Abyssal Road Trip

45 - Despite all my rage

My choices determine my destiny. At least I’m not trapped in a mindless sex doll. And the arse that sent me here lost his credit card.

Still, what does three within three mean? It sounds like there is at least one other like Lêdhins and me.

Julia waited while Lêdhins drew out the Sextant again to return them to the Abyss. The light seemed to echo with the Ki, and for a moment it seemed to rustle like living feathers.

“Ternòx,” Lêdhins said, and the word in Abyssal pressed down on the mists, causing them to writhe. Fractures shone through them before reality flinched in the same way. When reality re-established itself, Julia fought to keep her balance and resorted to using Flight. In the calmness of the Ki, she looked down at the hollow section of her thigh that had just vanished.

“You could have told me your toy wasn’t safe,” Julia said, and Lêdhins looked her way just in time to take in the healing damage.

The missing flesh sealing in an arc, showing it went deep into the bone before it healed. Yet it was so instantaneous that Julia hadn’t even felt pain. In her awareness, Health showed a far steeper drop than the injury would seem to warrant.

“I’ve never had an issue with it,” Lêdhins said, checking the area where they had appeared.

Whatever had happened, the device had set them down free of other obstacles. They appeared on the floor of a passageway. The contours they could see making it appear like a dry waterway. Though with a heavy fog obscuring visibility in both directions, it was hard to be sure. Somewhere far away, the sound of metal striking stone was audible. However, the mist's strange acoustics made it hard to determine if it was ‘upstream’ or ‘downstream’. The alternating chimes apparently coming from different directions and even down through the rock to them.

“Guess I’m just the lucky one then, aren’t I. Does it have a complaints department to call, or at least a help desk?”

“Maybe the Titan didn’t like you being rude,” said Lêdhins, his tone far too deliberate in its dryness.

At least my health recovers fast, still ouch.

“Do you have a list or something of the key places in Ternòx?” Julia asked. With Planar Sense, a sense of Burning Grotto came from one direction, while their recent stop off, Zôhma, came from the other.

“I get ‘Burning Grotto’ the way your facing, and Zôhma the other.”

“Same, but no point going to either at present. Still fascinated with the ‘Burning Grotto’ are you?” Lêdhins asked.

“Other than the portal out of this place, it is half the named places I know around here,” said Julia.

Not telling you.

“We’ll sort something out when you have writing materials. So you picked up Planar Sense and levelled it some as well?”

((Do not trust him. You can’t let your guard down. ))

Office Politics is one thing. This is making double-speaking politicians look straight.

“Just tell me the names,” insisted Julia.

“You’d forget them.”

Julia focused and extended what looked to be a drape of cloth from her arm. On it was the ‘Use’ names of the various Demons she had killed in Zôhma in Abyssal script, With momentary pressure within, the section of cloth fluttered free, and Julia rolled it up.

“Here are the ‘Use’ names you need. I think I can handle writing stuff down,” said Julia, holding the rolled cloth out before he even turned.

“Where did you get this from? It feels like you’ve written on cotton.” Lêdhins said after taking the cloth and rubbing his fingers along the edge.

“Ask me no secrets.”

“At least you can learn something,” said Lêdhins, tilting the cloth towards her, “Even if this is a secret of itself.”

“The fact I can write, or I have a way to do it on Cloth?” Julia asked.

So what security clearance do you have? None. I feel like a lot of redacted conversations are going to happen.

“So we just continue with the lectures?”

“Pretty much plus finding you a place to kill loads of things and get dangerous. I can think of one place that would actually be useful for once.”

“Dangerous enough to handle you,”

“You’d best hope so. We may have something in common, but if you ever trust me. You’ll come to regret it,” said Lêdhins.

“How clearly does your Demon instincts whisper Lêdhins?”

“I’ve told you about asking questions, Viper. It doesn’t whisper we talk. The 'Demonic Instincts' Power will cause you to hear its whispers properly. That doesn’t mean yours isn’t whispering to you now.” Lêdhins said, heading along the passage that started them towards Zôhma. “It wants you so very much.”

The words echoed back to Julia were barely even a whisper, but they dug into her stomach. The Ki held the fear it tried to invoke at bay, and the emotion dissolved into the swirling mist.

Fuck. Here, I thought, yeah, forget that. No wonder he says not to trust him. I need to ditch him soon.

Is that what happened with the Slavers?

Livia held my Demon’s hand. And they went on picking bloody flowers together? What has Lêdhins done with his Demon?

Sometimes I feel like there is someone else in the memories, but I can’t make sense of it.

“With Succubus, desire and fear from them, they taste the same in the air to me. There have been times I could taste you so strongly,” said Lêdhins, “You need to get stronger fast. And whatever you do in the future. Don’t stay anywhere close when I’m screwing another Succubus.”

{{Just fuck him. Maybe it will shut his leash holder up.}}

((He stands on a knife's edge, staring into Oblivion. ))

“One question?” Julia asked, knowing it was likely going to get a growl. But need to change the subject, regardless of Ki ability to contain emotions.

“That was a question.”

“How do you force another Demon to Ascend?” asked Julia, giving Lêdhins an obvious roll of the eyes.

“Overpower their will and compress their shards. Or they have to trust you for whatever reason enough to let you in. However, your mana manipulation works; use it to reach inside them. Compress their shards the same way you did your own. Except if you mess up, it can get well messy. Now store the bracers. We have a place to be, and you’ll need to practice avoiding an axe to the knee.” Lêdhins said.

As soon as her bracers left her arms, Danger Sense screamed, driving Julia to Blink past Lêdhins. His axe hadn’t yet left his belt. The throw that followed drove towards her new location. Protean dropped her flat, and a moment later, Blink took her further away. Julia reformed and rose to her feet to find Lêdhins beside her, axe at her throat. He put it away with a shake of his head.

“Better, but your Protean is using the same form each time when you drop flat, and you stay in it after you Blink. Mix it up, have a few options, always change it after you move. Move in the direction they’re not looking. Use Blind spots if they have any, otherwise move behind something.”

“You knew what it was,” said Julia

“Yes, but it's scarce. Most won’t recognise it. Though those that will aren’t the ones you want knowing you can use it,”

“So why the answers?” Julia asked.

“Right now? Because you have less time than I hoped. You’re not what I expected when I took this deal. If you were, you’d be safe, or you wouldn’t care what we got up to,” Lêdhins said before moving on.

It was a final muttered remark that sent a shimmer through the Ki’s mist.

“It wants to hear you scream anyway it can.”

At the implications of his words, Julia’s eyes narrowed.

Yeah, I’m not playschool. No one gets to cum inside, mate.

Lêdhins turned and led the way to whatever destination he had in mind. Occasionally he would trigger Julia’s instinct when his hand dropped near his throwing axe. Though more than once, he threw it so fast by the time Danger Sense screamed; she was already hit.

Julia watched from her hiding place as the ‘Corrupted Nox Hunter’ shifted in place. Its ute sized thorax shuddered and dipped for a moment. A chittering of frustration as the dimensional trip shaved more of a rear leg away. Its sheer size preventing it from fleeing the chamber that it had birthed in. The alcove amid its webbing showed where Ternòx had vomited it into existence. With enough damage done to its legs, Blink took her beneath its body and with a thought Julia reformed.

It sought to react as a punch lashed out towards Julia’s target. The flex of a leg brushed razor bristles down her back. In return, the strike broke chitin, and a flexing leg joint gave way. The broken leg aborted its attempt to jump clear. Staggered, it sort to regain its balance and turned in place. Her position echoed by its own pain. It tried to get into a position to bite. Rapid movements sent spiked claws stabbing into the surrounding rock. Throwing her body into a twisting roll under its thorax, Julia evaded striking claws. Yet the erratic movement of a leg caught her. Its razor bristles coming close enough to slice open flesh.

Even as flesh closed, the Nox caught the scent of blood and redoubled its efforts. When the movement of its body drove spikes towards her face, Julia had to Blink clear. Hand grabbing the ridge on the spinnerette’s back as it thrashed to crush the intruder it had felt underneath. Freehand charged with Ki, Blink, and Flight combined to shift her to perch behind its head. Even as it acted to shoot it webbing toward the now sighted enemy, a fist struck down. An orb burst, and bone cracked as she let herself fall and roll across its body, ignoring the wounds that opened. Its own webbing laced across the shattered orb and blinded others. Pain acknowledged and then ignored amid her trance. Hands burning with Mana and Ki, she set about opening its side as she rode its thrashing form.

When at last Julia exited the chamber, Lêdhins looked her over and shrugged.

“Another down millions more to go,” Lêdhins said before he walked away.

The barest of tapping noises rapidly closing was the only warning. A moment after the noise had started, large shapes burst out of the mist. Massive bulbous heads, led by waving antennae and each mouth set with a dagger-like mandible. Their wave came rushing towards her, only to freeze in place, antennae waving as if tasting the air. The initial rush turned into a rustling sound as their legs and carapace brushed against each other. Further shapes approached along the tunnel till the walls, floor and roof became carpeted with bristling shapes.


[Species: Vornex Polyergus

Class: Soldier

Level: 27

Defence: 42 (Hardened Carapace)

Health: 320

Melee Attack Power: 47

Mana: 0

Combat Skills: Bite [Ad](2)

Condition: Pacified]

What the hell?

Not sure what to do, Julia turned on Telepathy and could only look at them, stunned. Living non-demonic minds touched her own. Their initial outrage at the scouts reporting a presence near their trails easing into curiosity and awe. The pheromones passing between the members of their colony, hastening the effect. Their hunting focus abated even further when Julia projected calm intent. They stilled when the feeling of Ki touched the connection to their minds.

There are things other than Demons and the trapped living in the Abyss.

“Plenty of experience to gain if they don’t overwhelm you,” Lêdhins said,

“We’ve got cycles of travelling ahead. There have been enough things that actually want to kill me,” said Julia.

Julia tried to project a sense of food, and their antennae waved before the first of them headed past. It seemed the remains of her last fight appealed to their foraging requirements. As they headed past, more and more of them submitted to her aura. Their presence and desire to serve their colony alive within Julia’s awareness. With a Blink, Julia stood beside Lêdhins and waited for him to lead on.

[Dominion [Ap] (9 -> 14)]

Julia stopped and looked over the archway ahead of them. It had taken them over twelve days of fighting and travelling to reach here, and she didn't see the attraction. Aged beyond belief, it was only the regularity of some lines that let her recognise it as artificial. Beyond the archway, a sturdy-looking metal bridge spanned a chasm into darkness.

“What’s in there?”

“Something actually useful for you, lots of Undead. Not Demons, though they’ve soaked up energies of the Abyss. The mere touch of some will rend Demonic flesh.”

“But no demonic essence?”

“Not as far as I’m aware. Your situation though is unique. To get through, you’ll need to follow the main pathway till you reach a massive Pit. Looks hundreds of metres across, the stairs along its sides will take you to some lower regions. Once you get to the Pit, use Planar Sense and head for a settlement called Roûercev,” said Lêdhins.

“I take it this route isn't the most direct," said Julia, looking at the Darkness across the bridge.

“Actually, it is. Roûercev is about nine or ten thousand kilometres from here. This place is a nexus of pathways that connects to various places in the Abyss. Draws dead things into it. But depending on when someone last tried passage. It could be time-consuming fighting your way out.”

“So what's the deal? The undead come back?” asked Julia, as her brain tossed up memories of hours grinding through respawning foes.

“This place follows its own rules. Either they come back, or more replace them. There are things in there that enjoy killing Demons. Don’t just follow the route to Roûercev. I’d suggest you work around each of the floors. Maybe even go down further than you need.”

“So I’ll meet you at Roûercev?” Julia asked, wondering what the catch was to this training plan.

“Indeed. Bonus if you meet me with the remains of something powerful.”

And there it is? So how about I just don’t show? Time to get lost. If its pathways go all over the place. Maybe I can find somewhere far away from the Sisterhood.

As Julia's nerves twisted painfully, she smiled, and a pointed thought calmed them.

This is a passageway that connects to Ternòx. It’s not a Planar Portal. I’ll need to explore every one of them. Follow instructions to my utmost.

“What’s the prize? Or is it prizes?”

“There can be only one. It will depend on what you bring out,” said Lêdhins, giving a very relaxed shrug.

“Really, you went there. Any hints as to the Undead I'll find there?” Julia asked, shaking her head at the stupid line.

“Anything the earth might have swallowed from the sight of the living. It’s just an old, decayed archway out here. In there, the only thing that stays constant is the paths to and from the pit’s stairs. Though some think they are the same thing they’re really not.”

“And it connects to planes all over?”

“Such obvious interest, see what I mean about questions. Be careful where you find yourself when you venture out from here. Some planes aren’t remotely hospitable, just plenty of things dying. When you get to Roûercev, find the best brothel. After all, I’ll have to fill my time somehow.”

As Julia moved forward, Danger sense was already prickling over her skin. The surrounding air changing from the oppressive weight of Ternòx into the echoing stillness of an aged mausoleum. At the bridge's end, darkness enfolded her completely and took her from Lêdhins’ sight.

Lêdhins waited for a time after Julia disappeared from his line of sight. At last, the sextant appeared in his hand, and reality gave Lêdhins passage. Observing him from the Darkness, Julia waited longer still before retracing her steps. Only to find the very air blocking all attempts to cross the bridge.

“What!” Julia exclaimed before trying other options. But Blink and then Teleport both resulted in nothing, and Julia’s position didn’t shift.

The paths to and from the pit’s stairs. Though some think they are the same thing, they’re really not.

Did I put myself in a smaller cage? Is there a way out alive?

When Julia activated Planar Sense and felt for Roûercev, there was only silence.

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