Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

The Day They Got In


"We are Worker Drones." Uzi narrates. "Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company, JCJensen, IN SPAAAAACCCEEEE!!! Yeah, we were mistreated in the name of Windex. But it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything. Mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves."

In a flashback several human workers look at a computer that warns them of the Plant Core collapsing, and that the vibe is harshed. The two workers look at each other and shrug.

Then the core collapses, blowing up about half of Copper 9. Setting the world into an ice age. Outside a worker Drone touches a flash frozen human skeleton, causing it to fall over and shatter.

"With biological life wiped from the planet, we found it pretty easy to pick up where they left off. We finally had a future... all to ourselves."

A Landing Pod then crashes to the city and many Worker Drones surround the crash site. Staring at the sparking and smoking pod.

"Unfortunately... our parent company didn't exactly love the concept of a runaway AI."

Inside the pod four pairs of yellow X's appear. Then Disassembly Drones emerge from the Pod. A rather tall Murder Drone laughs as he stands on the pod and points at the Worker Drones in front of him. The three flying Murder Drones above him all fly towards the Drones in front of the pod, destroying them and the city.

Then after they kill all the drones they build a large spire made from their bodies. The tall drones clings to the top of it and laughs as he looks up to the sky, his laugh turning slightly robotic.

All this is revealed to actually be a presentation by Uzi in her class. Izy watches her older sister as she holds a book in her hands called, "Human Hobbies and their Meanings."

Uzi continues speaking. "But what have our parents done for the past forever while those things build a spire of corpses?!" She then shows a diagram of the bunker entrance. "Hide under the ice behind three stupid doors?! It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident."

Uzi then gets to her final slide which has "How Do We Fix This?" at the top and a Click to add title and click to add subtitle.

"Anyway, that's why my project this sick-as-hell railgun!" Uzi pulls out her railgun, causing her classmates to panic.

Izy eyes go hollow in worry as she drops her book on her desk. "Oh, boy."

"That's so not the vibe!" A classmate named Riley says.

Uzi frowns. "Easy, morons. It doesn't work. Yet." She points it at everyone. "It doesn't work yet." She grows angry. "Who said it doesn't work, maybe it does!" She flicks the switch on the side of her weapon and laughs evilly as her weapon powers on.

Izy whimpers as she slides down in her desk, only showing her eyes.

The Teacher rolls his eyes and sighs in disinterest. "Uzi, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons."

"Oh, and this magnetically amplified photon converter doesn't count?" Uzi asks as she motions to her weapon.

"...No. Plus, repressed emotional baggage was only worth two points on the rubric. And is it supposed to be that color?"

Uzi's railgun turns red and Izy brings up her book to protect her face. The railgun explodes nearly blowing the steel door off.



After that calamtious demonstration, Uzi winds up in the sick bay. Izy pokes at Uzi's bandaged head with her lucky screwdriver. Uzi's railgun leans next to them, still smoking.

"Poking. Poking. You shouldn't have turned it on." Izy quietly says.

"I know that!" Uzi frowns as she presses an ice pack to her face.

"But you still did it, that wasn't very smart of you."

Uzi pushes Izy's screwdriver away. "Don't antagonize me."

The two hear giggling and they look up to see Lizzy and Doll in the hallway looking at Uzi.

The two hear giggling and they look up to see Lizzy and Doll in the hallway looking at Uzi

"Eww." Lizzy scoffs. "It didn't kill her. Oh, my God, it's so bad."

She leaves and Doll waves to Izy before leaving. Izy gives a small smile and wave back.

Uzi groans and rolls her eyes.

Thad walks in as he laughs at his friend in the hallway. "Classic toxic masculinity, Chad! That's never gonna end up problematic." Thad notices Uzi's state. "Oh, wow--- Uzi? I-I heard you, uh-"

"I'm an angsty teen, Thad." Uzi points a thumb at herself. "Bite me."

Izy barley raises her hand. "And I'm the shy younger sister, who's always there for her old sister!  Uh- Um. B-Bite me!"

Uzi tosses her ice pack in a nearby trash can. "Also, how do you know my name? People willingly talk to you." She crosses her arms and legs.

Thad sits a couple chairs down from Uzi and Izy. He lets out a chuckle. "Well, I'd say everyone knows Khan's daughters, but, uh... then you might blow the other half of your face off."

Thad looks at all the newspapers and magazines about the two girl's father around the room.

Izy holds up her screwdriver. "It always can be fixed! I uh--- once had to fix my own face." She shivers and grows quiet. "It wasn't fun."

Uzi rolls her eyes as she pats Izy's leg as she talks to Thad. "Crippling daddy issues. Hilarious. What are you in for? Testosterone too hard?"

"That can happen?!" Thad asks in worry. Then he smiles. "Awesome. Hey, those bandages look pretty badass."

Uzi moves some of her hair off her bandage. "Oh... Uh." She blushes. "E-Ew, gross. I hate that you said that."

"But you're blushing." Izy whispers, only to be pushed away.

Thad points at the railgun. "So, what's the, uh..."

Uzi swiftly grabs her railgun and points it right into Thad's face. "Sick-as-hell railgun?!" She chuckles, then she lowers it. "Sci-fi nonsense that super works. Just asks Izy." She motions to the short Drone who waves with a smile. "Izy and I are sneaking to the Murder Drone lair tonight to get the last spare part I need to save the word with it and earn my dad's respect and stuff-- Uh, but mostly the world part."

"The world!" Izy quietly shouts as she throws her hands up with a determined look.

"Oh -- but doesn't your dad make awesome doors so we don't have to uh... do that scary-sounding emotionally repressed stuff you said?"

Uzi angrily points her railgun into Thad's cheek. "NO MORE FEEDBACK ON MY REPRESSION TODAY!"

"Ow! I'm sorry. I didn't think..."

"BITE ME!" Uzi leaves, but then comes back. "I'm not mad at you by the way, just generally hormonal!" She leaves again.

Izy blinks a few times, but then jumps up from her seat.

"I, um..." Izy digitally sweats. "I'm not hormonal, but I shall stomp out to make Uzi feel better!" Izy stomps out of the room. But then peers back into the room. "Nice chat, Thad!" She leaves.



Izy sleeps on her bed with text on her visor that shows the time.

3:01 AM
Forgot to set alarm for 3 am Mode.

She's shaken rapidly by Uzi.

"Izy, time to go!" Uzi informs.

Izy's mechanical parts chirp softly as her eyes appear. She then shoots up out of bed and holds up her screwdriver and pistol. "Let's do this!"


The two quietly leave Izy's room and grab the Master Key, which is a floppy disk, out of their dads room. Then the stealthily make their way through the bunker and reach the first exit door to the bunk.

Izy has her pistol strapped to her waist as she has karate hands at the ready as she hops around in circles, making quiet sounds.

The two sisters then move to the door and open it up, only to reveal their dad on the other side, scaring them.

"Oh Robo-Jesus!" Uzi shouts.

Red text appears on Izy's face for a second along with a caution symbol.

Warning Being Scared!

Khan crosses his arms. "And where might you two be off to?"

"Umm... Sneaking out to make out with my boyfriend that I definitely have?"

Izy nods in agreement. "Y-Yup, my boyfriend too, that I totally didn't just make up three seconds ago for this part... totally..."

Khan laughs, before getting serious as he puts his hands on his hips. "Seriously, though."

Uzi groans. "Okay, okay. You caught us. We need too..." Uzi thinks for a second.

Izy then straightens up. "Measure the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of Door One." Her eyes go hollow as she digitally sweats.

"Yes!" Uzi immediately agrees. "It's for a school project we're working on? A big old door!" She laughs awkwardly.

Izy's hollow eyes blink a few times as she starts to digitally sweat more.

Uzi then uses a goofy accent. "Just like what our old man built." She laughs, Kahn isn't buying this though. "We wanna join the WDF and hide behind the doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff..."

"Oh, I like cards." Izy returns to normal.

Khan chuckles. "Well, we don't just play cards."

Another door opens up behind Khan, revealing his buddies playing cards at a table. Khan's eyes go hollow.

Braxton, one of Khan's work buddies, calls out to him. "Khan! Can you grab a fresh pack? We literally only play cards so much that the numbers have faded." He notices the two girls. "Oh, hey Izy, Uzi."

Uzi and Izy chuckle as they wave to him.

Khan closes the door behind him, then turns back to the sisters. "Well..." He laughs. "When you build doors so good..." Goes back to hug the door like a dog owner petting his four-legged friend. "Good door. Gooooooood door." He turns his attention back to the sister. "There's no need to fight! Girls, this is great news! Here --"

Khan pulls out a wrench, with dried oil on it and continues talking. "--The wrench I used to tighten bolts on my first door prototypes --" He then speaks in a dark and serious tone. "And to put your mother out of her misery when the Murder Drones got to her with that Nanite Acid...!" He returns to normal. "I want you to have it."

He holds out to wrench to the sisters and they look at each other. Text appears on Izy's visor.

You take it.

Izy's visor returns to normal as Uzi rolls her eyes.

Said girl then grabs the wrench. "Neat. Therapy is fun."

Khan walks over and wraps his arms around the girls shoulders, then opens the next door. "Guys! My daughters are into doors!"

The fellow drones start cheering as another door opens, letting in snow and a cold breeze, must to their chagrin; because the cards on the table go flying.

Khan leads the girls into the room. "They're for a bit to examine the exterior of Door 1." He looks between the sisters. "Your door specific destiny awaits!"

The two sisters head for the outside. They look at each other in surprise.

"Uh, wow, okay." Uzi starts. "We're just gonna leave then... 'cause this worked so weirdly well. Ug, go doors!" She laughs ackwardly.

Izy gives everyone a peace symbol as she and Uzi walk outside. Then the door shuts, leaving the girls outside.

Khan starts to tear up. "They grow up so fast." He takes off his fake mustache and uses it to wipe his digital tears.

Izy and Uzi take a look at their surroundings, before inhaling and exhaling deeply. Izy looks up to the night sky as her dark purple eyes scan the skyline.

The two then venture into the arctic wasteland and make their way to the Corpse House. Uzi steps on something and it cracks. The sisters eyes go hollow as they look down to see Uzi's foot on the visor of a dead Drone.

Uzi takes her foot off the Drone and the two look up to the large tower made of Worker Drone corpses; as wind howls around them. Izy shivers a little as Uzi takes the lead into the tower.

They walk inside and star at the Landing Pod that has moonlight shining onto it. The two then continue on and forge around at the Drone parts on the ground.

Izy uses her screw driver to pry off the hand on an arm. She gags a little as some oil spills out, but she steels her servos as she pulls out some wires from within the arm.

Suddenly a mechanical whirling echoes around the Corpse House, causing the sisters eyes to go hollow. They both panic and hide behind some rubble together.

A Murder Drone slams into the side of the Landing Pod. N's metal wings shine in the moon light as N's tail sways around. He lifts up a Worker Drone head and crushes it in his clawed hands.

Uzi picks up a piece of glass and uses it to spy on the Murder Drone from behind their cover. The two sisters then look at the glowing green component in Uzi's hand.

Then they grow scared as they see the Murder Drone looking at the two through the mirror. The two swiftly stand up as the Murder Drone takes off into the sky. They take out their weapons, Izy aims her pistol up into the air as Uzi starts to repair her railgun.

"H-Here we go!" Izy stutters as her pistol charges up as she aims it at the Murder Drone charging at her and Uzi.

Izy fires and the recoil causes the pistol to slam back into Izy's visor; sending her to the ground. The energy pistol goes flying off to the side. The large energy beam flies at N, making him veer slightly to avoid it and he slams into the ground a few feet from the two.

Uzi and Izy get sent back a few feet from the force N landed. Uzi railgun slips from her hand and slides on the ground a ways behind the Murder Drone.

Uzi safely lands on her feet and gets into a fighting position, but Izy lands face first on the ground next to her.

"Ow..." Izy whines as she stands up.

Uzi smiles as she looks down at herself. "Whoa --  and they said pirating all that anime was useless."

The two sisters yelp in far as N jumps in front of the two, and brings his syringe at the end of his tail towards Izy. Uzi throws her hand forward and the syringe injects her hand instead of Izy's visor.

Izy gasps in both fear and panic, before just gasping in fear as Uzi's thrown away from her. N's hand then turns into a sword as he turns to Izy, as text appears on her visor.

This is not a safe place!

Izy takes a few steps back as N slowly walks towards her, with a smile on his face.

"Hey!" Uzi calls out, causing the two to turn to her. Uzi aims her railgun at the Murder Drone. "Bite me!"

Uzi fires her railgun as Izy dives onto the ground. N's head gets destroyed and his body falls to the ground as Uzi's railgun starts to recharge.

Izy jumps up and throws her arms up. "THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!"

Uzi gasps in amazement as she looks down at her gun. "Holy hell! Suck on that, Dad!"

Izy laughs as she runs over to her pistol and picks it up,  noticing some sparks coming off the side of it. Izy lips purse as she stares at her weapon. Then she turns around, only to see N's head regenerate. One of the five lights on his headband is red as red text appears on his face.

Optic Sensors: Offline

Izy screams and picks up a traffic cone. "Protect me, cone!"

Uzi picks up a severed arm and slaps N with it, which does nothing. N's eyes turn on and he stares at Uzi as Izy slowly walks over, with a cone in front of her.

"...Did you just slap me with that arm?" N asks calmly.

"Holy crap, it talks." Uzi says.

Izy drops the cone and motions to N. "See, I told you!"

"Yeah... Sorry, it's just my, uh, head kinda hurts." N scratches his head. "Hey, are you two new to our squad? You're both a little, uh..." In N's POV he gets errors trying to scan the two Worker Drones. "-short, for Disassembly Drones."

Izy frowns and mutters. "I'm not short... just under tall."

N then smiles and salutes. "I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you. I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city. That's not true. Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible." His tail straightens up and his eyes go hollow. "Wait, I-I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits." N sighs as he calms down. "Well, honestly is the best policy." He laughs. "I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life." He waves a hand dismissively. "Ah, but I'm sure that'll sort itself out!" He chuckles.

Izy and Uzi glance at each other as text appears on Izy's face.


Uzi nods as she turns to N. "Uh-huh." She grabs Izy's hand. "We, uh, have to, go."

Uzi goes to leave with Izy, but hisses in pain from the painful hole in her damaged hand. Izy gives Uzi a worried look.

"Stuck yourself?" N asks. "Just pop it into your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites. Otherwise, I'd be constantly disassembling myself." He holds up his tail syringe with glowing yellow Nanite Acid.

"And by 'our saliva', you mean..."

Uzi and N then speak together. "Disassembly Drone?"

Uzi grunts her teeth. "Right. Hey, let's go in that landing pod over there." She points at the pod.

N smiles. "Sure! I love doing anything!"

Izy smiles. "Me to!"

A few minutes later inside the pod Uzi takes her hand out of N's mouth.

N gives an uncomfortable smile. "Sweet. Uh..." He chuckles. "I'm open to new things I guess."

Uzi looks over to her healed hand, but Izy grabs her hand and pokes at it with her lucky screwdriver. "We are never talking about this." Uzi says to N.

"Talking about what?" N nervously laughs. "Consider it, uh, repressed." He tries to act cool.

"I'm gonna repress everything here." Izy states in a quiet tone, then goes back to poking Uzi's hand. "Poke, poke."

"Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad?" Uzi asks. "Are they coming back soon?"

N nods. "Oh, yeah -- two others. Well, technically three." He holds up three fingers. "They're out hunting for a bit but you'll love them. First, there's V."

In a flashback B tears a drone's entrails out with a crazed look.

"No, No!" A Worker Drone shouts. "Please don't feed me my own entrails in front of my family!"

N watches as V feeds the man his own entrails in front of his family, and kills him. The goes on to kill the family and many other drones in very violent ways.

"...and yet, I still feel nothing." V's craze eyed twitch.

N then speaks up. "Sooo, V, uh..." He chuckles nervously. "I heard this plant-wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight-"

V finishes cleaning her teeth with one of her claws, and turns to N. "Oh God, who are you?!" She leaves.

N calls out to her as she flies off. "No worries, I'm N! But a whole letter is a lot to remember!" He laughs nervously.

Back in the present N continues talking.

"So, obviously a lot of mutual respect there. But secretly, I actually kind of have a crush on her." He then panics. "You can't tell her, okay?!" He chuckles. Uzi and Izy zip their mouth. "Then there's J, our temporary leader!"

In another flashback, J has N pinned to the ground by putting a foot on his neck.

"N, you're worthless, and terrible..." J insults N.

N struggling to breathe replies. "Thank you..."

"-And if the company allowed it, I would straight kill you myself!"

The flashback ends.

N smiles. "J's awesome. Oh! Then there's out actual leader, Y. But he's currently really damage and we're trying to repair him..." He blinks then his eyes go hollow. "Don't tell anyone, okay!"

The two Worker Drones nod.

In a flashback N watches Y off to the sidelines.

A Worker Drone screams in pain. "AAAHHH! You're ripping me in half!" A grotesque ripping sound is heard. "AAHHH! You ripped me in half... actually that kind fixed the kink in my back, wow I feel so much better and so much worse at the same tim-"

A Worker Drone's head goes flying past N, nearly hitting him. N watches as a tall Disassembly Drone holds up the top half of a Worker Drone with his tail and drinks the falling liquid.

N blinks a few times. "Wow, that was brutal..."

"N, shouldn't you be off dealing with more of these... displeasing Drones?" An authoritative and serious voice comes from the tall drone. "We need to build the tower."

"I, uh... Um."

"N..." Y growls as he holds up his hand and it changes into a gatling gun.

N swiftly takes off using his wings. "ON IT!"

The flash back ends.

"Y is like the coolest Drone ever." N smiles and nods.

Izy and Uzi look at each other in horror.

N then talks to the two again. "Hey, let me give you two the tour! outside of the corpse... wall thingies." N turns to the smoking console next to him. "In here are the buttons!" He begins pressing the buttons, making beeping sounds.

Izy and Uzi look over the sparking and smoking console.

"This isn't just a landing pod." Uzi states.

"It's a space ship!" Izy's eyes turn into literally stars as she shakes her fists.

"This could get us off the planet!"

"More of a one-use missile." N states. "They never taught us how to land."

"No, We-" Uzi then corrects herself. "Uh-- l uh, the Worker Drones --  we could work with them to fix this! Instead of all the Murder!"

"Um... w-why do we do tha-t again?" Izy asks.

"Other than ingesting their WARM, SWEET oil to avoid overheating and dying?" N starts. "I guess I just want to be useful. I was given a job, and I always wanna try my best."

Uzi stands up on her chair, Izy gives her a questioning look. "And look at all the respect it's gotten you, N. You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?"

Izy taps her screwdriver on her visor. "She does make a point."

"Oh my, you two sure are rebellious!" N fans himself. "It's kind of exciting. U-Uh, but not as fun as, uh, following the rules..."

They hear metallic thumping and banging on the sides of the landing pod, making Izy and Uzi's eye go hollow in fear.

N smiles. "Hey, they're back! You-" He turns to the sisters and notices that their gone.

"Idiot, get out here!" J orders from outside the pod.

Outside the Corpse House Uzi and Izy run away in fear with their weapons in hand.

V laughs as she watches the two run away, and she crawls into the Corpse House. "Yo, we got a couple workers out there I kind-" She lands on the snowy ground. "-of wanna practice balloon animal shapes with." She notices the red light on N headband. "What happened here?"

"Synergistic Liability here must have tripped and knocked himself offline." J slaps N, making N go through a System Reboot. "Moron bot. Hello?" She snaps her fingers at the male Disassembly Drone.

A N's headband lights go yellow as he watches a recording of the past half an hour, with Uzi and Izy. Seeing them go from an error to his target. The he sees red text in his vision.

You're Dead

N's reboot finishes. "Ohhhh...." His scanner indicates Uzi's and Izy's footprints, and the two weapons they have. "OOOHHHH!" He turns to his squad mates. "You know, I-I-I left e-extremely dangerous weap- excuse outside...!"

N flees as V holds up a flag that says "Literally So Insanely Suspicious."

As Uzi and Izy flee back to the colony, with their weapons holstered. N starts to chase after them in Hunt mode.

Back at the colony Khan's work buddies are playing a card game.

Todd puts his card on the table and chuckles. "I am out, boys."

"Oh, gosh darn it.." Another drone says.

"Wait until my loving wife hears about this." Braxton says.

The door leading outside opens, letting the cold, Uzi and Izy in, much to their annoyance.

"Bite me!" Uzi yells.

"Close it! Close it!" Izy shouts in fear.

"I'm trying!" Uzi swipes the master key over the electronic door control and the door starts to close.

But as the door is nearly shut it stops as N already stuck his claw between. He pries the door open slightly. Uzi's and Izy's eyes are both hollow in fear. The Worker Drones stare at the slowly opening door in worry.

N's X eye stare inside, before returning to normal. "Hey, fellas! Oooh, deal me in! I love Rummy! Wait, no. Tsk. I'm going to murder everyone. Rain check!"

N's Nanite tail swings into the room and stabs the Master Key, in Uzi's hand, and breaks it against the door scanner. Izy's eyes grow small as she stares at the broken key and scanner.

The door opens up, as do the other doors. Realizing their lives are on the line, the two sisters and the other drones, minus Todd, run off. Uzi grabs Izy's hand as they run and practically drags her.

Todd chuckles. "Um, actually, it's gin rummy. So-"

N impales Todd against a wall and slices his head off. He then changes one of his clawed hands into a grenade launcher and begins firing at the rest, shooting Makarov's head off and pouncing on another drone.

Meanwhile, Braxton catches up with Uzi and Izy. "Hey, girls! I just realized no one has, uh, said my name aloud so far. So I'm just letting you know I'm-" N slices him in two, then flies up into the vents and after the two sisters.

Izy takes out her pistol and spins it as she turns around, along with Uzi and her charged railgun, but they notice that N's gone. The girls eyes hollow as they look at the bodies and spilled oil in the hallway. It's all quiet with only the wind hallowing.

Khan then appears behind them. "Pretty nice hydraulics, huh?" The two girls gasp in slight fear, only to realize it him. Kahn notices all the chaos he missed. "Wha- What have you two done?"

Before the sister could explain themselves, N swoops in between them, sending them flying back.

The sisters prepare for a fight.

"This time, I won't miss!" Uzi aims her railgun up.

"I-I won't either!" Izy stutters as she shakily aims at N.

N chuckles.  "I'm sorry. I really enjoyed our time together. But I can't have either of you shooting V with those things."

"Bite me!" Uzi then speaks to Khan. "Dad, get down!"

"Yeah, b-b-bite me!" Izy stutters slightly.

"Girls, you two led a Murder Drone here?!" Khan asks in horror, then tearfully speaks. "My beautiful doors!"

"Dad, now is not the time!" Izy states.

Uzi then speaks. "We messed up, in the same way we're about to fix it! Move, dad!"

N then pins Uzi to the wall , by stabbing her in the shoulder with one of his claws, and her railgun falls at Khan's feet. He then wraps him tail around Izy and holds her up behind him, forcing her to drop the gun.

Uzi coughs up oil and gasps in pain. Izy kicks the air and grunts in fear and frustration.

"Dad!" Izy calls out. "Grab it and shoot this thing!"

"...Trust us..." Uzi strains.

Khan, trembling in fear, looks down at the railgun then back up to N, who's X eye stares at him as he drools with a toothy wide mouth smile. Khan takes a couple steps backwards instead of helping his children.

"Dad...?" Uzi calls out in heartbreak.

Digital tears fall from Izy's eyes as she watches. "What?"

In an act of cowardice, Khan closes the door, leaving leaving Uzi and Izy behind with the Murder Drone. Izy stares at the door in disbelief and slowly stops moving, before looking down in grief over being left in the lurch by her own father.

Both girls stop their attempt to break free from N. The room turns red and alarms blare as N regains his sanity, looking with despair over what he has done. His visor glitches for a few seconds as he looks between the two limp and heartbroken sisters. At this moment J and V show up.

"Whoa, N!" J starts in amazement. N quickly throws the sisters behind some large boxes. "Am I dreaming, or did you do something not useless for once? Y would totally be proud of you!"

"I've been trying to get past those doors for months." V informs. "Nice work, N."

"You... me... name... remember?" N asks V.

"These ventilation shafts can easily get us around this last door. Lowest body count eats a missile!" V flies up into a ventilation shaft and further into the colony.

J steps up to N, stomping on Izy's pistol on the ground, destroying it. She pats him on the shoulder. "Way to go stud. The company's gonna love this. With this colony wiped, we'll make top team this quarter for sure." She then speaks in a sing-song tone. "You know what that means... Breaded pe-ens!"

J holds up a JCJJenson (In SPAAAACE) branded pen, to N's joy. She tosses it to him and prepares to fly off and catch up with V. N stares at the pen in his hand, before growing a sad look and glancing over to where the sisters are hiding.

N then calls out to J. "Uh, you know, not that I can't wait to keep murdering all these, uh... maybe not-so-actually-different from us Worker Drones, but, just out of curiosity, do we actually, uh.." He hisses through his teeth. "-know what the company plans to do with us afterwards?"

Behind the boxes Izy, with a scared look, taps on the knocked out Uzi's visor, making her wake up.

J's wings collapse back inside her as she turns to N, with her eyes narrowed at him. "Excuse me...?"

"Okay, so, a Worker or two earlier might have suggested that they could fix up our landing pod to, uh, escape the planet and stuff. Which-- " He points at J and shouts. "Whoa, hey, that's against the rules!" He calms down and continues. "But it is kind of making me question why our pods were only-one way in the first place. 'Cause, y-you know, I get the feeling the company doesn't actually love robots, and, like, we might be robots? I've made a terrible mistake. It's cool how immediately I could tell."

J walks up to N and wraps her arm around his shoulders. "Hmm. No way, buddy. Questioning the company? You know how Y feels about that. You just finally gave me the excuse I needed." She injects N with a virus right in the chest. He falls to his knees. "Worker Drones are corrupted, N. That's why the company sent us. I hate to see you corrupted as well. Don't worry, we'll fix Y without you."

N stutters and his speech glitches. "Thanks, J... Always looking out for me." He falls to the ground. "You're awesome."

J scoffs and flies into the ventilation shafts and follows after V, and hunt down more drones. After a few seconds Uzi and Izy pop out of hiding, with the older sister grabbing her gun.

N then speaks again, his glitched speech continues. "Ah, biscuits. I'm sorry. I ruined your card game, then made you both have an awkward moment with your dad."

Uzi puts her railgun on her back. "And we made you rebel like an angsty teen, which got you killed. Though, you also tried to kill us, so morality calls this a draw."

Izy goes over to her gun and shows a sad face, picking up the sparking and malfunctioning weapon. "Aww... I spent months building this.." She looks over to her sister and sees her trying to reach for the vent. Predictably, she can't reach due to not having the ability to fly, and for being too short.

A question mark appears on Izy's visor.


Uzi groans and looks over towards N. "For the record, that was the lamest heel-face turning history.Was that supposed to be you switching sides?"

"Being rebellious is a lot harder than it looks." N states. "Thanks for showing me the ropes."

"We are not bonding with a psychopathic Murder machine." Izy states as she puts her broken weapon on her hip.

"That's super fair." N sighs. "I screwed up.

Uzi clicks her tongue. "Uuuuggh. In the same way you're about to fix it?" She pulls out the wrench she took from Khan.

N laughs. "I love doing anything." He gives a thumbs up.

Izy tilts her head. "Head tilt."

Deep within the bunker Thaf gets flung backwards as oil spills from a wound. Lizzy and Doll rush to help help him as J arrives. V crawls on the walls as she gives a menacing laugh. J throws a headless Drone body to the side.

Khan stares in horror. "So, they found our evacuation spot. But, if we build a quick door-"

Thad gets up as he grabs a pipe off the ground. He then spits some oil to the side. "Are you kidding me? You're the WDF, right? Defend!" Khan and his friends back off in more cowardice. "For real?"

V laughs as she hangs down in front of Thad. She then impales Thad with her metal wings and slams him into the ground, before grabbing his neck and lifting him up.

Suddenly someone calls out to her.

"Hey!" Uzi shouts.

"Huh?" V looks over to the entrance she and J came through.

At the entrance Uzi is pointing at V as Izy hides behind her with a scared look, while N smiles and waves.

"This is a bad idea!" Izy states as she holds her luck screwdriver tightly.

"Put that conventionally attractive male down." Uzi orders, then she nudges the waving N.

"Oof! Oh, uh, J? You're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism."

"Nice." Uzi and N fist bump.

V growls and tosses Thad to the side.

"Noted, traitor." J responds as she puts her hands on her hips. "We'll circle back after I right-size your existence, and use your parts to fix Y!"

Uzi turns to N. "Okay, which one do you want?"

"J, please." N asks.

"Too bad. Good luck."

"Wait, we're actually doing this?!" Izy asks in shock.

Uzi clicks a JCJenson (IN SPAAAACE) pen and flings it at J. The pen lodges into one of her blowing parts in her head and, causing her to scream.

Uzi and Izy run off as N turns to V with hollow eyes and points to her, then points to himself and gives a thumbs up. V laughs as she spreads her wings and changes her both claw hands into swords. She then lunges towards him.

Uzi stops as Izy keeps running and aims her railgun at J. J growls and changes her hand into a submachine gun, and blindly fires towards Uzi. She actually manages to send Uzi to the ground.

J pulls the pen out of her headband. "Damn the well-made, quality-assured durability of JCJensen products!" She notices something coming towards her. "Huh?"

Izy, with an exclamation mark on her visor, drop kicks the pen right into J's face, causing yellow oil to spill out of her visor and her to scream in pain.

Izy back flips off J's face and lands near Uzi, who gets back up and off the ground. But they duck as a yellow energy wave slices the air above them.

N gets thrown into some boxes as an energy wave barely misses his head; cutting the boxes in half. V giggles as she aims her grenade launcher at him.

N forms an energy gun and aims it at V and charges it up. But as he fires pink hearts come out of the gun, causing his eyes to hollow. "Ah! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read into this!"

A missile lands next to N and explodes, causing him to release a high-pitched scream. J pulls the pen out of her face as her vision glitches, she snaps the pen in half. She looks up and growls at Uzi and Izy, making her gain a crazy look as she cackles.

Izy's eyes hollow in fear as Uzi aims her railgun at the damages Murder Drone. But J charges up a new weapon and releases an EMP. Causing Izy and Uzi to shutdown and fall to the ground.

N and V sword fight in the air, as the female Murder Drone giggles and laughs. N manages to block one of V's attacks and looks down to the ground to see J walking towards the sisters.

"Uzi! Izy!" N calls out, then looks at V. "I'm so, so sorry. Have fun repressing this!" He licks V's sword.

V moves back. "EWWW! What the hell?" She looks at her sword in disgust.

V looks up, only to be sent to the ground from an X kick N gives her to the face.

Izy and Uzi turn back on and they both grunt. Uzi reaches out to her weapon, only for J to kick it away.

J laughs as she stares down at the sisters. "You two got a lot of guts for barely sentient toasters." Text appears on her face.


"I've had prey fight back before, but your edgy spirit is just so..."

"Stab." Izy is heard.

"...Painful?" J looks down to see Izy's screwdriver in her leg and J's own Nanite syringe in her other leg. "GAH!" J starts to stumble back. "FOURTH! QUARTER! PROFITS! MOTHER OF COMPANY LEADERSHIP RETREATS!"

Izy grabs a pipe off the ground and chucks it at J. Which the pipe makes a loud thud as it slams into J's visor, sending her to the ground.

Uzi aims her railgun at J's face. "One more buzzword, and I'll do it."

J looks hesitant, but then decides to speak up anyway. "Equity partnersh---"

Uzi pulls the trigger. Ending it all, J's entire top half get obliterated. Uzi spits on the corpse, well what's left of it, to show who's the baddest. Izy walks over and wipes digital sweat away as she falls to her ass beside her sister.

Izy the crawls over to J's corpse. "Um, I hope you don't mind, not like you can, but I'm taking... this back." She grabs her screwdriver out of J's legs. She then quietly chuckles. "Lucky screwdriver!"

As the other drone's come out of hiding to cheer for them, Uzi tiredly falls over. But N catches her and picks her up and onto his shoulders. N then picks up Izy and holds her in his arms, like an owner holding a cat. V is tired up behind N with an unhappy look.

"Holy hell you two. That was insane!" Thad cheers. "And you too, uh..."

"Huh?" N realizes Thad's talking to him. "Oh, uh, N. I'm the angsty rebellious disassembly Drone, now." A pair of digital shades appear over N's eyes.

Izy gives a thumbs up as digital shades appear over her eyes too.

They hear someone clearing their throat. It's Kahn. Uzi throws her wrench back at his feet.

"We brought the Murder Drones here accidentally." Uzi starts. "You chose to leave me and Izy for dead instead of just frickin' believing in us! And that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!"

Izy sheds a few digital tears as she lightly glares at her dad. Uzi smacks herself to regain her composure and continues speaking.

"I'll save you the trouble, Dad. Izy and I banish ourselves!"

Izy blinks a few times before her eyes hollow and she glances up at her sister. "What?!"

Khan tries to speak, but can't find the words.

"Let's go, N." Uzi orders. "Everyone here can bite me."

N grabs V with his tail and drags her as he walks away with the sisters. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Uzi."

Uzi smacks N on the head. "Shut it."

"Um... I never agreed to this." Izy states.

"We're sisters, so we're in this together!"

"Awww, maaaan."

N spears his wings and takes off into the air and goes through the roof, taking the sisters and V with him. Khan takes a sip from his mug in disappointment. On his mug it says. "#1 DAD" Nothing could be further from the truth...

A little later outside the Corpse House Uzi sits on top of the car as Izy lays behind her. The two sisters watch the morning sun rise over the horizon. Meanwhile, N is lodged inside the Corpse House.

"I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me." N calls out. "Hope you're having important character growth or something though!"

Uzi stands up and turns to N. "Just can't wait to Murder all humans." A question mark appears on Izy's visor. "Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth. 'Cause we're coming for them."

Uzi's eyes turn yellow for a second as a three arrowed symbol releases her left eye. She then starts to cackle loudly as Izy slides away from her sister.

"Worried look." Izy gives Uzi a worried look.

"Oh, that sounds... interesting." N calls out. "But be ready for tonight, cause we're going to see my Boss!"

"....Wait, what?!" Izy shouts.

Out in space three Drone Pod make their way down to Copper.



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