Above the gray fog

Chapter 1726 High City

In the deep woods in the early morning, the trees towered into the sky, and the dense canopy blocked most of the sunlight, leaving only sporadic spots of light jumping on the ground.

Under the tree trunk, a little girl with disheveled hair, tattered clothes, and dried blood all over her body.

As she staggered forward, she suddenly fell headfirst into a hidden earth pit.

Her body fell heavily to the ground, and the mud and grass clippings mixed together and stuck to her face and hair.

This earth pit seemed to be a trap set up in advance by nearby villagers. There was a device like a trap in it. This trap was now tightly clamped at her ankle, and blood flowed through the rusty trap and dripped onto the mud.

The girl didn't say a word. After adjusting her sitting position, she tried her best to open the trap, but the sharp teeth had already pierced deeply into her flesh and blood, and even into her bones. The force she exerted on the trap would only make her more painful.

After trying for a while, she seemed to give up and sat weakly on the ground.

Tears flowed silently, mixed with the messy blood on her face, forming muddy traces.

After resting for a few minutes, the girl began to pry the trap with the bones in her hand. She knew that she could not continue to move with such a heavy trap.

After more than 20 minutes of struggling, she finally pried the trap open with the hardness of the black bone.

After moving the trap away, the little girl supported her body with the bones in her hands and slowly stood up. She trembled all over and her lips turned pale. Just standing up seemed to have exhausted all her strength.


"Ah! ~Ah ah......."

She opened her mouth and made intermittent sounds, as if she was crying, or shouting in despair.

Her voice was low and hoarse, with extreme sadness.

Her eyes looking forward were empty and lifeless, and tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes.

Lin Shan had given up struggling in his bones.

Although the little girl's situation was miserable, he was not much better.

Lin Shan hoped that the little girl could walk out of the forest alive.

But in her current state, she would probably die in the forest, and he would be immersed in it. It would take many years for a living being to pick her up again.

After venting for a while, she seemed to feel better. The little girl stood up slowly and continued to walk forward.

Her speed was more than half lower than before.

She used Lin Shan's bones as a sickle to cut through the thorns.

Many times Lin Shan thought she couldn't stand up again, but she stood up again and again.

She walked through the woods with difficulty, and it was common for her to be scratched by thorns and tripped by tree roots.

Every time she fell, she would use her bones to support herself to stand up again.

Her hands turned white because of the long clenching, and her knuckles were a little blue, but she never let go of the bone.

Time soon came to night.

The huge blue moon appeared again.

This time, the blue moon was not as close as yesterday. No matter how hard Lin Shan tried to absorb, no moonlight flowed down.

It seemed that only on the night when there were two moons on the same day could he absorb the moonlight.

He didn't know when he could come again. If he absorbed the moonlight for another night, his mental power might be strong enough to communicate with the outside world, and then it would be easier to do things.

After not eating for a day and traveling at a high intensity, the girl's physical strength was getting worse and worse. Although her physical fitness was comparable to Sequence 9 of the surface universe, the various repression forces of this world were not comparable to the surface universe.

In summary, ordinary people are always ordinary people.

Although the moon in the sky was bright, most of the moonlight was blocked by trees, and the forest was dark. Not to mention whether there was any danger, if he traveled at this time, he would probably not even find the right direction.

The girl was obviously not going to rest. She was very clear about her current physical condition. She was worried that she would never wake up after a sleep.

She followed her feelings and followed the road in her memory.

Lin Shan in his bones was also a little confused at this time.

Looking at the girl's appearance, there must be a clear destination.

She was so anxious, and there was no obvious danger behind her, so she was not just running for her life, she must have another purpose.

There were all kinds of possibilities, Lin Shan was too lazy to guess.


Lin Shan found a blue-purple snake hanging on the branch in front of him, making an attacking posture.

Unless the girl had night vision, she would definitely not be able to see this insidious hunter.

In Lin Shan's sight, there was a faint "gray" on the snake. Although it was extremely weak, it was enough to prove that the snake was an extraordinary snake.

Lin Shan concentrated his mental power and let his mental power form a transparent film covering the girl. Although it was sealed, his life layer would not change. As long as a trace of breath could be leaked, it would be enough to scare the little snake to death.

As Lin Shan expected, when the snake saw the fluorescence on the little girl, it was immediately frightened and stiffened.

The little snake froze on the ground for a second, and then ran away.

Not scared to death, it seems that this causal seal can even limit the leaked breath.

The girl glanced at the fluorescence on her body with a surprised look.

The fluorescence slowly focused on the bone, and the bone seemed to have turned into a portable lantern, barely able to illuminate the objects within two meters in front.


The little girl stopped, put the bone on the ground, and let out a soft cry.

She knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the bone, her movements slow and solemn.

She picked up the bone again, and the light of the bone illuminated the road ahead again, as if opening a road to hope in the darkness.

At this time, Lin Shan understood why the girl could only make "ah ah" sounds - it turned out that she was mute.

The girl continued to move forward in the dim forest, and the bone in her hand emitted a faint fluorescence, reflecting her pale face and messy hair.

There was a tenacious light in her eyes. Although her steps were staggering, she still walked forward firmly. In the places illuminated by the fluorescence, snake shadows kept fleeing in fear.

Lin Shan in the bone felt a hint of complex emotions.

The willpower of a small person is no different from that of a strong person, and sometimes it is even greater.

The girl walked all night and encountered several dangers. During two times, even Lin Shan thought she would die.

As a result, as if God had blessed her, she survived by chance.

Once, her feet sank into a muddy swamp and could not be pulled out, and she sank deeper and deeper.

But there happened to be a vine hanging down nearby, and she tried her best to grab the vine, and pulled a vine as thick as a finger, and climbed up.

Another time, she met a few werewolves on the road, and after running a few steps, she fell into a deep pit, but saved herself.

Seeing this, Lin Shan already knew that this girl was not simple.

She was a person of destiny, a child of luck.

No wonder the village was destroyed, but she was able to survive and walk here, it turned out that she was a person with luck.

Lin Shan had luck before, but now it is gone, and it was washed away by the bad luck of the person who went against the trend.

After many dangers, at the dawn, the little girl finally passed through the dark forest.

Her body had long been exhausted, and her clothes were tattered, almost like a strip of cloth.

Although her steps forward were staggering, her eyes were still firm.

Just when she was about to despair, a high wall suddenly appeared in front of her.

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