Above the gray fog

Chapter 1680 Clues to saving the world?

After leaving the city, Lin Shan and the little devil quickly flew towards the direction pointed by the magic box.

This trip to find the secret door was just to prepare for the subsequent trip. The most important thing at the moment was to get what the magic box indicated.

The sky was gloomy and black clouds were hanging low. Lin Shan and the little devil were flying in the air at a not too fast speed.

After flying for nearly two months, the magic box suddenly vibrated for a moment.

After eating everything in the package, the listless little devil suddenly became energetic.

"We're here, right down there!"

Lin Shan hovered immediately.

Below is a desolate ruin, with dilapidated buildings and withered trees standing in the ruins. There is a rotten smell in the air, which makes people frown.

Suddenly, a group of bats flew out of the ruins and attacked them overwhelmingly.

Lin Shan's eyes turned cold, and the golden spear in his hand drew streaks of light like lightning.

Bats were hit by spears in the air and turned into ashes.

Lin Shan landed on the ground.

Ancient trees block out the sky and the sun, and the surrounding silence is heart-stoppingly quiet.

"Where?" Lin Shan asked.

"Just look for any corpses in these ruins. The previous wave of people should have died here." The little devil flew around in a circle close to the ground. "It has been so long that there are no traces left." ”

Lin Shan stretched out a finger, and a drop of blood slowly dripped from the fingertip.

Before the blood fell, it turned into thousands of tiny particles in the air.

These particles quickly gathered and turned into Lin Shan.

Lin Shan didn't need to say anything, the clones spread out and began to search carefully in the ruins.

Lin Shan could have created a clone out of thin air, but due to the suppression of this world, performing the clone technique required a part of the body as a medium.

Thousands of clones roamed the ruins, rummaging through every stone and examining every corner.

Lin Shan stood quietly, waiting for the result.

Two hours later, a clone hurriedly came over and reported, "Main body, we found a passage leading underground."

Lin Shan nodded and followed the clone towards the place where he found the passage.

The entrance to the passage was covered by a huge stone slab, and the clones had moved the stone slab away, revealing a dark and narrow entrance.

The passage is deep and dark, and the mottled marks on the stone walls show its antiquity and dilapidation.

The clones lined up and jumped in one by one, with Lin Shan walking at the back.

The passage is winding and winding, and there is a dull atmosphere in the air.

After walking for less than five minutes, they arrived at a spacious underground space.

The space had obviously been excavated by hand, and the surrounding walls were rough and irregular.

Lin Shan's eyes were attracted by the skeletons beside the wall.

These skeletons were leaning against the wall in different postures, as if they had experienced great pain and despair at the last moment of their lives.

Some of the skeletons still held weapons tightly in their hands, while others hugged their companions tightly. The scene was miserable and tragic.

Some scratches can be vaguely seen on the wall, which seem to be the traces left by these people in despair.

Lin Shan stepped forward and looked carefully at the carvings, and found that he didn't recognize the words engraved on them. Maybe they were not words at all, just meaningless depictions.

"This is the last habitat of those people." The little devil whispered.

Lin Shan nodded, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Like him, these people once came here to find ways to fight against the alien gods, and now they all died here.

The clones began to search carefully in the underground space, not sparing every corner.

The scratches on the walls, the debris on the ground, and even the items in the hands of the skeletons were all examined one by one.

Finally, in a corner, a relatively complete stone slab was moved over by the clone.

There are some words densely engraved on the stone slab.

Lin Shan took out the magic box and asked, "Can you translate it?"

The magic box trembled, and the next moment, a ray of light fell on the stone slab, and the writing on it turned into words that Lin Shan could understand.


[With the hope of the whole continent, we go deep into this abyss to look for the legendary miracle. This is our last record. We hope that people in the future can find a glimmer of life from the clues we found. ]

[At the beginning of the journey, everyone was full of confidence and courage. We passed through countless dangerous terrains and defeated powerful enemies one after another. Finally, we reached scale 1369. ]

[There, we found important clues, a secret that may be able to save Jiyu Continent. ]

[This clue gave us a glimmer of hope, and we decided to return immediately to bring this important information back to the world. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks at the most critical moments. When we reached the 1002nd floor of the scale, misfortune struck. . ]

[We mistakenly entered a restricted area, which was a cursed land, full of unspeakable terrifying power. Everyone in the team was severely cursed, and their bodies began to decay rapidly and their strength was gradually lost. ]

[We know that our time is running out, and with great pain and despair, we dig a grave for ourselves here. In order to ensure that the clues are not lost, we hide it in this stone slab, hoping that someone will find it in the future. Save the world with our regrets. ]


Lin Shan took a deep breath, and then he used both hands to break the stone slab into two pieces.

The moment the stone slab cracked, the crystal clear material inside was revealed, shining faintly like a gem buried deep in the rock formation.

As Lin Shan shattered all the slates, a crystal clear card appeared in his hand.

The card is about the size of a palm, completely transparent, as if carved from the purest crystal.

The surface is as smooth as a mirror and feels cold to the touch. You can feel the weak flow of energy when you lightly slide your fingers across it.

Through the card, you can see that there are subtle golden lines inside. Under the illumination of light, these lines glow softly, as if golden threads are woven in the crystal.

In the center of the card, there is an ancient badge pattern, which depicts a towering tree with a lush canopy and stars dotted among the branches and leaves. It seems that the whole world is flowing in the canopy, and a long dragon is coiled around the roots of the tree. , the dragon's eyes seem to be staring at everyone who looks at the card.

"Is this... a clue that can defeat the alien gods?" Lin Shan gently rubbed the card in his hand with two fingers, frowning slightly, "It doesn't look like it."

He said to himself, his eyes full of doubts and thoughts.

If this card really contains clues that can defeat the alien gods, then bringing it back to the gray mist universe is obviously the best choice.

But Lin Shan still has no idea what the clue is.

If you take it back rashly, only to find out that you made a mistake, wouldn't your trip be in vain?

Lin Shan carefully put the card away, having already made a decision in his heart.

He couldn't go back now, but he couldn't continue diving either.

Only after figuring out what the clues contained in this card are at this point do you make the final decision.

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