Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Greg (Arc 3 – Start)

First things first, I tell my girls about me leaving, including Milim. They all have slightly depressed looks on their faces, but understand that they'll see me later. I go back to the world of tensura and create a clone of myself to keep running and protecting my kingdom for me. Before you ask, no I haven't forgotten about the piece of Veldanava's soul at the center of the galaxy, I plan on coming back and absorbing that later. I'm far too weak to absorb it just yet. My soul would probably explode if I tried.

After creating the clone, I said goodbye to Rimuru and Guy. I tell Guy that my clone should be a good sparring partner for him as well, but that he'd still probably lose.

Yep, that's right, lose. Not loose. Learn how to spell. You don't loose a fight. You loose an arrow, or loosen a knot.

Tangent aside, I head off. I think it's about time to revisit a certain universe.

I teleport up into space around tempest and look back at the giant blue planet. Man, I spent so much time here that it feels more like my home than Earth ever did. Yeah, I spent more time in the Godzilla universe than I pretty much ever will in any other one, but I slept through most of it.

Well, I guess I should get going. I open up a portal and head into it quickly, as there's a certain bug species I really don't want infecting this universe.

I fly out into the vacuum yet again. Instantly, I feel a chill run up my spine. I didn't get this feeling the last time I came through. I suppose I'm getting some attention this time around. Well, let's go ahead and make myself known, shall we?


[Custodian Odin Valorian]

For the first time in over a millennia, I have been granted the honor of watching over the Emperor. Though my heart aches, seeing the weakened man, I shall do my duty without fail this time. I shall be a perfect companion.

As I stand still, constantly watching every inch of the chamber of the Golden Throne, I notice movement from the throne itself.

I nearly jump into action, as do my brothers. However, the movement was from the Emperor himself. It feels as though he had flinched.

For a split second, I feel frightened.

For if something can cause the emperor himself to flinch, what can I, a mere mortal, do?

If need be, I shall lay down my life. I shall at least serve as a distraction.


[Back to Sera]

Hm. Well, I can feel that the general power level of the 40k universe is much, much lower than that of tempest. Most beings here are at the very bottom of F-rank. However, the strongest beings are frightening beyond belief.

The Hive Tyrants of the Tyranids are around X-rank.

The loyalist Primarchs are each around low B-rank. Space Marines are around low D-rank. Weak for tempest, but extremely strong in this world.

The Emperor of Mankind?

He's a Z-rank. A demigod. Now, he's a low Z-rank, but he's still a Z-rank.

Each of the chaos "gods" are peak Y-ranks. So, the Emperor IS in fact strong enough to hold off all four chaos gods. Which makes sense. I mean, the man is literally protecting the entirety of mankind from the chaos gods' corruption.

Speaking of chaos, what the fuck is this universe? There's damn near 10000 different dimensions connected to it! Obviously, there's the warp, and the webway, but it's like every separate species has its own dimension for it. It feels gross, honestly.

Though, one of these dimensions feels VERY close to me. The warp.

I can sense that it WAS a dimension of abyssal nature. Though it still has abyssal energy inside it, it's become corrupted. I could probably just get rid of the corruption, but that wouldn't be fun now, would it?

There's also one more powerful creature in this universe… The leader of the Tyranids. I don't know what it is, but it is just about as powerful as I am. Probably just under 300b. I don't remember hearing about this thing in canon, so I guess I'll give it a name myself.

Greg. Greg the Tyranid God.

It doesn't exist, but it does. It's the sum of all tyranids combined into one gigantic psionic being. It can't affect other things like the chaos gods, it doesn't have a physical presence like the emperor. It just exists.

I don't feel scared of it by any means. It literally can do nothing to hurt me. If it wanted to, it could probably create a tyranid on-par with the emperor. But, there must be something keeping it from doing so.

I feel like causing a bit of an uproar in the galaxy. I'm sure the emperor has already sensed me. The chaos gods definitely have. If not because of my strength, because of my abyssal powers. Greg probably hasn't.

I let out a psychic screech that echoes throughout the vacuum of space. It rips through planets, causing a shock to pass through every planet in the milky way. Psykers fall unconscious, demons are sent back to the warp, and ships currently in the warp are pulled out of it violently.

It rips through dimensions, sending a shockwave throughout the entirety of the warp, shocking the chaos gods and causing the souls of the newly dead to fizzle out.

I definitely pissed off Slaanesh, as I caused the souls of the eldar they collected to dissipate.

The scattered pieces of the C'tan that the necrons use shudder as the wave passes through them.

The Emperor of Mankind shakes for the first time in multiple millennia.

And the various lesser "gods" of the universe quake in their boots.

Yep. That's how you make an entrance.

Hello Warhammer 40k.


AN: Ayo, I'm back, baby. No real upload schedule for now, I haven't been feeling it lately. I wanna make this story better than it was before. It got kinda tedious with the whole tensura arc, hence the rather rushed ending. So, from now on, I don't really plan on spending more than 30 chapters on a single universe.

Ngl, the holidays kinda sucked this year. Lots of money issues, add a shot of good ole depresso, and you got me for the past two months lol. So, I'm gonna be shifting my focus to books I can actually make money from on here. One called Ysera Chronicles, the book mentioned last chapter, and another that I haven't announced yet.

Also, sorry for the people who were looking forward to it, but I probably won't be writing Cheng Fenfang. I suck at writing cultivation books I've found.

Ah. Right.


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