Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

A Dying Galaxy

I sped up time for about 500 years, just to give my new empire some time to solidify itself and build up a respectable navy. It’s nowhere near the size of the Imperium’s, but it’s just as strong. By now, the emperor must have culled most of the people who treated him like a god. The emperor hated religion after all.

My people, however, truly worship me. Giant cathedrals have been built in damn near every city. Tartarus, the capital, built a gigantic statue of me on top of a mountain in the same pose as the Christ the redeemer statue but with my wings. They installed anti-gravity drives in the wings and made them long enough to dwarf everything else in the city.

Chaos did try to invade my peoples minds multiple times, but my people are literally immune to corruption, so they just ignored it.

Currently, I’m sitting on my throne, going over the design for the colossus. I’ve spent the last 500 years coming up with a design, and I think I’ve got one now.

I think I’m going for a roided up version of the executor-class star destroyers, but painted black and red. It’ll be so big that it’ll have its own natural gravitational pull. Of course, that would be weird to deal with on the ship, so I’ll be placing in some gravity drives.

I’ve also been going over my plans for this universe. Yes, I could just kill everyone and everything and be done with it, but there’s no fun in that! I think I’ll act similarly to the flood in Halo.

Which, by the way, would wreak havoc in the Warhammer universe.

I’ll take over imperial, tau, eldar, etc. planets and make their people take dips in a liquid form of transformation magic. This magic will change them from whatever race they are, into angels. It’ll implant a gene into them that will make them incapable of not worshiping me. Of course, any species can worship me and become part of my civilization, but they’ll eventually go through this process, which I’ll call a baptism since y’know, I’m literally the christian god in godzilla.

My people have managed to build 10 titans, 500 battleships, and a fuck ton of the others.

They’ve also built two juggernauts, giving us two fleets so far. Not a lot, honestly. And the ships are kinda slow…


Ah! I know what to do!

I open a portal up in my throne room and step in. On the other side I’m met by the vacuum of space. I can feel it all through this universe. Distortions of space. A few minutes pass as I feel all the distortions happening around me, then I feel one headed my way. I’m still in my human form, so I’m not a giant intimidating bird right now.

Appearing in front of me is a spaceship. A large ship that has a disc shaped hull with two protrusions coming from the back part. These protrusions go back after and then come back up to create two engines.

Star Trek baby. With the warp drives from Star Trek, you can travel the entire milky way in a split second using warp 10. But, I chose to be in the movie version of Star Trek. Where they’ve achieved warp 13. When I steal these ships, my empire will be unstoppable in warhammer!

As the ship gets closer, I teleport into the cockpit. I see that this isn’t the enterprise, as none of the crew are memorable people. But, being a captain, the main in the chair speaks up,

“Who might you be?”

I look at him and say,

“Just a petty thief.”

With a snap, I take the souls of everyone on board and put them in paradise. May as well use them to strengthen me! With this, I open another portal, and take the ship with me. I place the ship in a dock, and tell the shipwright to reverse engineer the warp drive from it, as well as the teleportation pads. I also inform him that I’ll be sending over some other groups to reverse engineer other parts of the ship as well, such as medical scientists to recreate some of the stuff they have.

I may just go to Star Wars one day and get a bacta tank. And a lightsaber… I’m gonna use a lightsaber. I create one in my hand. It’s gunmetal colored, and thin. It also has the handguard design of Kylo Ren’s saber. But, the difference is the Kyber crystal. Mine is black. I turn the lightsaber on and hear a menacing hum. The core of the blade is a deep black with a white glow coming from it. It’s similar to the darksaber.

Alright, I strap the saber on my side and make some jedi-style robes, but black. I figured it was time for a new look. The toga isn’t exactly timeless, after all.

I change my hair style as well. I’ve just had it kinda laying on my shoulders all this time, so maybe it’s time to change it. I cut it down to be just above my shoulders and part it a little on the right side.

Alright. Now that my looks are squared away, I think it may be time to finally make the colossus.

I teleport to space just outside of the capital system. I hold out my hand and begin making a star. It starts off small, and begins to grow rapidly until becoming about twice the size of the sun. I make sure that this star’s gravity doesn’t affect the solar system as well. I then encase this star in a gigantic megastructure known as a dyson sphere, which will act as its power source and engine. I then create six planets, all ecumenopoli, and place them on both sides of the star before encasing them in metal as well. I then create vents that allow the heat from the star to travel throughout the gigantic ship. Next, I begin constructing the hull.

To construct the hull, I create a shit-load of magisteel from Tensura. This shit is insanely tough. Enough to withstand a punch from Guy. So, damn near everything, other than actual gods, will be unable to touch this bad boy. The entire ship will be constructed of this, other than the dyson sphere, as magisteel isn’t very good at conducting anything other than magic.

This hull will also be covered in a thin layer of shielding, created using magic. This shield will be able to block all lasers, and also acts as an anti-life barrier, only allowing those with abyssal energy on board. So if any space marines do their signature boarding technique, it’ll be goodbye soldier boy.

Damn, just imagining Uncle Iroh’s song is making me tear up. Maybe I should visit him… Bring his son back…

Yeah, I’ll do that one day.

Anyways, with the hull finished, it’s time for some of the crew. The more dangerous jobs will be done by robots. Not sentient robots like in Star Wars. These robots are also constructed out of magisteel to allow them to take the insane heat of the star when doing maintenance inside the dyson sphere.

I then create some valkyries to cover both security as well as the ships weaponry.

Speaking of weaponry, the front of this ship is equipped with what I call an eraser. It’s a laser big enough to completely erase the sun. There’s several other main battery guns that basically shoot battleship-sized munitions, and secondary guns that shoot out corvettes. Not the car. And there’s innumerous amounts of point-defense, as well as just regular guns. There’s thousands upon thousands of hangars around the entire ship that release strike craft, similar to Star Wars ships, just on a bigger scale. There will be two main hangars which will house two strike groups consisting of over 200k corvettes, 150k frigates, 100k destroyers, 75k cruisers, 50k battleships, and 10 titans. No juggernauts, because this thing is basically a juggernaut of a juggernaut.

I teleport into the captain's chair and look out of the window.

I see the milky way. In all it’s bleeding glory. The wound caused by the Cicatrix Maledictum causing the galaxy itself to wail out in pain. I feel a pang in my chest as I can feel the galaxy’s pain… It’s slowly dying. I feel a connection begin forming between the galaxy and I, similar to Earth in the past.

I close my eyes and reach out to the core, but I’m unable to make that connection…

The core is… Already dead?

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