Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Soul Music is my Favorite

I fly off into the sky after killing the cute mage girl and fly towards the city. I turn into big borb and screech out loudly, letting my fake anger be known. I fly above the city and let my magicules be known. The people shiver in fear as my power level right now is a little bit below Charybdis, but I've got intelligence on my side. I start launching missiles at the city and using the gravity beams to rip it apart. I don't do much damage compared to that alien world, because of the fact that every single thing has magicules in it that strengthen it to incredible levels.

Clay from this world would be able to stop a nuke on earth.

Speaking of nukes, I wanna kill and eat that one mage guy to get that magic. It seems useful.

I see a group of humans running out of the city in a big crowd and send a giant ray of atomic breath to turn them from a solid to a gas. I see a human with a shield surrounding them and wonder if I can get that skill if I eat them.

I scoop up the shielded person and throw them in my mouth.

[Human Mage DNA: 1%]

[Magicules gained: 475 (233748)]

[Ability gained:]

[Shield: Turn your energy into a shield that surrounds whatever you want it to. Nothing can enter or leave said shield.]

Hoho. This will be useful.

I set up a shield around the entire city and start turning bio-volcanic to raise the temperature. The ability also said that NOTHING can enter or escape, meaning I could just burn the oxygen in the air and choke any remaining humans out without having to resort to the nuclear pulse and destroy the surrounding landscape. I think that would make Guy get angry.

It takes a few hours, but I successfully turn the inside of the shield into a vacuum. All humans within it suffocate and die within minutes.

[Souls gained: 41738 (78,015)]

Dammit! Just barely not enough. I need one more city. I'll just keep on my path of destruction for one more city.

I find another city that is about the size of Brooklyn, probably the capital of this country. I land in it and get to work, scorching the city and eating any mages I can find. I grab a mage and realize she is like a twin of the other one. She squirms and screams in my hand as I toss her in my mouth and swallow her. Just like a tic tac.

I swear if I ever see rule 34 of me eating humans I'm gonna destroy whatever earth made it.

I do the whole trick of turning the city into a vacuum and let all the humans choke and die. Now, all that's left is the magicules.

[Souls gained: 58253 (136268)]

[Human Mage DNA: 69%]

[Magicules gained: 12756 (246504)]

[Abilities gained:]

[Abyssal Fireball: Shoot a ball of fire that burns the soul.]

[Abyssal Waterball: shoot a ball of acidic water.]

[Abyssal Lightning: Shoot black lightning from your hands.]

[Abyssal Heal: Heal something or slowly decay it.]

[Abyssal Magic Missile: Shoot a weak magic missile that rarely misses its target.]

[Abyssal Earth Magic: You can control all dirt, stone, and metal.]

[Abyssal Water Magic: You can control all water.]

[Abyssal Fire Magic: You can control all fire.]

[NOTE: Each of these skills has been infected by your abyssal nature turning each of them into abyssal versions and powering them up significantly.]

Noice. I just need like three more big hunts and I'll get a big upgrade courtesy of the voice of the world. Now that I have all the souls I need and more, I fly off towards something strong to kill.


In the meantime, in a frozen castle sits a red haired young man wearing the bare minimum of clothing. A few women in maid outfits wait on him. Each of them are nearly twice as strong as Sera is currently.

"Misery, it seems there's a little bird who hasn't learned her lesson. Tell me, what should I do?"

Misery bows slightly and says,

"I do not believe she is slighting you. Instead, she seems to have created a situation where the humans around her had no choice but to either kill or chase her off. After getting what she believed to be justification, she then proceeded to destroy two cities and then fly off. I believe she has a rather violent personality and a hatred for humans, but she didn't want to incur your wrath."

Guy looks off in the direction of the bird who was currently attempting to hide her presence.

"Hm. Maybe. As long as she doesn't keep doing this, I don't care."

Guy closes his eyes and sips on a drink on the table next to him.


I fly above the forest of Jura and towards a creature that's slightly stronger than me. It seems to be some sort of giant monke. It has brown fur and rocky hands with two giant tusks coming from its lower jaw.

I shrink myself before getting closer and do my usual of turning into a missile and pecking its head. It seems to sense me halfway through and pulls its long arm up to block its head. My beak pierces the fur and skin rather easily, leaving a giant gaping wound.

The monke flings me away with a slap that rocks my entire body.


The monke starts yelling at me in anger as I charge up an atomic breath. The breath slams into its chest and singes the hair on it, but doesn't kill it. It charges at me and tries to punch me. I dodge out of the way and use one of my arms to punch it straight in the gut.

I then use another to grab its arm and yank it to knock it off balance. It falls over onto its back and hurriedly rolls to try getting back on its feet. However, I kick it in the face as it pushes itself up. The punch rocks its brain as I blast it in the face with a beam of plasma. The plasma liquifies its head in seconds.

"Man, that's gotta give you a headache huh?"

I turn big and momch.

[Monkerock DNA: 100%]

[No abilities or Mutations have been gained as you already have better versions of them.]

[Magicules gained: 23846 (270350)]


I decide that after how easily I killed the monke that was stronger than me, that I'm gonna hunt something majorly stronger than me. I can sense something strong in the ocean, but I'm not able to see what exactly it is. Something is blocking it. It's not as strong as say a true dragon or a true demon lord, but it's relatively strong. Stronger than me at least.

I fly out to meet it and… It's big. It's blue. It's got quite the ugly mug. It's a sea serpent.


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