Abyssal Road Trip

59 - Losing my religion

“Do you know how long you’ll be in Eyrarháls?” asked Farhad.

“A few days at least, I’m waiting on news about supplies,” Julia said.

“You are welcome to join us any morning. I’m sure Livia will give practice her full attention,”

“I always do, Master,” said Livia.

“You do at that, but I can tease as well. We have things to tend to, and you appear to have someone waiting for you,” said Farhad, tilting his head towards a cloaked woman.

“I hope it’s not a sign of trouble,” Julia said.

With the weight of watching eyes on her, Julia hugged Livia, before collecting her cloak and heading over to the waiting lady. Even cloaked and hooded against the morning chill, something felt familiar. Though as Julia warily approached, there was no sense of danger. When she drew back their hood, Julia instantly recognised Eivor, though she looked far calmer than their last meeting.

“It is you, isn’t it, Julia?” asked Eivor, peering curiously at her.

“Good morning, Eivor. How is your girl doing now?”

“Much recovered, especially after we had certain news. Can we go somewhere to speak?”

“Of course. Who’s looking after the bakery?”

“Sagga is looking after it with Hermod; as I said, she’s much recovered. There were gemstones in that pouch you gave me, not just coins. It meant we could ask for more help from Eir’s priestess than just the physical wounds. Their blessings settled the nightmares and trembling as well, the priestess brought her back to herself. We had enough to help others involved in the list left behind.”

I like this woman. She didn't just look after her daughter.

“That’s excellent news. Where do you suggest we go?”

“Would you like to come back to our apartment above the bakery? We can talk away from others.”

[Sense Motive [Ap] (12->14)]

She's nervous, but it's an excited nervous, glad to see me. What's going on?

“The bakery’s smell will tempt me, but sounds good,” said Julia.

Even covered by the cloak, Julia felt the gazes that followed her. As they approached the bakery, Eivor led her through an alleyway and up a narrow set of stairs to the family’s apartment. After Eivor had set out mugs of herbal tea and some fresh honey cakes, Julia just raised an eyebrow at her shaking hands.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know where to start your ladyship?”

“Then start at the beginning, and we’ll untangle things from there.”

“You were the one who dealt with Leidolf, weren’t you? When last seen, he had a lady with him. She was very different looking to yourself, and no one had seen her before or since,”

“What makes you say that?”

“The purse you gave me had his rune mark in it. I burned it so no one would see it. You didn’t need to ask about the list or the others,”

“Is this a problem for you?”

“No, your ladyship, I wanted to ensure I had the right of it is all,”

“I’m not a lady Eivor. Please, just call me Julia.”

"I shouldn't be calling you Eakcï?" Eivor asked.

"Where did you hear that name?" asked Julia, her voice soft as she wondered at the trouble this might bring.

“I have family members about town. It wasn't hard for me to piece together. You came in with that Skald, the Egyptian fellow, the one called Moke? His friends got rescued from the Abyss by a beautiful entity working for the High Justice,”

“Go on,” Julia said, sipping her tea.

“I heard most of it delivering extra loaves to the Companion’s hall. There was a group of folks all blanket wrapped, looking spell cleaned, and with skin so new in places clearly fresh from healing. There was talk of their rescue by a nameless, beautiful entity, who could change form in a Blink, crushed the skulls of villains and freed prisoners from enchanted chains with a touch. Some were still looking battered in spirit, I put loaves near one and he was just whispering thanks to Eakcï, over and over. He had a fine blanket tight around him as if it was holding his world together," said Eivor.


I hope he'll be alright. Damn. I'll ask Verdandi if they can get more help.

"Eakcï was the name Moke drank a toast to the night he first sang at the Silver Chalice. He was talking about her striking beauty, delicate touch, and how she’d rescued him from the darkness. He shared a few toasts with my brother. He works as a barman there, and likes to share fresh news with me,”

I am going to hit him.

{{Fuck his brains out. It will be more fun, and then you can finger paint with them. }}

“Did he say anything else?”

“My brother tends the bar there, he had little else to say. He dropped by yesterday and spoke to me about the outrageous new Skald the innkeeper had there.”

“Moke loves the sound of his voice,”

“He has a fine voice though, at least according to my brother, and performed for bells. Folks requested chants, sagas and songs, and he did them all without a flaw. I just wanted to let you know, your Ladyship. You helped my daughter, and your deeds brought peace to my family and others. Whatever you need from me, I’ll be happy to help,”

I told her I'm not a Lady and there it is again.

“There is no need for that Eivor. I was happy to help. Your daughter just needed someone to give her light in a dark place.”

“That’s what the All-Father teachings say, your ladyship. The need for light in dark places is greatest. If you need any help lighting candles, just let me know. You go into dark places, don’t you?”


{{We’ll need a cult one day. If we’re to deal with them. }}

“I know how being cursed can hurt. To choose to give a hand to those likewise afflicted is important,”

“Of course, Lady Eakcï. I’ll keep that in mind, my Lady. I swear to serve your goals,”

[Your word and actions have unlocked the Priest class for Eivor

Eakcï, Lady of the Accursed, you have gained your first Priestess.

Demonic Pact applied.

Demonic Pact is unavailable because of evolution override.

Allegiance Bond accepted by Eivor.

Demonic Tier is insufficient to provide channelled blessing. Your faithful’s faith rating and mana will need to fuel any manifestation of prayers until sufficient Tier gained to provide power.

Your Faith rating boosted by half of your first Priestess' Faith level.

Faith (6->15)

Allegiance Bond (11->13)

Do you wish to restrict your Faith to Priestess only?]

Fuck! No!

[Servant restriction voided. Faith not eligible for restriction bonuses.]

That wasn’t what I meant!

[Primary combat skill unlocked for Priestess Eivor

Primary combat skill: Unarmed

Your combat tier is Master, combat tier bonus requirement met.

Eivor - Unarmed (1) raised to Unarmed [Ap] (1). ]

“Eivor, this isn't a good idea you might get lost in the darkness,” Julia said, only the Ki’s calmness letting her keep her voice steady.

“The All-Father also says, Nothing else can destroy us if we have already experienced the darkest aspects of life. I feel I experienced that the day my daughter came home battered, bleeding, and crying as if her entire world had shattered. So if it takes walking into Darkness to make sure others don’t have to feel that way, it is fine by me. Whatever you need, just let me know, my Lady.”


Despite her outward calmness, Julia could feel a wellspring of hate within Eivor, a kernel of smouldering rage and pain. With care, she touched the bond and drew some of its energy away, hurriedly having to shift Ki in its place as Eivor blinked dizzily.

“My Lady, thank you. I feel as if you’ve already brought me such peace after months of pain,” Eivor said. Her eyes wide as she fought back the tears that threatened to overflow down to her broad smile. The grey streaks through her dark red hair looked to have lightened with the breath of Ki Julia had provided. Age lines on her face had eased, and the dried skin over her broad nose and cheekbones invigorated by the moment.

“Some others would love to meet the one that helped the girls,” Eivor said, continuing as the physical changes occurred, apparently unnoticed.

[Priestess Eivor’s Faith increased (18 -> 19)

Priestess Eivor has unlocked Power: Conviction

Conviction (1)

Applying adjustments from Eakcï’s Willpower, Eivor’s faith, Eivor’s willpower, personal exposure to focus, and the strength of faith incident.

Conviction (1) -> [Ad] (4)

This power allows faithful to channel or sustain from personal mana greater blessings with no direct intervention.

Select primary attribute influencing power of blessings: Willpower or Charisma.]


They're going to need it to not get swallowed whole.

[Your cult's Priest class attribute increases set to Willpower]

“That’s understandable,” Julia said, still coming to grips with the stream of information in her awareness.

“I’ll be right back,” Eivor said, even as Julia realised what Eivor had meant. Julia stopped herself from halting her and took another sip of the herbal tea while considering the information the ‘system’ was offering.

I just keep digging this hole deeper. So Ki beauty treatment. Wonder how much that would run for?

One teeny-tiny Soul payment required - please sign on the dotted bond below.

[Faith Tier: Minor Cult

Standard blessing paths unlocked.

Blessing Path: Curse Lore unlocked.

Please select from optional blessing paths available to you.

Faith Tier: Minor Cult - one optional blessing path available. ]


((Do you wish them to heal or avenge those afflicted? ))

Those I couldn’t control. If the Priests only get one more path of blessing; then I need to make sure it’s something useful for them.

I need advice.

Analysis: Blessing Path

[Blessing Paths, determine the options for faith spell casters of all forms as to the blessings their Faith provides them. They cannot learn spells freely. Instead, as they gain experience and practice, they gain access to additional prayers within the limits of their faith’s providence. The stronger the faithful caster type, the higher level manifestation of faith they can channel from their focus or manifest by the power of their own belief.]

Analysis: Standard Blessing Paths



Flesh Law


Blood Law

Bone Law]

Do they need to heal some things separately? The Death Strike power showed organ damage could occur. Does that need separate healing?

Analysis: Curse Lore

[Curse Lore: Is a specialised path, only available to faiths dealing with curses or deep mysteries. This path provides faithful ways to detect, remove, and set situational curses.]

Great so they can clean them but also curse others.

Analysis: Barriers

[Barriers: This is an open path that allows priests to call upon blessing to block the passage of light, sound or air. As their power grows, they gain blessings to create physical barriers of wood, earth or stone. ]

Analysis: Detections

[Detections: Allows faith casters access to a range of blessings that gather information from the surrounding environment. From determining active spells or blessing, seeking undead, traps, poisons, life forms, and any natural power sources. ]

Analysis: Flesh Law

[Flesh Law: Allows the faith caster to restore an individual's overall health or recover from general conditions. These conditions are things such as frostbite, heat stroke, burns, stun or concussion. They do not include specific injuries such as broken bones, severed nerves, bleeding conditions, and so forth. ]

Analysis: Purifications

[Purifications: Allows faith casters with access to this path, initially to clear general diseases from flesh or food. Blessings of the Path can handle poisons or removing drug dependency from an individual. Powerful prayers allow the caster to purge more severe conditions from one or more individuals in a single casting.]

Analysis: Blood Law

[Blood Law: Allows faith casters to stop sources of blood loss instantly, either internal or external, on their target. Initial blessings still require the individuals to let wounds seal properly. More powerful prayers on this path can instantly seal injuries and restore blood loss without the risk of them reopening.]


Analysis: Bone Law

[Bone Law: While not providing restoration of health itself, nor is it as efficient as some specialised healing paths, it provides a range of healing options. This path allows the faith caster to repair a range of simple to complex breaks, tendon and cartilage damage. As the faith caster gains power, the path's blessings increase in effectiveness.]

Analysis: Available Blessing Paths

[Life Ways


Spell Defence

Selection of one of these initial paths will open further options as worshippers' strength and the cult/faith develops.]

Analysis: Life Ways

[Life Ways: Provides blessings that initially prevent the decay of flesh and Soul. The recipient is easier to restore to life while they are effective. As the caster gains in power, they gain blessings that allow for the restoration of Life and heal damage inflicted on Souls. Injuries to the Soul able to be healed by this path are those inflicted by curses, torture, trauma and some undead.]

Analysis: Exorcism

[Exorcism: Provides blessings to drive out or injury entities, spirits, and undead. If the entity is native to the current plane, the prayer will cause damage or destruction if the caster is sufficiently powerful in comparison.]

Analysis: Spell Defence

[Spell Defence: The blessing of this path provides protections from spells for Mind, Body or Soul. It also offers prayers to dispel existing magics and also more powerful prayers that can reflect various powers.]

I so need to know more. I always have more to learn; about Eivor, these paths, how far up shit creek I am now.

Wonder if I dare ask Torm or Verdandi about this? 'Life Ways' is tempting.

Did the priestess of Eir use those blessing to heal Sagga or something else?

Just as well the confessional isn't a concern anymore.

Julia was still considering the information she'd learnt when Eivor returned with a few women and news that more would come by later.

Julia gave the nearest guard another smile as she waited for the messenger to return. Neither Temple gate guard had been eager to take a message, so they’d flag down another to play messenger. Neither guard wanting to lift their gaze from her either, but apparently not from worry.

“That kick you used. When Master Farhad was on the lower branch, and you were on the ground. That would have no use during a proper fight. Your leg was almost straight up. Why would you kick so high?”

[Sense Motive [Ap] (14->15)]

{{He wants you to spread your legs for him. This one even shaves, unlike more hirsute individuals. }}

Great, I have a fanboy or fanboys.

{{Nice large hands. He could fan them over me. }}

((They look only at the surface. ))

“I’ve needed to kick a giant in the nut sack,” Julia said, amused when they both winced.

“Go on with you. Surely it would just stomp you flat, a tiny lass like yourself,”

“I’m serious. I’ve rung a giant’s groin guard with a high kick,” Julia said, remembering the fight with the Bãrftiz.

“So you’ve not actually kicked a foe in the balls, just struck their armour.”

“I didn’t say that. Just that I’ve used that kick in a proper fight, for drawing a giant’s attention,”

“You’ve kicked someone in the balls?” said the guard, his tone incredulous.

“There are no rules in an actual fight except winning. If punching a foe’s dick is the difference between dying and not, take the shot. It's just more meat to punch, guy or girl. It hurts to get hit there. When they’re dead, their crushed crotch will be the least of their worries. They’ll just be dead, better them than you,” Julia said, nodding to Torm as he came out the front doors of the Temple.

When the guard closest to her looked back from following her gaze, he blinked at finding Julia’s fingertips tapping his helmet’s nose guard.

“Don’t look away just because a person nods at someone past you. If they’re not your friend, they might gut you,” Julia said softly, amused that the guard’s reaction didn’t seem fearful. Though what wasn’t amusing was how his eyes focused past her hand and inside the cloak’s open folds. The intensity of his gaze as he drank up the lines of her body and rose to her face lit up his eyes.

[Sense Motive [Ap] (15->16)]

I know when I'm being eye fucked thanks, but at least he isn't aggressive like the gate guard.

“Very true. If someone hasn’t come in the gate, it’s your duty to monitor them,” said Torm.

“Yes, Captain,” both guards said.

“Julia, what can I help you with?” asked Torm.

“I need some advice. Do you have some free time to talk, Captain Torm?” Julia asked. Almost wincing at the reaction from the guards, she’d meant the inflection on his title to tease; yet sure both read it as something else.

“It is nearly noon, and I'm not on the watch. Shall we get something to eat?”

“I needed a more private word than a common room,” Julia said. Though she wanted to roll her eyes at the jealous glance, the furthest guard shot Torm.

“Perhaps the Silver Chalice would have a small private room available. If you need the conversation to remain private,”

“That works, it saves me cluttering up Yngvarr’s house all the time,”

Torm moved smoothly, escorting her toward The Silver Chalice. Though it was near noon, the inner ward's streets weren't as busy as the outer. After the bells talking with Eivor and the other ladies, the weight of gazes settling on her wasn't as uncomfortable. The adoration had been overwhelming, coupled with notifications of two of the girls unlocking priestess adding to it. The meeting had caused both Allegiance bond and Soul Sight some levelling. Soul Sight when she was nosey about who wanted to join them. Allegiance Bond from the new Priestess and the Ki healing she'd used the Bond to perform.

I don’t think anyone was expecting me to have formed a Cult at this point.

Damn it. I didn’t help her or any of them to bind these women to me.

((The choice was their own. Give them your best efforts. ))

I just need to keep calm and keep buggering on.

{{So now you want to bugger something? Kinky girl! }}

Torm looked over at the motion as Julia shook her head.


“Just my brain came up with some mental images I didn’t need,”

“I take it the morning hasn’t gone to plan?”

“Plan I don’t even have an outline for one,”

“Make a new one then,”

“That's my current goal, hoping you could at least answer a few questions for me. Given your unique perspective of the world compared to others about here,”

“I can understand what you mean, but not where you’re going,”

“Oh, I’ll explain, don’t worry, not sure if you’ll be happy, but I will explain.”

“Now I’m concerned,”

“At least you didn’t give me your usual response of Interesting,”

“I don’t say interesting that often,”

“People besides me have noticed.”


“Your humour has gone to the dogs,”

“Dogs? Really? I’ll just have to wolf down lunch then,”

[Sense Motive [Ap] (16->17)]

So I'm paying attention to people. Geez. He's trying to lighten the mood.

“Having a howling good time?”

“This is getting worse. I’ll concede here,” said Torm, amusement colouring his voice.

“Torm giving up a challenge, I’m over the moon with joy,”

“Enough.” said Torm, almost groaning as he spoke.

“Yes Oh Captain, my Captain,”

“Julia, you’re more than a little strange,”

“Strange doesn’t cover my morning. Are you going to hound me about my behaviour?”


“Now, you’re growling. Have you not had a belly rub today.”

{{Maybe he’d let you rub something against him. }}

((This Norse celestial is strange. ))

The look Torm gave Julia spoke volumes and set her laughing. The vibrance of the sound attracting more unheeded male and female attention alike.

Julia watched Torm tapping the rim of his mug and wondered if her explanation had taken him out of play. Ylva hadn’t been pleased to see her back again, especially not with Torm. The restrained thundercloud she’d emitted didn’t compare to the intense vibe Julia was getting off Torm presently. It didn’t exactly make for a relaxing time sitting across from him; however lovely the surroundings.

{{Getting out of here would be good. }}

((He is a serious individual. You’ve asked him serious questions. ))

((Give him time to consider them. They might commune with a higher authority. ))

“The unexpected is how quickly it occurred. Though given all your circumstances though, I’m sure we’ll see stranger yet,”

“Why do you say all that way?”

“Your state, the colouration of your Soul, the abilities you have, and all the rest of it. So many odd things. Or did you think odd was normal?”

“What do you mean, the colouration of my Soul? Lastriel said something, but no one’s explained anything. The elves just acted like it explained everything, and none of them said anything to explain,”


“Say that again in this conversation, and you’re risking a smacked nose,” Julia said, giving him a cross look.


“Don’t push it, or I’ll start house training you with a lump of wood,”

“The owner wouldn't like you breaking furniture in here,” said Torm, his voice thick with amusement.

“I meant the lump of wood between your ears,” Julia said.

Laugh it up, fuzzball. No one here would get my references.

“What colour were the Souls after completion of the processing?”

“White, and for the cursed Souls, there were some friendly tones mixed in,”

“Where have you seen golden Souls?”

“Just the Night elves in the grotto,”

“Have you looked at the colour of Yngvarr’s Soul?”

“No, I didn’t want to fry my brain. After hearing what you were, I’ve kept Soul Sight off in town except at rare times.”

“It’s silver, the same as Souls appear for all the current races of Elves,”


“Night elves and Sun elves, according to Elven lore, both had Golden Souls. Neither race was still around when the Titan allowed the other Gods sanctuary here. Though the celestials that were here previously speak of them, I’ve never seen one myself,”

“But I was human,”

“Your last lifetime was human. Your Soul is golden, I don't know if it means you have an elder Elf's Soul or if there's another reason. As Master Farhad would say, Souls, need to travel many lifetimes to learn. Even if your prior reality, as you call it, doesn’t have Elves, no one knows where your Soul started. You said the Titan’s child went there and stayed,”

“What did you say about how the Night Elves regarded you?”

“They looked sad,” Julia replied, her gaze questioning.

“You can’t see your Soul, and under the Heat in your form, neither can I. It doesn’t mean they couldn’t see inside you and perceive you correctly or not as trapped kin. Especially given you freed them, they might have thought you are one and looking to redeem yourself. Remember, there are members of the Sisterhood who were Night Elves corrupted by her. “

“But Master Farhad’s healing hands looked blue,”

“Indeed, they did. I don’t have all the answers for you there. Just why your Soul's colour had such an impact on the Elves,”

“So I need to talk to Master Farhad and Yngvarr about these mysteries,”

“Indeed. I can at least help you with Eivor’s situation,”

“Going to report me to Verdandi?” Julia asked, wondering how much trouble she was in.

“She already knows about the silversmith and his crimes. Though we did not know your part in how the tale ended for sure. The guard found the body and list after you left. Help was being organised for his victims, but it proved unnecessary. Someone had already organised payment for their healing. His punishment would have been worse than you dished out, and you didn’t even harvest his Soul.”

“The authorities could always give Eivor a refund. I’m sure she could use the money for something else. How did you know I didn’t?”

“There would have been traces. Perhaps traces were the reason the Priest believed the destruction of their Undead involved a Soul Eater. Since you took the valuables from the Silversmith, I think that’s covered it.

“Covered it, what about weregild?”

“The Justice assigns weregild during Hearings. How do you plan to direct your cult?” enquired Torm, his tone flatly impersonal.

"So right to the chase then?" countered Julia, the directness and strange tone from Torm taking her aback.

"Týr bid me ask," Torm replied, the concern in his gaze not matching his response.

“So you were talking to your boss. Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t want them getting tied in there with me,” said Julia, concern and despair lacing her words.

“Your actions with the Silversmith and tending to the victims sparked their faith in you,” Torm stated, his tone remaining impersonal.

“I don’t get that. I mean, I do, I’m not stupid. She was hurting, and it eased their pain. But I don’t get why it gave them this path. Considering I’m nowhere near even named.”

“Yes, you’ve just begun your journey. But then again, so have all your new followers,“ responded Torm, the impersonal tone giving way to calm reassurance, the change itself reassuring Julia.

“Týr can’t get justice for everyone, and he’d been slipping your net for years. When you know from their own mind that the person is guilty. Why bother with the formalities?” asked Julia.

“So you want your cult to avenge those for whom Justice provides no solace,” suggested Torm.

“If someone had broken the Fenrir’s chain before Týr got back, would he have objected? The only reason the guy who cursed me got smacked is he overstepped. If he hadn’t also cursed my friends, it sounded like he’d still be fine just because of some blood tie to the right Power. From the memory in his Soul, if he’d waited, that slap might not have happened. How is that right?”

“No, Týr wouldn’t have objected. Injustice persisting is always wrong. Yet, there is a point where individual action can become injustice. Best to keep that in mind. So you would be the Lady for those whose lives feel as if they’re cursed,”

“Or make the evil who blighted the lives of others regret their own choices,” Julia said, running her fingertips over the table's surface.

“Týr has heard; he will watch and hope. You still plan to punish that Nicholas further?” asked Torm.

“My thanks to your boss. If anyone gives your net the slip, let me know. As for Nicholas, oh yeah, everything I can,” Julia stated, her voice icing at his name.

“You have a coldness to you in some places,” Torm said, his voice turning grim.

“I’m not a hero, Torm, and he hurt my friends. Hurting me is one thing, hurting my friends as well; all bets are off. I’m going to do whatever I can to make things worse for him.”

“If their situation is like your own. Then your friends will be in the training brigades, work camps, or having to prove themselves in one battle or another.”

“Battle?” Julia asked, as concern for her friends swirled in her mind.

“Those forces are in constant battle with hordes of demons. Celestial forces prevent them from driving straight up through the planes around the world tree, the infernal prevent them from flanking, so to speak,” answered Torm, the response a factual recital.

“So to you, the world tree is the planar axis,” stated Julia, trying to picture a tree that size.

“We all perceive things differently. As the Titan allows, or how we can make sense of them. No one has the answer regarding how the limits apply.”

“So my Analysis, and its levels, could just be my way of perceiving things?” Julia enquired, wondering what the truth of the profiles really was.

“Or it could be the truth. We might just see a mask on top so we can understand,” countered Torm, his tone relaxed and reassuring.

“Comforting,” Julia grumbled, mentally rolling her eyes.

“I didn’t think you were after comfort but wanted the truth,” stated Torm.

((The eternal war. ))

{{He can comfort something for me. Wonder how long a tongue he has. }}

“Never mind, that wasn’t how I meant it. What would those blessing paths do?”

Pass on the sarcasm at present.

“Each is a step along a long road. ‘Life Ways’ would lead along a path of healing, Exorcism along a path of battle, and Spell Defence as it sounds towards enduring what others can’t. While each Faith can gain more, and if you have multiple paths available, some faithful may only focus their time on particular paths. That often how sects within the faithful form, particular priests, focusing on battle or defence aspects over time spent practising other paths. Just because the faith has the paths doesn’t mean its faith caster all possess the same skill in them,”

“Okay. So if I pick 'Life Ways', I can still get Spell Defence, or there something completely different offered later.”

“Correct, from what Týr has said,” Torm replied, his brisk nod very matter of fact.

“So it offered exorcism first because it will help the faithful fight what others can’t?” asked Julia, hoping for any of this to make sense.

“I’d say it came first out of your desires or nature. Some cults I know of have blessed arms as their offensive path. While it offered you a path dealing with driving out essentially Demons, Devils, elementals, and many Undead.”

Not all offensive paths are the same. That puts this in a different light.


[Optional Path selection confirmed. ]

“Did you just select that path?” Torm asked, surprised by the suddenness of Julia's decision.

“Yes, they should have blessings to keep the Darkness from their loved ones. I thought of 'Life Ways', but others can heal. Not everyone will fight, even for those they love. If being involved with me will bring them near Darkness, I should give them the tools to drive it out.”

Torm just raised a mug and held it out. After a moment’s hesitation, Julia bumped her own against it.

“To the strangeness, that is you.”

“Doggone it, you’ll make me blush,” grumbled Julia, unable to resist the dig.

“I’ll tell you about Moke’s verse to sunrise. The light bringing a blush across a pale beauty’s lips. Back arching, so fair nipples raise to salute the sky, as hips do deeply press,” recited Torm, the inflection in his voice echoing Moke's presentation.

“What?!!! Did Alfarr hit him last night?” Julia asked, cringing at the image presented and her form's reaction.

“No. I didn’t know you knew the bard so well,” teased Torm light heartedly.

[Sense Motive [Ap] (17->18)]

Darn traitor! Wait! Is he teasing?

“I DON’T! Did Alfarr put you up to this?” demanded Julia, her voice rising in pitch.

“Maybe,” Torm replied, amusement shining in his gaze.

Bloody prankster. Fucking men!

{{Stop Teasing!! }}

((Breathe or flex your fingers; the motions might calm. ))

Caught between the desire to scream or breathe, Julia simply let the Ki settle around her further, and her eyes shone with frost.

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