Above the gray fog

$ Chapter 1751 Stone God (two in one) (1/2)

Time flies, and ten years are just a fleeting moment in the long river of history.

For the Tauren tribe, these ten years are enough for a young Tauren to grow into a strong young man, and it is also enough for an old Tauren to reach the end of his life.

However, for Lin Shan, who had turned into a giant stone, these ten years were just a blink of an eye.

After the second grand worship ceremony ended, Lin Shan's spiritual power was finally able to get out of the boulder.

He felt a long-lost power flowing through his body, as if his soul, which had been suppressed for a long time, had regained freedom.

Lin Shan began to think about his next move.

With mental power, he has the ability to contact the outside world.

Recalling that last time, he contacted Lin Xiaoxiao through mental power and used her help to search for resources.

However, the causal seal in front of him is tighter than the last time. Only when the mental power reaches Sequence 8 can a weak power be revealed.

To move the boulder, one needs to restore at least the mental power of Sequence 6 or even Sequence 5, and that can only be achieved after hundreds or even thousands of bimonthly experiences.

The huge size of the boulder makes it impossible for the Minotaur to move with him on his back, so the only option at the moment is to stay in place and use this communication ability to obtain more resources from the Minotaur.

Lin Shan set his sights on the tauren leader Kalder.

He is the strongest tauren in the tribe, but ten years have made his body begin to decline.

Lin Shan was thinking that although Calder's talent was good, his brain was not very bright and he was obviously not suitable as a spokesperson.

Lin Shan began to look for new suitable candidates in the tribe.

His eyes swept over the familiar faces, looking for the person with outstanding talent and wisdom, preferably Lin Xiaoxiao back then.

Thinking of Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Shan always felt that the last time he turned into a bone was like a dream. He had a premonition that one day, he and Lin Xiaoxiao would meet again.

Eventually, Lin Shan set his sights on the son of a tauren named Mina.

This little tauren's name is Mi Xiaogeng. Although he is only nine years old, he has already shown a different kind of wisdom.

He improved many of the tools the tauren were using.

However, the tribe did not take this child very seriously.

The Tauren tribe has a principle that whoever is stronger is strong, and whoever works more every day is a hero.

In such an environment, Mi Xiaogeng's wisdom did not receive the recognition and attention it deserved.

Lin Shan decided to choose Mi Xiaogeng as his spokesperson.

Although this little tauren is still very young and his extraordinary talent is average, for the early development of a civilization point, wisdom is the most important.

In the next few months, Lin Shan established contact with Mi Xiaogeng through spiritual power.

Passed on to Mi Xiaogeng a lot of memorized knowledge, covering agriculture, tool making, construction and even some simple medical techniques.

Whenever it was quiet at night, Mi Xiaogeng would always feel a warm and mysterious force whispering in his ear, teaching him more knowledge about the development of civilization.

Mi Xiaogeng put the knowledge taught by Lin Shan into practice one by one and spread it among the tribe.

He first improved the tribe's irrigation system, using aqueducts and simple waterwheels to allow the fields to absorb water more efficiently.

Then, he began to improve the tribe's tools. He made sharper and more durable stone axes and stone hammers. These tools not only improved work efficiency, but also reduced the chance of injuries to the tribesmen while working.

Irrigation technology and tools directly affect the productivity of tauren farming.

He also used the knowledge imparted by Lin Shan to create a simple rope and pulley device that made it easier to carry heavy objects.


The morning when Mi Xiaogeng was thirteen.

He came to worship beside the boulder. Holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, he knelt devoutly in front of the boulder and prayed in a low voice.

"Great Lord Stone God," Mi Xiaogeng said slowly, his voice full of awe and gratitude, "Thank you for your teaching and guidance to me over the years. It is precisely because of your wisdom that I can stand out in the tribe and achieve great results. Qualifications of Candidates for Patriarch.”

He paused and looked up at the boulder, his eyes flashing with determination. "I promise you that once I become the clan leader, I will implement the policy you gave me and let the entire tribe worship Lord Stone God every day to express our respect and gratitude."

He continued, "I will let the people know that it is because of your blessing that our life will become better. We will build a bigger altar and offer the best tribute every day to thank you endlessly." of kindness.”

Lin Shan's spiritual power surged in the boulder, and he felt Mi Xiaogeng's piety and determination. Not only was he a little relieved, but he also learned something from him.

"Mi Xiaogeng, do you want to become extraordinary?" Lin Shan's voice echoed in Mi Xiaogeng's mind.

There is a hint of mystery and temptation in the voice.

"Extraordinary..." Mi Xiaogeng muttered these two words, his heartbeat accelerated, and his eyes flashed with incomparable determination, "Yes, Mr. Stone God, I want to become extraordinary. I hope to gain more powerful power and lead the tribe. Towards a more glorious future.”

"In the days to come, I will continue to impart more knowledge and power to you. You must remember that real power comes from wisdom and belief."

"At the same time I will guide you into the extraordinary door."

In the following days, Lin Shan began to teach Mi Xiaogeng more advanced knowledge.

He taught Mi Xiaogeng how to use natural resources to make simple glassware and smelt sand at high temperatures to make transparent containers.

Mi Xiaogeng also learned to make pottery. He used clay to shape vessels of various shapes. After being fired at high temperatures, the pottery became strong and durable.

People in the tribe gradually accepted these novel appliances, and their lives became more convenient.

Lin Shan also told Mi Xiaogeng how to make simple medicine.

He taught Mi Xiaogeng to identify the effects of various herbs and made some basic ointments and powders to treat the injuries and illnesses of the tribesmen.

Lin Shan wants to know the effect of each herbal medicine very simply, he only needs to use his mental power to go through it.

Mi Xiaogeng passed on this knowledge to others in the tribe and gradually established a simple medical system.

Under Lin Shan's guidance, Mi Xiaogeng continued to grow, and his wisdom and leadership skills were gradually recognized by the people in the tribe.

As for what Lin Shan said before about leading him into the extraordinary door, there are two ways. The first way is to let him use divine magic through faith.

The second method is to teach skills. This world also has strong special energy. It is not the kind of spiritual energy Beiliyuan has. It is an energy of the same level but different from Beiliyuan.

From this point, we may be able to conclude that this is not Beiliyuan.

There is no magic potion in this world, and it is not like Beiliyuan who can break through the limits by experiencing life and death.

Mi Xiaogeng's extraordinary talent is extremely low, so if he were to practice the exercises, he would probably practice until his death without any results.

The only way left is to teach divine magic through the channel of faith.

After these years of contact, Mi Xiaogeng has long become a devout believer in Lin Shan.

Lin Shan's god's name here is also very simple, that is, the Stone God.

Although he is a stone god, Lin Shan can teach too many magical skills to count, and all the vests in the Kingdom of Heaven can be used.

Lin Shan decided to teach Mi Xiaogeng a magical skill about fire.

For this primary civilization, flame is the starting point of civilization and the basis of all progress.

He named this magic "Hand of Flame", which is a primary magic that can summon and control flames.

After Mi Xiaogeng learns it, he can generate flames in his hands, which can be used for lighting, heating, and even offense and defense.

In addition to the magic of fire, Lin Shan also taught several magics about construction. The names of these magics are.

Stonemason's Strength: The ability to quickly carve and shape stone for use in building strong structures.

Wood Spirit Touch: Can accelerate the growth of plants, especially trees, which are used to make wooden building materials.

Blessing of the Earth Element: Can change the physical properties of the land, making it more suitable for construction and farming.

These are the magic spells that Lin Shan created before to maintain the kingdom of heaven. They float in the space of belief like symbols, and Lin Shan can activate them at any time.

At the age of fourteen.

Mi Xiaogeng has become proficient in using several magical techniques taught by Lin Shan.

Today is the day when several clan leader candidates are promoted to clan leader.

According to tradition, the selection of the clan leader should be determined by combat effectiveness.

But this time, things have changed.

Mi Xiaogeng stood in front of the tribesmen, with firm eyes and a loud voice.

"Fellow clan members, today we no longer use combat power to select the clan leader. What we need is wisdom, strength and divine guidance. I will become the new clan leader, appointed by the Stone God."

The tribesmen were in an uproar, and some people muttered dissatisfiedly, "He is crazy, he dares to call himself the leader of the tribe."

"Why? Where does Mi Xiaogeng get the courage?"

"Don't he know that his strength is incomparable to many children in my clan who are less than 10 years old?"


Mi Xiaogeng ignored these words and directly showed his magic.

All the tauren were shocked from ear to ear.

Mi Xiaogeng raised his hands high and summoned a blazing fire. Then he showed his "power of stonemason" and carved a beautiful stone statue in a short time. The tribesmen were stunned. Some of the older tribesmen even knelt down and kept talking. He chanted "miracle, miracle".

Mi Xiaogeng naturally became the clan leader.

None of the tens of thousands of tribesmen came out to stop him. The extraordinary power was nothing short of a miracle to these tauren. Now that Mi Xiaogeng calls himself a god, no one will doubt his authority.

After becoming the clan leader, Mi Xiaogeng carried out drastic reforms to the tribe based on the reform knowledge taught by Lin Shan.

In just five years, the Tauren civilization took on a completely new look.

Various technologies that should not have appeared during this period, such as blowout, were introduced and widely used.

Under Lin Shan's guidance, Mi Xiaogeng established an academy system. There was only one prerequisite for joining the academy, which was that he must become a devout believer in the Stone God. The academy not only taught civilized knowledge, but also divine arts.

In just five years, more than 98% of the Minotaur people have become Lin Shan's devout believers, and the sacrifices Lin Shan accepts have also increased hundreds of times with the increase in the number of believers.

Now, Lin Shan has restored the mental power of Sequence 7.

Time flies, and another twenty-five years have passed.

Lin Shan's mental power has returned to Sequence 6. As time goes by, the spiritual element and spiritual element are also increasing year by year. Today, the number of tauren has reached one hundred thousand.

The tribe became more prosperous and powerful, and Mi Xiaogeng's name was praised as a god among the tribe.

One early morning, the elderly Mi Xiaogeng and his children walked into a steeple building.

This building is a sacred place for the Minotaur people, symbolizing their endless reverence and faith in the Stone God.

The once young Mi Xiaogeng is now staggering and extremely old.

His face is full of wrinkles, but his eyes are still shining.

The spire building is majestic in appearance, surrounded by various flowers and plants, which are blooming and fragrant.

The walls of the building are carved with exquisite patterns, recording the development of the Minotaur people and Lin Shan's miracles.

The towering spire is more than 100 meters high, as if connecting heaven and earth.

Entering the building, you will see a spacious hall with smooth stone slabs on the ground, surrounded by various offerings and altars.

In the center of the hall is a huge stone sculpture, which is 20 meters high, but looks like an irregular stone.

Surrounding the stone sculpture are gorgeous murals, depicting the scenes of the Stone God imparting divine arts and Mi Xiaogeng leading the tribe to build their homeland.

In the core of the building, a two-meter-high boulder is enshrined.

Mi Xiaogeng brought his child to a long staircase and knelt down to kowtow.

His voice was hoarse and respectful, "Great Stone God, this is my child. I am 39 years old and too old. Great Stone God, I don't have many years to live. I want my son to take over. I wonder if he is qualified to see you."

Mi Xiaogeng and his child kept kowtowing, and the sound of their foreheads touching the ground echoed in the empty hall.

The boulder did not respond and stood there quietly.

Just as Mi Xiaogeng was stunned, he was pulled into a snow-white world.

The surroundings were pure white, as if time and space had stopped here.

Mi Xiaogeng saw a back figure.

The back figure was tall and majestic, as if it could support the entire sky.

The back figure was surrounded by a mysterious halo, reflecting the unparalleled greatness and holiness.

Mi Xiaogeng knelt down and bowed his head, his head was very low, and his voice trembled as he said, "Great Stone God!"

"Are you going to die?" A vague voice came into Mi Xiaogeng's ears.

Mi Xiaogeng raised his head excitedly. It was the familiar Shenyin.

"Shen, yes, I am about to die. The average life span of our Niutou tribe is forty years, and I have lived for thirty-nine years."

"Your son is not suitable to inherit your position." Shenyin said bluntly.

"I will give you another twenty years of life to deal with your funeral and find a suitable successor."

Mi Xiaogeng was expelled from the white space.

He seemed a little disappointed, but still said very firmly: "Shen, I know."

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