Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


I found a nice looking mountain and took a few hours to carve out a good cave and fill it with silk to make it comfortable. I start eating the snake and soon finish everything.

[Mutation Gained:]

[Explosive Muscles: Your muscles are able to explode with power for a split second, allowing for near instant punches with incredible power behind them]

[Titan energy gained: 34722 (146423)]

[Wingspan: 894m - 1002m]

[Height: 233m- 275m]

Oh! I guess I can grow more now. That one gave me a lot of energy. Maybe the aliens will send me another one! I'm surprised I don't have to sleep to grow this much anymore. Maybe it's because I've gotten strong enough that I don't feel the pain from it anymore.

I decide to just sleep until something big happens.

So anyways, I started nappin'.





Aight I'm back, I get a weird feeling calling me to the breach again. I guess it's time to leave this world possibly? I guess the aliens sent their trump card after me. Which is weird, because I never saw that kaiju in the movie. Maybe they got dealt with before they could release it in the movies?

I fly over towards the breach and nose dive into the water, shooting down into the water like a torpedo. I get down to the ocean floor within seconds and my beak digs into it. I pull my beak out and start swimming towards the breach itself. I stand near it for a second and think to myself,

'Bye bye Pacific Rim. You were boring.'

And I hop down the breach.

I feel my body get stretched and squashed and all the air in my lungs be ripped out violently. Luckily I have [Void-born] so this stuff doesn't bother me. I come out and am greeted by a hellish scene.

'Ah, the aliens' homeworld.'

I see a dark orange start hovering close to the planet and several tall and thin buildings reaching into the sky. I can feel that this planet is much much smaller than earth and is also long-dead. Which means… I can rampage without worrying about the planet!

I fly up into the sky and activate my bio-volcanic nature. I also start using [Conjure Hurricane] and whip up a category 10 hurricane. Dark clouds start forming all around me. The entire storm covers the entire planet which is about the same size as Mars, if a little smaller. With winds exceeding 400 kph, every building on the planet is ripped apart like toys. Several F5 tornadoes spread around the planet and wreak even more havoc.

Just for a cherry on top, I start using [Nuclear Pulse] all across the planet at any major city I come across. Several kaiju attempt to stop me, but they are easily dispatched by the pulses that kill their masters. And now, to finish them off, I use the [Missile Launcher] and launch oxy-bombs over and over again. The bombs spread quickly, destroying the oxygen of the planet and further killing any creature caught within the radii of the explosions. I admire my handiwork as I see the completely dead planet, devoid of any life. The oxy-bombs and pulses thouroughly destroyed the corpses of any kaiju which is upsetting because I'm sure that the bodies would give me enough energy to reach 200k.

I land on the ground and see the hellscape before me. Dust, ash, and bones are the only things left. As well as the ruins of the buildings these aliens constructed. I suppose I could revive this planet.

I start injecting the planet with my leftover energy, and can feel it swallowing it greedily. Maybe I should make a kid to keep this planet alive, because right now it feels like I'm trying to keep a fly alive for more than a month. Like yeah, maybe I could, but it would take all of my attention.

I decide to go ahead and do it and quickly lay a white egg.

About a year later, the egg hatches. The kid that comes out of it has a very aggressive personality, and tried to fight me the second they came out.

They have white feathers, red eyes, and are slightly smaller than 200m. They choose to stay in the bird form. As they hatch, they immediately peck at me. I grab their beak with my hands and slam their head into the ground,

"Is that any way to greet the one who brought you into the world?"

The bird looks at me and pushes my hand off its beak before saying,

"This hellscape? Why the hell would I be thankful for this?! You should have had me on earth! I would've made those humans worship me! I would've been their god!"

Ah. I see. This one has a god complex. Well, I know how to make them happy.

"You know, if you stay here and bring this planet back to life, you may have an intelligent race evolve soon. You could become their god, you know?"

The white bird looks at me and then looks down at the ground. I think it may be angry until it looks at me with tears in its eyes,

"R-Really? Do you mean it?"

I giggle slightly and run my hair through the feathers at the top of her head,

"Yep! I'm sure of it! I name you Gaia, mother of life!"

Gaia looks at me with tears in her eyes and starts wiggling around excitedly.

"I'm sorry for… trying to peck you…"

I look at the clone of me with a warm smile (at least I feel like smiling. Don't think birds can smile.) I rub her head and say,

"It's alright, I'd be mad if my mom tried to leave me here too. Your only goal is to make this place a comfortable place for you to live."

The girl nods her head and flies off to where she'll make her throne.

I feel the breach calling me again. Maybe this time I'll actually leave Pacific Rim.


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