Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

CHAPTER 1 – Birdie


'Wait, caw?'


'What is…'



[Name: Unnamed]

[Sex: Female]

[Age: 1 year]

[Race: Crow]

[Size: 0.92 Meters (wingspan)]

[Titan Energy: 0]




[Assimilated DNA: NAN]

[Mutations: NAN]



'Oh? A system huh?'

I look around and find myself wracking my brain to describe the place I'm in. It's… Magical?

Yeah, magical would be a good word. Every plant is vibrant beyond belief. It's the perfect temperature, if a little on the warm side, and to top it all off… There's another land up in the sky past the clouds…

Between the two lands I can see floating rocks with some ethereal purple energy surrounding them. As I'm looking up, I see something moving. It looks kind of like water, but it moves more biologically.


'Holy shit.'

It's a giant slime! I don't know how far up above me it is, but the fact that it takes up nearly half the size of the mountain it's on, I'd wager that it's pretty big!

"Caw caw caw?"

'Am I big too?'

[Wingspan: 0.92 Meters]



I stand up and look at my immediate surroundings. I'm in a nest made of several different grasses from around me, there's no eggs which is good. I'd rather NOT have sex with a bird. I'm normal sized while gigantic creatures are all around me… Hmmm….

"Caw Caw Caw caw?"

'Why does this place feel familiar?'

A lightbulb appears over my head.



I'm in the monsterverse! While I wouldn't call myself an avid fan of the Godzilla films, I still really enjoyed them! Enough to know a good few things about them.

"Caw caw caw caw?"

'What time is it?'

[8:43 AM]

"Caw caw caw caw!"

'I meant the year!'

[152,383,820 BCE]

My beak drops to the floor.



Okay, I need to stop thinking out loud before something wants a rotisserie chicken.

So, humans don't exist. At all. Titans do exist. And… I GET TO SEE DINOSAURS!…

If I can find out how to get out of the hollow earth. I know there's several portals out, but I'm a crow. I'll die if I even think about touching those.

I noticed that my system said something about Titan energy, I'm guessing that has something to do with how creatures get so massive down here. Also, assimilating DNA… How tf do I do that? I can take a wild guess and say it includes eating something, but that may be wrong. We'll know after I get my first meal.

Also, I'm apparently already an adult. I'm guessing my soul took over the dead body of this adult crow. Thank fuck, I don't wanna have to get baby birded.

Luckily, I'm not the type of person to shy away from things I eat as well, because I guarantee I'm at the bottom of the pecking order in the hollow earth. Bugs will be all I can eat for now.

But, if DNA assimilation works how I think, I may grow pretty fast. Imagine a Titan with an ants strength mixed in? Titans can already lift literal monsterous amounts of weight, but an ant titan would fling Godzilla into the stratosphere.

Oh, snap!

I see a snake slowly slithering it's way towards me. It's big, but not as big as you'd think. It's smaller than an anaconda, but bigger than most snake species.



I take off an instinctively start flying away. What? Did you expect me to not know how to fly? This shit's muscle memory. I take off, leaving my nest, and the snake behind. I swear the snake had a disappointed look on its face as I left, but why would it?

I fly low in the trees, making sure to avoid open air as any pseudo-titan bird species would surely swallow me whole. I don't wanna be digested, I'm not into vore.

I notice that my vision is better than it was as a human, because I can see a little worm sticking out of the ground slightly. I quickly dive and comp down on the butt of this wiggly bitch. I rip it out of the ground. This thing is much bigger than normal. If I had to guess, it's about the width of an adults big toe and longer than a thigh. I take it and fly up onto a branch. I stab the branch through the center of the worm and get to work munching the wrigglers head? Butt? Whatever it is, I just acted like it was a sausage. Italian. Sausage.

[1 Titan energy gained]

I feel my muscles grow a little stronger as that notification comes up. It's like if I could lift 100 lbs before now I could lift 102 lbs.

Nothing massive, but still a good increase for a bite of worm!

I keep eating and eventually eat the whole worm.

[5 Titan energy gained]



Fuck, I gotta stop that.

I got bigger. Just by a bit. I felt a little bit of stiffness and soreness throughout my body after I finished.

[Wingspan: 1.05 meters]

Ok wow, that's more than I thought. I notice that I don't feel full even after eating a human thighs worth of worm. Maybe it has something to do with Titan energy? I dunno, I'm not a Titanobiologist or whatever.

I sit on my branch and keep an eye out for anything that moves. I see a squirrel, but I'm not exactly a bird of prey yet so I ignore it. Besides, the bushy tailed bastard is bigger than me. I'm getting the image that size matters where I am.

I keep looking and spot something that looks like a prairie mouse. The little ones. It's smaller than the worm as far as length goes but it's definitely got some gruesome mutations. It's little mouse paws now have claws on them nearly double its finger length, its teeth look almost metal like they could rip and tear with ease, and it's ears are quintuple the size of its head.

So anyways, I started swoopin. I land on its back and immediately peck the back of its neck to try and paralyze it. It works. The mouse tries moving its head back to bite me, but it can't move the rest of its body. I end it with a peck to the skull. I sink my talons into its fat mouse body and drag it up to my branch.

I said I wasn't a picky eater, right?

I dig into the bloody mouse corpse, ripping tendons away and crunching its bones to dust with my beak. I try eating the claws, but they cut into my beak a little and I stop instantly. I munch and munch, eating everything I can and eventually finish it.

[20 Titan energy gained]

I feel my body stiffen up and grow sore, so I lay down to try and avoid falling over. I get bigger.

A. Lot. Bigger.

[Wingspan: 2.74 meters]

Hehehe I'm a big kid now.

[Assimilating Razor Mouse DNA: 93%]

[Mutations gained: Razor beak, Razor Talons]



[Name: Unnamed]

[Sex: Female]

[Age: 1 year]

[Race: Crow]

[Size: 2.74 Meters (wingspan)]

[Titan Energy: 26]




[Assimilated DNA: 1]


[Razor Beak]

[Razor Talons]


I feel an itch in my beak and feet like bugs are crawling on them.

Mutations aren't going to be pleasant.

A few seconds later, I'm no longer sore or itchy so I stand up. I try to look at my feet but can't because I'm a bird. I do notice that I'm much taller than before, almost as big as that squirrel. I spend the rest of the day hunting Razor mice and thinking.

'Some creatures aren't considered titans even though they contain Titan energy. Like that worm, I couldn't assimilate its DNA. I get bigger when I collect TE and can gain the mutations of other Titan class creatures. I also get less Titan energy the more creatures of the same species I kill and eat.'

[Titan energy: 72]

[Wingspan: 4.32 meters]

[Razor Mouse DNA assimilated: 100%]

[Ability gained: Slash]

'Describe my mutations and the new ability to me.'

I tried scratch out on one of the mice before and it just kind of ripped their skin.

[Razor Beak: Your beak has been mixed with Razor Mouse DNA and has thus become razor sharp.]

[Razor Talons: Your Talons have been mixed with Razor Mouse DNA and have thus become razor sharp.]

[Slash: User slashes at target with perfect edge alignment, allowing for clean cuts across the body.]

Nice. Alright, anyways. Time for sleep.

AN: i am a refugee from the crisis over at webnovel. please spare me some change sir lol

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