Abyssal Road Trip

54 - Everyone hurts

When the guards smashed the broken door open, debris went everywhere, including some swirling out into the corridor. As guards rushed through the debris into the chamber, some clung to boots or cloth, and one fleck vanished completely.

“Honey, I’m home,” Julia said, enjoying the way a dozing Moke jumped from his skin. The blankets she formed for him falling all about, “I told you to stay awake. If I returned to find a bear needed to shit you out, it would have annoyed me.”

“I’m sure a bear would have better sense than trying to eat something smelling as I do. I’d find somewhere to wash if I wasn’t sure I’d kill the fish,”

“Glad you realise the effect of your personality,” said Julia, as she held out a fancy looking pouch and bounced it with a clink. “If they’ll take what Egyptian’s use as coins, food is no longer an issue.”

“I know of Eyrarháls. It’s a place busy with river trade. So if they won’t directly, I’m sure we can find a merchant to exchange them. So what now?” Moke asked.

“Well, I could try to pull the curse apart. But I think it’s best we get someone else to look at it,”

“I thought you didn’t want that risk?”

“I’ve had time to think. We’ll go up to Eyrarháls in the morning, speak to High Justice Verdandi,”

“What! But you’re a Succubus why would you go near a High Priest of Týr,”

“We’ve got a history,” said Julia, “I’d trust her to pull the curse apart, not leave you stuck in that state.”

“We could have gone earlier then?”

“No, we couldn’t. The Gates shut at dusk Moke, and Setau would have known. Plus, I wasn’t sure what she’d make of me planning to kill Setau,”

“Why the change of heart?”

“I didn’t know how big a piece of shit he was before I saw him. Now I know all the major laws they’ve broken, don’t think she’ll mind one bit; though she might complain I have his Soul,”

“A lawbreaker, I’m not surprised. The fellows that delivered me seemed proficient kidnappers. Why do you have his Soul?”

“Since I could take it, why wouldn’t I? I’m interested to see if they can bring him back from the dead while I’m holding it,”

“And if they can’t?”

“I just might keep it till my plans advance,”

“What plans are those?”

“I don’t want his deity to find out that I’m wiping out his priests, now do I,”

“What? Why?”

“Because Setau’s deity is a power-hungry rapist, much like Setau. From his memories, the others also take after that twatopotamus of a deity. So I think its time to make it stop. The High Priestess that went missing, I know her, and I killed her. She wasn’t bringing back condemned prisoners. They were Norse villagers, and he knew all about it. Setau’s mortal boss got a vision of a special Altar and what offerings they wanted. They planned it for years, also had a High Priest of Janus on the menu for the dedication. I met him, the guy’s an arsehole, but not even he deserves what they had planned,”

“Twatopotamus what? How do you know all this?”

“It’s an insult; leave it at that. Some I got from his mind, the rest from his Soul as I waited for him to die,”

“His Church is planning things, and I want to kick over their apple cart. I’ve been told Deities can’t hear folks other than their faithful speak their name. But let us stop using it until we make them pay. It seems your friends ended up in a place I know, so I’ll see if I can help them.“

“Can you help them? What purpose would your plans serve besides to enrage him?”

“No promises regarding your friends, but I’ll try. They’ve been in there for months, so they may be dead. Not all the Priests at the dedication died, just the lay priests. The real ones summoned the Demons, things didn’t go wrong, they moved to an alternate plan. Setau’s boss gave them instructions after the High Priestess didn’t return. Though even Setau didn’t have the full details,” Julia said, pressing a comforting hand to Moke’s shoulder before she continued.

“If you killed the High Priestess, why didn’t they come after you earlier?” Moke asked.

“Now you’re the one interrupting, so vulgar,” said Julia

“But you’re not a Bard!” Moke retorted, his voice regaining at least a show of life.

“They weren’t aware of what happened to her till it was too late to recover the Altar,”

“What happens if a Deity has no priests left among the living? That at least would lose their influence, make people give their worship to other powers who still have mortals to channel blessings. There are other Gods of Storms among the Kingdoms. If we weaken him enough, his worshipers might find other religions to join. If all stopped worshipping him or caring, what would happen? Also, he controls a faction in the Abyss, and if he’s weakened, it makes him prey for others. I’m sure he won’t enjoy the experience. We don’t have to kill him ourselves, just hurt him enough so someone else can drag him down.”

{{Their blood shake brings all the Demons to their throat. }}

((Weakness indeed will bring out the knives. If only you could hold them to account yourself. ))

“You play for high stakes. Wouldn’t other Priests just bring them back to life?”

“Maybe, maybe not. If I don’t leave intact bodies and can keep the Souls, then recovery should be impossible. Gods can die right. That’s what your legends say. If they can die, then it should be possible to hurt their plans, if nothing else. The way I look at it, he has to answer for his deeds. I’m going make sure they pay for some of their crap at least,” Julia said. The words spoken carried a cold razor’s edge that kissed the air with frost.

Moke’s eyes had widened as she spoke, and Julia wasn’t sure if he wanted to run or puke till he smiled.

“Are you sure you’re not a spawn of Sekhmet? You sound like one of her battle priests. Should I have brought you a beer to woo you? Though that’s a lot of ifs. Surely a power will object to you holding Souls,”

“Tell me if woo and wound rhyme, Moke. It’s why I’m just testing it with one Soul to start. Validate options, then plan multiple courses of action with fall-back positions. As for Souls, apparently, objections arise with those I harvest if I plan to keep them. As long as I don’t torture them and eventually plan to take them to the grey fields, it’s fine. Payment on delivery from the Titan’s crew, so most hand them over quickly. And I will eventually, in one thousand years or maybe ten. When the power to resurrect them would cripple the priest trying it.”

“The Titan, who is that? What’s in all this for you?”

So guess he isn’t common knowledge.

“The Titan, I’m not sure of the term. I’m told he doesn’t have worshippers, just servants. He sets the rules of reality, of the planes, and even the Gods play by his rules. Why because I choose to hurt a piece of filth and those he enables. Someone like them hurt a friend. I got revenge for her, and these arseholes will pay too. When I’m done with them, we’ll see what’s next,”

“You’re a Demoness. Why do you care so much?”

“Talk to Verdandi about it. See what she says; you’ve no reason to believe me directly,” Julia said, giving a half-seen shrug.

“How can you continually use the name of a High Justice so casually?“ asked Moke, the confusion on his face only growing greater the longer they spoke.

“I like her, she’s a forceful lady, with a steel spine. I’m not one of Týr’s lot, though I think some are cute, muscle wise especially,”

“You are so strange you do my mind in Eakcï,”

“There’s not actually a lot to hurt. Now paint me a picture Bard tell me of this complex. Have you seen it yourself?”

“I’m so wounded at your words. The thorns of your rose cut so deep.” Moke said.

“You wanted revenge Moke, how complete a revenge do you want? Just for yourself, or for all the innocents they hurt? Are you as self-centred as they are? Only an issue when they’ve hurt your own? They’ve been breaking the treaties for generations. Do you want to do Bast proud and protect innocents? Or just going to sing about black deeds and stupid greed?”

{{Oh yeah, press his buttons. Maybe I’ll figure out your frigid ways.}}

{{If we won’t get to fuck something, at least we’ll fuck up some nice strong prey.}}

((Someone should hold them to account for their misdeeds. Take care your motivations stay pure. ))

Moke looked at her in silence for a time before he spoke.

“What do you need from me?”

“Keep the Pact, I’ll be in the Abyss, and if I blacken your Soul at all, you can break it. Find where their hidden temples are, and information on the their full priests. If your friends are alive, I’ll see if I can get them out.”

“Why keep the Pact?”

“So when you’ve gathered information on the temples, it should let you get in touch. If not, fall back is my ‘Use’ name. Either way, I come out of the Abyss and we’ll start the next phase,”

“I thought I shouldn’t trust you with my secrets. Now you want me to trust you to not endanger myself with this Pact?”

{{Don’t trust me, you’ll only regret it. Isn’t that what he said?}}

((You are not Lêdhins. Even the Oath doesn’t cover everything. ))

((It tells you not to hold factions or kin above the Sisterhood. ))

((It omits friends or allies, as Demons have neither. ))

The echoes of memories of Lêdhins’ conviction not to trust him stirred in her and the words of the Oath burnt. Yet the conviction that there were loopholes to exploit surged within her.

“Talk to Verdandi and Torm from the temple of Týr about me. Hear what they have to say. If you’re at risk from any Demon regarding the Pact, then I’ll break it at once. If I break it, then you can never trust me again. As they might be among those that can give me orders to betray you. Ask your mother if they can help heal and purify your Soul. Is she a real High Priest or a fake one?”

“She’s a real High Priest, who is fake?”, Moke asked, and rushed on at her smile, “What Setau? How do you know?”

“I see what you call paths, remember. He was only a level fifty Priest,” said Julia.


They don’t even know about levels? Is my brain just translating things? It says Analysis taps into the system, but no one else but Lêdhins seems to think of it this way.

“He was only a Priest, hadn’t moved onto the prestige path of High Priest, he’d gain the title through church politics. For reference, I see you as a level thirty-five bard and level five fighter. He didn’t even have any other paths he was progressing in.”

“Oh, this gets better and better. Dead, hopefully, trapped beyond rescue and an even greater liar than I knew. I don’t know if you’re telling the truth or not, but yes, someone needs to stop their evil. I’ll get as much information on their Temples and Priests as I can learn. If you do nothing with it, I’ll give it to someone who will,”

[Your actions have unlocked the Spy class for Moke.

Your actions have automatically set you as Moke’s initial patron

Bonus experience awarded for all information reports requested by yourself.]

Analysis: Spy

[Spy: A normally non-combatant class that focuses on information gathering. While capable of moving about the countryside, the primary focus of their skillset applies to urban regions. The class gains experience via submission of any update report on requested information to a patron. ]

Did that apply?

[Name: Moke aka Mokilian

Species: Cambion (in appearance actually a cursed Human - Egyptian)

Class: Bard / Fighter / Spy

Level: 35 / 5 / 1

Health: 500

Mana: 315

Melee Attack Power: 37

Combat Skills: Short Blade [M](1), Short Bow [J] (14), Assorted illusionary spell forms

Demonic Pact with Eakcï

Mission Patron: Eakcï

Condition: Cursed

Details: A famed performer in Thebes, they ended up in the Abyss after offending a High Priest of Set. The current appearance is because of a curse inflicted by said Priest but provides no racial benefits to help survive planar conditions. ]

Well darn. Wonder if it rewards spy experience for reporting on stuff already known.

Think I have some questions to ask Moke.

“Have you been to the complex and seen that darkness yourself?” asked Julia.

“Yes. I went there after I got the word. The Charter house wasn’t allowing anymore near the barrier, but I got close enough to see. It’s what inspired me to write that song.” Moke said.

“Well, paint me another wordy picture Moke, while we wait for the dawn,”

“Wordy indeed, every word I choose with love and care. I need to sleep.”

“Sleep on your own time. I have limited left unless I blacken your Soul,” said Julia.

“Very well, your words inspire me,” said Moke. Then he settled back against the knoll and described the complex along with its surroundings.

“Wake up, Moke,”

Moke sat up slowly in the pre-dawn air,

“Did you have to interrupt? The beer maiden was just getting to the interesting parts.”

“I know I heard you moaning about it, while you were humping the grass tuft,”

“Even nature loves me, and yet I only get a continued rejection from you,” Moke said, his tone gleefully offended.

“You have a warped definition of love. We should get near the Gates before dawn unless you want to explain why I can pull a Bard from a bag.”

{{Could pull on his fun bag. Then he wouldn’t be so glib. Morning has broken with the first woody.}}

As Moke stretched Julia turned to give herself some peace of mind. Distorted versions of church hymns started filtered through her awareness.

Spectacles testicles, wallet and watch. Now, why is Mal’s saying for crossing himself coming to mind?

{{We should check his swelling it could be dangerous. For someone lithe, he carries a decent-sized staff. }}

“So you’ll appear right at the gates and whip me out!”

“No. Any whipping things out is purely a solo act for you. I’ll Teleport to a spot nearby and we’ll walk to the gates. But getting there before full light would be safest,” said Julia.

“I’ve had many a partner in that act, I assure you. Very well, but I need to piss first. The cold is making my bladder ache.”

“Yep, just don’t kill any fish… or bears,” Julia said to his departing back, as she stored the still warm blankets.

Julia let Telepathy’s net check for any disturbed by her arrival. When she’d confirmed they weren’t noticed, she willed Moke from the bag and into the shelter of some trees. Her memory having provided a suitable spot with uncanny accuracy even months later. The gathering clouds would make the cloak Moke was settling about himself natural enough to wear.

I’m likely going to be the odd one out. Though making another cloak is easy enough.

“So lizard boy, don’t get all hissy with the guards,”

“I know how more civilised lizard folk act,” Moke said.

As the cloak Julia had shaped started flapping about in the morning wind.

Frigging cloaks.

Julia growled in frustration as she tried to get the cloak under control, before finally copying how Moke held its edges.

“Seems like you got into a bit of a flap,”

“You want me to give a handy reply?” asked Julia, keeping her voice soft in the morning air.

“At least you didn’t go for rhyming badly again,”

“You’re asking for that slap,” Julia said, her soft tones filmed with frost.

“Not normally my thing. Though if its foreplay, for you I’ll make an exception,” said Moke, his gaze roaming over Julia

Stupid Charisma stat. What am I, a walking pheromone?

Julia gritted her teeth as she headed for the gate.

Don’t punch the Bard. Don’t punch the Bard.

When Moke moved up to walk beside her, Julia lightly slapped the back of his head.

“So your room or mine tonight? I hope this town has comfortable beds, large with room to roll,”

{{Now that’s what I’m talking about! Come to mama! Or Cum with!}}

((Moke is both fascinated and confused by you, it seems. ))

“Shut up,”

“I’m sure I can find something to keep my mouth busy with you,”

“You’ll have a set of knuckles in your mouth if you keep it up.”

Moke’s laughter followed Julia as she increased her pace.

Dawn broke before they reached the small line already before the gate, and an alert pinged onto Julia’s awareness.

Demonic Pact Detected: Life force exchange pending

Demonic Pact transfer blocked.

Energy exchange required to remain in the material plane.

Energy, not Abyssal Heat. It’s not asking me to use a shard when I have a Pact in place? Crap!

((As you did with Livia. Let him drink of the Ki’s energy child. ))

{{Boring! Give him the good stuff, not the frosty city. }}

Mentally crossing her fingers, Julia remembered the effect the Ki had on Livia. Still, she allowed it to flow through the Pact and kept the Abyssal Heat constrained. As the energy transferred, Julia felt the link between them change. The organic feel of it crystallised and shone in her mind, the edges of it glowing into her awareness as the energy rippled along the channels. As the energy flowed out the far end, Moke’s grunt caused her to turn in concern, even as the energy from him washed into the Ki. Even as she looked at him with Soul Sight to make sure she hadn’t hurt him, the wounded marks on his Soul shone and healed. The light spread through the rest of his Soul even as notification made themselves known.

[Presence on Material plane stabilised

Celestial energies present in Demonic Pact.

Pact conversion in progress.

Celestial bloodline purified and activated.

Demonic Pact has evolved into Allegiance Bond.

Allegiance Bond (8->10)

Faith (5->6)]

The scales on Moke’s hand shimmered out of existence as he reached towards his face. Even as his hand moved, the skin across his face also changed, and black tangled hair showed suddenly from under the hood. Scales disappeared and honey golden skin showed in their place. The motion of Moke’s hand blocked her view for a moment as he pushed back the hood to run fingers trough his hair.

When he drew his arms back, she could see the shape of his face had changed. Tangled but clean black hair shone in the morning light and fell down to his shoulders. Instead of the blocky shaped jaw, and blunt features his Cambion form had possessed, Moke’s features were very angular and lean a match for his lithe build. Cat green eyes returned her gaze as she looked over the sharp line of his face. The clean unmarked skin, a straight nose and raised cheekbones that lead down to a wide generous mouth, above a firm chin.

Now I know why he acts like the lady’s man. I’m sure his face brings all the girls to the yard.

{{We could use his face as a seat for a bit. Slap his mouth with our pearl bed.}}

“You look different now. Guess a horse kicked your face when you were young.” Julia said.

Moke’s eyes widened, and his hands clasped his face for a moment.

“Oh, yes, very droll,” said Moke.


[Name: Moke

Species: Hybrid - Celestial / Human Egyptian Descent.

Class: Bard / Fighter / Spy

Level: 35 / 5 / 2

Health: 594

Mana: 385

Melee Attack Power: 41

Combat Skills: Short Blade [M](1), Short Bow [J] (14), Assorted illusionary spell forms, Aura: Shield of Light (1), Bless (1)

Allegiance Bond with Eakcï

Mission Patron: Eakcï

Details: A famed performer in Thebes. Eastern celestial energies purified and activated their family bloodline, bringing forth and strengthening recessive celestial traits. ]

((Much better. ))

I’m a Demoness, and yet I turned him into a half celestial, or whatever the other D&D term is.

How is this fair?

Oh, which one of your ancestors did a celestial? That would be a conversation piece when I want him to jump.

{{Life isn’t fair, make someone pay. }}

((Life isn’t about fairness it’s about choices and being true to one’s Soul. ))

At least I’m not corrupting him. Would that mean I could break the bond cleanly with no backlash?

“Your clothes still stink. Don’t get tossed into the sewers with the flushed night soil,”

“Thanks!” said Moke, his dry tone clashing with his delight as his fingers ran over his face again.

“Seems we don’t need to see the High Justice after all,” Julia said.

“I’d still like to see her. You suggested I talk to her and the one called Torm about you after all,”

She’s likely doing fine.

{{You were there for how long. Did she ask after you?}}

((You might or might not see Livia. But if you don’t go in, then you won’t. ))

((What about the Eivor’s daughter or the others you should check on them. ))

Don’t be a chicken J.

“We’ll get some food first since it’s so important. I know a bakery that has honey cakes, hopefully, they’ll have some. Though stay back from the store so you won’t ruin their business.”

“Perhaps the public baths for us both might be in order,”

“I know where I’ll bathe, and it will be well away from you,”

As she spoke wind pushed back the cloak’s hood and Moke’s eyes widened, and his voice lowered as he spoke.

“Eakcï, you need to let me talk to the guards,”

“What are you talking about?”

“You don’t do normal very well, Eakcï. I thought you were beautiful in the moonlight, but seeing you in the dawn’s light your beauty seeks to steal my gaze.”

“Moke cut it with the joking,”

“This is not a jest. If I put you on a square’s stage, crowds would pay to admire your beauty, even dressed as you are,”

“I’ve been through the gates here before,” Julia said, stalking off towards line at the opening gates, as she settled her cloak.

The queue of those on foot quickly streamed through beside the waiting wagons. Julia’s guess was the wards let them know the locals from visitors with such ease. When the guardsman turned to regard her, their eyes went wide and the routine words died unsaid. The heat in their gaze once would have disturbed Julia, yet now she met it unflustered. His silence plus the halt in movement, drawing the notice of the others, even as the wind pushed at Julia’s hood.

I know Dominion is off, and he’s still acting star-struck with desire. I was fortunate with my looks in life, but this is crazy.

Is this the effect of Charisma? He’s acting like I’m his drug of choice.

Moke must actually have self-control. That I hadn’t expected, though, might explain his survival in the Abyss.

“Maybe you should let me answer the guard, dear. Put your hood back up it seems the fascination curse on you hasn’t faded,” Moke said. As he stepped close, the guard almost recoiled at his odour, but it certainly broke his attention from Julia.

Just as well I didn’t see anyone in the Temple corridors.

“Curse? By the Gods your stench is stomach-churning, I’m not sure you’re safe to let in the town.”

Julia grabbed the cloak’s hood to secure it back in place the wind through the gate fighting her for it.

Here I thought I was blowing the smell out of proportion, is the Abyss is killing my sense of smell.

“But we need to see High Justice Verdandi, with the utmost haste. A vile wizard cursed my dear wife and I. I to smell like I’ve been wading through the underworld. As for my wife, well, you can see for yourself, its quite fearful the effect it has on poor married fellows like yourself.” said Moke.

{{Oh are we married? Can we fuck now! No need to wait, give them a show. }}

((Your memories have some strange marriage customs. ))

((Best to find out more. You spent a night together alone under the stars, after all. ))

Wife! Wife! What sort of lame arse story was that? Even if he smells like that. I’m going to strangle him!

Moke had brought Julia time to draw the cloak’s hood back up, an action that kept her hands busy enough to avoid the temptation of killing.

“Please issue the chits under the names of Livia and Moke,” Julia said, looking to cut off Moke’s story.

Moke took the chits from the guardsman’s reluctant hand as he ushered them on their way. Julia gave the guard a smile and a nod of thanks, as she passed, only to see desire surged in his gaze. Before he could speak again followed quickly after Moke.

“What was that about?” Julia asked. The Ki’s calmness keeping her voice soft, even when they were well clear. The few people on the main street having given Moke, and his fragrance plenty of space to move.

“Norse aren’t big on infidelity for woman, and men get fined for it. He seemed ready to beg you to fuck him hard and hang him up wet. Was trying to cool his lust for you by reminding him of his married state. I could see the ring’s outline through his glove. So while his attitude was quite understandable, his self-control needs a bit of work.”

“What ring?”

“It’s all in noticing the details, my lovely wife,”

“Don’t even start Bard.”

“Cast aside so easily. Here I thought there was a genuine bond between us,”

“Moke,” Julia said. An eerie calmness in her voice freezing against the air with the single utterance, “Let me make this quite clear to you. This is not funny to me.”

Moke glanced at Julia and whatever he saw caused him to frown in puzzlement and concern.

“Since it is not a jest you find tolerable, very well. You really are a mystery Livia.” Moke said, his tone softening in apology.

{{See you need to fuck someone and get over that arsehole properly. }}

{{You remember the way she was screaming his name? Don’t you? }}

{{They were so distracted with each other when you got to his place. Don’t you want to hurt something? }}

((You still have a Soul that can hurt, no matter how the vessel changes. ))

Julia moved ahead, leading the way down the street with fists clenched on the cloak’s edges. As Moke silently followed behind, his gaze fastened on the tightness in her knuckles. Within Julia, the Ki coolness felt as if was doing little as it lapped against the painful memories Moke’s jest had kindled in her mind.

I hope some of those Priests are still inside that darkness.

{{There are many fun memories here. Remember the ‘friends’ you lost in the fallout.}}

Right now, I want to hurt someone that deserves it and can properly feel it.

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