Abandoned by the Alpha, I Became the Lycan King’s Mate

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: The Attack That Didn’t Succeed

[Margaret’s Perspective]

I felt them slow down and finally stop.

I jumped off Wolf and saw the two of them in human form again.

“They’re around here somewhere,” Elliot said.

Donald nodded and took my hand.

Elliot confirmed the coordinates and led the way in one direction.

Soon we saw a group of people gathered in front of us. I saw Armstrong and Elizabeth in the crowd. I was about to run over when I felt Donald’s hand holding mine tightly. I turned to look at him. He gave me a warning look. I had no choice but to give up. I looked up and down at Elizabeth. She looked fine.

Oh, thank the Moon Goddess! I realized on this night that there was no need for any of my previous disputes with Elizabeth to exist. In the face of life and death, everything else was trivial. Donald and I, and Elizabeth and Armstrong might be the best arrangement. The last of my ill feelings about our past dissipated.

“What happened?” Donald asked.

Only then did I see something on the ground through a gap in the crowd. The shape hinted at something. Oh my God, it was a corpse! Another attack had happened. It happened for two days in a row. Someone must be targeting our pack. I shuddered.

I wanted to poke my head forward to take a better look, but Donald was in front of me, blocking my vision. I could only hear Armstrong’s voice.

“Luna and I found him in the forest, but he isn’t from our patrol squad.”

“Is he one of ours?” Donald asked.

“They’re not from our assault team,” a female voice said. “But the people on patrol tonight were also attacked. However, the other party didn’t succeed. Just now, my subordinates reported that they lost the attacker after chasing them to this area.”

I saw Donald frown. I recognized the voice. It was Angel.

I squeezed my way forward to see the situation clearly. This time, Donald didn’t stop me. I finally stood beside him.

There were probably three groups of people in front of him. Armstrong and Elizabeth stood on one side, along with Anthony and some people from the pack’s patrol.

Angel was standing on the other side with the assault team. It was obvious that they were the imperial Lycans. Their general build was slightly larger than Armstrong’s team. Behind them was the corpse, and a few people were squatting around, doing something.

Donald brought Elliot and me out to the front from the other side. I was standing close to Elizabeth. I saw that she didn’t dare to let go of Armstrong’s hand, but I wanted to retreat and stay away from the corpse.

I tugged at Donald’s hand and pointed in Elizabeth’s direction, gesturing for him to let go of me.

Donald glanced at me out of the corner of his eye but didn’t move.

“I’ll go over there to check on Elizabeth. It’s only a few steps away.” I softened my voice.

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

Armstrong heard us talking. He looked at Donald and me in surprise and said, “Anthony will be here to protect them, right?”

“Yes, Alpha,” Anthony replied.

“Let’s go and see what’s going on over there, Lycan King,” Armstrong said.

Donald finally let go of my hand. There was still a reluctant look on his face. I smiled at him and stood on tiptoes to hug him.

I saw Angel’s ambiguous gaze on the other side and impulsively kissed Donald’s face again. I saw the expression on Donald’s face soften and said, “Don’t worry about me. Go.”

[Donald’s Perspective]

Although Margaret was only a few meters away, I still felt uneasy without her by my side. I began to regret bringing her into the forest, but we had just gotten out of bed then. Something must have hindered my rationality.

She should have stayed in a safe place forever. Now that the Silver Moon Tribe wasn’t even safe, maybe I shouldn’t have followed her wishes and brought her straight back to my house instead.

“Donald, what do you think is going on?”

It was Angel’s voice. I looked at her with a straight face. Of all the people here, there was only one person I allowed to call me by my first name, and that was Margaret. But Angel was the only one who dared to call me by my first name. She was always over-confident that she was different from everyone else.

I ignored her and turned my attention to the man squatting on the ground. A green light that appeared between his palms was slowly scanning the man lying on the ground, from his head to his feet.

“How’s his condition?” I asked.

“It’s hard to say. At the moment, there are no fatal injuries on his body. There are only a few slight scratches from the trees. The deepest wounds are those on his legs, but they couldn’t have knocked him out.”

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