Above the gray fog

Chapter 1702 Continuous Pass

Seeing that the parchment had not responded, Lin Shan could only bite the bullet and take out a few ingredients from the treasure chest.

His hand fumbled in the box and finally grabbed a piece of meat, which was shimmering on the surface, like the meat of some advanced creature.

He took out a large piece of leaf that looked like a vegetable. The leaf had a slight electric current fluctuation, and a slight tingling sensation could be felt when touched.

In addition, he also found a few fruits similar to tomatoes, with warm energy fluctuations flowing inside, as if they had some strange power.

Lin Shan secretly groaned in his heart, but still bit the bullet and started to process these ingredients.

He put the shining "beef" on the chopping board, picked up the knife and cut it carefully, and found that the inside was actually colorful. Even if it was raw, it exuded an attractive aroma.

Then, he tore open the electrified leaf and cut the fruits into small pieces, ready to use as a side dish.

He first added seasoning to increase the base flavor.

Then he put the cut meat into the pot and fried it.

The meat quickly changed color under high temperature, giving off a more tempting aroma.

Finally, the leaves and fruits were added and stir-fried evenly.

It seemed random, but it was really random. He didn't even know what the seasoning he put in was.

In the end, Lin Shan made something similar to a home-cooked dish.

The color looked good, the meat was golden, the leaves were green, and it gave off a tempting aroma.

Although he himself didn't know whether this dish was edible, it at least looked like that.

He looked around and found that the works of other contestants were more exquisite than each other.

There were all kinds of platters and carvings. Regardless of whether they were delicious or not, they were appetizing just by looking at them.

"Half an hour has passed."

The voice sounded.

"Please try the food, judges."

Lin Shan saw the chefs holding the dishes in their hands and lining up in five long lines, and immediately understood the judging mechanism.

There were many people in the first round of the competition, and it was impossible for five people to eat one dish, so as long as one referee said it was passed, it would pass.

Lin Shan deliberately lined up in the line of the female referee who helped him register.

The people in front walked very fast, and it was Lin Shan's turn in less than ten minutes.

The woman looked at Lin Shan, expressionless, and motioned Lin Shan to put the dish on the table.

She held a spoon in one hand and chopsticks in the other.

She first picked up a leaf from the plate, tasted it carefully, with a calm expression, and then swallowed it.

She looked at Lin Shan with doubt in her eyes.

"Have you eaten it before?" she asked.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

"Do you think it's delicious?" she continued to ask.

"Delicious." Lin Shan continued to nod.

She pondered for three seconds, then raised the pass sign.

"Go prepare for the next round."

Lin Shan passed inexplicably and returned to the kitchen to wait for the other creatures to finish.

Half an hour later, only a few hundred chefs were left out of the thousands of chefs.

"Second round - make food that satisfies the two judges."

The voice sounded again.

When Lin Shan heard this request, he secretly said that it was not good.

He only had a connection with one judge.

He began to observe the five judges.

Five judges, representing five different categories of life.

Demons, humans, energy life, mechanical life, crystal life.

Each judge has completely different tastes and aesthetic standards, which makes the competition more complicated.

Demons and humans should be considered a large category, both are flesh and blood life, but the taste direction is different.

Next... only demons can start.

As for other machines, energy, and crystals, Lin Shan has no idea about their eating habits.

"Second round, start!"

Seeing that other chefs have summoned pets to assist, Lin Shan also summoned a little demon.

"Can you cook?" Lin Shan asked.

"I can eat!" The little demon replied as a matter of course.

"Then go in and see which ingredients you like to eat, and find them out." Lin Shan pointed to the treasure box.

The little demon nodded excitedly, quickly got into the treasure box, and began to look for ingredients.

After a while, it took out a bunch of ingredients from the box, all meat, and attached with a strange fishy smell.

Lin Shan saw that these ingredients were all meat with a foul smell, and there were even a few purple internal organs.

"These are all delicious." The little devil grinned, with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and had an idea.

Since he was a devil, of course he had to eat hellish food.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan cut off a little bit of the ingredients picked by the little devil and mixed them together.

The devil liked strong flavors, so he deliberately added a lot of spicy seasonings and various exotic spices, making the whole pot full of stimulating aromas.

"You smell the aroma and tell me whether it tastes good or not." Lin Shan said to the little devil.

The reserved time should be enough to cook two pots.

"Yeah, yeah." The little devil nodded repeatedly and licked his lips.

Lin Shan carefully controlled the heat to ensure that every piece of meat could fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning.

He kept stirring, smelling the strong fishy smell emanating from the pot, and gradually gained a little confidence in his heart.

"Delicious, delicious!" The little devil shouted excitedly.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he might have done it right.

Next, he put the cooked ingredients on a plate and arranged them neatly.

In order to increase the visual effect, he also deliberately used some bright decorations to embellish the whole dish, making the whole dish look more creepy.

Lin Shan held the carefully prepared dish plate and stood in the queue in advance.

He looked around and saw that other contestants were still busy nervously, with sweat dripping down their foreheads, and the knives and spatulas in their hands drew rapid tracks in the air.

Ten minutes later.

"Time is up, please taste the food, judges."

This time Lin Shan was in the front position.

Soon it was Lin Shan's turn.

He first presented the bowl to the woman.

The woman looked at the bowl of rotten meat in front of her, and her brows frowned even tighter.

"Have you tasted it?" she asked.

"I tasted it." Lin Shan nodded.

In fact, he didn't taste it at all. He was holding his nose when he held the plate just now.

He looked at the woman and mourned in his heart.

In order to advance, she had to work hard for her first. This dish was mainly to satisfy the devil referee next to her.

The woman took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.

She scooped a little with a spoon, held it in her mouth, and raised the pass sign directly without even chewing.

The judges were sitting side by side, about five meters apart.

When the other judges saw the woman so readily give the pass sign, they couldn't help but wonder in their hearts, is it so delicious?

So, they began to expect that Lin Shan, the second judge to taste the food, would choose them.

After eating a little, the woman had no intention of continuing to eat, and Lin Shan did not embarrass her, and brought the plate of meat to the demon judge.

The demon judge first sniffed it, raised his eyebrows slightly, and gave a comment, "It smells good."

Then he began to scoop a large spoonful with a spoon and put it in his mouth.

"Hmm..." The demon nodded slightly and commented, "Maybe it is more inclined to human taste. I can't taste too much taste. Generally speaking, in terms of balancing the tastes of two different life forms, you have passed."

After that, he raised the pass sign.

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