About Your Pride and My Prejudice

Side Story Chapter 10: Cherish Her

Side Story Episode 10: Cherish Her


It was early morning. Alan, looking unusually tired, knocked on the door of Madame Comte’s dress shop.

“Oh my!”

Madame, who looked like a giant bell due to her greatly puffed dress, greeted him warmly.

“You’ve arrived just on time.”

She laughed melodiously and bowed, causing the abundant flowers atop her high-piled hair to gently sway. It was a bit over-the-top, but fitting for the owner of the most renowned dress shop in the duchy, showcasing the cutting edge of Lunoa fashion.

Unlike the neatly straight Sourne-style dresses, the puffed sleeves and skirts would look so lovely on Melissa. Surely, her elegant neckline and slender waist would be highlighted beautifully. Alan silently smiled at the thought of her in it.

He also liked the design that didn’t shy away from using flowers and jewels. He wanted to give her something bright and precious. If she blushed and waved her hand in refusal, he planned to calmly reassure her, saying it was the Principality’s style and as the countess, she needed to make at least a minimal effort.

“I’ve prepared a few designs.”

“I’d like to see them right away.”

With that, Madame led him inside. Her layered, puffed dress softly rustled against the floor.

“These are the designs I’ve prepared.”


Alan’s blue-gray eyes narrowed as he examined the designs, his gaze serious, like that of a businessman about to sign an important contract.

“Do any of them catch your eye? These two fabrics are particularly popular.”

Madame Comte pointed to two fabric samples on the table with her fingertips: a pale pink and a deep green. Both were of the finest silk.

His deep gaze quickly assessed the colors. Both would look stunning against Melissa’s fine skin and warm brown hair.

‘But pink would suit her better than the dark green.’

It would make her look as delicate as if she embodied the essence of spring. She was a woman who resembled the most fragrant and vibrant season. His decision to fill the greenhouse garden with pink roses last winter had stemmed from such thoughts.

As his gaze lingered on the pink satin, Madame spoke in a delighted tone.

“You have an exceptional eye! As for this fabric—”

“Wait a moment.”

Alan rested his chin lightly on his hand.

He remembered Melissa’s delicate cheeks blushing with both unease and excitement when she wore the red dress sent by the eldest son of the Longhorn family. It was fortunate that she hadn’t brought it to the duchy, but Alan wanted to replace that man’s memory with his own.

On the night they had once danced together, she had also worn a red dress. Despite its worn appearance, Melissa had seemed several times more dignified than the vain noblewomen around her.

If he could help her forget the memories of being mocked by those mean-spirited women with this…

“I think red would be nice. Not too dark, though.”

“Ah! Just a moment.”

Madame Comte quickly brought out a roll of silk and unfurled it widely. The large swath of red satin, as big as her body, flowed gracefully.

Yes, for the most precious woman, it had to be the most splendid color on earth.

“Let’s go with that.”

Not long after, they decided on the design that would best suit Melissa. Following this, Alan made detailed requests for adjustments to the neckline and sleeves, and Madame and her apprentices diligently noted them down.

Choosing the gold thread for embroidery, the sparkling jewels, ribbons, and other small decorations, the sun was setting by the time they finished. Madame, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, placed her thin hand on her tightly cinched waist.

“So, seeing as you’ve come rushing here, it must be quite urgent?”

Alan, the only one among them who appeared composed, silently confirmed this.

“Since you’re a special guest, we can aim for a week—”

“That’s too late. The deadline is tight.”

His response was immediate. Madame’s eyebrows drooped in distress.

“Earl, even if we mobilize all our staff, three days is the shortest—”

“Two days.”


The women’s sighs filled the room at his relentless demand.

However, Madame Comte and the other five women’s eyes lit up with determination at his next words.

“I’ll pay double. If I like the dress, I’ll order several dozen more under the same conditions.”

“We’ll do our best!”

While the dress was being made, Alan traveled for several hours back to Winford and then on to Castelyn, the land of craftsmen, to pick up a very special quill pen he had commissioned a month earlier.

“Oh dear, I’m terribly sorry!”

But when he was told that the ordered pen had been mistakenly sent to another customer, Alan’s expression turned as cold as a polar wind.

“Gasp, I’ll, I’ll make a new one right away! Just give me a week—!”

“No, that won’t do. The timing doesn’t work.”


“Show me the finest one you have right now.”

In the end, an elegant swan feather pen was placed in his hand, along with a sleek leather-bound notebook. He hoped these small gifts would bring new inspiration and energy to his wife, who had recently been burdened with many worries.

Melissa’s birthday was just a day away. Before returning to Lunos, Alan arranged for a coachman to discreetly transport the dress and gifts to the mansion’s rear. After ensuring everything was secretly stashed, he made his way to the Lunos palace.

“Welcome, Count Elsinore.”

“Your Highness.”

The Lunoa Princess, her gray hair neatly braided, welcomed Alan.

The reason Alan sought out the princess was simple. He had recently read in the newspaper that the princess enjoyed baking cakes.

In truth, the princess had always had a soft spot for this handsome and upright man from Sorne, who had become the youngest to be granted the title of count. During his investiture ceremony, she had told him to seek her help whenever needed, and she had meant it sincerely.

“I wish to bake a cake. May I seek your assistance, if it’s not too much trouble?”

Never had she imagined he would send a letter with such a request. Of course, she had no intention of refusing this charming plea.

With the guidance of her maids, the princess and the count entered the salon. Usually a place where noblewomen gathered for gossip, today the princess’s salon had transformed into a cozy bakery just for Count Elsinore. Kindly, all the ingredients and tools were already prepared.

“Thought you might want to make it yourself. Was I right?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Thank you.”

The two of them, standing side by side at the table, swiftly completed the dough. Now it was time to whip the cream to spread over the cake.

“So, for the Founding Day festival…”

At the mention of Founding Day, Alan accidentally spilled the entire bag of sugar he was holding.

“…I apologize.”

“It’s alright, Count.”

Meanwhile, the princess’s maids, standing at a distance, were mesmerized by the handsome man’s back as he rolled up his sleeves and made a cake. It was a rare sight indeed.

“Could you help clean this up?”

The maids hurried over at the princess’s request, and it was then that they noticed the mess around the count—spilled butter, eggs, and flour. There seemed to be a clear discrepancy between his perfect public image and his kitchen skills.

‘He’s even adorable!’

The maids, having discovered his secret, stifled their delighted giggles as they cleaned up the spilled sugar.

Then the princess spoke up.

“Recently, there were rumors of you displaying your affection quite openly on the streets. Oh my, are you going to spill the strawberries this time?”


Alan quietly set down the basket of strawberries, prompting the princess to laugh joyfully.

“Now, look, Count. You need to slice the strawberries thinly like this, as we’re going to put them between the layers of the cake.”


Alan watched the princess’s hands closely. Soon, the rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the cutting board filled the salon, already sweet with the smell of cream.

“Count, do you know? The way you don’t hide your love for your wife makes you shine.”

“That’s natural… Ah.”

Alan cut his finger and pressed on the wound as he continued to answer.

“…The moment she became my wife, I was given a new life.”

“Is that so?”

“This life became precious to me. Because it’s a life given by her, I’ll dedicate it all to her.”

“Then you should reduce your workload a bit. Your devotion is for the countess, not the duchy, right?”

As she transferred the thinly sliced strawberries onto a white cloth, the princess added kindly.

“She might feel lonely. What a woman needs isn’t money or status, Count.”

“I will remember that.”

“Thankfully, you didn’t have to go to the Hua Empire. Ah, thank you.”

At that moment, a maid brought over two perfectly baked cake layers, taking them out of the molds and placing them in front of the pair. Alan’s cake had risen quite unevenly, but the princess neatly sliced off the top, making it look presentable.


“Slice it in half, spread the cream, and add plenty of strawberries, Count. Then spread cream on the outside and decorate the top. What do you have in mind for the decoration…?”

The princess paused with a gentle smile. Alan had become so engrossed in his task that it was as if he couldn’t hear anything else.

Indeed, now she understood why even the exacting Hua Empire was captivated by him.

Of course, the princess decided to keep the image of his sharp profile dusted with flour as her own little secret.

“Shall I try making a face?”

“Your wife’s face?”

“Yes. I’ll use cream for the skin and chocolate syrup for the hair….”

“Right, and these round chocolates can be the eyes, and a cherry for the lips?”

At that moment, Alan’s eyes, like the dawn sky, softened with a smile. The princess found herself holding her breath involuntarily.


…Unfortunately, the completed cake looked far from resembling a woman’s face.

“Would you like to take mine? I’ll trade you.”

The princess’s cake was stunning, resembling a queen’s crown. Each delicate cream swirl was topped with a sparkling cherry.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Alan said, slightly embarrassed but grateful.

As he left the palace with the beautiful cake, his heart was filled with anticipation for Melissa’s reaction.

His deep, somber voice flowed through the gaps.

“Is it strange?”


Then, the meticulous gaze of the accomplice shifted back to his work. After a brief silence, she spoke.

“No, let’s go with that. If I were your wife, I think you would be pleased.”

“Is that so?”

His beautiful lips showed no sign of joy. It seemed he was weighing whether her words were sincere or merely comforting.

The accomplice, throwing decorum aside, quickly added, “I truly mean it, Count! It’s not bad at all. Just think of it as a puppy, not a person.”

Only then did a rare, radiant smile appear on his picture-like face.

“…..It does resemble one. A pretty puppy.”

The accomplice thought it was not merely her delusion to glimpse spring in him, whom everyone claimed was like winter. The woman who had given him new life had finally brought spring to Alan Flynn.

Alan, with the setting sun behind him, politely presented himself, holding a large cake box.

“Next time, I will come with my wife.”

“That’s right. Please convey my congratulations as well. And…”


“Treasure her, Count. Always.”

At those words, the man placed his hand over his heart. In the sunset’s golden light, his beautiful figure slowly bowed with a gentle grace.


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