobs, but when you forgot, I wanted our child, so I fibbed a bit, but we planned it anyway. It was a long two years to wait for your first time, Tim."

     I rubbed her meaty ass and told her.

     "Have as many of my children as you want. I told you, you are my number one. Also, while we are talking house rules... I took in the Hollywood family next door. Angel is now mine, but this house is our house."

     Jill realizing I have not scolded her, bit down on her unwillingness to be friends with Angel. But as long as this house is hers, she doesn't care. She even overlooks her daughter being taken. Well, she is not happy about her daughter stealing her man, but Jill is smart.

     "Jill, I love you, and I am off to pick up Dan and Ann, see you on Thursday?"

     "Yup, that is my sleep over night, so love you honey."

     And with that short Jill time, I started my interesting day.


     After I got to school, the group split off, and I stayed on the first floor, sending Luna off on her own. I went for my clinic visit before class time...


     Entering the clinic, I looked around, and finding only Angel stocking a medical shelf, I locked the door. She smiled seeing that, and I came behind her, and held her waist. Angel said with a smile.

     "I think you cast magic on me, because my heart has been restless since we kissed. I am glad you are fine, I was so worried."

     Today, I made sure to wait on my smoke, so I can give her a mint filled kiss. And as she turned in my arms, I deeply kissed her, while her arms found themselves around my shoulders. Soon I stopped and told her.

     "Remember the movie the Matrix, when the Red Pill and the Blue Pill are offered?"

     She smiles thinking I am kidding, but she nods like a good girl.

     "Then Angel, with my deadly serious question. Do you want to see the world as it is, or do you want to know its dark truths? This is not me being funny, but serious?"

     Angel, who knows my heart trembled a bit, and knew something unknown was going to happen, so she told me.

     "I only want to know if it is important to us."

     "The supernatural exists, and humans like Professor X and other Psychics exist and hide in plain sight of normal humans without powers."

     She feels her heart pound, and she nods, so I continue.

     "Last night, I fully learned about all of my Psychic Powers. I am a rare powerhouse in the world. Yesterday, when you and I kissed, we bounded our hearts together, for life... Like a marriage of the hearts, and that is why you are feeling the way you are. I also have more powerful abilities, do you want to see some?"

     Angel exhales, and smiles realizing I am slowly exposing secrets for herself, and she says.

     "Tim, I am ready to see more."

     I wave my hand up, and the three beds and Angel then float 2 feet up, but stable. Angel feeling she is floating is startled and excited all at one time. I am holding her hands for mental support though.

     "This is my Psychokinesis that is like Telekinesis you see in movies. The difference between the two is that the first only moves and rotates the object, while the latter directly manipulates it like a giant hand. The first uses up mental power and the second uses up endurance of the body. Well, It is not important, but my other powers are..."

     "Psychic Power are Spectral Sight, Empathic Communication, Cursed Aura, Inherited Memories, Metabolic Senses/Reflexes, Metabolic Recovery, Charm (4 targeted females), Metabolic Strength, Psychokinesis, Electrokinesis. Psychic Mental Backlash: Substance Abuse (alcohol and tobacco),Total Amnesia."

     As I explained each, I briefly showed her, and when she saw White-Lightning cover my palm she was amazed. Why white, it is the highest quality of the lightning a Psychic can unleash.

    After about five minutes of her wonder and shock, I answered many questions, including the 'do's and don'ts' of not letting others know she knows. I am only telling her because she and I are a pair using psychic power.

     She is apparently a Si-Fi buff, and she is geeking out right now. And when I told her most Psychics only had one or at most two powers her eyes widened.

     When her brain could not handle all the information, her instincts kicked in, and we kissed a bit to calm her, then I asked embarrassedly.

     "I truly do not mind what it is, but Angel dear, how old are you?"

     She covers her mouth amused and says...

     "I am an old lady of 24 years, fufu. I keep forgetting you have forgotten everything, now I am sad."

     Ding! A school message appeared in her chat, and she is being asked to cover Coach Ben's class for the first period... It appears he is at the ER for bruising and cracked ribs. It seemed he was beaten by street thugs early this morning on his way into school?!

     [Am I paranoid, and think Luna found out about Ben, and, nah it can't be.] (it is not paranoia when they are out to get you)

     "Sorry Tim, I wanted more time, but why not come to my house for dinner tonight? My parents want to see you again. They always ask."

     "Only if you tell them you are dating me."

     She blushed, and started pushing me out, but she said shyly.

     "I will now go, fufu."


     I was lost in thought when I was about to step into the 4th floor, and then a student who was 6 feet tall and lanky, asked me.

     [Holy Fuck, this guy looks like he will kill! I can tell he is a Psychic!]

     "You are Tim Smith, right? Shadow Group thinks you are an eyesore."

     "No, my name is... Rick Lee!"

     This guy is not dumb, so I leap over the rail to jump down to the 3rd floor by reflex, using my Psychokinesis to stop my fall at the last moment, and when I looked up...

    Bang! I saw a bit of wall explode from the guy's outstretched palm!


     A student saw me jump from the upper floor, and was so terrified he froze! I did not stop and kept copying what I did before, and made it to the ground floor while he was at the halfway point.

     A hall monitor saw me run out of the stairwell in a panic, and I yelled,

     "Tall and lanky is killing people! Run!"

     [Fuck where to go, oh, student council room!]

     My feet had been taking me there without me realizing it, but I figured, I have a chance there.


     I used my key that Luna gave me, and went in, and locked the door, just to stall for time.

     I really do not know if he is alone, so I move behind Luna's desk and kneel down, then I hear him...

     BANG BANG BANG BOOOOM! He used his light blue orbs of translucent force to batter the door in a hurry, before too many students came out. He regrets asking my name now.

     I yell at him in a dumb manner, to make my brain mellow.

     "If you can dodge a desk, you can dodge a ball!"

     While I taunt, I first wave my left hand while targeting Tony's desk.

     WHOOSH! BANG BANG! As the desk was about to hit, he launched two blasts that broke the desk apart, just in time to not flatten him, but everything on the desk flew in his face.

     I then targeted the two desks on each side, closest to the door, and waved my hands together like a giant clap!

     WHOOSH WHOOSH! THUD! He wanted to resist the desk on the floor, but the two desks swatted him and almost knocked him out, then I heard her...

     Slitch Slitch Slitch Slitch Slitch Slitch Slitch! The sound of flesh being ripped, stabbed, and flayed alive was rapidly heard, and the voices of the two overlapped.

     "AH, NOO! AHHHH!" "Die~ Die~ Die~ Die~ Die~ Die~ Fufufufufu~♪ I love Timmy~♪!"

     While Ann was still killing the dead kid, with a smile, as she looked at me with love, Rain had come with her gun out, and saw I was fine, and stopped others from coming near the scene.

     I went and hugged Ann from behind to calm her frenzied state, and I told her.

     "Good job Ann, I was moved."

     "Can we go home and fuck now, I am sooooo horny?!"

     "As soon as Rain lets us, I will take you home, dear. Then we can fuck."

     Do not contradict a yandere in heat, just say yes dear!

     I made sure to not use my powers in a way that normal's saw it, other than the damage on the walls, door, and desks, we kept the fight down to only noise and lots of blood!

    [Man, even his mom won't identify him now!]



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