Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Battle of Two Gods

The Emperor speaks in a booming voice that echoes across the galaxy,

“Well, God from another world. You’ve had fun with my empire, haven’t you?”

I know what that feeling was.

“My people have been slaughtered. My worlds have been burned. My believers are faltering, thanks to you.”

The Emperor has been blessed by someone and has gained strength… On par with mine.

“I have to thank you, honestly.”

That feeling…

“After all, I now know what it feels like,”

Is fear.

“,to be a god.”

He suddenly bolts forward, the surface of the planet cracking under his feet. I raise up my arms and feel as though I’ve been hit by a galaxy. My arms go numb for a split second as I counterattack. I Punch faster than the speed of light, cracking his golden armor as if it were nothing. His body bends around my hand as he flies off the face of the planet. I jump after him and land another punch on his face, sending him flying once more.

As I go to punch the Emperor once again, a beam of golden light erupts from his body, towards me. It slams into my left arm, evaporating it and leaving a gaping hole in the side of my chest. The Emperor looks at me, expressionlessly. My arm instantly regenerates. I start feeling something else as I charge towards the Emperor once again.

I coat my arm in the energy of a neutron star, punching him and releasing a massive nebula in the shape of a triangle, with a blind spot where the Emperor was. Looking at him, I see that his chest where I hit him is flayed of skin, exposing muscles and organs. This quickly heals over within a split second.

He coats his arms with a golden energy and charges forward. I cast a few barriers in front of me, making three clear blue domes made up of millions of triangular plates, strengthening the buried beyond that of a circular one. As he collides with the barriers, his fist easily smashes through the first two, but the third one gives me enough time to dodge out of the way. His fist narrowly misses me, which I capitalize on by casting a beam of solar energy, similar to the attack I used on Milim. This beam cuts through his right shoulder, slicing all the way down his body, bisecting him. He stops his momentum in front of me and chuckles,

“Heh. Not bad. I see why your people so easily trampled over mine. They never stood a chance.”

A look of sadness appears on the face of the expressionless Emperor. He speaks once more, with a renewed sense of duty,

“Should I fall here, my people shall fall as well. As their God Emperor, I cannot allow their extinction. In the name of Enno-Lunn and Apocolothoth, Goddess of the Moon, I shall slay you.”

No wonder that energy felt familiar. He was blessed by that bat-shit insane fox-bitch. It seems me merely calling her by a nickname she TOLD ME was enough to cause her to bless my enemies. No matter. She doesn’t have the infinite magic I do, so blessing people with such power will make her weaker, especially if I absorb said energy. Empy holds his hands as though he were holding a sword that doesn’t exist. A blade of pure energy appears in his hand, silver with a golden aura surrounding it. I get a huge wave of fear from that sword, telling me that this sword is able to damage my soul should I be struck by it.

As he slashes at me, I dodge and send a ball of black hole energy into his face. He dodges this and swipes up. I continue my dodge, now being upside down. I send another blast of energy into his face in the shape of a spear. This one connects, ripping the flesh from his skull, revealing a silver skull underneath. He speaks in a gruff tone as he slashes at me once more,,


The tip of the sword manages to clip my stomach, causing a burning sensation to wave over my entire body. I yell out uncontrollably,


He almost manages to stab the sword through me, but I regain my mind quick enough to punch the blade to the side, only letting it lightly graze me once again. The voice of the system appears for the first time in what feels like forever,

[Soul Damage Resistance gained!]

The pain that once tore through my body, is now localized. It’s still nearly unbearable, but I’m able to barely fight through it. I grab the blade by the sides, not allowing my hand to be cut. With a good yank, I pull him towards me. I grab the lightsaber strapped to my side that I hadn’t yet made use of, and light the blade into his body. The blade of pure plasma easily pierces the body of the Emperor, burning through his godly flesh. I imbue the blade with Abyssal energy, causing it to have natural soul damage just like his sword. His face contorts in pain, as he howls,


His sword fades as his concentration is broken. He grabs my shoulders and shoves me back. The blade of the lightsaber creates a vertical wound as I attempt to pull the sword up as he shoves me. He looks at me with anger clear on his face for the first time, and quickly turns to one of fear as he realizes that his wound isn’t healing. I chuckle,

“Hahah, you poor fool. Abyssal energy negates healing factors.”

As I gloat, he suddenly bolts forward once again, his entire body being covered by a golden aura. I go to stab him as he meets me, but my lightsaber doesn’t penetrate his golden aura deep enough, only causing a slight wound on his chest. He grabs my head and pulls my face into his knee, causing my nose to break. As I start flying away, he grabs onto my wings and kicks me in the spine. I teleport away, but am yet again met by a fist to the face. Jesus fucking christ, how much more energy does this guy have?!

He goes to punch me once again, but I dodge this and coat my body in abyssal energy. II punch him square in the gut, earning another yelp of pain,


He lands a hit on my side, earning a grunt from me,


I punch him in the chest with my left hand and break through his golden aura. I use this split second where his body is unprotected to stab him through with the lightsaber. His face scrunches up yet again, but he manages to keep himself together long enough to conjure up a dagger of pure golden energy. This dagger rips through my abyssal energy and plunges into my neck. Blood fills my mouth.


I twist the lightsaber, making the blade rip through his body, bisecting him across the chest. The dagger nearly disappears, but there’s a sudden burst of energy. I feel my neck detach from my body as unbelievable pain rips through me. I see a wave of silver energy vaporize both mine and the Emperor's bodies. Everything fades as this energy reaches my head, killing me.

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