Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Makin Babies

All right, describe them to me.


[Proton Scream: Mecha-Godzilla's iconic breath attack. It contains enough heat to instantly melt through multiple buildings at the same time and is about 1.6 times more powerful than Godzilla's Atomic Breath.]

[Missile Battery: You are able to create Missile batteries and hide them in your skin.]


[Cyborg Skin: Your skin is now partially mechanical, strengthening it.]*

[Supercomputer: Your brain now processes information and thinks at the speeds of a supercomputer.]

[*: Cyborg Skin can be combined with Resistant Skin to create Resistant Exoskeleton, the evolved form of both abilities]

Nice. Do it.



[Name: Seraph, +6]

[Sex: Female]

[Race: Death Draenix]

[Class: S-Titan]

[Wingspan: 920m - 1103m]

[Height: 243m - 301m]

[Titan Energy: 80366]

[Assimilated DNA: 13]

[New Abilities:]

[Proton Scream]

[Missile Battery]

[New Mutations:]


[Resistant Exoskeleton]


I'm a big girl now! I'm almost twice as tall as Ghidorah, and my wingspan dwarfs his by double.

Ghidorah looks like a lil baby compared to me.

This transformation doesn't need me to fall asleep. My skin starts to harden up even more as I feel liquid metal crawl under my feathers and fill in several cracked areas of skin. My brain feels… God-like in all honesty.

It takes only four days for the changes to occur. I can feel where the [Missile Battery]'s are under my skin and feathers, and I can feel that I can choose to eventually create more.

I take the Oxy-bombs and am about to dig deep down to bury them, but I smell something delicious that distracts me. I follow my beak-nose and find that its the Oxy-bombs!

"Well, not like these can do anything to me!"

I swallow one whole like a dangerous pill.

[Ability Gained:]

[Oxy-bomb: Your [Missile Battery] ability can now fire oxy-bombs]

Noice! The bombs no longer smell good, but I swallow them just cuz. It'll be the best way to deal with them so nobody can get their grubby hands on them.

I wanna leave Earth. Ever since I got [Void-born] I've felt something calling me to the void of space. Almost like how a child calms down from hearing their mothers heartbeat. It's tempting me like my warm bed after a long day of work. My heart was racing while I was flying over to that base, like my first time having sex. An exhilarating yet terrifying feeling.

But, I don't want to leave earth to its own devices. I know they'll manage, but I don't want humanity to kill the titans.

I turn my eyes to a very useful ability,

[Offspring Production: Create an identical copy of yourself at the time of birth that fully grows in around a year]

Now, that may be a good explanation, but it leaves something out. I can choose several things about this clone. I can give it blue feathers, I can make it have the [Void-born] mutation just without the calling I feel. I can choose not to give it certain abilities, and I can control its personality. I can also make it male if I want. I have full control over how this thing will grow up.

I use the ability and feel a giant lump start forming around my butt… Oh fuck… I'm a bird…


Oh my fuck that was disgusting. I never want to do that again. A green egg now lays in front of me and I can feel a connection to it and a desire to sit on it. So I do. I probably look like a gigantic black chicken.

I stay sitting on this egg for about half a year before it gets too big. I eventually just cover it in silk and sit to the side. It grows to be just a little bit smaller than me in another half year, and I instinctively feel that it'll hatch soon.

The egg cracks as I finish removing the silk. What greets me is an identical copy of myself, just with green feathers.

She looks at me with a small child-like smile. She's a little bit smaller than me, at about 904m tall. It seems that even with me choosing, they can still differ from me slightly. She changes to her human form and wraps her four arms around me in a hug.


I turn to my human form and wrap my arms around her,

"Awe, you're kinda cute."

It feels weird calling myself cute, but she is! She acts very innocently and seems to be a bit of an airhead.

Her green feathery hair only goes down to the middle of her neck, which varies greatly from mine. My hair is black and falls down just above my butt. Her eyes are a slightly pink-ish color. I pat her head as she snuggles into my non-existent breasts.

I suppose space can wait for just a little while.

"I'll name you Remiel. Remy for short."

I remember several seraph names from back when I was raised by my christian parents.

As she hears this name she looks up at me and gives me a big toothy smile as I continue patting her head.

"I love it! Thank you mama!"

Her adorable little smile warms my heart as I pledge to myself that she must be protected! I'm going to create several other ones with no free will to protect earth, but she must be happy!

And so, the next several years are spent by me creating mindless drones to protect earth in my absence. I prepare to leave for space. I also spend time with Remy, coddling her and raising her. Unlike me, she likes staying in her human form, so I make her a toga to keep the ogling eyes of humans who wanna fuck everything that moves. I guarantee you there's vore made of me.

She's an absolute airhead, but that just makes her even cuter. I remember how one time we were flying over the ocean because she wanted something to eat and she saw a nuclear submarine from miles away. She swooped down like a hawk and yanked it out of the ocean. I scolded her for it, and she dropped it back down. I guarantee you whoever owned that sub isn't happy.

Then the day finally comes. I have eight separate 'drones' that are set to sleep within different parts of the world. One in Yellowstone, one in Antarctica, one in the Urals, one in the Outback, one in the Alps, one in the Andes, one in the Himalayas, and one in the Atlas mountains.

I'm not leaving my little jelly bean on an awful place like earth!

Remy holds my hand as we stand at the north pole. I rub her green hair with my hand as we prepare to leave earth for good. Anything that happens after now doesn't concern me.

We jump off the ground, our wings beating with enough force to crack the ice and wipe away the snow beneath us. An unfortunate lone penguin is sent flying in the air and I swear I hear 'NOOT NOOOOOOOOoooooooo-' as we fly up. Fire starts surrounding us as the atmosphere tries desperately to keep us in, but this heat is nothing compared to what I can create. Then, silence.

We reach among the stars and a beautiful painting lies before us. Colored lights dot the area around us, almost as numerous as sand on the beach. I can see several disks of light as I look out into the vacuum of space. Galaxies. I'm able to see entire other galaxies.

I feel absolute euphoria as the cold embrace of the void wraps itself around my body, and it seems that Remy is the same way. I see the girl shaking as a gigantic smile forms on her face. She pants and sweats as the void blankets her. I am the same, just slightly less so. It feels like the ending of an orgasm. This lasts for a few more minutes until we finally get used to the void.

"Well. That was interesting."

I'm surprised at the fact that I can hear my own voice in space, but chalk it up to [Void-born].

"That felt amazing!!!"

I wrap my arms around the girl and rub her head gently.

I guess it's time. I felt a calling the second I left Earth's atmosphere.

"To Mars!"


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