Abyssal Sovereignty

Vol 2 Chapter 1: The Unconventional Adventurers

Volume 2 - The Princess and the Grand Duke

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Chapter 1: The Unconventional Adventurers

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“Ah! I’m so tired! I don’t want to try anymore!”

In the depths of a lush forest, a blue ball of fluff rolled around on the ground, akin to a little girl who hadn’t a care in the world except for the next page of her favorite novel.

“Hmph! Ha ha! You’re giving up after such a short journey? That’s hardly the spirit of a future top adventurer!”

Beside the rolling blue creature stood a girl clad in traditional mage attire, complete with a pointed hat and a flowing cloak. Though all appeared proper at first glance, her posture suggested something was off.

With her head tilted at a curious angle, glancing upward and to the left at the blue ball, her left hand rested half on her face while her right hand was splayed out dramatically before her.

“I am a prodigy of the Crimson Demon Tribe! A mere challenge such as this shall not deter me!”


Suddenly, a resounding clang of metal echoed through the air, halting the two in their playful antics.

“You two! There’s a new companion joining us for this mission, so keep it down, or dinner will be the least of your worries!”

A woman with auburn hair, dressed in a cooking apron and wielding a ladle, admonished the girls, instantly silencing them with her authoritative presence.

“Apologies; my companion is… a bit too free-spirited.”

“It’s quite alright, I don’t mind.”

The speaker was a petite silver-haired girl, with a touch of grace in her every movement. Beside her stood another silver-haired girl whose more voluptuous figure contrasted the daintiness of the first, leading one to assume they must be sisters.

“By the way, I’m quite curious now—what is the Crimson Demon Tribe like? Is it related to black demons in some way? I don’t think I’ve heard of it before.”

Responding to the silver-haired girl’s inquiry, the more voluptuous of the two spoke up.

“Hmph! Since you’ve asked so earnestly, I shall generously enlighten you! The Crimson Demon Tribe is a group known for their outstanding achievements in the field of magic, characterized by their striking red eyes!”

“Eh? But why is it that you seem less skilled in magic than that blue-haired little girl?”

The silver-haired girl observed the black-haired self-proclaimed member of the Crimson Demon Tribe with innocent curiosity.

One must not be fooled by the appearance of the blue-haired little girl, who seemed rather foolish; she was, in fact, a talented healer.

Those capable of performing healing magic were typically regarded as priests or healers, with those mastering restorative spells considered exceptional talents. Mastery of healing magic requires not only an abundance of magical energy but also the willpower to wield it effectively. Moreover, advancing one’s healing abilities necessitates an extensive understanding of biology. Thus, those skilled in healing magic are regarded as prodigies—hardworking prodigies—capable of outclassing many proficient mages.

When a healer appears, they often become the most sought-after individuals, as the wisdom of otherworldly cultures has taught many the truth of the saying: “Transient damage, ironclad support.”

The blue fluffball was an exceptional talent among such healers, having reached fifth-tier proficiency by the young age of merely twenty-four—a feat that typically required a lifetime of relentless effort for an average person to achieve.

A side note: As beings attain fourth-tier status and begin to brush against the realm of souls, their lifespans also begin to extend; a fifth-tier human may live twice as long as those of third-tier or below.

In light of this, the youthful age of the “blue ball of fluff” was exceedingly remarkable.

“Um... well...”

Faced with the enlightened inquiry from the silver-haired girl, the self-proclaimed member of the Crimson Demon Tribe fell into silence.

“Is the Crimson Demon Tribe even real? I like to think I have quite the knowledge of the various races in this world, yet I’ve never heard of your so-called Crimson Demon Tribe...”

“Waaah! ...U-uh...”

As the silver-haired girl continued her relentless questioning, the black-haired girl felt tears welling up in her eyes, turning them into glistening orbs.

How could she confess that the “Crimson Demon Tribe” was merely a fanciful creation from the pages of her otherworldly books? She had stumbled upon it, recognizing their traits as remarkably similar to her own, and so had taken to calling herself one.

“Alright, that’s enough! Can’t you see the poor girl is getting upset?”

The silver-haired girl abruptly tugged at the ear of her companion, putting an end to the barrage of questions that threatened to reduce the black-haired girl to tears.

“Never mind, never mind! The stew is ready; come and eat!”

The auburn-haired woman beckoned, lifting the pot’s lid. Instantly, a rich aroma wafted over the group, tempting their senses.

“...Ah, truly, Captain’s cooking is the best in the world.”

With a hiccup, the tearful black-haired girl approached the pot, extending her hands to receive a bowl brimming with savory stew, and downed it in one gulp.

“...Huh? What’s wrong with you two? Is Captain's cooking unsatisfactory?”

“What?! Is there someone here who fails to appreciate such delight?”

The duo of one short and stout, one tall and slender—one dark-haired, one blue—fixed their gaze on the two silver-haired girls who merely took a timid sip from their bowls.

“Oh, no. It’s just that it’s too good! I had thought that apart from blood and... codfish stew, there was nothing else delicious to be found!”

“Of course! If any foul man dares to attempt to steal Captain away from us, I’ll gladly serve him a taste of explosive magic!”

With a glance at the girl brandishing a wand while making such daring proclamations, the silver-haired girl turned to her similarly hued companion.

“Hey, you’ve been on the road for a while, haven’t you? You’ve never tasted anything like this before?”

“... No, it’s just that, thinking back to what I used to make when I was alone, it pales in comparison to this.”

“Ah… indeed. With your cooking skills, it’s no wonder you wouldn’t have managed anything worthwhile.”

After a while separated by feasting and light banter.

“Alright, now that we’ve rested sufficiently, let’s return to our task!”

“Ugh… I don’t want to move… Carry me!”


In the face of the blue-haired little girl’s adorable pout, the auburn-haired captain showed no mercy in her dismissal.

“Now, let us go over the details of our mission once more.”

The captain produced a piece of paper filled with meticulous notes and began reading aloud.

“The task is to investigate the so-called ‘Wyrm’s Abyss’ near the town. Recently, we’ve received reports of some anomalies occurring there, and our job is to confirm whether any dangers have arisen.”

“The ‘Wyrm’s Abyss’? That’s the place where, during the Great War, the Lady of the Witch caused such devastation, isn’t it?”

The name of the Witch drew awe; she was heralded for ending wars and saving all races. The Wyrm’s Abyss was a prominent location, known even among those who practiced the esteemed faith of the ‘Witch’s Church,’ as they made pilgrimages to this site with unwavering respect.

Of course, even those who did not join the ‘Witch’s Church’ were not deterred from expressing their reverence toward the sorceress.

Only the most bitter and isolated could harbor hatred for the Witch.

“Now that we have reiterated our mission, let’s set forth!”

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