Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


[General POV]

The skies of Accatran grow dark as the very sun above them is obscured by the mighty colossus. Flames begin to ignite in the sky as the drop pods of the minions of death await their turn to slaughter. The human hordes protecting the planet tremble with fear as the first pod slams into the ground, creating a crater.

With a loud hiss, the doors to the pod open, releasing the army of death upon them. The guardsmen open fire, hoping to slay as many of these demons as possible, but each and ever pod opens with one of those seemingly bullet-proof wings that make even rounds from knights seem as if they were fired from a slingshot. With a single wave of a hand, the creatures with gigantic wings create swathes of trenches, which the far weaker, small winged creatures jump into. After depositing their charges, these winged beasts take off into the sky, kicking up clouds of obscuring dust between the humans and their enemies.

The humans collectively grimace, knowing that their anti-air had been thoroughly dismantled by the week-long constant orbital bombardment.

Arman Galeos, a new recruit into the guard, looks on in horror as the first wave of enemy attack comes in the form of a gigantic spear ripping through the air, and embedding itself into his commanding officer, pinning him to the concrete wall behind. With a loud booming sound that shakes the soul, a figure appears in front of the officer. Standing four meters tall, this… monster… was intimidating, to say the least. Two gigantic black wings, nearly twelve meters in width, sit upon its back. A suit of futuristic knight armor covers the entire creature. Arman, giving up on putting up the slightest resistance, asks a question as the being rips the spear from his commanding officer and walks towards him,

"W-why? J-just what did we do? W-what even are you?"

This creature stops in front of him, towering over him like a god, it's black halo looking like a deadly sun. It's helmet suddenly splits down the middle with the sounds of hydraulics. It reveals the most beautiful face Arman had ever seen, yet he could not tell if it was a man or a woman. It speaks with a voice that seems to shake Arman's very soul, as though he were hearing the words of a god, words he should never have heard,

"I am an angel of death. As for our reason for killing you, our goddess has ordered it. That is all."

As the angels say this, it's expression never changes. Looking at Arman as though he were a pebble on the side of a road. Not looking at him as if he were worthless, nor acknowledging him. The mask closes once more, obscuring the beautiful face. Arman sees a spray of blood come from below his head…

And then nothing.

The angel takes off once more, killing the rest of Arman's brethren as Arman sits there, his head slowly sliding off his shoulders as his body finally realizes its death.


Across the battlefield, a Titan wreaks havoc among the ranks of the enemy army that is lacking support from an angel. Its shells pound the trenches, uprooting hundreds of enemies. The enemy fires back, cutting into the armor of the Titan with their laser rifles, but not doing much else. As the human armies charge from their trenches, firing at the enemy lines, a loud boom rings out across the battlefield, causing everyone to look up.

A large fireball rips through the atmosphere, screaming through the sky like a hawk swooping down onto its prey. The fireball lands on top of the Titan, turning it into a molten lump of scrap metal. As the dust dissipates, standing there is a woman, tall and beautiful. Her skin seems to swallow the light around her, coating her like a veil of pure void. She waves her hand, creating a portal behind her. This portal grows to massive proportions, nearly becoming the size of a skyscraper. The humans halt their attack, and begin to run back to their lines, not wanting to be the first to have to fight whatever comes out of that portal.

As they arrive back in their lines, a private holds his rifle close, trembling slightly. He freezes as he starts to hear something.




He looks down at the puddle beneath his feet and sees ripples forming with every sound. He hears a low growl and then suddenly,


The sound of… Something… Charging up.

A group of titans turn tail and run back, abandoning the troops on the line. The private wanted to curse the titan pilots, but he soon found out why they ran.

A blue beam of what seems to be fire or plasma slams into the back of one of the titans, cutting through it with ease as if it were a plasma sword through butter. The torso of the titan simply ceases to exist as the remaining parts bend and collapse like a house of cards. The private slowly turns around and peeks over the edge of the trench. He sees a figure, clouded by fog. This figure stands over 100 meters tall. Its eyes glow with an ethereal blue, as blue flames lick the edges of its mouth. It suddenly moves forwards with its mouth fully open as sparks of blue leave its mouth. A shockwave leaves its mouth as though its call were a nuclear warhead.


The roar knocks the private back, and hits him like a train. His breath is knocked from him, and his heart skips a beat, as he's unable to comprehend such a massive creature. As he slowly stands back up, he sees the soldiers around him scrambling to run away. An officer attempts to get them to charge one more, but even he begins to run as a second roar echoes across the battlefield.

The private just stands and slowly walks over to the edge of the trench, looking at the beast as it charges up another breath attack. Standing beside the private is an older man, likely a career soldier. He brings out a pack of cigarettes, and lights the end of one before taking a drag. He looks at the young private and offers him a cigarette. The private shakes his head no and says,

"Nah, I don't smoke."

The veteran chuckles and motions towards the monster before them, saying,

"Well, don't think you gotta worry about cancer."

The private looks at the beast, its spines glowing blue, signaling his imminent death. He shrugs and takes the cigarette, letting the veteran light it. As he takes a drag, the beast opens its maw once more, and envelops the trench in blue.


AN: aight now that im back from my trip, i wanna start being more consistent with my uploads.

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