Above the gray fog

Chapter 1697 Heavenly Punishment

Although he had previously planned to give the Soul Country to the frontline forces fighting against the foreign gods, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now that he was living in the void, he needed this thing even more to save his life.

Although the Home of Souls is a source of the same level as Time, but in an extremely dangerous abyss, Home of Souls is more useful.

Lin Shan had just been resurrected, but before he had time to rejoice, the parchment that had lost its spirituality seemed to come back to life.

Parchment: [The great Lord Parchment needs to remind you that the seasoning you obtained is not only not pure enough, but also does not carry the ‘extremely evil’ properties. 】

Looking at the content on the paper, Lin Shan was stunned.

In other words, his time this day is equivalent to wasting work?

"What is 'extremely evil'?" Lin Shan asked immediately.

Parchment: [To communicate with the great Lord Parchment, please use words. 】

Lin Shan: [What is ‘extremely evil’? 】

Parchment: [A creature that can discuss good and evil with you calmly is definitely not ‘extremely evil’. 】

As the words disappeared one by one, the parchment became dim again.

Lin Shan ignored the looks of passers-by and sat directly on the ground thinking.

His brows were furrowed and his thoughts were confused.

The sudden reminder from the parchment made him unsure of what to do next.

There seemed to be nothing to think about, and the only thing to do was to start all over again.

The next moment, Lin Shan disappeared from the crowd and appeared high in the sky.

The golden spear was lying in front of him. Lin Shan held the golden spear with one hand and pinched it quickly with the other hand.

What he was looking for before was creatures with 'extremely evil' human nature.

The goal was correct, and the result couldn't possibly be irrelevant at all. There must be something else that he had overlooked.

Lin Shan continued to follow the previously connected information.

As Lin Shan calculated, an inexplicable pressure suddenly fell on him.

The pressure was like a big world pressing down on him, making him almost breathless.

Lin Shan looked up and saw a huge eye staring at him coldly higher in the sky.

The eyes were extremely huge, and the pupils were as deep as bottomless pits. The pupils were surrounded by a thick dark red color, like coagulated blood.

The edges of the eyes were covered with fine bloodshot threads, intertwined like spider webs, exuding an evil and strange aura.

This kind of gaze made Lin Shan's heart shrink suddenly. He wanted to escape, but found that his body could not move.

That huge eye carried endless pressure, making him feel like he was nailed to the spot, unable to move.

The surrounding space became distorted, as if even the void was afraid of the existence of this eye.

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Shan's forehead. His eyes were fixed on those eyes, and a sense of powerlessness arose in his heart.

He resisted the pressure, turned his palm over, and the last drop of blood appeared in his palm.

Lin Shan is like a small boat, which can be swallowed up at any time in the strong wind and waves.

His breathing became rapid and his consciousness gradually blurred. Even if Lin Shan tried his best, he could not even bring the blood to his mouth.

Just when Lin Shan was about to lose consciousness, the huge eye suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding pressure was also relieved.

Although it was only a brief moment, Lin Shan felt as if hundreds of years had passed.

A voice appeared in Lin Shan's mind, and the voice seemed to slowly seep out from the depths of the endless void.

The voice was low and ancient, carrying an indescribable majesty and mystery, like countless voices overlapping together.

“Contrary to the trend, we’re waiting for you.”

"Do you want to receive my blessing, or turn it into my merit..."

"You must repay the many lives that died because of you..."

The sound became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared slowly, as if it had never existed.

Lin Shan let out a long sigh of relief.

Who spoke just now?

The indescribable?

At this moment, the parchment suddenly sent a reminder.

Parchment: [The great parchment reminds you that it is not the Unspeakable who speaks. 】

Lin Shan stared at the parchment in his mind and disappeared after saying a word.

Half a second later, Lin Shan was thoughtful.

He understood somewhat.


In the following months, Lin Shan kept traveling to various gathering places with only one purpose, which was to find out the information about the big eyes from before.

With the help of his destiny knowledge and deduction ability, Lin Shan already had some clues.

The big eyes that suddenly appeared were called Heavenly Punishment.

In the Wuxiang Realm that spans a hundred scales, there are many mysterious and powerful people at the top of the realm.

Tianpu is one of the mysterious and powerful people.

There are different opinions on the origin of Heavenly Punishment, but one theory is the most credible. It is formed by the condensed souls of countless innocent people killed, and is specially designed to punish those who massacre all living beings and ignore cause and effect.

After getting the news, Lin Shan felt a little dizzy.

The parchment couldn't have given him hints for no reason, there must be a deep meaning in them.

Lin Shan speculated.

God's Punishment is most likely a creature suitable for seasoning.

He tested the parchment many times, and the results he got were all acquiescence.

The parchment will not be targeted without reason. Since heavenly punishment is the seasoning, it must be possible to win.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Lin Shan collected enough information about heavenly punishment.

He has been able to confirm that Tianpu is just a relatively powerful void creature.

Just when Lin Shan was preparing to seek punishment from heaven, it took the initiative to find Lin Shan for the second time.

In the center of the bustling settlement, noisy people are bustling in the sunshine.

Suddenly, a huge eye appeared in the sky, emitting a cold and ruthless light, staring down.

Lin Shan in the crowd instantly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Then, the feeling of powerlessness came again, as if there was an invisible world on Lin Shan.

Months of preparation were like a joke. Let alone looking for an opportunity to defeat the opponent, under its gaze, Lin Shan couldn't even do the most basic movement.

The void was distorted for a moment, and Lin Shan's vision suddenly turned black.

His body seemed to be pulled by an irresistible force and disappeared in an instant.

In the dark world, some dim lights gradually appeared.

Countless ghosts wandered aimlessly, like countless fish swimming in a huge space.

These ghosts had distorted faces, empty eyes, and endless resentment and despair all over their bodies.

This scene didn't scare Lin Shan, he just looked at everything in front of him calmly.

"They all died because of you, and now they have become dead spirits."

The voice echoed in Lin Shan's mind again, low and ancient, with irresistible majesty.

"Those who go against the trend, repent, so that they can break free from the shackles of resentment."

The voice continued: "If you don't do this, they will always wander in resentment, and you will be devoured by us and become one of them."

Repent Lin Shan will not repent, not only will he not repent, he will also make the heavenly punishment that caught him into seasoning.

Lin Shan swallowed the blood directly.

Immediately holding the box of disaster.

Stepping on the dragon of time,

The mind moves when he thinks.

As long as it is not that indescribable person, it is at most a king level.

Lin Shan felt that he might not be able to kill the other party, but he could still grind off some soul particles as seasoning.

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