Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒


On the surface of Copper 9 snow gently falls. That is until a bright flash of light appears in the distance, followed by a shock wave that shatters any windows still intact in buildings and cars.

Suddenly the gravity goes haywire and everything starts to float. Cracks appear all along the surface of the Plant. As inside a certain teachers class room he's grading the papers of two certain sisters.

Uzi's essay, titled "Dumb Stupid Essay" consists entirely of the phrase "I AM GOD" repeated over and over. Teacher gives is a 90% A-, and puts the notes "Strong Thesis + Effective Syntax. Amazing Introductory Paragraph & Impressive Summation of core case studies"

The he glances at Izy's paper, which consists of creepy drawings of the Absolute Solution symbol and shadow figures of what looks like Cyn. And all around the paper is written. "She's in my dreams!" "All of it is just a Solution to a Parasitic Problem!" "How to build nukes?!" "Does Y like me?" There are a couple drawings of a Chibi Y. The Teaches then gives her a 85% B+ and writes. "Strong Thesis, but Syntax could use some more effort."

The Teacher goes to write some more notes, but the papers start to float up. He glances up and sees the tables and chairs floating around the room, before everything falls back to the ground. Air rushes by the windows, before the outside fades away to stars.

Teacher gains a look of being just done with everything and gives a small shrug, before tossing his pen in an empty mug, as everything starts to float again.

The teacher the gets up and heads over to the door, opening it he glances down to see the glowing core of Copper 9.

Down in the core Cyn's true body, plus a small black hole, surround the core.


The black hole collapses and tentacles of energy shoot up from the core. The tentacles start wrapping around the floating crust from Copper 9 in space. The Teacher just stares at all this with a bored look.

One Tentacle swims over to the Teacher and slaps him. He just makes a "Why" gesture, before the tentacle starts pulling the classroom into the core.

Floating in another part of space is the limp body of Y, with his visor flashing fatal error. Oil floats behind his head as a screw driver sticks out the front of his visor.

Suddenly his visor glitches as the purple handled screw driver is dislodged from his visor. Yellow text appears on his visor.

Emergency Power Activated
Admin Sign in?

Password: BigBrotherY
Error Password Incorrect


Password: BigBrotherY1
Error Password Incorrect


Password: BigBr♡︎therY

Welcome Back Admin: Cyn


SYS: Manual_Control_Override
Emergency Repair Function: Enabled

A smirk forms on Y's face as the Absolute Solution Symbol appears on his visor as his head starts to repair itself. A tentacle of yellow energy wraps around his leg and starts to pull him down to the core. Y's hand lifts up and weakly grabs onto the screw driver before he's pulled out of range.

A message bubble appears next to a tentacle. [Can't escape me that easily, Silly Big Brother. :) ]

In another part of space Uzi stares down at the core in horror. Before her eyes go hollow and she starts flipping backwards out of control, further and further away from the planet. Before a large boulder being moved by someone's Absolute Solver hit her, and she grabs onto it. In the distance, Nori is jumping around the rocks, headed towards Uzi. Uzi says something, but being in the vacuum of space, nothing comes out.

Nori gets near Uzi and grabs onto a rock, springs it, and scratches "WHOOPS" on it, white pointing at the core of Copper 9 and shrugs.

Uzi leans towards Nori, causing the boulder she's on to spin out of control. But she stops herself with her Absolute Solver, then displays "HOW STOP?" on her visor. Nori scratches an image of the crucifix patch and "PATCH?" on the rock.

Uzi makes a gesture indicating that it got destroyed, before displaying on her visor "SOLVER CONTROL ME AND IZY AGAIN?". Nori throws her choker at Uzi. From Uzi's view, Nori has scratches "IF YOU A LIL B-" the rest of the message is censored and a parental advisory pointing to the message.

Uzi puts the choker on, before waving at Nori. Nori scratches a smile and waves in response. She then scratches an ABSOLUTE SOLVER glyph and "NEEDS HOST - DESTROY CYN'S HEART <3"

Nori puts on her headphones and MP3 player, and throws her pickaxe to Uzi.A landing pod suddenly hits Uzi, sending Nori and the pickaxe flying back to Copper 9 burning up.

Uzi starts slipping from the top of the landing pod, before catching on the ladder. The door opens, and a Disassembly Drone tail grabs onto Uzi's hand, pulling her into the landing pod.

The hatch closes and Uzi hears some giggling and the sounds of computers whirring.

Izy stands up in her chair and throws her arms up, a screw driver in her right hand. "I AM A GOD AT FIXING THINGS!"

N spins his chair towards Uzi and gives a salute wave. "Spaceship piloooot!"

Uzi throws a wrench at N, spinning him around his chair. Alarms go off, and screens all temporary show an error. Izy screams in panic and jumps into her chair and starts tapping away at buttons.

"What? No! N! Izy!" Uzi shouts. "Our mom was back there!"

"WHAT?!" Izy spins her chair around to Uzi.

N shrieks as he regains control of the landing pod. "Sorry! I didn't-"

Uzi brings both Izy and N into a hug as the alarms stop ringing around the ship. "You both were supposed to get away."

"Yeah, I'm kind of, like actually mad at what you did."

"Nodding in agreement." Izy states as she nods. "Yeah, both you and Y, speaking of, where is h-"

Alarms start going off again, making both N and Izy panic. The two start rapidly tapping away at the consoles in front of them. The landing pod starts dodging rocks, before blasting off from a bigger rock. N, Izy and Uzi are all sweating, before Izy lets out a groan and falls to the floor.

Uzi and N fix their hair, before looking at each other for a moment, they're gazing softening. Uzi then sings before chuckling evilly and grabbing N's head.

"Then DIE MAD, BI-"

Everything suddenly goes dark, and equipment starts floating around. Izy sits up and looks around in confusion, before her eyes go hollow as a glowing tentacle reaches into the landing pod, grabbing onto the ship, by braking though it several times.

Izy stares at the tentacle, before pointing at it in confusing and asking something, but it can't be heard through the vacuum of space.


Message from User:


All three of the Drones give different reactions, Uzi seems annoyed, N is slightly panicking while Izy points at the tentacles with her screwdriver and yelling, but none of this can be heard.

yn then rips the ship in half, causing an explosion that sends the three Drones falling towards Copper 9's atmosphere. Izy is screaming as she kicks and flails around.

Everyone starts burning up, Uzi and N grab each other's hands. They start spinning around as they stare down to the glowing core with tentacles coming from it.

"Well, that's a serious issue." Uzi points out the obvious. "Um, before that..." Uzi nods her head at the core. "...whole...thing. We're like dating...right?"

"Oh. Y-Yeah." N agrees. "Like, that was the plan, yeah-"

The two start talking over each other.

"Just 'cause, I can't away..."

"Like, Y-yeah?"

"I can't always read--" Uzi just blushes and nervously giggles. "Yay..."

The two Drones hug, before their eyes hollow as they hear screaming.


Izy flies past the two, her butt on fire as she spins down towards the core.

"IZY!" N and Uzi shouts in panic as they fly towards her.

N and Uzi slam into Izy as they reach her, sending all three tumbling away.

"OW!" They all yell, before regaining their barrings and float towards each other.

"So, um..." Izy looks down at the core as they grow ever closer. "What's the plan?"

Uzi laughs evilly. "Time to Murder a planet!" She starts cartwheeling as she calls and cackling.

Izy's eyes go hollow as they shake and she starts to evilly laugh as well. "FINALLY TIME TO WIN!" She kicks her way down as all three Drones rapidly decent towards the core.

Meanwhile, Cyn's tentacles are pulling the lower half of the landing pod towards a tumbling floating island.

In another part of space J is sitting on a metal tank holding a paper. On it are the world's "IOU 1 SPACESHIP" and a crying face. The tentacle sets down the landing pod rather hard in a large explosion.

J sarcastically salutes as a tick mark appears on her visor. "yes. Thank you, boss! Good as-" Cyn pats the landing pod with the tentacle. "Yep. There is cool. Thanks."

The upper half of the landing pod crashes nearby. J then glances down at Lizzy, Thad, Khan, and the school bus on the ice. Khan nods at the school bus, which rotates one of its wheels in return. Something then slides out of Khan's coat, which makes his eyes hollow as he glances down, watching Izy's plasma pistol fall from his coat and onto the ice.

He tries to reach for it as the gun slides towards the edge, but its in vain as the pistol falls off the edge of the land they are on.

Thad tries to grab his wrench, but it falls off the side as well. He then tries to grab the railgun, bit it is out of his reach.

J stands up as she sighs, changing her hands into claws. "Alright, 'Sentient mass'. Time to go in the scary plant...hole...thing." J spreads her wings and tries to fly towards the Worker Drones, but she gets pulled down by gravity and she grunts. "Ow." Part of her leg gets stuck in the ice. "Gravity. OKayyyy." She pulls her leg out, and starts walking towards the trio. "I'm FINE, and clam, and-" J switches to a missile launcher and her left eye becomes a cross hair. "Go away."

J fires a missile at the three, as Thad and Khan look in fear, while Lizzy rolls her eyes. Suddenly a red-eye sentinel appears, and hits the missile with its tail, and on the dino-drone is V.

V jumps up and kicks the missile, sending it towards J, where it explodes behind her. J doesn't react as the missile blows up. Lizzy and Thad look on, but Thad gets knocked down by the sentinel.

The sentinel runs towards J, with V riding on top. J fires two bullets at V, but the sentinel deflects both with a Disassembly Drone sword. The sentinel switches to a laser, but J dodges it. J looks back at the dino-bot, but realizes that V is no longer riding the sentinel.

V speaks from behind J. "Can't betray us that easily, narc!"

It's senior informant." V kicks J in the head. "AGH!" J is sent flying into a nearby floating island.

V agirly shouts at J. "Working for CYN?!" V tries to kick J again, but J flies away just in time. They start clashing.

Lizzy is texting on her phone as it shows that she's been texting V. Who had sent messages showing that she survived the Sentinels, and she is holding the red-eye sentinel in a choke hold while posing. V asks Lizzy if she found J, and Lizzy replies that she has and is asking if J needs to be killed.

V replies that Lizzy only needs to distract. Lizzy is typing to tell V that her ship got carbombed. Lizzy then realizes that there is a red glow coming from behind her.

Lizzy looks up at the sentinel, before looking at Khan and Thad, who are both worried. The Sentinel suddenly grabs Lizzy with its jaws, and starts slamming Lizzy into the ground repeatedly.

They all start screaming. Thad picks up the railgun, and prepares to hit the sentinel with it. Behind them, V kicks J into the ground, causing a large explosion, sending everyone flying into space.

Lizzy makes a "Go Away" gesture to the sentinel. In response, the sentinel coughs up a bottle of flammable gas, pokes a hole in it, and starts approaching Lizzy. Lizzy , Thad, and Khan all panic and start trying to get away.

J and V are still fighting as V yells at J.

"Ugh! We were supposed to get away, J!" She pushes J up the tower. "You and Y said we do our jobs on this planet..."

"Oh, grow up, V!"

"And it leaves us alo-" V gets knocked back.

"It tricked you. If I promise you anything... it tricked me, too." J states as she fires a missile at V. "Y know about all this, he's Cyn's number one Dog! But he shows up like acting like nothing's wrong, what did you all do to him?!"

J ducks under a slice from V and kicks her back as continues to yell at V.

"You know there's no escape, even in death!" J slices V's left leg off. "I promise, it's better on the winning team, as a team. Remember, Y said we all have to behave like a family." She puts her hand out to V.

V grabs her hand. "Oh, how about you bite me?!" She rips J's hand off.

The two clash their swords together, but a bright flash above them catches their attention. Izy and Uzi are holding hands as they have their Solver abilities active, both smirking.

"Hey, Cyn!" Izy calls out with a evil smirk.

"SUCK! ON! THIIIIS!" Uzi yells.

N spins around, and throws both the Sisters down as the two combined their powers to greater a light and dark purple black hole, they then both shout at the same time and throw their combined powers down. A large explosion goes off, shaking the planet. 

J and V just shrug and go back to fighting.

Uzi and Izy are both smirking as they continue to fall, and fist bump each other. N chances up and grabs onto their shoulders as they pass by several energy tentacles that are frozen with error symbols on them.

The three drones land on a catwalk and they all strike a pose, digital sunglasses over their eyes. But the plenty suddenly shakes as the core glows brightly, and they start to back up as it darkens again.

Suddenly Cyn appears at the end of the catwalk on a tentacle, holding the Null ball that Uzi and Izy created. "Drop this, silly." She plays with the ball before crushing it.

All the tentacles resume their previous work of dragging everything down towards the core. The planet shakes again, causing the three Drones to stumble back.

Cyn stumbles onto the catwalk. "Hello, Uzi." She then smile and waves. "Hi, N." Her X eyes then land on Izy, making her smirk. "Izy."

If one were to notice, Izy and Cyn look nearly identical. 

Uzi and Izy both ready their Solver abilities, while N slightly steps forward with his hands held out in front of the sisters, before forming a laser cannon and aiming it at Cyn.

Cyn's eyes flicker with error symbols, and Izy slightly grunts as she grabs her head in pain, her dark purple eyes flash with an error symbol.

Cyn continues to stumble towards the three. "I see. You will not talk to me because I have hurt... your feelings."

Uzi notices N's eyes are hollow as he digitally sweats and shakes. 

Cyn's voice starts to distort as eldritch-like appendages shoot out from her back as smoke fills the area. "Easier to assimilate than explain, anyway. Callback ping."

Uzi and Izy's eyes both turn yellow as a rapid beep comes from their chests, they grab their heads and gasp.

Uzi manages to regain control. "Bite me."

Izy grips her head, and covers her visor with her hand, blocking out a message that appears before, she takes a deep breath. "Not... This... TIME!" 

Izy punches the side of her head, and she returns to normal. N and Uzi glances at Izy and she smirks and nods at the two, they nod in return.

"Oh, then I feel as If I must even the odds." Cyn's head titles as she glances behind her.

A large claw slams onto the edge of the catwalks behind Cyn, making Izy, Uzi and N's eyes all hollow as text-to-speech giggles echo from the pit at the end of the catwalk.

"Menacing reveal." Cyn states.

A large shadow pulls itself up from the darkness as a pair of Yellow X eyes turn on. Some yellow liquid drips onto the catwalk as something stumbles towards them.

"Oh, ain't this a party." A voice calls in the darkness as several eldritch-like hands slam onto the ground in front of Cyn, pulling the figure forward.

The three gasp in fear as out of the darkness comes a stumbling Y, with a menacing smile, as yellow drool falls from the corner of his mouth. All five lights on his headband are yellow.

"Y...?" Izy calls out.

Y's eyes snap to her as he pushes up his head as it lolls to the side. "I-Izy. Ain't this just swell!"

Izy grits her teeth in anger and turns to Cyn. "What did you do to him."

"Oh, nothing special." Cyn giggles. "Just returned him to his original state."

"You mon-" Izy's eyes shrink as Y is suddenly in front of her.

"Fun time~" Y slams his fist into her visor, sending her flying back.

"IZY!" Uzi shouts and turn towards her, as N turns his shaking Cannon towards Y.

Suddenly a tentacle hits N aside and Cyn flies towards Uzi.

Izy flies through the side of a wall and into a building. Izy coughs up some oil as cracks in her visor repair.

"Bad, bad girl." Y appears in the hole with a smirk as his yellow X eyes flash.

Izy tries to stand up, but a large claw pierced her stomach and slams her into a wall. Izy coughs up more oil as Y stumbles towards her with some giggles.

"Give me your delicious h-h-heart!" Y slithers up to Izy as she tries to pull the claw out of her stomach, but smaller claws suddenly slam both her hands into the wall.

Izy's hollow eyes shake as Y licks his sharp teeth.

"Yummy yummy yummy yummy."

Y starts to punch into Izy's chest, making her cough and scream in pain. Suddenly Izy's eyes cut out as Fatal Error flashes onto her visor as Y laughs.


Y pulls out Izy's heart which is similar looking to her mothers. THe singular eye stares at Y in horror and he opens his mouth up wide, yellow drool falling onto the girl. Y's eyes shake in excitement as a large tongue extends from his mouth as Izy rapidly looks around.

But suddenly a large piece of rebar, with an Absolute Solution, slams into the side of Y, making him and Izy go flying. Heart Izy is sent flying off down the wall as Y slams into a wall, dropping Izy's body.

"Son of a b- Mother Fu-" Y curses as he uses his Solver ability to crush the rebar into a small ball.

His eyes then turn into error symbols as they scan the area around him. His scanner locks onto a small fleeing purple heart. Y giggles as licks both his eyes, they return to normal, and uses his eldritch appendages to jump and attach to the ceiling, his head doing a 180.

"I like playing the game of, Chase and Die."

The Absolute Solution symbol appears on his visor as all the lights rapidly flash, before blowing up. Leaving only his glowing eyes and drool to light the darkness on the ceiling.

Y giggles as he rapidly moves forward along the ceiling.

Farther in the complex heart Izy is jumping over destroyed furniture and rubble, while rapidly hyperventilating. She finds a small box and slides into it, as the giggles of Y grow louder and louder.

"Come out- and play. Dear Izy."

Izy steadies her breathing as yellow eye looking things start scanning the room.

"You can't hide... forever."

A camera passes by the box, but Izy covers her heart self with some parts to avoid the scanning. 

"Hiding. Hiding." Izy whispers.

Y continues to giggle as explosions rock the building from outside and he moves further down.

Cyn's voice echoes around the building. "Callback ping. Callback ping."

Izy grunts in pain as her eye flashes yellow for a second. She shakes herself and removes the papers around her, only to be met with an X eye.

"Found you."

Izy screams in fear as Y rips the box open, and tries to grab her, but she jumps just out of his grasp.

"Stop being annoying and let me eat you!"

Izy runs down the hall and flips Y with one of her little claws.

"Oh, now that's just rude" Y giggles as he scrambles along the ceiling towards heart Izy.

"Oh, Robo-Jesus! Oh, Robo-Jesus!" Heart Izy shouts as she scrambles down the hall with a laughing Y hot on her trail as he crawls along the ceiling.

Y lunges towards Izy, but she jumps into the air and he redirects himself towards her. Only for another hand to grab onto Izy as they pass by.

"Oh, another friend." Cyn states as Y crashes into a wall behind her.

"Cyn?!" Heart Izy shouts as Cyn runs down a hall. She then notices another heart in her other hand. "N?!"

Heart N just waves.

Cyn giggles as she walks outside the building and Izy sees N's body and V on the ground below them, while J flies not to far from Cyn. Y Burt's out of the building and climbs up the side floats above Cyn with his claws embedded into the building.

V stares up in horror as Cyn goes to eat Izy and N. Cyn manically giggles as she brings the two panicking hearts closer to her mouth. Until the door behind her slams shut, cutting off several of her eldritch appendages, and making her lose her grip on both the hearts.

"Squirmy worm." Cyn tries to grab onto the hearts, but they keep getting out of her grasp, until they go flying off.

N's heart lands in his corpse, while Izy slams into V's visor and falls into her lap. V looks down at Izy and she just waves up at her.

"Go- fu- d- mit-"

"Really, Cyn?" Y questions as his eyes flash with error signs.

"Shut up!" Cyn uses her ability to slap Y with a pole, causing him to fall down next to her.

Cyn looks up to the sky where Khan, Lizzy, Thad, the bus, and the Sentinel, with Lizzy in its mouth, are falling. Khan is laughing as he as the universal door remote in his hands.


"Go long, Uzi!" Thad shouts as he throws the railgun down towards the Drones. "Don't give up, Izy!"

"Eye roll." Cyn jumps down beside J, and Y follows her with a giggle. "Uzi's not here."

And Izy's just a little c--" Y glitches for a second.

Large, glowing tentacles shoot up out of the ground and start pulling structures into the ground as Cyn walks towards V. V covers Heart Izy with her hands as Cyn lunges towards them, and raises up a large claw, Y loudly laughs in the background as J looks at him in slight fear.

But as Cyn's claw is about to slice V, Izy and N in half, Uzi appears and cuts off the claw. 

Cyn takes a couple steps back in confusion as J and Y run up to her.

"Hands off!" Uzi shouts. "No one traumatizes these weirdly hot robots and my sister but me!" 

Izy throws her up her little claws. "Hell yeah, sis!"

She looks back at V. "Glad you're not dead, or whatever." She then looks at Izy. "And Izy, got you a present."

Uzi flicks her hands as her Solver Ability flashes, and Izy's body lands in the snow in front of V. Izy screams in delight and jumps into the open wound in her body's chest.

After a few seconds Izy, back on control of her body, gasps and hugs herself. "I am never taking this body for granted again."

"This is- stupid." Y states as he licks his lips, drool falling onto the ground.

Cyn gets annoyed. "Boring. And annoying. Callback ping."

Izy covers her visor as Cyn tries to control the sisters, but it backfires, with one of CYn's eyes becoming purple for a second.

Uzi smirks at Cyn as her right eye turns into the Absolute Solver symbol.

Izy jumps to her feet and stands beside her sister as her eyes glitch for a few seconds.

"Sorry." Uzi starts. "Just me in here. I think dumb things are fricken cool, and I.... AM... FREEEEE!"


Both the Sisters throw a hand into the air and Nori's pickaxe launches down from the sky and Uzi catches it. Izy plasma pistol suddenly falls into her hands, and she looks up at it in confusion.

Nori's heart is falling as she motivates the sisters. "Kick her butt, babies! WHOO!"

Uzi uses her tail to aim the railgun at J, Cyn and Y as she cackles. Izy looks at her gu confusion, before shrugging and aiming it at the three Drones as well, as her eldritch appendages form out of her back.

J gets a prior hazard symbol in her eye. Y groans in annoyance as he slams a eldritch hand into the ground.

"'Kay." Cyn responds calmly

Nori's music player falls from the sky and into the snow as it starts to play music.

Izy glares at Y as he licks his lips and changes his hands into chainsaws. Uzi smirks as Cyn sticks her tongue out, then all four charge at each other.

Izy and Uzi both ready Null balls, along with Cyn Y laughs as he charges ahead of his boss with his tongue sticking out.

Uzi and Izy throw their Null balls at the two Solver Drones, while Cyn throws her at the two sisters. Uzi's ball slams into Cyn's causing it to redirect back at her, slicing up her cheek.

Y just slices up Izy's Null ball, but his eyes go small as it suddenly glows brightly and blows up. Creating a large snow cloud.

Several big holes open up on the surface of the planet.

J, Cyn and Y, whose right shoulder is blown off but rapidly repairing. The three look around as a couple bright lights shine from either side of them, Y steps in front of Cyn as a plasma round slams into his chest, sending him flying back s Uzi's round barely nicks J's hair, but she gets Uzi's charging gun to the face.

Y uses his eldritch claws to stop himself and he growls in annoyance, as his eyes flash and he looks up to see Izy launching herself towards Y. Y giggles as throws up his right arm towards her as it changes into a laser.

Y's eyes go hollow and she covers herself with her extra limbs as Y fires the laser. Izy flies through the air as several of her limbs fall apart, leaking oil, and she rolls next to Uzi.

The sisters glance at each other as Y and Cyn teleport to them. Cyn with Tessa's sword held up and Y with his clawed hands outstretched towards them. The two sisters smirk and nod as they switch targets, making the two Solver eyes widen in surprise.

Uzi slams her pickaxe into Y's stomach, making him cough up oil and yellow saliva as he  flies up into the sky. Cyn smirks as Izy hits her in the stomach with a Null ball.

Cyn's eyes flash as does Izy's. Cyn backflips into the air, before teleporting above the sisters, as does Y, who's looks rather angry.

The two sisters throw their hands together and create another Null ball, before slamming it into the ground, kicking up a large cloud of snow. Another large hole opens up on the surface of the planet.

Y and Cyn swing their weapons through the snow cloud, only to hit nothing.

"ANNOYED!" Y yells only for a hand to piece through his chest, grabbing onto his heart, which is still concerned to his body through fleshy tendrils. 

Y's right eye twitches as he slowly looks back to see Izy, with a smirk on her face. Y only returns the smirk as he swipes his fingers in the air, his Solver ability on the tip.

A large rock flies towards Izy, but she lets go of Y's hear and jumps back, causing the rock to smash him into pieces. Y's head lands on the ground, but it suddenly teleports up onto the air and rapidly repairs itself. 

Y changes his hands into Mini-guns, but one of his arms gets blown up by Izy's plasma pistol. And she charges at him again as Y fires at her.

Uzi impales Cyn with the pickaxe, but the solver disguises herself as N, causing Uzi to stop a bit.

J goes in to attack Uzi, but V and N get in front of her and stop her. 

"Wrong team." V says.

"No more tricks." N states,

V launches J into a put while N cuts Cyn's arm off, causing her disguise to drop.

Izy jumps over Y, using a large claw to cut of his mini-gun arm. Y growls as he forcefully repairs his right arm and changes it into an anti-material rifle and swiftly aims behind him and fires, only to hit Cyn as Uzy lands past her.

Cyn's right shoulder gets blown off and she glares at Y, causing to to look away and pretend not to see her.

N, Izy, V and Uzi regroup.

"I dunno, I feel like we need a secret handshake or something, right?" N asks.

"I like that-" Izy starts, only to be pushed to the side as Uzi grabs her pickaxe at Cyn throw at them. "NOT COOL!"

The four Drones rush towards the Solvers. Y giggles as he fires several lasers at them, but N uses his wings to shield them, before throwing Izy forward.

V launches a rocket as Cyn, who uses her tentacles to block them. She uses a tentacle to shield herself from a plasma round from Izy, and Y jumps into the air and clashes with her, both attacking each other with their extra limbs.

Another rocket grazes right by Cyn, and N kicks it back. She stops the rocket before N cuts her head off using a chain saw. Cyn grabs her head, putting it back, and launches the rocket at V, who I shooting at Cyn.

Izy gets thrown back by Y, and he licks his error eyes and launches at Izy as she falls towards the ground. But the girl smirks and uses her solver ability to make a rock hit her, throwing her to the side, revealing V behind her.

V fires dual SMGs at the falling Y, but he shields himself with his extra limbs and slams into the ground beside V, and he goes to slams a large claw into her, but Uzi flies right past, cutting it off with her pickaxe.

Y grunts in anger and changes both his hands into Anti-material rifles and fires one after the other at Uzi, who gives Y a peace sign as she uses her Solver ability to bend the bullets trajectory around her.

V flies up behind Y and swings her claws at him, but he slams one his guns into her gut, sending her into the ground.

Izy lands on the ground beside Cyn, the Solver tries to slap her with a tentacle, but Izy bites onto it, making Cyn's X's shrink in confusion as the girl bits off the tentacle. 

Cyn just smiles and teleports behind Izy and tries to stab her with Tessa's sword, but Izy shoots her clawed limbs backwards and impales Cyn.

Cyn's form glitches and she teleports in front of Izy and goes to slash her, but N flies in front of her, blocking the attack. N and launches back as Izy lunges past him. 

Cyn and Izy parry each other's claws, until Izy cuts Cyn in half, but she sues her claws to slam her body back to together and teleport behind Izy.


Cyn bites onto Izy's neck, but Izy gives a pained smirk and forms a Null ball in her right hand and fires it at Cyn, but the Solver teleports away.

Izy stumbles back as she covers her leaking neck, N flies past Izy with a battlecry and swords at the ready.

V flies around in the air as Y fires dozens of lasers at her. V starts to panic as she's having trouble dodging them all, until a snowball hits Y in the side of the face. His right eye twitches as he looks to the side and sees Uzi sticking her tongue out at him. Y huffs in anger and fires lasers towards her.

Uzi spins her pickaxe, using it to block several lasers fired from Y. He then lunges forward, drool spilling from his mouth in excitement, only to frown as V tackles Uzi out of the way.

Y turns towards the two, only sees a missile flying towards him. He catches it mid-air with a spin and throws it back. V's eyes widen as the missile hits her directly in the visor, sending her flying back.

Uzi coughs as she waves her hand in front of her to clear the smoke, only for her eyes to hollow in fear as Y teleports right in front of her. He uses a large claw to stab Uzi in the stomach, piercing her into the ground.

Y laughs at Uzi, but she just gives him finger guns and a wink. A plasma round flies through Y's chest making him stumble forward, before N flies in and cuts his claw in half.

Y coughs up some oil as he looks down at his chest, his heart nearly falling out. He teleports away, as Izy lands beside her sister and helps her up. V and N stand beside the two.

Uzi and N do a secret handshake.

"I think if we take out Cyn, Y might return to normal." Izy theorizes.

"But how?" N asks. 

"Yeah, I agree with the idiot here." V points at N.

"We just-"

Izy gets cut off as a large claw slices through the air, swiping N and V out of the way, making Izy stumble back into her sister. The two go tumbling back and Cyn teleports in front of them, with her hand stretches out.

Izy's eyes turn into error signs for a second, as Cyn starts to gltich. "Behind!"

Uzi turns around and stretches her hand out, right where Cyn teleports right into Uzi's hand. Uzi then lets out an angry yell as she rips out Cyn's heart.

"Do it sis!" Izy smirks.

Uzi snaps her fingers and creates a null hole through the planner, allowing sunlight from the other side to incinerate Cyn's hear into a black hole. Demonic screams can be heard as Cyn's heart burns up.

Izy's visor glitches as her hands slightly twitch.

A black hole suddenly engulfs Uzi, Izy and Cyn, causing time to stop. Uzi holds Cyn's black hole heart as it thumps. Cyn reaches out and grabs Uzi's hand, trying to pull the black hole into her mouth, but Uzi has other plans.

Uzi slams the black hole heart into her own mouth. Cyn's eyes displace an emoji of shock, while text displays on Izy's visor.

She did just not...

Uzi and Cyn fall to their knees as time resumes. Uzi looks up at Cyn as the Solver begins to melt away, with a smile on her face. Gravity begins to shift as Uzi starts to glitch out.

Uzi looks back as she hears N calls out. She sees Izy looking at her with a smirk, her visor glitching, as N and V run towards her in the distance, then Uzi shuts down.



Uzi layins in a circle of oil in her Solver form with long tentacles. She wakes up and the oil gets sucked into her as she gags and coughs. She looks towards the other planets as everything is tinted red.

"I-Izy...?" Uzi calls out as she weakly looks around.

In another part of the area Thad and Lizzy are climbing back up. Thad launches himself=lf up with his skateboard and Lizzy tries to take a selfie but drops her phone and slips, but Thad chances her.

Khan grunts as Lizzy's phone lands on his head, causing him to lose his grip and fall; but Nori uses her Solver to catch him and bring him up.

Khan lands on the ground and looks at Nori. "Uh..." He chuckles. "Thank-"

Nori shakily points at Khan. "You don't know me and0" She extends herself towards Khan and back. "0I hate you!" She hollers, faceplanting into the ground while running away.

The teacher lifts himself up behind Khan as he thingks.

"Kinda hot?" Khan looks back at the teacher, who just lowers himself back down.

The school bus drivers out of the whole with the Sentinel on it. It roars at Lizzy and Thad as Lizzy makes an annoyed expression. The Sentinel then chases after the two teens.

N and V are flying around.

"Uzi?" N lands on a tree. 

"Izy?" V calls out as she flies around the tree.

N spots Uzi and gasps. "UUUUUUZIIIII!"

Uzi and N run into each other's arms and spin around as they hug. V looks around as she walks over to the two. She then slaps N on the back of the head.

N lets go of Uzi and she steps back. V then notices Uzi's new eyes, and pushes N back as she aims her SMG at the drone.

"Get back!"

The top half of Uzi's eyes are yellow while the bottom half are still light purple.

Uzi flicks her hand at V's gun, moving it to not face her as she looks at her reflection in N's visor.

"Uzi?" N calls out. "Is-"

Uzi laughs. "Oh, hell, yeah! I'm a damaged OC."  She poses.

V lowers her gun with a sigh. "Ugh, it's her." She crosses her arms.

N hugs Uzi again and they both laugh.

"But um, where's Izy?" V questions, making the two other Drones realizes the same thing.

They hear coughing nearby and look to the side, not to see Izy, but to see Y, coughing up oil and other parts.

"Uh..." Y grumbles as his visor glitches for several seconds. "My head feels like someone stabbed a screw driver thought it." He stands up while rubbing his head, then realizes. "Wait... I did that..." He nods to himself. "That kinda hurt."

"Y?!" V, Uzi and N shouts.

"Hmmm?" Y looks over and spots his friends. "Oh, Salutations!"

The three others run over.

"Are you back to normal now?" Uzi asks.

"You're not crazy!" N shouts in excitement.

"It's good to see you back, Boss." V states.

Y swiftly brings the three Drones into a hug. "Oh, am I glad to see all of you. You know I had this bad dream where Cyn was controlling me and I was trying to kill you all, and you all where also trying to kill me."

"Um... that did happen." Uzi states.

Y's eyes hollow as he sets down the three. "Oh.... um... Sorry! Please don't be mad."

"Oh, where only a little traumatized, it's all fine." N smiles at Y.

Y wipes digital sweat. "Oh, I that's good that its only a little." He looks around. "But um... where's Izy?"

"You don't know either?" V asks.

Y shrugs. "I kinda just woke up here."

Suddenly everything starts to get dark as text-to-speech giggles echo around them.

"I thought we killed her?!" Uzi stomps the ground in anger.

Y looks around in confusion, before he realizes something, making his eyes hollow in fear. "We did... But..."

V glances over. "But..."

"Cyn made bad ups."

Everyone's eyes go hollow as several large claws slam onto the cliff edge behind them. They all slowly turn around to see a small figure raise up from cliff.

"You silly gooses. You really thought it would be that easy?"

Izy lifts herself up onto the cliff, her purple eyes turning yellow and forming X's.

"What is this?" Uzi asks in worry. "I thought we killed you Cyn!"

Izy's head lolls to the side, but she pushes it up as she smiles. "Oh, you did. But a great monster, always has a back up plan."

Izy giggles.

"Y, what is this?" N asks as the four Drones back up slightly.

"Back when Cyn was trying to first destroy this planet she was using Nori as a host. But when Nori severed their connection, Cyn implanted a virus in her." Y glances between Uzi and Izy. "But it didn't exactly work, one got the Absolute Solver abilities, and the other was the back up body."

Izy stumbles towards the group as her smile grows. "Oh, how correct my dear Big Brother."

"But if she didn't get the Absolute Solver, but the Absolute Solution, how did Cyn get to her?" Uzi glances at Y, but he looks away. "Y?"

"That is... my fault." Y states. "The Absolute Solution doesn't exactly work like the Solver does. It finds problems and fixes them. Back when I killed myself before meeting you and Uzi, made sure to permanently shit myself down. But when Izy-" He motions to the possessed Izy. "Came by, the Solution forced my turn on, and complete the back up process."

"What...?" Uzi questions as she looks over to her sister.

"I'm sorry Uzi, I-I never wanted this." Y looks down at his hands as his eyes go hollow and shake. "I never wanted any of this."

"What a great story, but I think we should wrap this up." Izy nearly falls over, but she uses an extra appendages to keep herself upright. "I have other human planets to blow up." She holds up the plasma pistol as text flashes across her visor.

Problem Encountered
Solution Found

Fleshy tendrils come out of Izy's hand and wrap around the pistol, covering it.Then after a few seconds, Izy's right arm behind to shift and contort as it suddenly turn into a Murder Drone Arm. She changes her hand into a plasma cannon.

"Damn... That was kinda cool." Uzi mutters.

"We... We can't kill her!" N shouts. "She's our friend."

V grits her teeth and changes her hands into SMGs. "We may not have a choice."

Y stares at Izy as he curls his hands into fists.

Izy snickers. "This body may not be as powerful as my last one, but it isn't as damaged as it was.  Oh... izy has many interesting things in here. Like this!"

[Nightcore] Zombie (Rock Cover)
0:01 ------------ 4:02

"Try not to die so fast now~" Izy suddenly disappears. 

"Crap!" Everyone shouts as they turn around, only for each of them to be hit in the face by a large claw, sending them in different direction.

Y slams against a tree and grunts. His eyes hollow as he ducks down as a large claw slices where his head was, causing the tree to call over.

"Play with me~" Izy sticks her tongue out as she lunges at Y.

Y's right hand forms into a sword as he slides at Izy, she teleports above him, kicking his head into the ground. Y throws a hand up and uses his Solver ability to pick up the tree beside him and throw it as Izy.

Izy scoffs and cuts the tree in half, before bringing up a claw, blocking a missile from N. She kicks Y away before lunging towards N, who's flying towards Izy. N yelps in shock as she crashes into him, biting into his wings and clawing as his chest.

"Bad bad bad bad bad."

Izy bites hard onto N's right wing and forcefully rips it off, causing N to yell in pain. Bullets fly around Izy, but she uses her Solver ability to change their trajectory around her. Izy grabs N by the head and spins him around, before throwing him into V, causing the two to go flying.

Izy smirks and looks to her left, spotting Uzi watching in horror. "What's wrong, Uzi? Can't fight anymore, I thought you wanted to stop me." She gives several maniacal giggles.

Uzi slides back as Izy stumbles towards her.

"Is it because this is the body of your sister? You were willing to fight Y, but not me. That makes us sad." Izy goes down on all fours, her head does a 360 spin before she starts to slowly crawl towards Uzi, yellow drool starts to fall from her mouth. "Why don't you play with us sister? Come on, play with me."

Izy crawls onto Uzi, and grabs the sides of her head and stares into her off color eyes. Uzi then smirks and yells and tries to shove her hand through Izy's chest, but Izy grabs her hand.

"Naughty, naughty. We won't fall for the same trick twice."

Izy rips off Uzi's hand, as she slams her sister's head into the ground. Izy rips as she uses a eldritch hand to slams Uzi's other hand onto the ground.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson, Let me in~"

Izy starts to claw at Uzi's chest, oiling flying everywhere. 

"CYN!" Y appears above Izy, swords at the ready.


Izy's head snaps behind and smiles at Y, she then rapidly teleports away, forcing Y stop his attack to not hit Uzi. He lands beside Uzi, changing his sword back into hands, and helps her up.

"You good?" Y asks.

Uzi stares at her sister, who's body controls and spins towards them as she giggles.

"I-I... I can't kill her." Uzi states. "As much as I hate Cyn, I can't kill her even if she's in the body of my sister."

"So what's the plan then?" N asks as he and V land beside the two.

"Y?" V calls out. "You got a plan?"

Y hums in thought as he scratches his chin. "I... have a plan. I HAVE A PLAN!" Y throws his arms up in excitement.

"So what is it?" Uzi asks.

"I just need to get close to her, and I might be able to bring back our Izy." Y changes his hands into claws.

"Be careful, Y." V calls out.

Y looks back at V and smirks. "Hey, rember, I said everything will be alright."

V gets flashbacks to their days back on earth. "You... remember now?" Y winks at her.

N changes a hand into a laser while V goes for the missile launcher. Uzi goes into her Solver form. Izy smiles at them as error symbols flash across her eyes, before licking them. She then forms more appendages out of her back and aims her plasma cannon at them.

V fires a rock at Izy, but she shoots it down and ducks downa s several lasers fly overhead. She then lunges forward as Uzi does as well. They both summon Null balls and throw them as each other, they turn their bodies and the Null backs barely scrap past their visors.

Izy reaches out a hand towards Uzi, but said girl just laughs and dives down revealing Y right behind her, his claws outstretched towards her.

Izy's eyes go small and she flips back, kicking Y in the chin, throwing him back. Izy lands on the ground and scrambles back as several ninja stars hit the ground where she was.

N flies towards her with swords, but she hits him back with a large claw.

"I still want ninja stars!" Uzi flies towards Izy as several missiles fly past her towards Izy.

Izy grabs two missiles and kicks a third away from her. Izy throws one missile back at V, which she flies up just in time to avoid it, but the other one hits Uzi in the stomach, throwing her into the ground.

Izy then lunges at Uzi, drool falling from the Solver's mouth. But Y suddenly tackles her away and they both go rolling on the ground. Izy grunts in anger and tries to push him off with her appendages, but she grunts in pain as a click is heard from her chest.

Izy's eyes glitch as she looks down sees a virus injected right into her heart, but instead of downloading, it's uploading. 

Izy's yellow X's look up at Y, who's visor glitches as well, showing off text on his visor.

SYS STATUS: Unit Overheating
Shitting Down

Shutting down Overrided

Y's shell starts to slowly turn red as he begins to shake.

"Y-Y Whaat are you doing." Izy's flash with error signs before they return to normal, flashing between Dark Purple and Yellow.

"Izy, listen to me." Y grabs her head, her extra appendages slowly disappear. "I can remove Cyn from you, but..." Y sighs as his visor glitches and yellow static travels around him. "I have to make sure to get rid of Cyn and... Myself, I am the Absolute Solution. If I live, I... Could unwillingly rebuild Cyn."

Izy's eyes stare at Y as her eldritch appendages fully disappear. Y's eyes glitch and turn white.

"Y?" Izy whispers as digital tears fall down her eyes.

Y smiles as he starts to glow, steam pouring out from under his visor. "Trust me." 

Y grabs Izy and throws her back behind him, causing her to slam into Uzi.

Izy swiftly gets up and looks over to Y, only to see a blinding glow, causing everyone to shield their eyes, before a large explosion goes off. Everyone gets thrown to the ground from the force. izy gasps and looks over to Y, only to see a large hole in the ground where he once was.

"Y!" Izy goes to stand up, but a Nanite tail slaps her in the face. "oof!"

Izy falls back down and looks over to the severed Nanite tail. She looks over to V and N, who are rubbing their heads as they stand up, they both still have their tails. Izy looks down at the tail.



Uzi and Izy stand in front of the classroom as they show off a video of the whole ordeal. it's titled VisstinkyHehehe.mp4.

"And, yep, that's how we learned nightmares are real, and we probably should have stayed behind the ol' doors." Uzi states.

"Whooo!" Khan yells from behind the classroom door, but screams as Uzi uses her solver ability to shatter the class on it.

The teacher slams his head on the desk.

"I am severally traumatized." Izy states as he yellow eyes go hollow, and a nantie tail sways behind her. But then digital classes appear on her visor. "But character development!"

Uzi crosses her arms. "And maybe I don't actually here it here. As much." Uzi states.

N cheers. "That's my girlfriend."

Then we get a brief shot of Doll's corpse. 

N throws a paper airplane at V and she looks at it. It's simple drawings of manga, she looks over to N who laughs as he points at a How to Draw Manga book in his hands. Lizzy gives V a weird look, but the Murder Drone covers her face.

"And, now, we can do this!" Uzi shouts.

Uzi and Izy both go into their solver forms, laughing manically as their classmates scream. Izy changes her right arm into a plasma cannon as her nanite tail aims at her classmates.




Izy stares at her eyes in the bathroom mirror, she then looks over her right arm. Some ruffling is heard behind her. She changes it into a plasma cannon and looks down its barrel, seeing a glow.

"Hmmm..." Izy changes her hand back to normal.

Izy looks back at herself, her form glitches out for a second, with eldritch camera eyes being seen behind her.

Suddenly her tail raises, showing off a mouth and glowing yellow eyes, similar to Uzi's. It suddenly puts a tophat onto her head.

"Dapper Izy." Y's voice comes from the tail.

Izy snickers as the lights above her flicker.

A knock sounds off from the door.

"Come on, Izy!" Uzi shouts. "Where gonna start to the movie without you."

"Y-Y-Yes, hurry. We p-picked a good one." Uzi's tail pushes itself into the bathroom, it's yellow eyes looking at them. It's the Solver having taken control of Uzi's tail. "So come on, a-already."


Izy glitches out into a hologram for a second again, before heading out of the bathroom, Y tail suddenly has a bow on his hed.

"I think I'd look good with a bow." Y tail states.














Deep within a floating piece of Copper 9 a Murder Drone hand lays near Y's severed head. Yellow static travels around the hand and flies onto the head.

Suddenly the visor glitches as the Absolute Solution symbol flashes onto it, before yellow text appears.

Miss Me?







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