Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


After eating Ghidorah and Mothra, I went to sleep for a few years. Thanks to Godzilla, all the Titans are asleep again. Which it doesn't really matter because I'm nearly as big as I can get on Earth. I guess Earth lacks enough Titan energy for me.

I notice that I'm still conscious even though I'm asleep. I guess this is an ability of the [full body brain].

Pretty cool, but it may get annoying if I can't turn it off. For now, I'll sort through my abilities and see what they do.



[Gravity beam: The lightning-based attack used by Ghidorah.]

[Conjure Hurricane: You can use your wings to whip up a hurricane up to a category 10]

[Unnatural Regeneration: You regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye.]

[Reincarnation: Mothra's ability to insert her consciousness into the eggs she lays and reincarnate herself with her memories intact.]

[Sacrifice: Mothra's ability to sacrifice herself to power up another individual.]

[God-ray: a blinding light is released from your wings, causing blindness in non-titan creatures who stare for too long, and causing titans to look away in pain.]


[Full Body Brain: Your entire body becomes a brain, making it possible to stay awake and move your body while asleep. Can also be forced to sleep by willing it to do so. It also increases your thought processing and reaction time by incredible amounts, allowing you to dodge bullets should your body be able to keep up.]

[Void-born: You can survive the vacuum of space, and even feel comfortable in it. You can travel at incredible speeds through the void by manipulating space around your body to act as a railgun where you are the projectile.}

[Bioluminescence: You can make yourself glow. That's it. That's all there is to it.]


[Full Status:]

[Name: Seraph, God, Yahweh, Allah, Valkyrie, Bennu, Roc]

[Sex: Female]

[Race: Death Draenix]

[Class: S-Titan]

[Wingspan: 742m - 920m]

[Height: 114m - 243m]

[Titan Energy: 59150]

[Assimilated DNA: 12]*Moved for ease of viewing*

— *Added for ease of viewing*




[Breath Of Death]

[EMP Blast]

[Offspring Production]

[Atomic Chain]

[Aqua Jet]

[Ink Spray]

[Energy Manipulation]

[Turn Humanoid]

[Sonic Screech]


[Atomic Breath]

[Nuclear Pulse]

[Heat Manipulation]

[Alpha Call]

[Alpha Call resistance]

[Sigma Call]


[Gravity beam]

[Conjure hurricane]

[Unnatural Regeneration]




— *Added for ease of viewing*


[Razor Beak]

[Razor Talons]

[Bullet Time]

[Venom Glands]

[Venomous Canines]

[Venomous Wings]

[Venomous Saliva]

[Titan Sense]

[Extra Limbs (10)]

[Atomic Skeleton]

[Wolves Hearing]

[Ink Sac]

[Limb Regeneration]


[Resistant Skin]

[Dorsal Plates]

[Nuclear Reactor]

[Heat Resistance]

[Bio-Volcanic Nature]

[Alpha Call resistance]

[Sigma Call]


[Full body brain]




The new abilities are pretty great! Especially [Void-born]. I can now leave earth whenever I want! I'm gonna wait for Mecha-godzilla then I'm gonna sleep as long as I need in the hollow earth, then peace bitches!





Oop that's a Ghidorah brain. I can sense Ghidorah's brain linking itself to the satellite that controls shiny-zilla. Luckily, it seems like humanity hasn't found me just yet. Getting rid of my radiation signature does wonders to help with that lol.



Well yeah I WAS but now I'm a titan!

Ugh. Anyway.

I come out of my cave and fly over to Hong Kong where Godzilla and Kong are currently getting their asses handed to them by the metal lizard.

Hmm… I wonder what'll happen if I eat mecha-godzilla?

Godzilla receives a titan energy-laced punch to the face while Kong just kind of lays down with his heart stopped. I see the floating gravity car thing fly over to his chest and give him a shock, starting his heart back up. Together, the two make quick work of Mecha-zilla.

Why didn't I interfere? Simple, I already made the fight with Ghidorah seem like child's play, I'm not gonna hold their hands the entire time. Anyway, Godzilla and Kong roar at each other a little more, with Kong saying something along the lines of "I'm still not below you" and g-man saying something like "sure bitch". I swoop down and grab the corpse of Mecha-zilla, essentially being a vulture at this point. In the back of my head I think about how many people were killed by this fight and the fact I could have stopped this before it even started, essentially saving the lives of everyone here.

But I honestly don't care. It feels weird, but the more I grow as a titan, the less I care about humanity. Honestly, I just kind of ignore them for the most part. I won't actively cause them harm, but if they're in my way I'll kill them.

Oh. I went back to my cave without realizing it. There's a small team of humans gathered outside. Well, I guess a mountain suddenly breaking apart is pretty noticeable. I ignore them, step on a few cars, and drag the metal corpse into my cave. I end up needing to expand it a little to fit the body, so I do that and wrap the body up in silk to keep the humans away while I do something.

I walk back out the cave and head off towards a place in the north-eastern side of New Mexico.


[Area 1337]

Commander Jenkins oversees the experiments and storage of incredibly dangerous prototype weapons created by the US. Just recently, the entire stockpile of 3 Oxygen destroyers (Oxy-bombs) has been transferred over to storage. The government deemed them too dangerous a weapon to allow the use of, and now chooses to store them completely underground and away from the prying eyes of the rest of the worlds spies. It's damn near impossible for any spies to infiltrate the compound, because to even step into the compound you must show incredible loyalty to not only the US but also the current president. Any change in loyalty, no matter who becomes president, results in the removal of any memory of the facility via the newly created mind-altering lights equipped by the security of the compound. And, attempting to leave the compound without your mind altered will be a death sentence.

Recently, production of a new weapon similar to the atomic breath of the g-man has been developed.

Dubbed P.ray, short for proton ray, it is stronger than the proton scream utilized by mecha g-man and the atomic breath of the actual g-man. However, it is incredibly unstable.

Commander Jenkins is sipping a coffee in his office as he reads the report from the latest test of the P.RAY was able to punch through any material sent through it, except the pool of liquid titan energy placed at the end of the long hallway. It cut through twenty feet of solid steel as if it were nothing.

Suddenly, a scientist busts through the door to Jenkin's office, causing him to spill his coffee all over the report.


The scientist quickly puts herself back together and says,


Jenkins looks at her and puts his head between his hands,

"The fuck did Major Problem do this time?!"

The scientist looks confused and quickly shakes her head,

"No an actual problem! Titanus Seraph is flying DIRECTLY TOWARDS US!"

Jenkins freezes up and looks at her with defeated eyes.

"Welp. Let's pray she goes right over us, because we don't have the means to launch an oxy-bomb nor is the prototype P.RAY able to be used defensively. Our SAMS would tickle that thing at most. Shut off the air defenses and turn off anything that'll give off radiation. Just act dead."

Commander Jenkins was there when the fleet escorting Kong was attacked by Godzilla, and remembers that titans tend to not attack things that appear dead. Oh how wrong he was.


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