Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

Absolute Solver?

Thunder clashes outside as rain patterns against the window of a large mansion. Y, with whites eyes stare outside. Y is wearing a simple butler suit, with a yellow tie and with a black bowler hat on top of his silver hair.

"I didn't know they were made so large." A human whispers in the background. "Do you think it's safe to have it in the house?"

"It's one of Tessa's toys, so I'm not too worried about it." Louisa, Tessa's mother, responds. "It does make a good guard dog though, caught a thief trying to get in a few months ago."

"Oh, do you think it used to be one of those Combat Drones the military is trying to make?"

"I really don't know, nor do I care. As long as it stays away from me, I won't have to throw it into the dump where it belongs."

Y blinks a few times as he watches a squirrel climb up a tree and disappear into the canopy. He then turns and walks down the hall and watches as several Worker Drones pass him.

"It's one of the ones from the trash." A Worker Drones whispers.

"Why does she repair those things, when they have us better working ones." Another Worker Drone whispers.

"And why does it have a hair? Is it trying to mimic a human?"

Y ignores them as he around a corner and suddenly bumps into someone.

"What it, moro-! Oh, Y! Hello." The one that bumped into Y is J.

" The one that bumped into Y is J

Y gives a small nod. "Hello, J." He continues on and J follows him.

"Where you going, Y?" J asks with her hands behind her back.

"To find N and V. We have much work to do tonight."

J nods in agreement. "Yeah, I've been trying to find those slackers."

The two walk into a parlor room and sees N and V on the ground, staring at each other with blushes.

The two walk into a parlor room and sees N and V on the ground, staring at each other with blushes

Y frowns. "Hey!" N and V stiffen and swiftly shoot up off the ground. "Stop laying around, we have work to do!"

J looks to the side and her eyes hollow. She turns cutsey and polite. "Hiiii, Tessa!" She notices something behind Tessa. "...Oh, no. Another one?"

Y looks to the side and tilts his head as he spots a small Drone hiding behind Tessa. She peaks out and looks at everyone.

The new Drones wears a black-gray maid dress, a white apron, and a white inner dress with a large bow tie. There are two buttons below the bow tie. She has silver hair and two straight-down twin tails, each with a hair band on the lower end. Also, a big black bow is at the back of her head, as is a maid's crown.

Also, a big black bow is at the back of her head, as is a maid's crown

The new Drone makes eye contact with Y and she tilts her head. Y blinks a few times as he stares at the new Drone.




Y's visor glitches as he stars to wake up. Yellow Text appears on his face before his eyes appear.

Reboot at 35%

His head band lights up, with one of the five lights being yellow while the rest are red. He looks around, as he hands upside down in the Corpse House with his wings covering him.

Y hears a scream and he looks down in time to see N crash onto the ground next to the landing pod. Y unfurls his wings and glides down next to N, who's staring at his claws.

Y's wings collapse back inside him as he lands over N. "You good, N?"

N looks up to Y, with hollow eyes, before they return to normal. "Yeah... I think?"

Y tilts his head in question.

Uzi muffled voice suddenly comes from within the Landing Pod. "N, I found something in here!"

The two Murder Drones look at the pod before heading inside. Inside Uzi and Izy staring at a new finding in Uzi's hand. In Uzi's hand is a badge consisting of a skull with a cap and wings.

Izy tilts her head. "Questing head tilt."

Uzi stares at her reflection in the mirror, putting a hand over her right eye. Suddenly a three arrowed symbol replaces her right eye for a second and the mirror breaks.

"That's weird and concerning." V points out as she stops blowing bubbles from bubble wands that replaced her hands.

"Bite me." Uzi retorts to V.

"It was kinda cool." Izy whispers and Uzi gives her a smile.

Uzi then points to V. "This is probably you weridos' fault!"

"I've never seen that symbol before." V then grows a crazed look as she changes her bubbles wands into claws. "Wanna do an autopsy to find out?"

Izy backs up in fear as an exclamation point appears on her visor.


N and Y climb down the ladder and into the pod.

"What'd you find?" N asks.

"Is it something cool and awesome!" Y asks with a smile. "Oh, I hope its pancakes!"

Uzi slaps the badge onto N's hat. "Did you know that was a pilot hat?"

"I was the pilot?!" N asks as his eyes hollow, then he grows excited. "That's aweso--" He grows worried. "I-I crashed and ruined everything." He then smiles and puts his hands on his hips. "Spaceship pilot." He gives V finger guns. "Origin story."

V hisses at N, then calms herself by blowing bubbles out of a bubble blower.

Y gasps. "I hope I have a cool origin story!" He then grows excited. "What If I'm like a superhero or something!"

N puts a hands on Y's shoulders. "That would be super awesome!"

Y and N then cross both their arms and gives peace signs as they go back to back, and sunglasses appear over their eyes. "Cool origin story buddies!"

Uzi dead pans while Izy claps with a smile. Then she and Uzi go back to trying to fix the console. Izy pokes at it with her lucky screw driver.

N then turns to Uzi. "Speaking of piloting to Earth, are we sure 'murder all humans' is, uh..." he hisses through his teeth. "'morality'?"

Uzi turns to the Murder Drones. "The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted your memories to soup."

V licks her bubble blower and gains an interested look. Izy puts on a mostly repaired comms relay back into place.

"Covering their tracks means they're past negotiating." Uzi states.

"I thought humans were cool." Izy starts. "But then they tried to kill us with Murder Drones." Her visor glitches as her eyes hollow and gains a toothy smile. "We must get revenge." She blinks a few times and returns to normal. "They didn't even try to negotiate with our mom."

V goes right up to the sisters, only being stopped by the chain that bolted into the floor of the pod, that is keeping her trapped. "Or, you missed the negotiations. The humans programmed us to solve a problem." Izy hides behind Uzi and barely peeks out. "Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent." She chuckles like a crazed person.

Y looks between V and the sisters. "So use Disassembly Drones and kinda the S-S-Solution?" He glitches slightly.

N, not wanting another fight to break out, gently pulls Uzi and Izy out of the way. "Y and J were getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then, uh, who? And how?"

Y scratches my head. "Man, having no memory about any of this is really convenient, huh?" His right eye glitches from several seconds and he covers it.

A loading symbol appears on the corner of Uzi's head, before a tick mark appears.  She grumbles and leans on N. "Quit complicating my Murder plan."

N tries to comfort Uzi by gently platting her on the head, but Uzi brushes his hand away.

Y pats Izy on the head. "Don't worry, shorty, we'll get your murder plan up and running." He gives her a gentle smile, before a crunch is heard. "OW!" He pulls his hand away and nurses his finger.

"Bite me!" Izy glares at Y. "I'm not short!"

V narrows her eyes at the sisters.

Back at the sisters colony, two Drones are staring at the large hole that N made in the roof. J's smoking lower half lays nearby.

Tim turns to the Drone next to him. "Yeah, just fix 'er up, 'cause -- whopes, pretty big security risk in hindsight. "Eh, you got this, uh..." He looks at the other Drones name tag, which says Frank. "Ladderbot 5000."

Frank groans and looks at Tim as he walks away. "please just leave the lights-" The lights go off and he sighs.

Frank digs out his flashlight and tries to think of a way to get up to the hole, when her hears a clattering sound. He looks around in fear and suspicion and sees J's lower half gone. Then he notices something... fleshy.  He goes to investigate, only for a strange spider-like heart device to reveal itself.

Frank screams as his flashlight gets shot out of his hand and a blinding Yellow Light flashes as text gets branded into the side of the containers around the area. It contains something about the Absolute Solver.

The yellow light turns red as the fleshy mess grows larger and larger, and Frank screams as it attacks him.




It's Parent-Teacher Conferences Day, AKA: 'That explains a lot', at Uzi and Izy's school. Khan sits down across from the Teacher. The rest of the students sit in the background as their parents sit on the side of the classroom.

"Mr. Doorman." The Teacher starts. "Your daughters have been, uh... absent."

"Yes." Khan replies. "On that 'kill all humans' kick, like when I was younger. Grounded themselves, and all that. Well, mainly Uzi, but she did drag Izy into that."

"Speaking of their behavior-"

"Of course, of course.  Precocious; popular; supernatural understanding of doors. Takes after their old man."

The Teacher then has several flashbacks of the two sisters.


"Uzi, please sit normal." The Teacher asks.

Uzi is crouching on her desk, but then pushes the head of a student in front of her, onto his desk. "Bite me!"


The Teacher groans. "Izy, please pay attention!"

Izy, who has a strange device on her desk look up to her teacher with hollow eyes. "Sorry."

A countdown timer appears on the device.


"Uzi." The Teacher sighs. "Give Braiden back his sentience."

Uzi is controlling another student by taking over his body. "Bite me-" She sighs. "Her! I started it, and also, I'm dumb."

Braiden's head catches on fire.


"Izy, please don't read when I'm teaching." The Teacher asks.

Izy's eyes hollow as she looks up to her teacher. Her book's title is 'How to properly build a bomb.' "Sorry."


"Uzi, you have to partner up, and with someone other than your sister." The Teacher says.

"Several people wanted to, for the record." Uzi states.

But then Lizzy speaks up. "No, we didn't. You freak us out."

Uzi then is somehow in a trashcan. "But mostly, bite me!"


"Izy, can you not build WMD's in class?" The Teacher asks.

On Izy's desk is a large nuclear bomb, her eyes go hollow as she looks up to her teacher. "Sorry."


The Flashbacks end.

"Yeah, they have trouble fitting in." The Teacher states. "We think there might be something damaged in their programming. How are they at home?"

"Ho- How are they at home?" Khan stutters slightly. "Uh, s-sorry? I mean, they're a little 'themselves', but damaged? I-I-I m-maybe haven't spent much time, uh--"

The Teacher hums as he writes stuff down.

A Worker enters the room. "Mr. Doorman, sir? There's been an..." Khan throws the file the teacher was writing in away while he's distracted. "...Incident."

Meanwhile at the Corpse Tower.

Uzi groans as digital sweat falls down her visor. "Ugh, I'm sweaty! Who programmed that?!"

Izy wipes some of her digital sweat away. "I've always wondered that too."

"You two good?" N asks.

Y sits criss-crossed on the ground as he watches.

Uzi puts a hand on N's face. "I'm good! Better then good. I am God!"

Izy tilts her head as a question mark appears on her visor.


Y holds up a hand. "Then can I be Robo-Jesus?"

Thad suddenly shows up.

Uzi chuckles nervously. "Hi, hi, Thad." He hands her back her railgun. "Uh, thank you."

"Of course, 'Zi!" Thad responds and he looks over to the others. "Iz', N&M's... New guy." Y waves with a smile. "You saved my life. I-I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff. Uh, more just confused--- especially with--"

Uzi interrupts. "The fact I'm too rogue to re-enter society now? I can never return."

"Questioning look." Izy gives her sister a questioning look.

Thad finishes what he was saying. "The recent disappearances? A-And your murder-friend's corpse? When I went to grab your gun, it kind of looked like it... crawled away?"

Y's eyes go hollow in fear, before his visor glitches and he returns to normal. N grows concerned.

"We can return a little..." Uzi states.

Izy shakily holds up her repaired pistol and whispers. "This just turned into a horror movie..."

Back at the colony, Tim comes across a hologram of Frank. Oil drips from the ceiling near the hologram.

"Yo, Ladderbot 5000?" Tim questions. "We looked everywhere for you."

Frank screams in pain, then returns to normal. "Hello, Tim. Care to join me?"

"Join you standing eerily still over there in suspiciously low resolution?"


Tim taps a pen against his visor a couple times. "A'ight."

Tim walks over to Frank as a large claw lowers from the ceiling behind him. Hologram Frank snaps his fingers and the claw stabs Tim in the chest and he hollers and gasps in pain, before getting dragged up into the ceiling.

Tim screams frantically as he disappears into the darkness of the ceiling. A wet squelching sound is heard and loads of oil spills out from the ceiling. The Absolute Solver kills him.

A clawed hand and a large claw, along with a camera peer out from the hole in the ceiling. The camera then project a hologram of Tim.

"Flawless character acting, me." Hologram Tim says.

A large claw grabs one of Tim's severed arms and drags it away.

"Improv game for more practice?" Hologram Frank asks Holo Tim.

Holo Tim chuckles. "We are a monster."



Uzi, Izy, N, Y and Thad head back to the colony. A Worker opens a door a little bit to see who arrived.

The Worker waves. "Welcome back, Thad." He then notices Uzi and Izy. "Eh-- Uh, wait. We're they grounded, or something?"

"Ugh, banished!" Uzi shouts. "Has my dad been saying we're grounded?"

Izy frowns. "Grounded and Banished are two very different things... And I don't like being grounded."

The Worker looks at N and Y. "Genocide Robots?"

N quietly walks up and hands Ron a crayon drawing to show how super very, very sorry he is for all the murders he committed. And how that Y won't cause trouble and he's sorry too.

Ron smiles. "...Oh, alright,just don't do it again." Y and N smile brightly, Y tail wags. "Get in here, ya goobs!" He hangs the drawing on the door.

A little later inside the Absolute Solver's handiwork has been turned into a crime scene.

"Yeah, where's Khan?" A worker asks, Sarah, his boss. "'Cause this looks, ahaha..." He cringes. "...non-ideal."

"Parent-teacher conference." Sarah informs. "Something about his daughters being more important than building a door in this hallway. Ugh, kind of cringe."

The two Murder Drones, Sisters and Thad peer around a corner and listen in.

"Ewww, yea-" The Worker gets ready to hurl. "Oh, give me a minute." He holds in his vomit. "Ah, yep, okay, almost threw up."

"You two good?" N asks the sisters.

"I'm good." Uzi responds. "Stop asking!" She pushes N away.

"I-I think?" Izy questioningly says.

"Are you sure?" Y gets right up into Izy's face, making her blush.

"YUP!" Izy whispers shouts and covers her face as she looks away.

Y just tilts his head in question.

Uzi then motions for them to follow as they all follow Uzi and sneak past the investigators. As they go by, Y looks up to the ceiling, where the Absolute Solver was, and his visor glitches. Izy grabs his hand and pulls him along.

Sarah turns to two of her colleagues behind her. "Any forensic... things... over there?" She doesn't get a response. "Do we have fingerprints." Her colleagues behind her disappear, as they were holograms.

Sarah then turns to the side and sees more of her colleagues disappearing. Along with Tim and Frank as they wave to her. Her surroundings then get the same treatment. Oil drips down onto Sarah's hand from the ceiling. She looks up in horror as the Absolute Solver makes it's way towards her.

Back at the Parent-Teacher Conference.

Khan is talking to the Teacher with his hands on his face. "I mean, you don't think it's my... parenting, do you? I left them for dead ONCE."

Outside the room the Absolute Solver tries to get in, without anyone noticing, but it's can't open the doors.

Khan continues as the Teacher just listens on with a bored look, he's actually playing solitaire as Khan rants. "It sounds like they're bored in your class, and the other kids suck. Call them 'Damaged' again, and I will install a DOOR ON YOUR FACE!"

Lizzy and Doll are in the back, listening to the ragefest that is Khan.

"Where are your folks?" Lizzy asks Doll.

Doll starts having flashbacks. "Мёртвые. Я смотрела как они умирали." [Dead, I watched them all die.]

"...That was the joke, idiot?" Lizzy smiles.

They both hear a knocking. They turn to see a hologram of Lizzy outside the door. It goes dark in the hallway for a second and many yellow eyes stare at them, before everything returns to normal.

"That girl is... Gorgeous, right?!" Lizzy asks Doll. "I'm gonna let her in.

Lizzy gets up to let her copy in. Doll looks at Lizzy in worry.

In another part of the colony, Uzi, Izy, Y, N and Thad are in the room where the they, minus Y, fought V and J.

Uzi and Izy shine flashlights around before pointing them at the large puddle of oil where J's corpse was. The then point them up a wall and follow a large oil spills.

"You guys... do that often?" Uzi asks.

"Ha-ha, no." N replies. "I'm very concerned, but, also... pretty frightened, a little bit."

Y's eyes go hollow as he watches oil drips down the hall. "I'm so scared right now..." He then smiles at everyone. "But also happy that we are here right now, bonding."

Text appears across Izy's face.

I'm glad I won't die alone.

"Hey, Zi!" Thad calls out. "What's this thing?"

Everyone walks over and sees writing on the wall along with a three arrowed symbol, and the same symbol below it but with a ring around it.



Host Reboot Failed
'Insufficient Material'

"Hey, isn't that your special eye?" N asks as he points to the Absolute Solver symbol.

"Don't call it that!" Uzi hits N with her flashlight. She then reads the writing. "'Absolute Solver'? 'Reboot'? Does this have something to do with how you grew your head back?"

"Hehe. I actively avoid unpacking how that works. What about you, Y?" N doesn't get a response. "Y?"

N looks over to Y, who's staring at the Absolute Solver symbol. Then he snaps out of it. "Huh, what? Oh, I uh... D-Don't like to think about that stuff." his speech glitches slightly.

Y's cracked right eye suddenly glitches and changes into the Absolute Solver symbol with a ring around it, then returns to normal.

"Rub." Izy runs a hand over the branding. "New material can't be pulled from thin air."

Uzi steps up next to Izy. "If the wound is severe enough, this 'Solver' might be some sort of auto run program to collect more matte-"

N places his hand over Uzi's mouth to shush her. Thad starts to shake and Izy's eyes hollow as she looks up to the ceiling in fear Y blinks a few times as his eyes hollow.

They hear something coming towards them and they all look to see a human hand coming towards them. It suddenly latches onto Thad's leg and they follow the cord attached to the hand and see it leads up to the ceiling.

Their flashlights aren't powerful enough to break through the darkness above them, so N fires his missile cannon. Which when it blows up, it reveal something massive, like a centipede, crawling on the ceiling.

All five of them stare at the ceiling in horror as it goes dark again. Then suddenly Thad gets pulled into the air as he yells. But a shuriken flies over and slices the cable apart, freeing Thad. He looks back to see that N was the one who unleashed the shiriken.

Uzi reaches up to the ninja star. "I want a freaking ninja star."

Y grabs onto Izy and jumps into the sky with his wings, as N and Uzi get thrown into a wall by a large claw. Then the Solver's claw grabs Thad and leaves.

Y lands on the ground and collapses his wings, he then looks at Izy. "You okay?"

Izy blushes. "Y-Yup!"

Y looks towards N and Uzi and sees N with chainsaw hands. "AWWW! I want chainsaw hands!"

"Let's go guys!" Izy shouts.

The four give chase, Izy and Uzi with their weapons at the ready, N with his chainsaw hands and Y with his claws. They enter a cryofreeze area and come across a Hologram of Thad.

Thad screams in pain, before returning to normal. "Yes, and, hello!" He waves. "It's me, Ted! Um, can I get a location?"

A question mark appears on Izy's visor.


Hologram Thad continues talking. "I heard 'dentist's office'! I'm Thad at the dentist's office. Come over here for your... teeth!"

"Why does J look so weird?" Y whispers to N.

Uzi flicks on her railgun and points it at hologram Thad. "Predictably terrible work, J."

Izy then speaks up. "Um... Why do you look kinda-"

"Great!" N interrupts. "You looks great, J!" He stares at Uzi and Izy, before the two girls aim their weapons back at Holo Thad.

Holo Thad waves his hands. "No, no, wait, guys, it's really me! Is that a-" His voice glitches and turns roboticaly feminine. "Freaking ninja star!"

N unleashes his shuriken as Uzi kicks it. It flies upwards to bring down the real Thad as the hologram disappears.

The real Thad pulls himself together. "Life savers again. Thanks! Super invited to my shindig next weekend. Cool kids only."

One of the Solver's claws try to grab him again, but he threatens to punch it and it backs off. He then runs off and the four others squee with delight over being invited to his get-together. Suddenly...

"We're busy then anyway, so whatever. So lame." The Absolute Solver speaks with a roboticaly feminine voice. Several cameras appears from the ceiling.

"What's with the voice, J?" Uzi asks.

"Oh, J's not here." The Solver shows a hologram of J without a head. "We are trying to repair that host as per our directive."

N looks behind to see another hand crawling in the darkness. Y stares at the solver as he lowers his claws, his visor glitches a few times.

"So you are a program?" Izy asks as she shakes slightly.

"More like, you are our cure puppets." The Solver then changes J's hologram into Nori, the sister's mother. "It hurts out feelings you don't remember us."

"N...? Y...?" Uzi looks to see him gone, but Y just stands there, staring at the Absolute Solver.

"W-What's with th-this?" Izy asks with a stutters as her eyes hollow in fear.

"Easier to assimilate than explain." The Solver surrounds the three with claws.

"Not happening." Uzi aims her railgun up at the ceiling.

"Fair, but poor choice." The Solver then looks at Y. "Oh my dear, Y. It's been a long, long time."

"A-Absolute... So-Solver..." Y's visor glitches as the Solver symbol with a ring appears on his face for a few seconds, before his eyes reappear. "I... I... No..."

"I thought you died, but it's nice to know that you are alive."

Y gains a look of fear as he takes a few steps back.

"Y, what does she mean?" Izy looks at her.

"I... I-I don't know?" Y's eyes shake a little.

The Solver chuckles as it stares at Y. Then it looks at the sisters as it brings down part of J's face.

Then it looks at the sisters as it brings down part of J's face

"Now we will have to do something shocking." The Absolute Solver suddenly brings down Khan from the ceiling.

"Woah, hey!" Uzi shouts.

"Dad!"Izy screams in fear.

The two sisters run towards Khan. Y just stands still as he stares at the Solver in fear.

"Goodbye, Dad." The Solver rips Khan in half and starts to feed on his corpse.

Izy falls backwards and starts in horror. "D-D-Dad?" Her pistol falls out of her hands as she slightly slides back.

"W-What?" Uzi questions.

The Solver goes to kill both Uzi and Izy, but it gets struck by a missile fired by N.

"Wait, what?" The Solver questions.

"Uzi shoot!" N shouts as he runs up next to her. "Or give it to me!"

N fires another missile but the Solver deflects the attack. "Claw Swipe." It begins to move onto the duo. "Snarl."

Uzi remains paralyzed in fear, as does Izy.

N begins to back up. "Uzi, you good? Izy?"

"No." Uzi holds out the railgun to N, and he goes to grab it, but then its revealed to be a hologram of N.

One of the Solver's claws grabs onto the railgun. "Pranked, idiot." The Solver hits Uzi away and flings the railgun as well, it lands not too far from her. "You big stupid."

The Solver slams a claw into the railgun and moves onto Uzi.

Y stares at the scene as his visor glitches. "Come on, Y. Do something." He stares down at his claws hands as sees yellow static shoot off them. "Why... Why are you not moving?"

The Solver brings up a claw to strike Uzi, but a blue beam of energy slams into the claw, blowing it up.

"Painted Cry." The Solver looks to the side to see a shaking Izy on the ground, holding up her smoking pistol.

"D-Don't touch her." Izy's right eye changes into the Solver symbol with a ring around it. Her pistol states its recharging.

The Solver chuckles and moves onto Izy. "More food for me then. You shall go into my mouth now, please do not resist."

Izy's eye returns to normal as they go hollow and stare up in fear as the Solver hangs above her. It uses a clawed hand to pick up Izy as she yelps in fear, Uzi reaches a hand out to her as she tries to get up.

Suddenly Izy falls to the ground as N appears in front of her, the clawed hand holding Izy falls to the ground. Uzi's railgun starts to turn red as N rights off the appendages.

"Ow. And Please don't. And also, I was using those."

A claw goes to stab N from behind, but Y, in Hunt form and with the Solver symbol with a ring is on his face. Y laughs as he bites into the claw.

"Ow. Ow, stop eating me."

Y rips off the claw and stabs it into a camera. His tail flails around and rapidly stabs several appendages.

"Now that was uncalled for."

The railgun lets out a loud whining sounds as it brightly shines. N swoops over to Uzi and grabs her and flies away. Y slides over to Izy and drags her off as the railgun self-destructs.

The railgun explodes and the two Murder Drones cover the Worker Drones. A bright light shines and after a few seconds it dies down. They regain themselves, and look back at the mess.

Y's visor returns to normal as text appears and a second light on his head turns yellow.

Reboot at 40%

Repair function: Online
Weapon System: Unstable

Khan's body disappears showing it was just a hologram. The remaining parts of the Absolute Solver disappear. Y and N takes a few steps back from the sisters.

Uzi breathes shakily. "W-What was---? Which parts of that were real?"

"I... I'm alive?" Izy wipes some of her digital tears away.

A metal clank is heard and the Solver appears as a heart and tries to escape. "Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking away. Get snuck up on." N stabs it. "Ow."

N repeatedly stabs it until it turns into a miniature black hole and floats off. Hearing the commotion heading their way, N tries to help Uzi to her feet, but she resists in fear.

"What... are you things...?" Uzi asks N.

Y turns to Izy and sees her crawling back from him. Y looks slightly hurt, but then his visor glitches and he sighs. The two Murder Drones flee the scene as a search party led by Khan shows up.

"Uzi? Izy?" Khan calls out as the two sisters stagger towards him. "What are you doing h-"

The two sisters, without word, hug their father, who silently returns the embrace.He gestures for his men to scour the area. Khan then looks up and sees the two Murder Drones, who make their escape.

Y looks back at Izy one last time, before disappearing.




Doll is sitting by herself in the classroom, looking at a photo. A robotic cockroach crawls up her arm as she looks back towards the door, which it bent inwards, and remembers what happened earlier when Lizzy saw a copy of herself behind the door.

"Gorgeous, right?! I'm gonna let her in." Lizzy gets up to let her copy in... Only for Doll to use one of her powers to break the door before Lizzy could reach it. "Jesus, sorry, industrial strength ghost or whatever. Settle."

Lizzy takes her seat as the Lizzy Copy glares at Doll before disappearing.

Back in the present time, the roach crawls onto the photo, only for Doll to will it to explode, with the Absolute Solver symbol appearing over her right eye. She licks some of its remains off her face as we see what's in the photograph she's holding. It appears to be V.

Back at the Corpse House, V speaks to N, who is still guilt-ridden over what happened earlier. Y is up at the entrance of the Pod, with his back turned to them.

V clicks her tongue. "I hate your personality normally, but this is somehow worse. You even gotten Y all upset! What am I being punished for?"

V's expression softens, and she looks down, revealing her chain is broken. She then hides it before looking back at N, and turning away again with arms crossed. She looks up to Y and grows a slightly sad look.

Outside the pod Y is looking at his hands before clenching them. His visor is now repaired as the crack over his right eye is gone. Text appears on his face.

Attempting System Reboot.


Y sighs and slams the side of his head, glitching his visor as the text disappears. He crosses his arms on his knees and rests his head on them.

Back in the colony Izy lays on her bed, staring up to the ceiling.

"Sleep time." She closes her eyes and enters sleep mode. Suddenly Yellow static travails around her head as yellow Text appears.

A.S.B Program: On Standby

Izy's visor glitches as the Solver symbol appears on her face, with a ring around it. Then more yellow text appears.

A.S.B Program: Online



5383 words

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