Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Welcome to Tensura

I start exploring the world of Tensura to get a grasp on when exactly I am. I know where, because using triangulation, I can tell I'm south of the frozen continent due to Guy's overwhelming amount of magicules, and west of the Eastern Empire as Velgrynd's energy is big, albeit weaker than Guy's. The anime doesn't do Guy justice, the dude/dudette could slap me around and I could only say thank you!

I can't sense Milim, which either means she's weaker than me right now, or doesn't exi-

A chill rushes down my spine.

Oh shit there she is. Seems like I got reincarnated right when she started going berserk.

I guess I'm close to the western side of the continent, because Milim seems to be going berserk just a couple dozen miles away from me. I could go and help deal with her, as I should at least be able to delay her long enough for Ramiris to show up and bring her back. Plus, it's a good time for an attack to "accidentally" strike a human city and destroy it into nothingness to gain a demon lord seed. If that is the way to get one.

[Demon Lord Seed Requirements: 300k Magicules, 100k Human souls, 20 Skills/Abilities.]

Nice, how many souls do I have currently?

[0 Souls]

Dammit, I was hoping it'd carry over. What about skills?


Alright, so I have to get to 300k magicules and kill 100k humans… Second one will be easy, because Guy won't do anything to someone who just destroys a city. First one will… Take some time.

I decide to go and help fight off Milim if anything, it'll give me a chance to see how I stack up to tensura. I start flying over in my small form, because being almost 300m would make me a bigger target for her. I'm still tall, at about 2m, but that's nothing compared to 300. I reach the spot and feel an oppressive, angry energy wash over me. Honestly, I want to rampage now that I've felt it, but I keep myself sane for now.

As I start battling with my demons, Milim looks my way and then goes back to destroying the city of the kingdom that killed her pet. I charge up and send an atomic breath at her, which hits her… But bounces off. It ends up slamming into part of the city and-

[86 Souls]

Yeah, that.

I then send a couple of Ghidorah's gravity beams towards her. The electricity slams into her, and this time it actually does some damage. She tenses up for a second and looks back towards me with hatred on her face. Honestly, seeing such an angry look on a cutie like Milim breaks my heart a little.

As I think to myself, Milim appears in front of me faster than I can react to, and punches me square in the stomach. I'm sent flying as the punch rocks my entire skeletal system. I've gotta thank the atomic skeleton I got, because otherwise that hit would've broken my ribs and my spine. I slam into a mountain North of Milim and nearly cut the mountain in two with the impact.

I can sense Guy moving now. I decide to lay down and rest for now as blood is currently pouring out of my head due to the impact. I'll heal in like ten seconds, but I wanna play dead because Milim is still staring at me from really far away.

I get up and walk a few steps before acting like I lose consciousness and fall flat on my face. I can feel that Milim finally looks away from me and continues her rampage. In all honesty, I probably should've let the energy consume me and make me go berserk too. Then I could get some souls, and I wouldn't have to fight that monster. Yeah, I'll fight Guy while going berserk, but I wouldn't be in control so I don't have to deal with the pain! Hehehe.

Yeah, let's do that! I get up and fly back over towards Milim. I make my signature incredibly weak so I can get close to her. The dark red magicules start being absorbed by my body and I feel a primal rage and hatred for humanity start consuming me.

[Magicules gained: 1856 (148482)]


I see so I can gain magicules just by being by something stronger than me huh? I'll probably use Veldora's cave then!

Anyways, back to edgy mode.

A deep dark primal rage starts to overtake me as I draw in the magicules from around. This amount of magicules could easily kill a human all on its own. I start to feel myself losing control as I stop disguising my signature completely. Milim turns around as she senses something slightly strong appear behind her. Due to me absorbing her energy, she seems to give me a pass and continues on her rampage.

My eyes start glowing red while my pitch black skin seems to absorb all light coming towards it. I let out a sonic screech roar down at the destroyed city below me,


The buildings directly underneath me are vibrated to destruction, while any human in a 2 mile radius has either gone deaf or died. I keep getting angrier and angrier until finally,

[Dark Magicules have reached a breakpoint. Host will fall unconscious and go into a berserk state.]


Seraph starts to look around herself. Her glowing red eyes seem to pierce the earth and look around for any possible building to destroy. Her skin seems to somehow become a glowing black, similar to the center of a black hole. Her form shimmers for a second before reverting back into her 300 meter tall bird form.

Her slim features and gigantic wingspan create quite an intimidating form, even to the strong in this world. As her wings unfurl, she jumps off the ground and flaps. That single flap leveled a mile radius of the city.

She flies up in the air and heads straight towards one of the other cities owned by the kingdom that killed Milim's friend, Gaia. Due to the magicules being absorbed from Milim, her reason for going berserk was transferred over to Seraph as well.

Seraph arrives at a walled city and immediately starts going berserk. She lands at the southern edge of the city, it being a typical isekai ring walled city. First thing she does is turn on her bio-volcanic form. Any human within 100 meters of her starts to burn as the temperature rises to unbelievable heights. Men, women, children, nobody is safe from her rage.

She uses toxic wings to flap and send globs of toxin all throughout the city, melting anyone who is hit by one due to the acidity of the toxin. Her missile launchers shoot several missiles at the city seemingly without end as she charges up a gravity beam. The gravity beam shoots down and starts rending the ground it touches. The beam strikes the castle at the center of the city, and destroys it instantly.

She uses conjure hurricane and conjured a category 10 hurricane just over the city she's on top of. Then, she decides she's had enough. Her body starts to glow even more than before as the magma in her body is slowly but violently converted into nuclear energy.

A slow woom sound starts being heard as the attacks stop all around.

A woman running away with her baby in her arms looks back at the black bird. She sees the cracks in the volcanic skin start to glow, then dim. Then glow. Then dim. All in time with the woom sounds. Eventually, the time between sounds gets quicker and quicker until finally…

The mother and her baby are turned to ash. The rest of the city is turned to ash as well.

A wall of bright red nuclear energy is sent all over the city. Nobody survives.

Seraph looks around at her handiwork and continues on her warpath. Any town, or village she comes across is turned into a small collection of black mist that kills any stupid enough to touch it.

As Seraph spots a new city, she feels a strong presence appear behind her.

"Oh? A big bird? I guess the poor thing got caught up in little Milim's rampage."

Seraph turns around and sees two people; one of them is what seems to be a human male with bright red hair and an arrogant smirk on his face, while the other appears to be a beautiful fairy with bright yellow hair. She's just as tall as the red haired man as well.

Yes, this is Guy Crimson and Ramiris of the Labyrinth. Ramiris hasn't reincarnated yet, so she has a gentle and caring aura around her.

Seraph sees the two and feels a chill run down her spine as she sees Guys smirking at her. She knows she's no match. So, she goes all out from the beginning. The storm around her grows to encompass miles and miles before stopping. The world itself limits the size of her storm. Then, still in bio volcanic form, she changes to her human form that's a little taller than Guy. Her pitch black skin has cracks in it now where lava seems to pour out. She looks towards Guy and roars out loudly with a sonic screech,


Ramiris has to hold her ears and flinches slightly at the sound while Guy has no reaction at all.

Ramiris speaks up,

"Poor thing. She must be in so much pain."

Guy chuckles slightly and says,

"No, I'm about to show her what pain is."

Hearing this, Seraph shoots a proton scream out at Guy. Guy chuckles as the red beam hits him. His eyes close slightly as a light pained look appears on his face. As the beam goes away, his arm where he was hit is no longer there.

"Well, color me surprised! I'm getting more interested in you! Maybe you could come play with me after I deal with Milim!"

As he's talking, his arm seems to nearly instantly regenerate. He disappears from his spot and Sera feels an incredible impact strike the back of her neck as she fully loses consciousness.


Ramiris walks up to the unconscious Sera and puts her hand on her head. All dark red magicules that entered her body are being absorbed into Ramiris as Guy fights Milim. Ramiris picks up the unconscious 2m body of Sera and carries her off into a little cave nearby where she seals the entrance to keep her safe.

Ramiris clutches her chest as a red energy starts appearing on her body like a parasite.

"Damn, if that little bit of energy caused me to already feel different, I can only imagine what Milim's will do."

She flies off to bring Milim back and leaves Sera in the cave alone.




[Host has met conditions for evolution.]








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