Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

06 In Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Another chapter! It's just over 15,000 words, too. I'm just churning them out like crazy. LOL

It was 1995 and John Connor was a pre-teen living in Los Angeles with his foster parents, because his mother had been arrested and imprisoned at a mental hospital after attempting to bomb a computer factory in an effort to delay a holocaust. His mother was Sarah Connor, whom had been preparing him throughout his childhood for his future role as the human resistance leader against Skynet.

Skynet was the artificial intelligence that would be given control of the United States military and their nuclear missile silos in the very near future. In an attempt to stop the humans from unplugging it after it became self-aware, it would initiate a nuclear holocaust on August 29, 1997. Judgment Day. Sarah Connor knew this and was desperate to delay or even stop it at all costs.

Skynet had already tried and failed to have a Terminator kill Sarah before she gave birth to humanity's saviour, so it decided to send another Terminator, a much more advanced version called a T-1000. It was an advanced prototype made out of a mimetic poly-alloy, which was a pliable liquid metal that enabled it to assume the shape and appearance of almost anything it touches of a similar size. It can also transform its arms into blades and other basic shapes at will.

In order to thwart Skynet's revised plan, the future John Connor and the resistance send back a reprogrammed T-800 series Terminator to protect his younger self, which looked suspiciously like the original terminator that had tried to kill Sarah the first time. There was just one problem. As the time-displacement bubble formed and deposited the Terminator, an unexpected passenger was caught as he travelled nearby.

As the T-800 formed in a kneeling position completely naked, because nothing but flesh could go through the process, the unexpected passenger that was caught was wearing armor and equipment from his last world. The displacement bubble shattered, the clothing and equipment exploded, and both the T-800 and the passenger were flung away from the center of the explosion.


“Uhhhh.” I groaned as I came to. I wasn't surprised that I was just as hurt externally as I was the first time a nuclear type of explosion had shunted me off of a plane of existence. Oh, great. Now I'm comparing the different types of explosions I'm using!

I shook that thought off and felt around with the Force. It was extremely weak here, which meant there wasn't a lot of live things nearby. I had to meditate and dig very deep to find the Force of the planet, then sighed as a trickle of power flowed into me. It would be enough for what I needed.

I formed ten large injection needles around myself and then picked them up with the Force. If I could see, I would have used magic to do it. My eyelids were welded shut again, so I let the Force guide the needles into my vital areas and injected myself with my latest bacta formula. It was a boosted and accelerated version for quick field repairs and had been very popular with the high velocity sports competitors.

I felt the bacta enter me and sighed in relief as it worked its magic. I chuckled at that thought, considering I had magic and I was still relying on advanced medical technology to heal myself. That reminded me to start my Prismatic Regeneration and I spammed healing spells over myself as well, since every little bit helped.

The process took only an hour and I felt the energy flow through me, signifying that I was perfectly fine once more. It had been quite some time since the last time I had to heal myself like this, so it took me another few minutes to sit up and see where I was. I was behind a couple of tractor trailers without the cabs, then I saw a partially mangled body about twenty feet away.

“No!” I exclaimed and jumped to my feet, cast cleaning spells on myself, and formed clothing around myself as I ran over to check on the poor soul that had been caught in whatever had spat me out. I readied another bacta injection as I felt for a pulse, then sighed when I felt nothing. I let the needle fade away and then gasped as an image formed in my head called 'T-800 Terminator' and it had the ailment of 'Deactivated - Temporal Explosion'.

“Oh, BEEP BOOP BEEP BLEEP!” I cursed in Droidspeak. I knew exactly what universe I was in now, just not the time. I looked around and saw a biker bar and started to run over to it, then skidded to a stop and walked calmly. There was no need to cause a panic or to draw attention to myself. I entered the bar and I didn't really recognize anything as I walked through it.

“You're dressed a little odd, ain't ya?” A sexy woman asked me.

“Huh?” I responded eloquently as I stopped and looked down at myself. I was wearing a traditional Naboo casual suit that I had formed automatically. It was very ornate and out of place in a biker bar. It was also centuries out of date, if the timelines were at all compatible being in different galaxies and all. “My friends pranked me with a costume party and then ditched me.”

The sexy woman looked me up and down and smiled. “Well, you're handsome enough. You can come over to my place and we can get you out of those silly clothes.”

I blinked my eyes at the blatant offer. I hadn't had anyone hit on me in a few decades, and that had been Sabe after her husband had died. I had been quite tempted to accept, especially when Padme had quietly given her approval. I wasn't someone that would do that, though.

I had given her a kiss on the lips and said that even if they repealed the laws or made an exception, I couldn't disrespect my wife like that. Both she and Padme had cried for hours after that and I held and hugged them both. Sabe cried with sadness and Padme cried with relief, even if she did love Sabe. I was hers and only hers, and she loved me even more because of my refusal.

“I appreciate the offer, I really do.” I said with my best smile. “I only came in here to get a paper with the date on it, not to hook up with the sexiest woman available.”

She looked very pleased with my compliment and put her hand on my arm. “Something with the date on it? Did they roofie you or something?”

I chuckled. “I don't even know if this is Tuesday or not.”

She laughed and her hand rubbed my arm up and down. “It's actually Thursday, so they got you good.”

“Ha, the rotten bastards.” I joked and she laughed again. “And the date, just in case this isn't the same week I think it is.”

She laughed and told me the day, month, and year. It was 1995 and I sighed in relief.

“Whew! Thanks a lot. That's a load off my mind.” I said and stepped close. “I appreciate the help.”

She looked up at my face and she had a lot of anticipation on her own. “I was more than happy to put your mind at ease.” She said as both of her hands rubbed up my arms. “Do you work out a lot?”

“That and clean living.” I whispered and felt like she really wanted me to kiss her in thanks. I put my arms around her and hugged her, then I bent over slightly and gave her a tender and lingering kiss for several moments. “Thank you.”

She shivered in my arms and looked into my eyes. “Are you sure you can't come over?”

“I have a very important appointment to get to, now that I know I haven't missed it.” I eased my hold on her and she sighed. “If I'm ever back this way...”

“You better be.” She said.

I smiled and left the bar. I now knew that I was in the second movie's timeline and not the first. I walked away from the bar and back over to where the body of the Terminator was. I tried repairing it and all it did was remove the explosion damage on the underlying superstructure and remained deactivated. I injected the bacta into the damage on the thing's back and the tissue and skin regrew.

The image in my head updated to the repaired version and I vanished the one in front of me. It wasn't going to complete its mission, so that meant I had to do it instead. This was going to be a mess if I wasn't careful.

I closed my eyes and searched through my ancient memories, nearly two millennia old memories, and found the ones concerning one of my favorite movies while growing up on the farm, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. I pretty much replayed it all in my head and I cursed at the lack of details. I had no idea where John Conner lived or where the Pescadero State Hospital was.

I had some researching to do, so I created a nice sports car and drove out of the parking area and looked for a phone booth that had an intact phone book. If I could find a library, half of my work would be done. Getting maps of the area was a high priority, because I also didn't know how to get to the mall where the other Terminator was going to find John.

I pulled over in a gas station and off to the side, where a rack of phone booths stood. I hopped out of the car and checked them all. One had an intact phone book, so I flipped to the information section and found the library and the address. I didn't know how to get there, though. I used one of my Silver Jewels that always produced local currency and a thick wad of cash appeared in my hands.

I went into the gas station and bought a bunch of snacks and asked the clerk about the address for the library. He gave me the directions and I gave him a ten dollar bill.

“Thanks, mister!” The young man said. “Is there anything else you want to know?”

“Do you know what mall the Galleria is in?” I asked and he told me. “What about the Pescadero State Hospital?”

The young man told me exactly how to get to both places.

“You just saved me a trip to the library.” I said and handed him a hundred dollar bill.

“Jesus! You're really giving this to me?” The young man exclaimed and clutched the money in his hand tightly.

“Enjoy.” I said and took my bag of snacks and went to the car. The gas station attendant stared at the sports car as I drove by and I waved to him. He waved back with the hand holding the money, which made me laugh.

As I drove along the route he recommended, I saw several car dealerships. I ignored them for the most part, then I saw a black Hummer parked out front on display as a 'new model'. I turned around and went back, parked, and went over to it. It was early evening, so the place was closed. I touched it for several moments and gained the image.

I hopped back in my car and drove over to the mall. I knew John would be there the next day, so I parked and looked around for cameras. I didn't see any, so I dissolved the car and created a Hummer. I entered it and it was gigantic inside, which was going to be great for travelling. I relaxed and created a cell phone from way back in the Smallville universe and set the alarm for early morning.

I slept and had a dream about Yaddle and Yodel on Dagobah. They had twin children that they named Hansen and Amidala, for some reason. I also had the distinct feeling that the Force needed balance and how I was the only unstable element in its universe after achieving that balance. Apparently, my presence was a disrupting influence, once galactic harmony had been reached.

I woke to my alarm and shook my head and dissolved the cell phone and replaced it with a security panel. I laughed when it barely had anything to hack into and it made a sad whine sound.

“It's all right. You should have a harder time when we go to the prison.” I reassured it and it beeped at me and brought up the pathetic security measures used and gave me several camera views. If I wanted to rob the place, I now had all of the security codes for the doors and the safes. It really was pathetic security.

I set it aside on the large dash and secured it, so I could keep an eye on it while also waiting for John to show up on his little off-road motorcycle. I also watched the time, because I knew that the other Terminator was probably at John's house looking for him right now. Stealing a police car, or copying one to get access to the police database, would have been a great idea if I had seen any around.

Several motorcycles arrived and parked in their designated area, so I knew John would be arriving soon. The camera view on the security device changed to several outside views and I tapped the security device to thank it. It was starting to gain a kind of AI from all the systems it had interfaced with over the years. I kept making an updated copy each time I used it, just to maintain its growth.

I sat up straight when a motorcycle with two boys passed by the camera's view and entered the parking garage. I hopped out of the Hummer and changed my clothing to jeans and a shirt that I used to wear back on the farm. I leaned against the front and crossed my arms, just so I appeared non-threatening when John drove by and parked.

“This is going to be great!” His friend said as he hopped off the back of the motorcycle.

“Yeah, another epic day of games and wrecking high scores is gonna rock.” John responded as he hit the kickstand and hopped off the bike himself.

“John Connor.” I said in my command voice.

Both boys stiffened and then whirled around to stare at me.

“I need a quick word before you go play in the Galleria.”

“Hey, buster! Buzz off! John doesn't talk to strangers!” His friend said and grabbed John's arm to pull him away from me.

“My name is John Hansen and I'm here to save John and rescue his mom.” I said and kept my arms crossed, so I wouldn't spook them. “John, I wouldn't just show up here if it wasn't important.”

John looked conflicted and worried.

“All I want is a few words alone. You don't even have to leave your friend's sight.” I said and nodded at the redheaded boy. “You know he shouldn't hear what I have to say to prove that I'm legitimate.”

John looked at his friend, who shook his head.

“He could grab you and run off.” The friend said.

“Actually, I could have done that as soon as he parked the dirt bike. He was completely open and wasn't keeping an eyes on his surroundings like his mother taught him.”

Both boys looked surprised, then John nodded.

“I'll just be a minute.” John said and walked towards me.

“Hey, it could be a trick!” His friend said and held onto his arm.

“No, he's right. I wasn't watching. Even if I think my mom's really crazy, she knew to keep an eye out, just in case.” John said and took out a wad of cash. “Get me some quarters and I'll be right up.”

“You don't want me to stay?” The friend asked, surprised.

“It's okay. He's not armed and I'm sure that's his Hummer. He won't get far if you report that I'm missing.” John said and his friend smiled and nodded.

I watched the friend walk over to the door to enter the mall and go through it, then he used his foot to hold it open and kept watch anyway. Smart kid. I thought and managed not to laugh, because I almost thought it sarcastically without meaning to. I also fought down the lonely feeling of leaving Serenity behind.

John came over to me and he stopped five feet away. “What do you want to say?”

“Skynet has sent another Terminator back in time after you. It will try to acquire its primary target at all costs, including killing your foster family and your mother, in the hopes that you make contact with them.”

“Oh, fuck!” John swore.

“Easy, now. It just arrived last night and stole a cop car. It's looking for you right now, probably out on the boulevard.” I said and he looked worried. “You told a few people you were coming here.”

“Yeah, a couple of cute girls. I bought them slushies and asked them to meet us later.”

I smiled. “Smart thinking. Laying a trail of seek and reward.”

John blushed slightly. “It's not like that. I just...”

“You like one of them and invited both, just so the friends you both have aren't left out. I get it.” I said and discreetly used the very weak Force to lightly touch his shoulder where his backpack rested. “Unfortunately, they are probably telling the Terminator where you are.”

“Oh no! He's killing them?!?” John exclaimed.

I laughed. “No, he's dressed as a cop and is probably asking nicely. Information from torture isn't usually accurate, just because they will defy you before they die anyway.”

John's mouth dropped open. “How... how can you say that?”

“Relax, it wasn't from personal experience. I wouldn't do that. I've just seen movies and shows that prove the point. Or that was how it was written, anyway.” I said as an image of 'Humanity's Saviour' appeared in my head.

I used a small amount of Force to push the friend's foot out from holding the door as I rummaged through John's backpack and then created Humanity's Saviour. I gave him a duplicate backpack and the contents, as well as hidden cameras and a communications device. I also added a little something special before HS walked over to the door to the mall and went through it.

John gave me a stern look. “Why are you saying all of this?”

“I'm distracting you from me creating a distraction for you.” I admitted and he whipped around to look, only to see nothing. “I said for you, not to you.”

“I don't know what you mean.” John said.

“I'm giving the Terminator something else to hunt while we go warn your foster parents and then go get your mother out of Pescadero.” I said.

“I'm not going anywhere with you.” John said and took a step back.

“You are going to want to.” I said and I heard an urgent beep from inside the Hummer. “Duck and cover!”

Both John and I dove around the back of the Hummer and we watched a police car ease into the parking garage and then make a slow circuit before it parked and the cop left it to go inside.

“Damn, he's here already.” I whispered and looked at John. “Come on, let's go.”

“How do I know you're not a Terminator and setting this whole thing up?” John asked.

I smiled. “Now you're asking the right questions. Your mom would be proud.”

John huffed. “Okay, you're not a Terminator.”

I laughed softly and nodded to the passenger side and climbed into the driver's side. I touched his motorbike with the force to gain it and also the police car on the way by. I wasn't going to pass that up when I had the chance to get a copy.

I drove us out of the parking garage and asked John for directions to the house where his foster parents lived. He gave me an odd look, as if he expected me to ask where he lived, then he said the address and told me how to get there.

After ten minutes of arguing with the idiots, John called them dicks and said that if they wanted to die, then that was their choice and he wouldn't feel guilty that they didn't take the warning seriously. The woman pulled her hand back to smack his face and I caught her wrist.

“I was going to leave something to defend you.” I said and she tried to pull her hand away and couldn't.

“Hey! Let her go!” The man said and tried to step forward... and couldn't. “What the... my shoes are stuck!”

“I changed my mind. John's right. If you won't listen, you're on your own.” I said and let her wrist go.

“Get out!” She shouted.

“Gladly.” I said and put a hand on John's shoulder. “Is there anything here you need to take with you?”

“No, I always pack light.” John said and pat his backpack.

I nodded and we left the house and climbed into the Hummer. I drove us down the street to get to the ones I knew and then I headed out onto the main road to get to the prison they called a state hospital.

“Do you think they'll be okay?” John asked.

“Do you want the truth or an elaborate lie that could be the truth?” I asked.

John sighed. “Never mind.”

“You should never ask a question you already know the answer to or don't want an answer to.” I cautioned him.

“I know.” John said and looked out the window. “I know.”

“There's a huge bag of snacks in the console.” I said and he opened it up to see the bag of things I bought at the gas station.

“Jesus, did you buy out the store?” John asked and pulled out several chocolate bars and a bag of chips.

“I didn't know what you and your mom liked.” I said with a shrug.

“I thought you said you knew everything?” John asked.

I chuckled. “I didn't say that. I just knew what was going on.”

“How?” John asked and started eating a chocolate bar.

I waved a hand near him and wiggled my fingers. “Maaaagic!”

John chuckled and swatted my hand away.

“If you keep the chocolate away from the screen, you can check out the device on the dash.” I said and he blinked his eyes at the thing showing camera views in the mall.

“What the hell is that?” John asked as he watched a police officer chase his double out of the mall.

“I told you. A distraction.” I said and kept driving.

“How are we still getting a camera signal this far away?” John asked as he watched his copy take his motorbike and be chased by the cop running after him.

“The Infiltrator is a wonder of futuristic technology.” I said and it beeped in agreement. “See? It agrees.”

John chuckled. “Can it show me anything else?”

“How about the backpack camera?” I asked and the screen changed to show the police officer being run over by the cab of a transfer truck.

“Oooo, that's gotta hurt.” John said.

“You know he's going to commandeer that truck to run your copy down.” I said.

“Yeah, mom said they adapt to the situation and make the best of the circumstances.”

“Most times, yes.” I said, a bit cryptically.

“What do you mean?”

“I managed to take one out during its time transference. One little explosion and it popped the bubble.” I said. “I mean, it was an accident, since I didn't meant to; but, it permanently deactivated the Terminator.”

“Where is it?” John asked.

“Destroyed. I couldn't leave anything like that just laying around.”

“Good point.” John said and a screeching sound came from the security screen. “Oh, no!”

I glanced over and saw the truck run over the camera. “He caught him a lot quicker than he should have.” I said and then remembered that without the T-800 to run interference, there was nothing to stop the T-1000 from completing its mission. “Godspeed, HS. You did a great job.”

“Thanks! Goodbye, father.” HS said and then a bright explosion cut off the feed.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?” John yelled.

“A thermal detonator.” I said and he stared at me. “It should distract the T-1000 long enough for us to get your mother out and escape.”

“You let your son kill himself to protect me.” John said and tears came to his eyes.

“Sometimes sacrifices need to be made. He knew what his purpose was when I created him.” I said and John continued to cry silently. “You saw that he was happy.”

“Happy to die.”

I chuckled. “No, that he served his purpose and served it well.”

“How can you laugh? A life just ended!”

“It did, and I'll always remember him, just like I remember all of the people I've left behind and lost.” I admitted. “It's a heavy burden to bear, knowing I'm sending the things I create to die.”

“Then... then why... why do you do it?” John asked.

“Because without their sacrifice, many many more would have died.” I said and slowed down and pulled off the road to park briefly. “That's the price you pay for command. People put their trust in you to save them. You put the people under your command in danger to try and do your best to do that.”

“But... is it worth it?” John asked.

“To give up the people you know for the faceless masses?” I asked and he nodded. “You don't really believe so, until you meet those faceless masses. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, all of them look to you to protect them and they are as grateful to the ones that sacrifice themselves to preserve the peace as you are.”

John gave me a searching look. “You've done it before.”

“I had to sacrifice fifteen to save thousands and to stall an invasion. It worked.” I said in a whisper. “You don't know how grateful I was that the local people built a memorial to honor those fifteen for it.”

John put a small hand on my shoulder. “You would do it again.”

“Unfortunately, yes. There wasn't much choice, because the invading army wasn't being gentle in their takeover, despite the locals not even trying to resist or fight back.”

John gave my shoulder a squeeze and sat back in his seat. “The price of command.” He whispered.

“Heavy is the heart of a leader.” I said and he nodded. “Which is why we need to find you a wife as soon as possible.”

“Hey!” John exclaimed. “I'm only TEN!”

“Okay, you're right. We should wait a year and...”

“I'M STILL A KID!” John yelled.

I smirked at him and then laughed.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” John said and opened a bag of chips.

“Wet wipes and cleaning supplies are in the glove compartment.” I said and he nodded.

The rest of the drive to the state hospital passed in companionable silence.


“I'm sorry, officer. I can't authorize a transfer with just the paperwork. The offices have to be open for us to call and confirm...”

“They just closed!” I said and waved at the paperwork and pointed. “It's all authenticated and signed! The chief of police's name is right there!”

“I'm sorry, sir.” The nurse and receptionist said and looked adamant.

I rubbed my face in frustration. “Can I at least see Miss Connor and let her know that she has to wait until tomorrow to be out of here and in an actual cell?”

“I'm sorry, sir. The patient is currently in a treatment session and...”

“Stop that right now!” I exclaimed and she was startled. “She's being transferred out of this nuthouse precisely because you're forcing her to relive her delusions! You're feeding her desire for attention and you're only making it worse!”

“Sir, please calm down.” She said and hit a button under the desk.

“I want you to tell me something right now. Exactly how many times has she woken up with nightmares after your treatment sessions?” I asked and she winced. “Every time, right? It's not letting up at all, is it?”

“Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to back off.” One of the security guards said and pulled out his nightstick.

I gave the nurse a glare, making her wince again, and I looked at the security guard that spoke. “I tried to do this the nice way and you idiots can't take the hint.” I said and waved my hand over them, freezing them in place with Stasis. I easily broke the lock and bar on the door between me and that side of the room and moved around the desk.

A quick computer search gave me the room and the directions to it.

“I'll leave you all unharmed, because I don't feel like having a criminal record for something you should have done on your own!” I spat at them and walked by them as I touched the security guard's key ring.

I went through the facility until I came to the examination room where Sarah Connor was partially splayed across a table and spouting about Judgment Day to the amusement of the doctors and nurses observing and recording it.

I kicked open the door and everyone except Sarah jumped from the bang. “Here are her release papers, you quack!” I spat at the doctor and slammed the papers down on the table in front of him.

Everyone just stared at me and didn't move or speak.

“Come on, Sarah. It's time to go. Your son's waiting outside for you.” I said.

“JOHN!” Sarah jumped to her feet. “He's completely unprotected without me!”

“I know. That's why I'm here for you.” I said and took her hand.

Sarah didn't fight against it and I led her out of the room. It wasn't until we were down the hallway and through the first gate that she tried to yank her hand away. I didn't let her go and turned to look into her eyes.

“Relax, Sarah. I'm your friend and I'm getting you out of here.” I said in a soothing voice.

“I'll make that decision for myself.” Sarah said. “Where did you get the fake documents?”

“They aren't fake.” I said and didn't try to walk or let her hand go as she struggled.

Sarah barked a laugh. “Like they would ever let me go! I destroyed that factory and crushed that fucking machine that tried to kill me!” She said and really started to struggle. “Let me GO!”

“I'm not a Terminator.” I said and she froze. “One is coming for you and John, however.”

“JOHN!” She yelled again and tried to run. She came to a dead stop when our arms were outstretched. “Let. Me. Go.” She growled. “I will seriously hurt you if you don't.”

I smiled and stepped close to her. “The only way you could hurt me is if you said you never want to have sex.”

Sarah's face went completely blank and she stared at me.

“We are going to walk calmly out of the facility, because no one is going to stop us.” I said. “The computers around here are ridiculously easy to bypass and gain access to. The papers are all legally filed and registered. Electronically, of course. The idiot nurse at the reception desk wouldn't accept the transfer papers without calling first.”

“Of course not. They need a person to confirm...” Sarah stopped talking and nodded. “Lead the way.”

“Thank you.” I said and did just that.

Not one orderly, nurse, or security guard stopped us as we left the facility. Sarah looked a little surprised when she saw the black Hummer, then she gasped when her son John hopped out to run over to us. I let her hand go, because I knew what was coming.

“John, NO!” Sarah said and grabbed him, picked him up, and dove right back inside the Hummer and slammed the door closed. “How could you be that stupid? You were completely exposed!”

“Mom, I... I just...”

I hopped into the driver's side. “John. Overprotective Mother. She just escaped from months of being trapped and mind shrunk in a mental hospital. She hasn't slept properly from all the nightmares.”

“Oh. Okay.” John said and looked at Sarah. “I'm sorry, mom. I'll be more careful in the future.”

Sarah blinked her eyes at him and then looked at me. “How did you do that?”

“I don't treat him like a child.” I said and started the Hummer up.

Sarah had an odd look on her face and John looked pleased.

“There's snacks in the console.” I said and drove out of the parking lot.

Sarah opened it and drooled at the treats before she grabbed several granola bars and two bags of potato chips. “I really missed these.”

I smiled and glanced in the mirror to see John's matching smile.

It was quiet as I drove us out of the city and Sarah munched on the snacks. No one said anything until Sarah was done eating and had cleaned up with the cleaning supplies.

“Where are we going?” Sarah asked.

“We're going to visit the head programmer for Cyberdyne Systems, Miles Dyson.”


“I need his codes to get into the building to destroy the broken processor chip and arm from the first Terminator.”


“Yes, they are.” I said.

“They said there was nothing there and had me arrested for espionage.” Sarah spat.

“I know.”

“Wait, how do you know?” Sarah asked and squinted her eyes at me as her son John laughed under his breath. He knew what was coming.

I waved a hand near her and wiggled my fingers at her. “Maaaagic!”

Sarah huffed and swatted my hand away as John laughed out loud. “I need to get out of this hospital patient uniform.”

“Hey, I'm not stopping you.” I said suggestively and wiggled my eyebrows at her. “Your son is right there in the backseat, though.”

John laughed. “Geez! Get a room, you two!”

“John.” Sarah said in a deadly voice.

“Yes?” Both I and her son said at the same time.

Sarah stared at us. “You have GOT to be kidding me!”

I glanced at John and he had his mouth covered to stop his laugh. “No, I'm not your son from the future.” I said and she seemed to relax a little. “My name really is John. John Hansen.” I held a hand out to her. “It's nice to meet you, even under these circumstances.”

Sarah gave my hand a stern look, then she took it and shook it. “I still need to change out of these clothes.”

“Not a problem.” I said and pulled off the road. “Give me a second to set up a screen for you. There's clothing in the back for you to choose from.”

Sarah gave me a skeptical look for a moment before she nodded.

I came to a stop and hopped out, then pretended to pull a dressing screen off of the top of the Hummer and unfolded it in front of the open rear hatch. “Let me know when you're done.”

Sarah waited for me to climb into the Hummer before she started to search through the stacks of clothing. “Did you rob a department store or something?” She asked and then frowned. “How is everything in my size?”

“Maaaagic!” I said and her son laughed.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Sarah said and picked a few things, then closed the screen.

“Are you really going to date my mom?” John asked in a whisper.

“I doubt she has any real thoughts about dating right now.” I said without bothering to whisper. I knew she could hear us. “I think the most I can hope for is some wild monkey sex and maybe share a couple of bananas.”

“Bwa-ha-ha-ha!” John laughed. “That's disgusting!”

“Get your mind out of the gutter. We'd eat them. Eat, I said!” I said and he just laughed some more.

A few minutes later, Sarah said she was done and I hopped out and went to the back of the Hummer. I saw that she wore a nice pair of tight jeans, a black tank top, and a cropped leather jacket.

Sarah shut the rear hatch and gave me a stern look. “I don't like what you're saying around my son.”

“I know.” I said and she squinted her eyes at me. “I'm trying to keep him distracted from the life and death situation we're in. Teasing you a little about it is just a nice bonus.”

Sarah opened her mouth to respond, then she sighed.

“It's going to be okay.” I said and folded up the screen and tossed it up on top of the Hummer before making it disappear.

“How do you know that?” Sarah asked.

I let a huge smile appear on my face as I pulled out two bananas from my pants pockets and handed them to her. She stood there and stared at them as I walked around to the driver's side and climbed in. It took her another minute before she seemed to shake herself and she walked to the passenger side and climbed in. When I glanced over, she had the bananas tucked into the coat pockets.


“We have an appointment to meet with Mr. Dyson.” I said at the receptionist's desk. I wore my best suit and the woman looked me up and down before she smiled.

“Let me just check.” She said and started typing. “It seems you really do have an appointment. If you'll wait in the chairs over there, I'll call him to come out to meet you.”

“Thank you very much.” I said and let my appreciation be heard in my tone of voice. She smiled again and I led Sarah and John over to the chairs.

“What brand is that suit?” Sarah asked.

“It was custom made.” I said and she gave me an odd look. “If you want to know, just ask.”

“Are you rich?” Sarah asked.

“It depends on what you class as...”

“Stop playing word games and just answer me, for fuck's sake!” Sarah practically shouted.

Several people in the lobby looked over at us, as did the receptionist. They also looked a little worried.

“Geez, mom. Calm down.” Her son John whispered.

“Sarah, I know you're high strung right now and I'm sorry if my words annoy you.” I said in a normal voice and it carried through the lobby. “I only wanted to know if you meant if I had any family, which would make me truly rich, or just material things that anyone can buy.”

Sarah seemed to deflate a little.

“I've had family before and I've been forced to leave them. I also can't go back.” I said and both Sarah and John looked at me and saw my sad face. “All I can do is move forward and try to live my life as best as I can and help those that need it when I stumble across them.”

“John, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up...”

“It's all right. I've had to accept my lot in life. Living from day to day, not knowing when I'll have to leave people behind. When it is time for me to finally move on, I do and I keep the people I've met in my heart and my mind.”

“That's so sad and sweet.” The receptionist said. “Mr. Dyson will be right down, Mr. Hansen.”

“Thank you.” I said and stood up to fix my suit. I had the security unit tucked behind my back and under my suit coat. The elevator doors opened and a good looking black man strode out of the elevator and walked over to us.

“Mr. Hansen?” Miles asked and held out his hand.

I smiled and shook the freely offered hand. “I am and you are Miles Dyson, head programmer and just the man I wanted to see.”

Miles smiled. “Can I ask what the appointment was for? The note doesn't say.”

“It's about one of the main projects that Cyberdyne is working on.” I said and his eyes widened slightly. “I'd say more, except you know we can't talk about it out here.”

“No, we can't. Right. Okay.” Miles said, a little flustered. “Let's go to my office.”

“That's a great idea.” I said and let his hand go. “Lead the way.”

“Sign in, please.” The receptionist said and put a book on the desk for me.

“Of course.” I said and wrote out my name as I spoke. “Donald Duck, Esquire.”

A few people laughed and John grinned as he hit my arm.

The receptionist looked alarmed for a moment, then looked relieved that I had signed my real name. “You're lucky you're handsome, Mr. Hansen.”

“I suppose I am.” I said and winked at her as I stepped aside and let Sarah and John sign their names. We followed Miles to the elevator and to the floor he worked on and then we went into his office.

Half an hour later, Miles looked sick. “How can this be possible? You're accusing me of something I haven't even done yet.”

“We know you're getting your ideas from a radical and quite smashed computer chip.” I said and he caught his breath. “We also know about the mechanical arm made of an alloy that isn't being produced commercially.”

“You... you know a lot, don't you?” Miles whispered.

A beep came from my back and I pulled out the security device.

“I know a lot more than you thought I did.” I said and checked it over. “Son of a... we have a bit of a problem.”

“What is it?” Sarah asked.

“They have both electronic and physical copies of their research, not to mention the two corporate spies stealing the secrets of the company.”

“WHAT?!?” Sarah and Miles yelled at the same time.

“I'm totally buggin!” John said and looked panicked. “We gotta book it now. If so many people have the blocks, someone's gonna build the thing!”

Sarah pulled him into a hug and held him. “Shh. It's okay. We can still stop it.” She said and looked at me. “We can, can't we?”

I looked down at the security device. “I think the electronic parts we're going to have to leave to you, little buddy.”


“You know it's going to be dangerous. The wild viruses out there alone are going to hurt you a lot.”

“Beep boop beep.”

I sighed. “Yes, there's risk in everything. This is yourself that you'll be sending out there.”

“Boop beep beep booooop.”

“Are you sure? If I copy you now and you change after you leave, you won't be you anymore.”

“Beep beep.”

I sighed again. “Okay. I want you to embed yourself into the mainframes here, then start branching out. Go for the land connections first. The wireless signals around are pathetic, so you're going to really strain trying to bridge systems.”

“Beep boop.”

“Yes, you have my permission to make copies of yourself to complete your mission. It might take years for you to...”


“Okay, okay. I'll stop mothering you.” I said and pulled out a plug. “Good luck, little buddy. Send me word when you've made three bases for yourself. Once you do, we'll blow the mainframes here.”

“Beep beep.”

“What do you mean, you're going to blow the mainframes here?” Miles asked.

“We have to destroy the physical copies of the chip and all of the research.” I said and he looked shocked. “Believe me, I am not looking forward to it.” I plugged the security panel into the computer that Miles uses. “Shoot straight, fly fast, and aim to misbehave.”

The security device let out a stream of beeps and boops and then the security panel went dead. I unplugged it and tucked it into my suit coat as I made it disappear.

“What did it say?” John asked.

“I can't repeat it with a lady in the room.” I said and smiled at Sarah.

Sarah huffed and then smiled, too. “How long for it do to its work?”

“A day, maybe two.” I said and reached out to shake Miles' hand. “Thanks for listening and not calling the cops and saying we're crazy or something.”

“What makes you think I won't do that?” Miles asked.

“Plausible deniability.” I said and he looked surprised again. “Just tell them I wanted to consult on the project and my ideas went in a different direction for your work.”

“That could actually fly with my teammates.” Miles said.

“It's the truth.” I said and motioned for Sarah and John to leave the office. “Don't be upset if we never see you again.”

“I won't be.” Miles said.

Sarah waited until we were outside the building to speak. “Are we really going to just let him walk away with all the research?”

I smiled. “Infiltrator already hooked up to his home computer and deleted everything, then hard wiped the hard drives. He did it to every employee that has a computer connected by phone line, actually.”

“That's why it took so long for him to beep?” John asked and I nodded. “Cool.”

“We still have to figure out how to get the things the leaks stole.” Sarah said.

“We'll know soon. Or later. It depends. The internet is only just becoming a thing.”

“I know. It terrifies me every day.” Sarah said and shuddered.

I took her into a hug and held her. “Hey, it's okay.” I said and rubbed her back under the leather jacket. “Not all AIs are out to kill us.”

“No, just the most dangerous one.” Sarah said.

I couldn't help but laugh. “Good point.”

“What are we going to do while we wait for infiltrator to call?” John asked.

“Where's the nearest children's hospital?” I asked.

“It's right over there.” John said and pointed down the street. About four blocks away was a tall brown building with a big 'H' on it.

“That's convenient.” I said and let Sarah go to help her into the Hummer.

“Why are we going there?” Sarah asked when I climbed into the driver's side.

“I'm going to do some...” I wiggled my fingers at her. “....maaaagic!”

John laughed and Sarah gave me a glare.

“I have an experimental medical treatment that can heal any injury when it's injected.”

“What... how... is that even possible?” Sarah asked.

“It used to require nearly a week dunked inside a giant fish tank and wearing and adult diaper.” I said and she couldn't stop her smile. “Yes, I had to wear it the first time I tried it.”

“I knew it.” Sarah said and her smile remained.

“I worked for a long time to refine and boost the properties to get it down to multiple injections.”

“I don't see any medical crates or things here.” Sarah said and glanced around the interior of the Hummer.

“That's because it's under the panel in the back next to the guns.”

“YOU HAVE GUNS?!?” Sarah yelled.

“No, I'm driving around with Humanity's Saviour and his mother and I'm completely unarmed.” I said, sarcastically.

Sarah let out a growl sound and then tried to leap between the seats.

I caught her by the waistband of her jeans and she let out another growl. “You can't open it without opening the rear hatch.”

“Then pull over and show me, dammit!” Sarah spat at me.

“I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it.” I said and let her go as I put both hands on the wheel and pulled into the children's hospital. I barely came to a stop and Sarah was out of the Hummer and had the back hatch open.

John was suddenly covered in women's clothing. “Hey!”

“Ohhhh.” Sarah moaned.

I walked around to see her stroking the guns and I pretended to pull the dressing screen from the roof and put it around us. “If you didn't notice, they are an odd calibre and are one of a kind. Completely untraceable.”

“I think I love you.” Sarah said as she picked up a shotgun. It was the perfect size for her and she grabbed a box of ammo for it.

“That has a thigh holster or a back holster, whichever you prefer.” I said.

“Yes, I definitely love you.” Sarah said and slipped off her jacket. “Back holster, please.”

“Just like me.” I said and she gave me a searching look. “You are not seeing my shotgun until it's necessary.”

John let out a laugh and then quickly stifled it.

“You are a bad influence.” Sarah whispered to me as I strapped her holster on and she easily slid the shotgun into it. “It feels good. A nice solid weight.”

I nodded and handed her an underarm holster and then one of the pearl handled eight shooters.

“I'm not even going to ask.” Sarah said and put the holster on and put the gun in it.

“Draw it.” I said and she did. It was smooth and she stared at me. “I usually wear them on my hips. Not out in polite society, though.”

Sarah smiled at me and slipped her jacket back on. “Damn, it's hitting the holster.”

“Hold on, I'll adjust it for you.” I said and put my hands on the jacket by the collar and pretended to jerk on it a little, then transfigured it to fit around the shotgun's handle. “How's that feel?”

“Good.” Sarah said and nodded. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I said and cast a Notice-Me-Not spell on the shotgun. “Are you coming in with me or are you staying out here with John?”

“Staying.” Sarah said.

“I'll be a little while.” I said and pulled out a huge wad of cash. “Go grab some food for yourself and John. I'll steal some muffins or something from the cafeteria inside.”

“All right. Thank you.” Sarah said.

I put a hand on her shoulder as I pulled a square case out of the back. “Don't worry, Sarah. We're getting this done. If the Terminator somehow tracks us down before we can end Skynet for good, we'll deal with it.”

Sarah nodded and closed the panel as I folded up the screen and I tossed it up on top of the Hummer before I made it disappear.

“See you later.” I said and turned to walk away, then I stopped and turned back. I gave her a look, as if asking for permission, and she nodded slightly. I stepped close and hugged her as I gave her a nice and safe kiss.

It was similar to the one I gave that woman in the bar, actually. I broke the kiss and walked away without looking back. I gave John a wave and entered the hospital. I stepped into a little alcove and changed my clothing to something similar to what a medical technician wore, waited a moment, and stepped back out.

“Hi, there.” I said to the receptionist as I approached her. “Could you tell me where the long term and intensive care wards are?”

“Of course, Dr. Hansen.” She said as she read my nametag. “What's your reason for visiting?”

I smiled a bright smile and she looked a little flustered. “I'm here for free consultations. It's part of my personal initiative to help as many people as possible when I can.”

She looked a little unsure about that. “You're just walking around hospitals and offering advice?”

I laughed. “I just arrived in the area today, so this is the first one.” I said and took out my wallet. I cast a Confundus charm on her and she saw what she wanted to see.

“Everything seems to be in order.” She said with a slightly blank expression and handed me an appropriate badge. “The long term ward is on the fifth floor and the ICU is on the seventh.”

“Thank you very much.” I said and walked to the elevator. I went up to the seventh floor and right over to the ICU. The nurses at the desk didn't even look at me as I stood there and went over the patient charts. I picked out the ones I could help right away and took their charts with me.

The patients with congenital heart defects couldn't be helped past normal surgery and healing them afterwards. Erasing and regrowing it wouldn't work, because it would just grow back damaged again. That was the downside of both the bacta and my magic.

“Hello, there!” I said to the young woman on the bed. She looked to be about fourteen.

“Hello.” She said and gave me a skeptical look. “Who are you?”

I smiled and tapped my new badge. “I'm a temporary consultant for the day.” I said and walked over to the bed and looked at the huge dialysis machine she was hooked up to. I then looked down at the large bandage around her waist, the cast on one of her arms, and at her black eyes. “So, what seems to be the problem?”

She gave me an incredulous look for a second and then she laughed.

“No, really. I can't tell what's wrong. Can you tell me where it hurts?”

She laughed and laughed as the machines monitoring her beeped like crazy.

Two nurses ran into the room and gave me a stern look before talking to her and calming her down.

“Doctor, you can't be exciting the patient that way. Her internal injuries are severe and...”

“I know.” I said. “On the plus side, her laughter gland seems fine. You did a good job saving it.” I gave the nurse two thumbs up and the young woman laughed again.

“If you're going to keep acting that way, I am going to have to ask you to leave.” The other nurse said.

I took in a huge breath and then let out the loudest and most exaggerated sigh possible. “Fiiiine! I'll beeeehave.”

The young woman clamped her mouth shut and looked like she was fighting hard to stop her laugh.

“I'll pretend to be a normal doctor.” I said and straightened my back before speaking in a pompous tone. “I will not make any more funny jokes. Will this be suitable?”

Both nurses looked pleased and nodded, then after another quick check of the machines, they left the room.

I let out a breath and exaggeratedly wiped at my forehead. “Whew! I thought they would never leave.”

The young woman smiled at me. “Are you really a doctor?”

“Yes, I am fully certified in six star systems and on eighteen worlds and ten moons.” I said and she looked surprised. “We won't talk about the gas giants, if that's okay. They stink.”

She clamped her mouth closed and made a snorting sound.

I put a hand on her forehead and let her image fill my mind. “Oh. They really underplayed your injuries on your chart.”

“Huh? What?” She asked, confused.

“They found a lot more scarring and tissue damage than they recorded.” I said and put the other two charts down to show her.

“Are you supposed to show me that?” She asked and read it. By the look on her face, it was as bad as she feared.

“Probably not.” I said with a shrug. “I'm just visiting, so I don't have to follow their rules anyway.”

She looked at me and seemed at a loss for words.

“I assume it was a bad car accident?” I asked and she nodded. “One kidney destroyed and the other punctured. No spleen. Lacerated pancreas. Liver halved. Intestines perforated. Multiple broken bones. Boy, oh boy.” I said and looked into her eyes. “In my professional opinion, you're a bleeping mess.”

She barked a laugh and then groaned.

“I'm sorry about that. Don't fight to laugh, okay? It actually helps get your body to produce endorphins if you're happy.” I said and she looked surprised. “They told you not to?”

“I can't use the muscles near my guts or it could get worse.” She said.

“Hmm. Well, we'll just have to fix that, won't we?”

“What? How?” She asked and looked down at herself. “I can barely move and they said that any more surgery would only make more scar tissue and...”

“I don't need to do surgery to fix you.” I said and opened my case. “I present to you, the magic powered bug spit! I mean miracle cure!”

She snorted and then laughed.

“I just need to get a good scan of you before I administer the disgusting... I mean wonderful serum!” I said and put the needle back into the case. “I'll be right back with the scanner, all right?”

“Okay, doctor.” She said and watched me leave.

I looked around to see if anyone was looking, and produced a security device. I checked it and no cameras were on this floor, or anywhere inside the hospital. I dissolved it and created a holographic scanner and dragged it into the room.

“What the heck is that?”

“It's a portable scanner.” I said.

“THAT'S portable?” She asked, incredulous.

“It used to be the size of a room until I shrunk it down.” I said and she gave me a wide-eyed look. “Yes, really. It's miniaturized. It takes just as long, though.”

She watched me set it up and then we waited for thirty minutes as the scanner scanned her completely. I walked over to the door and locked it, then went back over to her. She looked nervous and I smiled and pat her hand.

“Relax. It's new technology and I can't let anyone else see what happens next.” I said.

“That's what I'm worried about.” She said and gave me a pointed look.

I chuckled and hit the display button.

“Oh, my GOD!” She exclaimed when her full body medical hologram appeared above her.

“I told you.” I said and rotated it and moved it up to point out the damage she had inside. It took me a few minutes to explain what I would be doing to fix things. Removing this, repairing that, replacing that. When I was done, she was silently crying.

“Why... why are you teasing me like this?” She asked.

I wiped at her face with a cloth. “I'm not teasing. Give me an hour and I'll have you back to yourself.”

“No, you... you... it's not possible.” She whispered and more tears flowed out.

“Please, bare witness to the magic of bug spit.” I joked and she didn't laugh. “Kay.” I said in my command voice. “Witness the magic.”

She blinked her eyes and then she stared as I pushed the needle right into her belly through the bandages. I injected her and then used another needle as I vanished the hastily sewed up kidney end where her other one was destroyed. I injected bacta right into the raw end and vanished the excess blood as the kidney started to regrow.

I gave her more injections across her belly and she kept staring at each needle as it punctured her and the fluid entered her. She never said a word as I worked, until I reached for her broken arm.

“W-wait, you... it can't heal bones. It can't. Nothing like that exists.” She whispered.

“It exists right here.” I said and showed her the needle. “Do you require a visual test?”

She nodded, so I cast the cutting charm on her cast and it flopped off. She gasped and stared at me.

“No, look at the needle.” I said and she did as I injected it into the very large bruise around her severely broken arm. She watched, quite fascinated, as the bruise slowly changed colors and then her arm was back to its normal healthy skin color.

“It's not aching anymore.” She said, her voice full of awe.

“Your insurance company is going to have a fit.” I said and she looked at me. “Who only spends a week in ICU after a major car crash, that should have killed her, and has no injuries left to show for it?”

Her mouth dropped open in shock.

“Well, that's not my problem.” I said and used a needle to make some small injections along her cheeks and then into her forehead to fix the bruising and then once behind each ear for the minor concussion. “No, wait. It is my problem. I did heal you, after all. Or will. We still need to wait another half an hour for your belly to finish. I better give you some money to cover the bills if the insurance company decides you were faking almost dying.”

She watched as I emptied my little case onto her abdomen and stacked the money on it.

“I hope a hundred thousand is enough.” I said and she just stared at me. “I'll put it back in the case and give you the key, shall I?” I asked and she nodded several times.

I did that and the discreetly turned off and disconnected the intrusive machines before I sat down to wait. I also cast more healing and regeneration spells on her. “So, when you're feeling all better...” I trailed off and she blushed. “...I'll stop teasing you and quietly leave. I have other patients to visit. The children's ward for long term care is my next stop after the ICU.”

“You really...” She looked at her arm that was still hanging in a sling. “I can probably stop using that.”

“Probably. It didn't look comfortable.” I said. “And yes, I'll be seeing what I can do for those that don't have birth defects.”

“What? Why?” She asked. “Why can't you help everyone?”

“The bug spit only enhances healing or regrows what was there. If the original was damaged, removing it and regrowing it, doesn't fix the problem. Only surgery and healing will do that.”

“Oh. That sucks.” She said.

“I know. I tried grafting different things and it wouldn't work. They always heal independently and split apart, negating the benefit of the surgery in the first place.”

She was quiet for several minutes and then spoke. “Is it really bug spit?”

“Nah. It's just a crop grown in a swampy field mixed with a specially engineered bacteria to cause a reaction and a synthetic amniotic fluid with medicine boosters that enhance the body's own healing capacity.”

She stared at me and looked like she wanted to say something, then she just lay there and kept staring at me.

“I had the same reaction when I found out what was in it, too. Something so simple and so powerful.” I said. “Of course, I've greatly improved on the original formula. If I had to use that, you would have to float for a week in the stuff while wearing an air breather and a diaper.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock again.

“I know. It's boring as hell. I slept for most of the time when I was in one.”

It took her a minute to recover. “You?”

“I had third degree burns all over of my body and I looked like a nice and crispy piece of bacon.”

“Oh, my god.” She whispered.

“It wasn't the first time.” I said and her eyes widened. “I get caught in explosions a lot.”

“You should stop doing that.” She said.

I smiled. “A couple of them I had no choice in.”

“Only a couple?” She asked, surprised. “How many have you been in?”

“I'd rather not say.” I said and she shook her head.

“You're crazy.”

“Probably. I'm pretty old now. I may even be senile.”

She laughed. “You're what? Thirty something?”

“You'll get better with guessing ages when you're older.” I said with a grin and she laughed again. “I think you're done.” I said and started up the scanner again. “Let's just make sure.”

“Okay, doctor.” She said and we waited patiently as the scan did its thing.

I hit the display and the changes were immediately apparent. “Yes, it looks like you're all better.”

“I... I don't... I don't believe it.” She whispered and her hand went through the part of her belly where it showed two working kidneys.

“You haven't realized the machines aren't hooked up anymore?” I asked with a smile.

She looked at her body and then over at the silent machines. “Oh, my GOD!”

“It's a miracle!” I said and threw my hands up in the air and then did a little dance to make her laugh. “I better go. It's going to get crazy in here when they find out you're okay.”

“If you're still in the hospital, they'll find you.” She said.

“Nah. I have an invisibility cloak.” I said and flicked one out of my pocket. It was a bright neon green and she laughed. “No one will ever find me in this!”

“Ha hahaha!”

“Bye, Kay. If the insurance pays for the accident, don't tell anyone about the money. That's yours. Save it for college or buy out your favorite clothing store or something.”

“Okay. Bye, Doctor.” She said. “Wait! What about your scanner?”

“What scanner?” I asked and stepped over to the door to unlock it.

“It's gone!” She gasped.

“So am I.” I said and slipped on the cloak without putting the hood up. “Remember that laughter is the best medicine.”

“I will.” She said and smiled. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.”

“I promise to not tell anyone about this.” She said.

“You can if you want. No one will believe you anyway.” I said and put the hood up and disappeared.

“Oh, my GOD!” She yelled as I opened the door and the two nurses came running in.

“What is it, Kay?” One of the nurses asked as the other checked the machines.

Kay waved at the spot where I stood. “He's GONE!”

“Why are none of the machines on?” The nurse asked. “Hold on, they aren't hooked up!”

“Your arm's not broken anymore!” The first nurse exclaimed.

“What?” The second nurse said and the two of them quickly checked Kay over and they both ran from the room, screaming that it was a miracle.

“I told you.” I said and left through the open door.

I worked all through the night and the next day. I checked and fixed as many kids as I could. I also explained to the ones that I couldn't really help, exactly why I couldn't fully heal them. All I could do was boost them with healing and regeneration. They hugged me and thanked me for anything I could do. So, I asked them what they wanted and then I gave it to them.

A case of money. A new gaming system from the shopping centre. As many fantasy books as could fit inside a suitcase. I surprised her by giving her one that was slightly expanded and the books filled both sides of the suitcase. She cried and hugged me, then kissed my cheek. I kissed her cheek back and left with a light and heavy heart. Light for those I helped and heavy for those I couldn't.

I stepped outside and I wasn't surprised that the Hummer wasn't there. I created a security device and it beeped at me. “Perfect timing.” I said and created a sports car. I ignored the shout behind me and climbed inside.

“WAIT! WAAAAAIT!” A nurse yelled again and ran over to the car to block me.

I rolled my window down. “Yes? What is it?”

“Please... you... help.” The nurse said. “Need... minute... breathe.”

I reached out and touched her to remove any detrimental effects.

The nurse gasped and took several breaths. “Oh, my god.”

“What do you need help with?” I asked.

“She's in the isolation ward.” The nurse said. “Once I saw the kids in the long term care ward and they all said the funny doctor helped them, I had to find you.”

“Her chart?” I asked.

“At the main desk.” The nurse said.

I climbed out of the car and walked with her back inside and let the car fade away. When I read the chart, I thanked the nurse and rode the elevator up to the right floor. I ignored the people talking there and went right into the decontamination room. It sprayed me with stuff that I cleaned off and then I ignored the nurse trying to hand me scrubs.

“Sir, you can't just...”

“It's okay. We're family.” I said and she looked surprised. I went through the double doors and over to the sole bed in the room. It was surrounded with a white plastic curtain and I moved it aside without touching it.

A little girl, about four years old, sat there in the middle of the bed and rocked back and forth. “Too many. Too many.”

“Hello.” I said and she didn't react. I knew what would get her attention, though. I sat on the bed and I took her hand.

She screamed for several seconds, then her voice drained away and she stared at me. “Not you. Not you. Won't work. Won't work.”

“No, we are exempt from each other.” I said and smiled at her. “No matter how many times we try, we can't make a copy of ourselves.”

“Too many. Too many.”

“I know. I have lots of things inside my head, too.”

“Too many.”

“Do you want me to help you?” I asked.

“Too many.”

I sighed. I knew what the trouble was, even if I couldn't read her like I could everyone else. So, I did something that I didn't ever want to do. I created 'Trained Assassin - Adjusted' and I sighed in relief that she looked similar to River and wasn't an exact duplicate.

The little girl screamed again.

“Shh, it's okay. You don't have to touch her. I'm just going to give you some of her abilities.”

The little girl looked at me like she didn't understand.

“It's okay. You'll understand in a minute.” I said and used my Copy Ability spell several times to make copies of the Assassin's mental abilities. I left out the telepathy, because the little girl did not need to read people's minds as well. I didn't either, as a matter of fact. “Thank you.” I said to the assassin and she nodded as she faded away.

The little girl looked like she was struggling with something.

“Oh, I think I know what the problem is. Just a moment.” I said and created the Half-Giant Female and transferred her ability with English to the little girl and thanked her and let her fade away. “That's not really the best way to give you knowledge of a language; but, it'll do in a pinch.”

The little looked at me as if she had never seen me before. “Why... I can... talk?”

I smiled warmly at her. “Thanks to the person you received that ability from, your mind was kind of jump-started and expanded to handle a lot more information. It's still quite the mess in there, though.”

“Hey! You can't be in here unprotected!” A woman's shrill voice shouted and I turned my head to look. She wore the full biohazard suit and was glaring at me. From what I could see of her face, she looked a lot like the little girl on the bed. “Oh, my god! You're touching her and she's not screaming!”

I didn't tell her that the little girl did at first. That wasn't because of me, that was automatic. She apparently really hated touching things because they had filled her little head up with it all.

“Gloria? Sweetie? Are you all better now?” The woman asked, tentatively.

“No. Still too many.” The little girl said and the woman gasped.

“She said something else! I can't believe it!” The woman said and looked at me. “What did you do?”

“I quickly diagnosed her as having too much information crammed into too small of a space.” I said and the woman nodded. “I then tricked her mind into thinking there was more space.”

“What? How?” Both she and the nurse in the other room asked.

“A child's mind is only just learning to develop. If you put too much in too soon, it gets stuffed. When she touches things, all that information gets crammed into her head. What it is, what it's for, its parts if it has any, and its name.”

“Oh, my god.” The woman whispered. “What can we do?”

“Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do except live with it.” I said and she caught her breath. “You see, it's not an ability that she has. It's a part of her. If it was possible to stop it, it would be like cutting off an arm or a leg. She'll still function, just not at full capacity.”

“But... she... she's like that now. She can't do anything or go anywhere without constantly screaming.”

“That's because her impressionable little mind can't handle the sensations. She needs years of therapy and meditation to prepare herself to go out into the world.”

“No! She can't be alone for that long. She can't.” The woman said and her eyes saw that I was still holding the little girl's hand. “You can stay here with her! You can help her!”

I sighed. “I can't. I have a personal appointment I need to get to tonight and then I'll be leaving. I won't be coming back.”

The woman started crying. “Please! Please! You can't leave her here like this! No one else can even enter the room and you're sitting on her bed and touching her!” She pleaded. “If you can't stay here yourself, then take her with you!”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “You don't know what you're asking of me.”

“I don't care if you take her away and I never see her again.” She lied and cried harder. “I love her too much to stand here and see her suffer any more. Please. Please help her in any way you can.”

“Miss, I... this... if I do this, you're right. You may never see her again. Ever.”

The woman cried and dropped to her knees as she hugged herself.

Gloria let my hand go and dropped to the floor from the small bed. She winced slightly and then walked over to her mother. She reached out a hand and touched the suit, then screamed for a second. She then hugged her mother through the biohazard suit.

“Too much, momma.”

“I know, sweetie.” The woman said and hugged her back. “I know.”

“Go, momma.”

“Okay, I'll go.” The woman said and tried to let her go. Her daughter held on.

“No, she's asking you to let her go.” I said. “She knows you're hurting and she knows if she stays here, you'll be hurt in another way.

“I told you to take her.” The woman said and tried to wipe at her tears, only to smack the face covering.

“Yes, you did.” I said. “What you didn't do was ask her what she wanted.”

The woman looked stunned for a moment, then she looked at her daughter. “Gloria, do you want to go with this man?”

“No, momma. Too much.”

The woman started crying again.

“She said that...”

“I know.” The woman said and hugged her daughter again. “You go with him. You get better. You be strong. Come back to me.”

Gloria started crying and nodded several times.

“I love you so much, sweetie!” The woman said and the two of them cried and held each other.

I looked around the room and saw there were no toys or anything else to touch. The bed only had the one blanket and it looked old. I was tempted to repair it, except I knew that she would scream if she touched it and it was different. I knew what to do and transfigured the blanket into a kind of backpack that Gloria could sit in and she could wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

After ten minutes, the hug broke up and the woman stood and pet Gloria's jet black hair.

“I'm trusting you with her life.” The woman said.

“I'll refrain from pointing out that I'm a stranger and I don't even know your name.” I said and took off my doctor's coat.

“My name is Jessica Colorado and my daughter is Gloria Colorado.”

“That's an odd name.” I said and took off my shirt.

“What are you doing?” Jessica asked.

“Gloria can't touch anything safely, except me.” I said and showed Gloria how to climb into the blanket.

She only twitched when she touched it and smiled at me.

“I only made a slight alteration to your blanket so it wasn't too painful for you.” I said and she nodded as she climbed in. I knelt and slung the straps over my shoulders and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I stood up and moved slightly. “How is it? Are you comfy? Just tap your right hand for yes, left for no.”

Gloria tapped her right hand.

“Great.” I said and looked at Jessica. “What about her father?”

“Gone on a walkabout, or so his tribe claimed.” Jessica said. “They wouldn't say where.”

“They probably don't know.” I said and she looked a little surprised. “I'll need your address and maybe something important of yours.”

Jessica looked over my shoulder at her daughter.

“Gloria is her own person. She doesn't count.” I said. “We can leave the clean room and you can give me your information.”

Jessica nodded and I followed her out of the clean room. “What about your coat and shirt?”

“What about them?” I asked and watched her strip off the hazmat suit.

“Are you just going to leave them here? What about your badge and...”

“The badge is on my belt and the rest is just clothing. I can always get more.” I said and she held out her ID to me. I cupped her hand and read the information there as I also copied it. “Do you actually live there or are you staying somewhere else? If it is ever possible that I ever come back, I don't want to show up there and find out you moved away a year ago or something.”

She gave me an odd look.

“It's not for me. It's for Gloria.” I said.

“You're not angling to be her replacement dad, are you?” Jessica asked.

“I can tell that's not an option for you, so no.”

“How can you tell that?” Jessica asked.

“You're ready to fight me off when I questioned your address. I don't want to eat a knuckle sandwich if I ever dared to ask you out.”

Gloria giggled behind me.

“She laughed!” Jessica gasped and tried to reach for her.

I quickly stepped back and grabbed her hands. “No, you can't touch her. You've changed a lot since the last time she touched you, so you'll make her scream for a while.”

Jessica's face went sad. “I... dammit, I...”

“Do you have a personal talisman or something that is distinctively you?”

Jessica sighed and nodded. She reached up and took off a small necklace. “I've had this since I was a little girl and my mother gave it to me. I've never taken it off until now.”

I held my hand out for it and she put it in my hand. I gained a copy of it and looked down at Gloria's feet. She wore nice little shoes and I quickly tied the necklace around her ankle and then did a little transfiguration on her sock to embed the chain and the pendant into it without touching Gloria's skin.

“How did you do that?” Jessica asked and looked into my eyes.

I just smiled and held my bare palm up and another necklace formed there.

“Oh, my GOD!” Jessica and the nurse said at the same time.

“Someday, Gloria will be able to do that, too.” I said and handed her the necklace. “I'll do my best to train her as much as I can and I'll work with her to get her used to her abilities that she shouldn't have gained for another decade.”

“You're just like her.” Jessica said and then she gasped. “You touched my hand!”

“I touch a lot of things.” I said and smiled crookedly. “If it's at all possible, Gloria will find her way back to you.”

“Too many.” Gloria said and hugged my neck.

“Not for long.” I said. “We'll work on it as soon as we get to where we're going.”

Gloria tapped her right hand and I smiled.

“I have to go. I'm going to be late for my ride.” I said and went to the door to leave.

“You're going to gain a lot of attention walking around shirtless with a little girl on your back.” Jessica said.

“Will I?” I asked and formed an illusion to cover my chest and hide Gloria. “What do you see?”

“Oh, dear god.” Jessica whispered. “Is... is she...”

“Say bye to Momma, Gloria.” I said.

“Bye, momma.” Gloria said.

“Bye, sweetie! I'm going to miss you a lot! A lot! Really a lot!”

“She's going to miss you, too.” I said and left the room. No one noticed me and I went down in the elevator and went outside. I couldn't drive an enclosed vehicle with Gloria on my back, so I made a nice motorcycle. I hopped on and started it up, then heard the front door of the hospital open.

“Halt!” A doctor exclaimed. “You can't leave here with whatever secret bug spit you used! The world needs that spit!”

I burst out laughing and gunned the engine. I shot out of the hospital parking lot like a bullet and Gloria was making odd sounds. I had cast a shield over her to protect her and slowed down.

“Fast!” Gloria said and pat her right hand on my chest a bunch of times.

“You got it.” I said and leaned down a little to give her an even better view. I now knew they were sounds of awe, because she probably had never seen anything like it before and especially not from the back of a motorcycle.


It took me two hours to set up the explosives and to gather up all of the things to be destroyed. I hadn't realized there was so much that had been physically built. I easily retrieved the broken chip and the arm and vanished them, then vanished a good portion of the evidence. I still had to blow the place, because that was my ticket out of here. Plus, that explosion was the highlight of the movie.

I kept thinking that I was forgetting something, though. I shrugged and flipped up the detonator switch cover, just as the door to the floor opened and in came Sarah, Miles, and John Connor. They looked worked over and scared.

“He's coming!” Sarah exclaimed and dove behind the barrels of explosives. Miles and John were right behind her.

“That's what I forgot.” I said and the three of them looked up at me still standing there with the detonator. “What?”

“He's right there!” John said and pointed at the still open door.

In walked a half-police officer and a half-John Connor. They were kind of merged together and silver swirls seemed to ripple around both halves.

“You've seen better days.” I said and it formed its arms into long blades as it jumped at me. I cast Stasis on it and it froze in mid-air. “I am very tempted to touch you, just to see what I can get from you.” I said and tried casting a blood boiling curse on it.

Nothing happened, so I tried a few other spells and nothing changed.

“I'm not stupid enough to do that, considering I have no clue how you were programmed or if you were just grown as a metal pool and they just dropped computer data chips into you and you assimilated them.” I said and it almost seemed to ripple, even in Stasis. “Was that it? What a novel idea for programming.”

After a few more spells, I tried the blood freezing spell. It worked and ice formed all over the thing.

“Wait, you're all fluid. I was trying to cast spells internally on you! Ha ha! I'm an idiot.”

Gloria giggled from my back.

“I love having a captive audience.” I said and looked at the frozen thing in front of me. “You're way too big like that. Being two people does not agree with you.” I said and formed a wand and shrunk the thing down into a one foot tall thing. “That's much better. Aren't you just cute?”

“John, what the hell am I seeing right now?” Sarah asked.

“I've been telling you this since we met.” I said and transformed the frozen metal into a piece of wood, cut it up into kindling with swipes of the wand, then lit the wood on fire. “It's maaaagic!”

“You weren't joking? I thought you were joking!” Sarah exclaimed. “You have to be joking!”

“No, I've always told you the truth.” I said and pointed to the door. “You better get out of here. I've got to finish setting this thing up.”

“I'll stay and...”

“What are you going to do? Stand there and watch me instead of making sure that John is at a safe distance?” I asked and she glared at me.

“You always say the worst things at the worst times.”

“Not true. I did not tell Gloria's mother that I'm nearly two millennia old and I'm going to teach her daughter everything I know, because she's smart enough to learn it all, and so much more as she grows up.”

Sarah just stared at me with her mouth open.

“You see? Not saying that was smart of me.” I said and Gloria giggled.

“Did I just hear a laugh?” Miles asked.

“Nah, that's just your imagination. Now get out of here and try to not look at the pretty lights.”

Miles chuckled and pat John's shoulder. “Come on, sport. Let's get your mom to safety.”

They took Sarah's hands and dragged her from the room.

I waited for a couple of minutes before I cast the human reveal spell and saw that they were out across the parking lot at the Hummer. I walked over to the window and looked out. I waved to them and they waved back. I gave them a thumbs up and they gave them back.

“Go. Go.” Gloria said and pat me with her right hand.

“Yes, sweetie. It's time for us to go.” I said and walked over to the detonator. “This is always the hard part. The painful part.”

“Go. Go.” Gloria said.

I started to press the plunger, then stopped. I didn't want Gloria to go through what I did during every jump to a new reality. She was only a kid and didn't need that kind of trauma in her life. I concentrated and let my magic flow out and over her.

“Too many! TOO MANY!”

“It's all right, sweetie.” I said and let it settle over her, like a heavily modified Protego spell, only I was protecting her from everything that was about to happen and not just from physical damage. I willed it to work and concentrated on keeping that one little girl safe... then I pushed the button.



The explosion rang out across the entire county, it was that strong. It vaporized the top two floors of the building and smashed apart the two floors below it. The fireball flew several hundred feet into the air before it blew itself out and the remains of the building dropped all over the area as it burned to the ground.

“NOOOOO!” Sarah yelled as the one man that understood her completely, disappeared from her life. It was the very first time that she ever felt regret that she had taken an opportunity to run away with John to keep him safe. The Hummer, the guns, the money, it was all just perfect. She had to take it and go... and then she realized what had happened.

He knew. He knew she was going to run. That was why he had kissed her. It wasn't a 'get to know you' kiss like she thought, it was a 'goodbye' kiss. He had given her permission to run and she took it.

I am such an idiot! Sarah thought and cried for the man she barely knew.

He was the man that had freed her, had saved her son, had saved her, and possibly saved the world.

If I had stayed and waited for him, the Terminator might never have tracked us down. Sarah thought. Even if it did, John could have handled it easily. No, he did handle it easily.

“Mom? Are you okay?” Her son John asked.

“I'm fine, John. Just fine.” Sarah said and wiped at her eyes. “Let's go. We're hitting the road and we need to make a few stops for some supplies.”

“Okay, mom.” John said and took her hand to walk over to the Hummer.

“Miles? We can drop you off.” Sarah said.

“I think I can find my own way home.” Miles said. “Good luck.”

“We don't need luck.” Sara said and looked at the burning building. “Not anymore.”

Miles stood there and watched the slightly beat up Hummer drive away.

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