Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

11 In Dragonball Z

Another chapter with 23,535 words.

Goku, now a young adult, was married to his childhood love, Chi Chi. He was also a father to his son, Gohan. They were living their normal lives until a humanoid alien named Raditz arrived on Earth in a tiny one man spherical spacecraft. He tracked down Goku and revealed himself as Goku's long-lost older brother.

They are both members of a near-extinct alien warrior race called the Saiyans. Goku, whose original name was Kakarot, had been sent to Earth as an infant to conquer the planet for them. Unfortunately for the Sayans and fortunately for the planet, Goku suffered a severe blow to the head shortly after his arrival and lost all memory of his mission as well as his bloodthirsty Saiyan nature.

Raditz, along with two elites named Vegeta and Nappa, were the only remaining Saiyan warriors, so Raditz came to enlist Goku's help in conquering frontier worlds. When Goku refused to join them, Raditz attacked and took Goku and Krillin down with one strike. He easily kidnapped Gohan and threatened to murder him if Goku didn't kill 100 humans within the next 24 hours.

To everyone's surprise, he left and Goku's arch nemesis Piccolo showed up. He had been defeated by Raditz in an earlier encounter and was seeking revenge. Goku decided to team up with him in order to defeat Raditz and save his son. They easily tracked Raditz's power signature to where his tiny ship was and Gohan was locked inside.

A fierce battle ensued and energy blasts, punches, and kicks were shared among the fighters. Raditz seemingly played with them, knowing there was no chance of either fighter defeating him. During one of his teasing moments while stomping Goku's chest and making the man cough up blood, Gohan's rage momentarily made him stronger than Piccolo and Goku.

Gohan, almost completely lost to anger, was covered in energy and flew at a great speed to attack Raditz and to protect his father. With his head. The strike to Raditz' chest was enough to crack the Saiyan's armor and damage his chest, weakening him.

Seizing the golden opportunity, Goku grabbed Raditz and put him into a Full Nelson hold as he screamed at Piccolo to take the shot. The villain also realized he could remove two annoyances and didn't hold back as he unleashed his most deadly special move called Special Beam Cannon. It mortally wounded both Goku and Raditz.

Before Raditz succumbed to his injuries, he revealed to Piccolo that the other two Saiyans were much stronger than him and would come for the Dragon Balls in one year's time, meaning their little ships were slow to travel through space or their distance was so great from Earth that they needed hundreds of stops along the way for provisions.

Having witnessed Gohan's latent potential, Piccolo decided to kidnap him and took him into the wilderness to train for the upcoming battle against the Saiyan Elites. For an entire year. Despite Krillin telling Chi Chi about it, no one ever searched for Gohan or tried to rescue him, probably because only Goku could defeat Piccolo. Or they were just cowards and didn't want to die needlessly.

In spite of his gruff nature, Piccolo grew fond of Gohan while he oversaw the boy learning to fend for himself and survive being randomly attacked by both creatures and Piccolo himself. This somehow forged an unlikely emotional bond between the two and he became more of a father to Gohan than Goku ever was.

In the afterlife, Goku travelled on the million kilometre long Snake Way, so that he could train under the ruler of the North Galaxy, King Kai. While there for the year, King Kai taught Goku the Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb techniques, both of which could take a heavy toll on Goku's body.

After a year, Goku was revived with the Dragon Balls by his friends. Unfortunately, the wish is worded badly and Goku is given his life back while still in the afterlife and not transported to Earth like he was supposed to be. Goku was undaunted by this and had to travel the million kilometre long Snake Way again and wouldn't make it back to Earth until hours after the Saiyans arrived.

Goku's allies rally to fight the bad guys anyway to delay them until Goku gets back. They quickly prove to be no match for Nappa and the supposed Prince of All Saiyans, Vegeta. Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, and Chiaotzu all perish in the battle, some quite pathetically and fruitlessly, and it came down to only Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin that were left.

The three kind of team up to fight and Piccolo and Krillin do a bit of superfluous damage to the much larger and muscular Nappa. They even managed to set the big guy up for Gohan to deal a massive blow to cause some real damage. Unfortunately for them, Gohan was just a kid and scared of having to fight adults. He blew the opportunity and hid instead of firing an energy blast like he was supposed to.

Piccolo and Krillin tried to attack themselves to make up for that, and failed. Nappa had already recovered from their ambush and avoided their follow-up attacks before he pounded on them quite soundly. Gohan, seeing his friend and his mentor be beaten bloody, somehow gained confidence and powered up. He flew in and sucker punched Nappa to fling him away.

A couple of follow up hits and an energy blast, planted Nappa into a small crater. Gohan was exhausted and landed not far away as he tried to recover from the excessive energy usage.

Nappa, only slightly hurt, stood up from the crater as his arm started to glow. “Playtime's over kid.” He said with a gruff voice and then grinned. “You're DEAD!” He shouted and pushed his hand forward and unleashed an energy blast towards the completely defenseless child.

Gohan screamed as his short life flashed before his eyes... and suddenly Piccolo was in front of him and took the beam right to the chest.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Piccolo screamed in excruciating pain as the bright explosion lit up the area and Gohan and Nappa had to cover their eyes from the blast. Vegeta only closed his eyes, because he was far enough away to not need to block his eyes completely from the brightness.

Only Krillin saw a partially burned body be flung out of the blast to land a short ways away. “NOOO!” He yelled and somehow managed to get to his hands and knees to crawl over to the slightly charred form. “Please don't be Gohan. Please don't be Gohan.”


“Uhhh.” I groaned as I felt someone touch my neck and I gained 'Strongest Human Fighter' in my head. I immediately copied his Chi Ability and Fighting ability. I created a large number of bacta needles and used the Force, which was quite prominent here, and injected myself all over. I felt the bacta react instantly and my body healed almost immediately.

“That's impossible!” The man said and moved away from me.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. “You don't have a nose.”


“How do you breathe when you eat?” I asked and sat up.

“Buddy, there's no time for that! The Saiyans are here and they're gonna kill us all!”

“Oh, don't worry about them.” I said and stood as I formed a dozen more needles and injected them into the short man. “I'm sorry I can't remember your name.”

“Huh? What?” The short man asked, looking confused as the needles dissolved.

“Excuse me, I see someone else that needs my help.” I said and formed my Firefly outfit around myself and my Haymaker on my back as I walked over to where a large green alien guy laid inside a cleared out area with a young boy knelt over him.

They were talking and seemed to be having a heart to heart talk. The bald guy came over with me.

“You look pretty bad there, Piccolo.” I said and knelt to touch his shoulder and gained a 'Generic Namekian'.

“Bad? If the torn up body and blood didn't clue you in already, I'm dying.” Piccolo said with a laugh.

“With your ability to instantly regrow your lost limbs? Nah, it's just a scratch.” I said and formed another dozen needles and injected him with them using the Force.

“HEY! What are you doing to him?” The young kid asked.

“Just watch.” I said as I put a hand on his shoulder to gain a 'Generic Half-Saiyan'. I dissolved the needles when they were empty and then stood. The kid had an ability called 'Hidden Potential' and I copied it. That had to come in handy sometime.

“I don't believe it!” The kid said and sat back as Piccolo pushed himself up into a kneeling position and looked down at himself, completely healed.

“How is this possible?” Piccolo asked.

“It works like a sensu bean.” I said and the alien's head whipped up to stare at me. “Excuse me. I think the big muscle guy is about to freak out.”

Piccolo, the kid, and the short bald headed guy without a nose stared at the big guy.

I walked over to him and stopped ten feet away. He looked pretty angry.

“What the hell was that? How did you heal them?”

“Why do you care? You're going to be dead in a few seconds.” I said and quickdrew my shotgun and shot him six times in a second, from his feet to his head, as if I was making a door in a solid wall.

When the bit of smoke cleared, I thought I heard someone throw up. The big guy was pretty torn up from the Haymaker's shots. They didn't kill him, though. He stood there with one working eye and twitched at me.

“Almost.” I said and holstered the shotgun and pulled out an M41A plasma rifle. I switched it to full auto and did the same thing, only I held the trigger in and raked the hundred shots up his body and put the last ten into, and through, his skull. The body dropped to the ground and kept twitching.

“NAPPA!” Vegeta yelled and looked at me. His scouter beeped and he stared at the result.

I used the Accio spell to pull the Scouter Device from his ear and caught it. “I'll get my buddy to check this later.” I said and shrunk it to put it into a pocket of my long duster coat.

“You... you can't... I am the Prince of all Saiyans!”

“Considering most of them are dead, your reign has been an utter failure, your highness.” I said and switched clips as I covered him in the Force to hold him still. “Goodbye.”

“NO!” Vegeta exclaimed and then tried to fly away... and couldn't.

I shot him in the same manner as Nappa and raked my shots up his body and ended with the ten shots to the head. To my surprise, he now looked like Nappa did after the Haymaker was done with him.

“Huh. I guess I needed to soften you up first and then used the energy ammo. Good to know.” I said and slung the pulse rifle over my shoulder as I walked over to him. I quickdrew the Haymaker and shot him in the head.


Vegeta's head exploded into bloody mist and his body dropped to the ground.

“Oh, god!” The bald guy shouted and threw up again.

“Yes, it's a mess.” I said and created a wand and vanished the body and the mess, then I did the same to Nappa's mangled body.

“What did you just do?” Piccolo asked as he stared at the empty space where Nappa just was.

“I vanished the remains. We don't want anyone getting their blood or skin samples. Rebirthing them or cloning them is not something we need to have happen, do we?” I asked and formed sunglasses on my face. “Oh, right. No Nose is Krillin and the kid is Gohan. It's been a really long time since I... yeah, never mind.”

They watched in silence as I walked back over to them.

I pulled out the scouter from my pocket and created a security device. “Have fun, buddy.”

“Beep beep!”

I chuckled. “You're going to be even happier that they have pod ships to decode, too.”


I barked a laugh and the three people stared at me like I was crazy. “Eye loves finding new things to crack open with his coding skills. It's really adorable.”

The security panel made several low beeps and sounds at me.

“I'm sorry. I meant it's really endearing and interesting.” I corrected.

“Beepbeep boop beep!”

“I did not say that sarcastically.” I said with a bit of a snort and then I laughed. “Okay, maybe a little.”

“Mister, are you crazy?” Gohan asked me.

“Beep!” Eye agreed and said that I was.

“Quiet, you.” I said and then the scouter went off and an arrow appeared on it. “It seems Goku is on his way here.”

Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin stiffened slightly.

“Yeah, that energy feels familiar.” Gohan said.

“And powerful.” Piccolo said.

“It has to be Goku!” Krillin said.

“It's not like it could be anyone else.” I said and looked over at Yamcha's remains. “I should clean up before Goku see them.”

“No.” Piccolo said and held a hand up to stop me. “He needs to see.”

“I probably should have left the Saiyans, then.” I said and he nodded.

It only took another minute for Goku to arrive and the cloud he rode on zoomed down from the sky and stopped right beside us.

“Hey, guys!” Goku said happily as he hopped off of Nimbus. “Where's the bad guys?”

I ignored him as the others explained what happened and I stepped over to the cloud. “Hi, there.”

The cloud seemed a little nervous at being spoken to.

I chuckled. “Relax. I doubt I could steal you from Goku. I am definitely not pure of heart to ride you.”

The cloud rose up to my face height.

“Mind if I try to touch you?” I asked and it didn't move away. “Thank you.” I said and put my hand up to lightly stroke the edge of the cloud. “Okay, that's unexpected. You feel light and fluffy like cotton candy and I completely expected a damp misty fog or a soft pillow.”

The cloud moved away from my hand as if insulted.

I laughed. “I wasn't insulting you. That's what normal clouds are, my little friend. You're just so special that you break all the normal rules.”

It floated down slightly, almost as if depressed.

“Hey, you're all alone, right?” I asked and it moved further back. I barked another laugh. “How would you like a friend to play with while you're not chauffeuring Goku and Gohan around?”

It floated back over to me.

“Just wait for a second and let me do some fancy magic gestures to get the spell right.” I said and then made a bunch of funny faces that I used to make Gloria and Newt laugh when they were kids.

The cloud shook slightly, like it was laughing.

“Ah... ahhh... ahhhh-CHOOOO!” I pretended to sneeze and created a Nimbus Cloud. “Excuse me.”

The two clouds were practically dancing around each other and touched several times.

“Cumulus, meet your new best friend, Nimbus. Nimbus, this is Cumulus. Go have fun.” I said and motioned towards the sky. Both came over and pushed into my face, then they zoomed up into the sky with long vapour trails behind them.

“That was cool, mister.” Gohan said from beside me.

“Thanks.” I said and turned back to look at the others.

“You were kind of late to the party, Goku.” Krillin said and then whispered. “A very disgusting party.”

I held in my laugh at the description and remembered to vanish his throw-up.

“Snake Way is a million kilometres long. Even with my energy restored, it took a while to cross it.” Goku said.

“A million kilometres is a really long way if you look at it. I'd rather think of it as only 620,000 miles and it's not so bad.” I commented.

“Hey, you're right. Coming back was a lot shorter than crossing it after I died.” Goku said and put a hand on my shoulder. “Thanks for letting me know the difference!”

I refrained from pointing out it was the same distance, because he seemed happy. “You're welcome.” I said and gained 'Full Blooded Saiyan - Earth Trained' with three major attacks, Kamehameha Wave, Kaio-ken, and Spirit Bomb, and a generic fourth one called 'energy blast'. He also had an ability called 'Instant Learning - Fighting Techniques' and I immediately copied it.

“I feel really bad that I missed the fight.” Goku said as he dropped his hand from my shoulder.

“You do realize there's more strong fighters out there.” I said and waved at the sky. “They had to get their armor and ships from somewhere, right?”

“Hey, you're right!” Goku said, much happier than he was a moment ago.

“Goku, we just lost three of our friends.” Krillin said.

“Don't worry about that, Krillin! We can wish them back to life with the Dragonballs next year.” Goku said. “They didn't die in vain. We'll get them back.”

Krillin opened his mouth to speak and I shook my head at him. He closed his mouth and nodded back.

I waved my wand at the bodies of Yamcha and Tien, then at the scattered remains of Chiaotzu. I even vanished Tien's severed forearm and hand.

“So, what do we do now?” Krillin asked.

“Go back to your normal lives, maybe?” I suggested and they gave me odd looks. “Oh, right. This is your normal life.”

The scouter beeped again and I checked it. The security device showed me the translation.

“Good job, buddy.” I said and looked at the others. “There's a flying machine of unknown origin coming this way at a high rate of speed.”

“That's probably Bulma.” Krillin said.

“Is she an inventor or something right?” I asked.

“She would argue that she's a mechanical genius and not just an inventor.” Krillin said with a smirk.

I chuckled. “Of course she would.”

I stood there and observed the people around me. Well, I use the term loosely, considering two were aliens not from Earth, one was a half-alien, and the last one had no nose. I still couldn't figure out how he could breathe while eating and not choke all the time.

I also noticed that seeing them for real and not like a cartoon, was a little weird. Them not having the oversized anime eyes was barely noticeable, too. Or maybe that was my mind adjusting my perceptions of this reality. It was hard to tell, really.

Something that looked like a helicopter with the big dome front, flew into view a short time later. It had a huge jet engine on the back and tiny little wings that shouldn't have supported it in flight. The side door opened and a three foot tall and very fat white cat, carrying a walking stick, hopped out. An old man wearing a giant turtle shell came out behind him.

Neither of those things shocked me, though. It was Bulma. Or the person that was supposed to be Bulma. When she stepped out into view, I caught my breath. She still had medium length blue hair like on the show; but, her face only had a passing resemblance to what I remembered. She looked a heck of a lot like someone I hadn't seen in a very long time.

I walked over towards her and took off my sunglasses to see her face directly. It was her. I tucked the security panel behind my back and put the scouter in my pocket.

Bulma met me halfway and came to a stop to look up at me. “Hi, there. I'm Bulma.” She said in the pretty voice that I had desired from the very moment I had heard it. She held a hand out for me to shake. “I haven't seen you around before.”

“Kaylee.” I barely whispered, too low for her to hear. I ignored her hand as I stepped close and cupped the sides of her face with both of my hands. “I thought I would never see your pretty face again.”

“Wh-what? How can you say that?” Bulma asked and blushed. “We just met.”

“You love strawberries, don't you?” I asked as I leaned down. She was about five feet six inches tall, which seemed to be my favorite height.

“I do.” Bulma said as she looked into my eyes. “The first wish I wanted granted by the eternal dragon was a lifetime supply of strawberries, so I would never run out.”

“You didn't wish for that.” I whispered and lightly kissed her lips. “What did you really want to wish for when you changed your mind?”

Bulma blushed again. “The... the perfect... boyfriend.”

“Bulma, my dear.” I breathed and slid my hands down to her waist and took her into a tight embrace. “You just got both wishes.” I said and kissed her passionately.

“MMMM!” Bulma moaned and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

Complete silence filled the area around us and no one seemed to know what to do with themselves as I thoroughly claimed Bulma's mouth for nearly ten minutes. We couldn't stay there all day, though.

I broke the kiss and Bulma looked very pleased and quite embarrassed. “You're taking me home and introducing me to your parents.”

“O-okay.” Bulma agreed.

I kept one arm around her as I turned to the guys. “Who needs a ride back to their places?”

“Pass.” Piccolo said and crossed his arms.

“No, thanks.” Krillin said.

“I'm going with dad!” Gohan said.

“Nimbus!” Goku shouted.

“I'd like to see you two making out again.” Master Roshi said with a grin on his face.

“I need a lift, just because it's faster.” Korin, the white fluffy cat said in an old smoker's rough voice.

I glanced at Bulma and she shrugged. “Okay, Korin. Roshi can go home with Krillin.”

“Dammit.” Master Roshi said and Krillin chuckled.

The two clouds came down and one stopped beside Goku and the other stopped beside Gohan.

“What the heck?” Goku looked at the two clouds.

“Nimbus wanted a friend. Its name is Cumulus.” I said.

Goku grinned at me and gave me two thumbs up. “Let's go, Gohan!” He said and hopped onto Nimbus.

“Yay!” Gohan said and hopped onto Cumulus to sit down. “It's nice to meet you!”

The cloud shook slightly and Gohan pat it. Both clouds took off and Goku and Gohan let out whoops of happiness as they soared through the air. The cat followed Bulma and I back over to the flying machine.

“Is this like a one of a kind thing?” I asked as I opened the door for her to enter.

“Kind of. It's not on the open market or anything.” Bulma said and climbed in.

I made a set of steps appear for Korin to waddle up and enter as well.

“That's nice of you. Thank you.” Korin said and easily climbed in and then he laughed at a similar set of steps I made for him to climb into the closest seat.

I reached out and rubbed the top of his head and then gave him a good scratching behind the ear.

Korin let out a loud purr and then shook himself. “Hey! Stop that!”

“I'm sorry I'm not sorry. You looked like you needed it.” I said and Bulma laughed softly as she started the flying machine up.

“Stop teasing the old man and get up here.” Bulma said.

“Duty calls.” I said and climbed in and closed the side door before climbing into the passenger seat beside her. “My life is now in your hands, gorgeous one.”

Bulma snorted and then laughed. “That's too cheesy, even for me, and I haven't had a date in over a year.”

“I'll change that tomorrow night.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “Tonight I'm meeting your folks, remember? I expect a lot of interrogating to happen from everyone.”

“Mom's not that bad.” Bulma said and added power to the machine and lifted up into the air. “Dad might not even notice you're there. He's working on a new project.”

“Do tell.” I said as she hit the jet booster and we were pushed back into our seats for several seconds.

“It's a gravity manipulation machine. Under controlled circumstances, it can be set up to change the gravity within a certain area. Assuming there's enough power available.”

“He's working on the logistics?” I asked.

“A size comparison to the largest generators we can build or buy, actually.”

I gave her a knowing smile and she immediately understood.

Bulma partially turned to me as she flew the ship, kept an eye on the radar, and squinted her other eye at me. “Tell me what you know about power generators.”

“It depends on what kind you mean and what you need it for.” I said. “I can make ones for anything from a clean nuclear missile, to a personal power generator, for a spaceship to use that includes a reactor core, and to a size for a whole city to use.”

Bulma shivered and then reached for the autopilot button.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor and Bulma was riding me pretty hard and kissing me even harder. Korin had his little paws over his eyes and didn't peek once during the whole trip back to his place, below Kami's lookout.

In all honesty, I would have peeked if I was him, just for curiosity's sake.

The autopilot brought us to the right spot and floated here. Bulma was exhausted, because she didn't hold back at all, so I put her into the passenger seat and covered her with a blanket.

I covered myself in clothing and opened the door, saw the distance to the side of the lookout, and created a nice long bridge for him to cross safely. “Okay, you can look now.”

Korin walked down the steps from his chair and didn't move his hands until he reached the floor and picked up his walking stick. “I want to thank you for the ride; but, Bulma seems to have done that already.”

I laughed and the old cat smiled. “Just for making me laugh over something so awkward, you can have this.” I said and handed him a little case with four bacta needles in it. “Try it on your sensu bean plants, unless you're feeling old and cranky, then give yourself partial injections of about a quarter of a needle's worth in your aching joints.”

Korin stared at the needles and looked at me. “You're serious?”

“They work similarly. Neither can heal the body if what was wrong with the body is natural or preexisting.” I said and his eyes widened. “Like a heart condition or malformed bones from birth.”

Korin nodded. “It just restores you to your best self, including your energy levels.”

“Exactly.” I said and pat his shoulder. “Have fun with it. If you need to contact me...”

“You'll be at Capsule Corp.” Korin said with a smile.

“With this, actually.” I said and handed him a comm badge. “Just tap it and call my name and say who you are. I'm John, by the way.”

Korin took the shiny gold badge and didn't know what to do with it.

I chuckled and stuck it to the top of his walking stick. “It's always within easy reach.”

Korin nodded. “Until we see each other again.”

I nodded back and watched as he waddled across the little bridge and onto his little lookout under the lookout. I waved and made the bridge dissolve before I shut the door and went to the pilot's seat. It didn't take the security device long to figure out where I had to fly to get Bulma home and I followed its directions.

I landed and thanked the thing before putting it behind my back again and forming Bulma's clothes over her and vanishing her old ones. I thought about waking her up and instead picked her up in a princess carry and left the flying machine. Eye beeped at me and I chuckled.

“Right, her bag and then compressing the ship. Thanks for reminding me.” I said and it beeped at me. I summoned her purse and then bag before it flew out to land on Bulma's lap. I used the Force to push the button and the ship compressed down into a capsule size with a plunger on top. “Cool.” I said and levitated it up and put it in her bag for her.

I walked over to the large dome building with Capsule Corp written on the side of it and I didn't have a hand free to knock. So I formed one of Data's hands and used that and the Force to knock, then dissolved it away.

An older woman with blonde hair pulled up to the top of her head answered the door. “Oh! I see you brought my daughter home, safe and sound. She's always flying off and following those fighting people around.”

“It was the least I could do.” I said and she waved me inside and closed the door.

“Follow me and I'll take you to her room.” She said.

“Thank you, Mrs. Brief.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “I'm not from around here. Is Dr. Brief not your husband?”

The blonde woman giggled and nodded. “My name is Panchy. Brief is Bulma's father's name.”

I blinked my eyes at her. “Wait a second, Bulma's last name isn't Brief?”

“Bulma Brief! Hahahaha!” Panchy laughed. “Oh, that's funny! Wait until I tell Brief! He'll love that!”

“Love what?” An older man with a moustache that covered his mouth asked as he entered the living room.

Panchy quickly explained the misunderstanding and they both laughed pretty hard for several minutes. I was surprised Bulma hadn't woken from how loud they were, actually.

“You have to stay for dinner!” Panchy said and pulled me into the house and up the stairs.

“I insist.” Dr. Brief shouted up to us. “It's always nice to have a funny young man around.”

“It really is.” Panchy said and led me to Bulma's room. “She usually conks out for hours when she finally goes to sleep, the poor dear. She never sleeps when she's supposed to.”

“She tired herself out.” I said and she nodded as she waved to the bed. I put Bulma in it and pulled a blanket over her.

“So nice.” Panchy said and took my hand and led me from the room, shut the door, and pretty much dragged me back down the stairs and into the kitchen. “I need to change what I'm making if we have a guest to feed.”

“Please, I don't want to cause you any trouble.” I said and she giggled.

“It's no trouble! It keeps me busy.” Panchy said and sat me at the table beside where she was cooking. “Do you have any preferences? Hibo-chicken, dino-chops, dactil-steaks, or perhaps lizard-kabobs?”

“I... well, I've never eaten things like that before. What's the hibo-chicken like?”

“If you cook it right, it just falls off the bones.” She said and then dropped her voice an octave and spoke in a really sexy voice. “The flesh is also quite tender and very, very moist.”

I sat there, quite shocked, as she leaned over in front of me to give me a massive view of her cleavage and then she rubbed my prominent erection with her hand.

“Just like my daughter, hmm?” Panchy purred and kissed my cheek. “She's so lucky to have found someone like you among the barbarians she usually associates with.”

I blinked my eyes at her as she continued to stroke me through my pants. “Um... miss... Mrs... Panchy.”

“It's just Panchy. We're not married.” She said and licked my cheek and then gave me a deep and passionate kiss.

I couldn't help but respond in kind, with her essentially manhandling me. I wasn't sure why I wasn't fighting against this, though. It was quite odd of me to not be struggling against what she was doing.

Panchy broke the kiss and gave me a seductive smile, then she knelt and was giving me a blow job beyond all other blow jobs. I didn't even remember her opening my pants, it was that good. I blew my load and she moaned with pleasure, then she stood up to smile sexily at me.

“Yes, you'll do very nicely.” Panchy said and climbed on top of me.

“Where did your clothes go?” I asked as she sat down on me.

“MMMM! They weren't needed anymore.” She purred and then kissed me as she rode me right there in the kitchen.

“Honey, where's the manual for the computer network? I need to add in the power distribution codes to one of the exceptions. I can't have it shutting down again when the signal fluctuates.” Dr. Brief said as he entered the kitchen.

Panchy broke the kiss with me and looked at him as she bounced up and down on me. “It's in... the library. Next to the... stack of newspapers.”

“Thanks, dear.” Dr. Brief said and gave her a quick kiss. “Try to not break this one. He seems like he's going to be good for our daughter. Supportive and all that, you know.”

Panchy laughed. “Don't worry, dear. He's only just become aware that I've completely seduced him.”

“Lucky chap! It took me nearly three weeks before I realized you had been using me for your own pleasure.” Dr. Brief said with a laugh and walked back out of the room. “Lucky, lucky chap.”

I stared at her smiling face and she ran her hands through my hair.

“It's all right. Bulma had you first, so it's okay.” Panchy said.

“But... but... but...” I stammered.

“Yes, I could see how much you are devoted to her. It's so desirable to know that you will do everything you can to ensure her happiness.” Panchy said and kissed me again for several minutes. “Even if it means doing me occasionally to keep her happy.”

“But... but...” I continued, unable to come up with a reason do deny her affection.

“She knows I'm promiscuous.” Panchy said. “I love her father and you are to never question that.”

I nodded and she gave me a very demure and sexy smile in return.

“That doesn't mean he can meet my sexual needs like a man like you can.” Panchy said. “I've never been greedy or tried to steal any of Bulma's boyfriends. I'm not that kind of woman.”

I gave her a slightly surprised look.

“That last scruffy guy... Yamcha, wasn't it?” Panchy asked and I nodded. “He didn't get to see me in anything but loose jeans and a baggy sweater whenever he tried to take Bulma out. He was the worst one she's ever brought home, honestly. He had no ambition, no plans for the future, and no idea how to handle a woman properly.”

I took the hint and stood up to hug her and help her ride me better and thrust up into her to match her movements.

“Yes! Yes, just... just like that. He would never... he barely even looked at her with desire.” Panchy said and kissed me passionately again. “You know how to handle a woman exactly how she needs you to.”

“I do.” I managed to say, then I laid her on the kitchen table and pounded myself into her.

Panchy yelled out her pleasure a few minutes later and then she came so hard that she squirted out and peed at the same time. She had let her body go so completely that her control over her bladder went with it. She blushed very deeply as she peed all over me and I waited until she was done before I swiped a hand over myself, her, and the counter to vanish it all.

“Oh, my god!” Panchy exclaimed.

“What does Bulma think of all this?” I asked and kept moving inside of her.

“My mom was supposed to let me introduce you first.” Bulma said from the doorway.

I stopped moving and Panchy let out a loud sound of disappointment. “Bulma!”

“I wondered how I got to my room and looked over the footage.” Bulma said and walked over to me. “Thank you very much for taking care of me, both here and on the ship.” She said and kissed me soundly. “Now hurry up and blow a load in my mom. She needs to finish making supper.”

Panchy looked over at the clock and gasped. “I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I had teased him so much!”

Bulma laughed. “Mom, when was the last time you did something like this?”

Panchy looked thoughtful. “Um... actually... I don't think I've ever done this with someone you've brought home.”

“That's right.” Bulma said and pushed on my hips to shove me back into her mom. “Now make her scream and let her get back to cooking.”

“But... what about...” I started to ask and my hips kept moving.

“I totally stole your virginity in this world.” Bulma said, proudly. “Mom only gets to fill your Milf card. I think I win on both counts, right? You got to have me and because of me, my mom.”

“You... okay, wow.” I said and leaned over Panchy again. “I can't decide if this is the best thing that's ever happened to me or if I'm completely losing my morality.”

“Why can't it be both?” Panchy said and wrapped her legs around me. “Now do as my daughter said and make me scream your name!”

“It's John.” I said and climbed up on top of the counter. “You're never going to forget it.”

“I know.” Panchy said and kissed me.

Less than ten minutes later, she screamed my name at the top of her lungs and peed all over me again.


To my utter surprise, an hour later, supper was a completely normal affair. We talked about normal things, like where I was taking Bulma on our real date the next night, who I was and where I came from, and what projects Bulma and her father were working on.

Of course, what I could do to help them came up almost immediately and Panchy laughed when Dr. Briefs almost ejaculated at the table over me being an expert in power generators. She saw the opportunity and tried to help him achieve that goal. Seeing her going down on Bulma's father was oddly titillating, then Bulma matched her with me and it became a race.

Both I and her father soon unloaded into their respective mouths. Panchy and Bulma sat up and licked their lips with satisfied looks on their faces and it made both women look very sexy. Dr. Brief and I exchanged looks, nodded to each other, then picked up our women and went to their respective bedrooms to completely satisfy them. They deserved nothing less.


The next month had Bulma, Dr. Brief, and myself working on adapting one of the naquadah power generators for use by his variable gravity machine. With the specs available and the converters attached, shunting power from a naquadah generator became a simple process. Bulma couldn't wait for us to get back to our room before she had me sprawled out on the floor.


Goku booked time in the special room immediately. He had initially asked to have one installed back at his little mountain home, until he realized how much it cost and how much room it would take up. The specialty designed equipment alone was more than he could make in a year at a normal job.

Goku agreed to test out the room, which was a compromise that Chi Chi loved, because Goku was paid for his participation instead of forking over a lot of money for using it. He didn't mind wearing the monitoring apparatuses and answering questions about his time in the gravity chamber. We even brought in Gohan for some minor experiments, to Chi Chi's delight.


Bulma soon became pregnant and she had to take time off from some of her more time intensive and physically demanding experiments. She wasn't happy about that, until I introduced her to my famous foot massages. After that, I could barely get her out of bed without giving her a good massage first and then going down on her. She loved that I was so accommodating to her whims and coming at least three times before breakfast was now a normal thing for her.

I eventually tracked down the Saiyan spherical pod ships and Eye, my Infiltrator security panel, had an absolute ball hacking the internal computers apart. Once it did, I shared the data with Bulma, who immediately called Goku and the other remaining Z-fighters to let them know about the new threat of Freiza and his henchmen. I didn't believe them to be a threat at the moment and said so.

According to the Z-fighters, that was an opinion of a non-fighter and I was free to keep it to myself. I shrugged and let them believe whatever they wanted to believe. I never told anyone that I had always supervised Goku's training in the gravity room and used his own learning technique on him to teach myself how to train in higher gravity.

I always trained in secret and my muscles formed into thick and tough flesh that was almost as strong as steel. Combining my copied abilities with the Chi body hardening techniques Goku used, really made my progress completely astonishing. I wasn't known as a fighter by them and I was going to keep it that way.

Dr. Brief and Bulma were asked to create a transport ship to get the Z-fighters to Namek, apparently the site of much larger and more powerful Dragonballs. The ship was going to be based on the one that Kami's apprentice Mr. Popo knew about. The ancient ship was located in the Yunzabit Heights region, a mountainous area known for horrible storms.

It was white and looked like a spike-covered football. Bulma brought it to the Capsule Corporation's main facility and the three of us essentially tore it apart to figure it out and to fix it. The ideas they both got from how to improve it were enlightening and a little frightening. More power didn't always improve a ship's efficiency. Regulation and power distribution did.

The funny part was, the ship was supposedly fast, like 330 times the speed of light fast, and it didn't compare to the spherical pods the Saiyans used that were about 5 times as fast. They had that data, because I gave it to them, and it didn't quite sink in for them that it took the pods an entire year to arrive on Earth.

The ancient ship would take almost a month to go from Earth to Namek, about 30 light years away, with a light year being the distance that light can travel during a year, or 5.9 trillion miles. So, Namek was 177 trillion miles away from Earth. That wasn't the scary part. The scary part was that most galaxies were about 100,000 light years across or more.

By interplanetary distances, Namek was literally next door to Earth. I did not tell anyone that my hyperdrive ships could cross that piddly little distance in just under 4 minutes (7.68 seconds per light year). I think it would blow their minds to know that my ships could cross half of a mapped galaxy in just over 4 days. The key words there being mapped out.

I didn't bother asking why they didn't want to wait for the year long hiatus of the Earth's Dragonballs to end, considering it was partially over already. I just assumed that Goku was raring to go and have a good fight with someone. I tried to tell them it was a waste of time, because the Z-fighters weren't strong enough as they were. No one listened to my opinion once more.

So, I went to Dr. Brief and we consulted on adding the gravity machine to the really slow spaceship he was designing. It would take the ship over a month to get to the alien planet with the inefficient FTL drive it had, so Goku, Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan could use the time to train. It wasn't like they were going to do anything else for the month onboard the ship anyway.

Chi Chi was not happy about Gohan going along and skipping his studies, too. In what I thought was a stroke of genius, I suggested that she go along to make sure the men ate properly, took care of themselves, and Gohan studied when he wasn't training.

Chi Chi damn near sucked my face off when she kissed me for five whole minutes, despite my attempts to dislodge her. The guys laughed, Bulma shook her head at me with a smile on her face, and Dr. Brief gave me two thumbs up.

It was then that I decided that they were all crazy.

Getting a blowjob from Panchy during supper that night, right there in front of everyone... and not a single person commented on it... confirmed my assumption. When everyone left, I asked her about it.

“They all know Bulma can't do much for you while she's got a bun in the oven, sweetie.” Panchy said as she climbed on top of me and moaned as she slid me inside. “Plus, you've got an absolutely delectable penis and I've never gotten off so many times with one before.”

“Dr. Brief...” I started to say.

“Oh, don't mind him. He only enjoys it when he uses the other hole, if you know what I mean.”


“Yes, that hole.” Panchy said and kissed me passionately. “No, you can't have it. It's his and only his.”

I nodded in agreement and we both enjoyed each other right there in the dining room. When she was done getting herself and me off, she took me to the living room and set up the television to watch a movie and cuddled up to my side under a blanket.

“I really regret that I'm too old to have kids anymore.” Panchy said. “I'm really envious of Bulma and how much she glows.”

My brain, being sex addled as it was at the time, spoke without my normal restraint. “I can build you a regeneration chamber in a week. It should only take a month floating in the tank to shave off a couple of decades.”

Panchy let out a squeal of delight and laid down as she pulled me on top of her. “Brief is going to be so happy to hear that!”

I was sure she meant having access to a regeneration chamber and not her getting pregnant at her age. Then again, I remembered that they were all crazy, so I kissed her passionately and made her yell my name with every orgasm. We didn't even watch the movie.


The ship was finished two weeks later and the five passengers left for Namek, Panchy was happily floating inside the regeneration chamber, and Dr. Brief thanked me for making his woman so happy. He couldn't wait for his turn for both the chamber and with Panchy, then Bulma was soon going to have another brother or sister.

Bulma's belly was starting to visibly grow and she was both happy and sad about that. She was a sexy woman and she thought she was losing it as she became a mother. It took me half an hour, a mirror, and kissing her all over to show her that becoming a mother was going to make her even more sexy. When I mentioned her mother had become the same way after having her, she cried happy tears and then we made love right there in front of her mother's tank.

When we were done, we looked over at Panchy and she gave us two thumbs up. Yep, definitely crazy.

It didn't surprise me that I was seemingly okay with it all, either. Gloria had definitely made it easier for me to love people and accept them for who they were and not for what I expected them to be. I was still strongly monogamous, except that it was more fluid instead of strict. My time with Ripley and Newt proved that.

Ripley just liked having things casual with no restrictions. Newt was completely devoted to me and knew what she wanted. Both of them were strong and independent women and they lived their lives how they wanted. I also respected them and their decisions. Plus, we kicked alien ass for decades and won. You couldn't argue that their lifestyles didn't work out for them, because they both died happy.

Now I was here and trying my best to make my new family happy. Their lives had improved significantly with me being added to their dynamic, that was for sure. Bulma really enjoyed the constant stream of strawberries I gave her and she would moan just like Kaylee did when she ate them. It got me hard every damn time and she loved having that power over me.


Panchy was decanted when it was time, checked over and cleaned up, and brought to the bathroom for a bath and to check herself out. She screamed when she looked in the mirror and saw that she could have been Bulma's younger sister. Bulma was 28 now, so looking younger than her made Panchy very, very happy... and very, very horny.

I was quickly milked by her restored and quite tight vagina, then I was suddenly all alone in the bathroom and partially covered in bacta fluid. I had no clue how she had gotten me off so fast. I washed up and used several spells to clean myself and dressed before I left the bathroom.

I found Panchy in the hallway and she was on top of Dr. Brief. She rode him hard as she begged for him to hurry up and fill her, because his sperm had to fight mine to get to her womb first. I was shocked when he rolled her over and pounded himself into her like a jackhammer.

“YES! Just like when we first met! Yes! YESSSS!” Panchy yelled and screamed his name as he blew his load into her.

The two of them collapsed to the floor and held each other tenderly.

“In a month, I'll last longer, my dear.” Dr. Brief said.

“I doubt that. My vaginal techniques are unbeatable now. Even John blew in under five minutes.” Panchy said and Brief laughed. “He's right, though. This bacta fluid stinks and I need a bath.”

“We both do, my dear.” Dr. Brief said.

I walked down the hallway in the other direction to let them take care of themselves. I made a sandwich for myself and then for Bulma. I gave her a foot massage and she thanked me, then went back to sleep. With nothing else to do, I went back to the regeneration chamber room and found Dr. Brief was already inside and he gave me two thumbs up.

I nodded to him and went into Panchy's bedroom. She was sound asleep and had a patch over her crotch. I chuckled at her trying to ensure that she was going to be pregnant. It could happen right away or it might have to wait and see if her normal period was going to return or change.

She was in a very different biological state right now and it might take a few tries for her to have a child. I was pretty sure she was going to enjoy trying, considering she enjoyed just going at it at random times.

I went into the communications room and called the ship. “Hello! Is anyone there?”

“Hi, John!” Chi Chi said as the screen flickered to life. “Thank you for recommending I come along. These guys are complete slobs!”

I laughed. “I'm glad you're happy.”

“Shh! They think I hate taking care of them!” Chi Chi said and waved her hands at me to keep quiet.

“Sorry.” I said. “How are things?”

“This ship is great! I'm walking around normally through the whole ship, too.” Chi Chi said, proudly.

“Oh? You've been spending extra time cleaning the heavy gravity areas, have you?”

Chi Chi nodded. “It was really difficult at first and those idiots wouldn't turn it down for me.”

I smiled. “How many times did you smack them?”

“Only seven times each.” Chi Chi said with her own smile.

I laughed again. “How's the food holding up?”

“There's plenty left. I have no idea how you made so much or how that pantry looks bigger inside than the rest of the ship.”

“Trade secret.” I said. “The guys are really lucky to have you along.”

“They sure are.” Chi Chi said and there was a thumping sound. “Oh! There goes another bunch.”

“I assume there's been no problem with the factory making the satellites and Crybabys?”

“Not a one. Those droids you have here take care of the ship completely. They are miracles!”

“I'll give you a couple of them when you get back.”

“Really? They could be a huge help back at the house.”

I nodded. “They like to work and help. It's their purpose.”

“MOOOOM! Dad broke the oven door trying to take food before it's cooked again!” Gohan shouted.

“Damn him and his stomach!” Chi Chi said and turned to the side. “I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!”

I laughed again. “I'll let you go and you can smack Goku around. If you need anything, just call.”

“Thanks, John.” Chi Chi said and ended the call.

The satellites let us maintain communications and the Crybabys were mapping the local area of space for me. If I was needed to pop over to Namek, I could, thanks to several R2 units and the information being sent back through the satellites.

I left the communications room and went into the training room. With everyone else occupied, I had a rare bit of time for myself. I turned the thing on and suddenly felt fifty times heavier. That was okay, though. I had reached that point a lot faster than Goku had. His Chi techniques really were phenomenal for enhancing the body and I used them ruthlessly.

I knew how dangerous this world was for normal people and I was not going to risk myself or the people I cared about by not using the abilities I had to make myself a formidable force to be reckoned with. Even if I continued to 'cheat' in fights and used weapons, some of the opponents that were going to show up were beyond conventional weaponry.

I cranked the room up to a hundred and started exercising. My body adjusted almost immediately to the familiar feeling and I moved around normally. I did a full set of exercises, making sure I copied everything Goku did to maintain his perfect fighting body. The downside was I hadn't seen him flying yet, so I couldn't copy it. It wasn't an ability he had because it was a fighting technique, which meant I had to learn it.

I worked out for six hours and then turned the room down to normal gravity and shut it off. I went to my room and took a nice and relaxing bath. Afterwards, I checked over the building to make sure everything was secured and locked up, then I went to bed and cuddled with Bulma. With Dr. Brief indisposed, I was apparently 'the man of the house'.


Three weeks later, the interstellar communications lit up. I hit the button and activated it.

“HELP!” Gohan yelled. “These weird guys detected our ship and followed us here!”

I sighed. “You've been on Namek for two weeks.”

Gohan sighed. “Dad and Piccolo decided to fight them.”

“Let me guess, they called for reinforcements.”

“Yeah, some group called the Ginyu Force.” Gohan said. “They keep doing these poses and then kick our asses.”

I chuckled. “I tried to warn you about going too soon.”

“But we met this great old Namek and he unlocked my powers and let us use the Dragonballs.”

Dammit! I completely forgot about Guru! I berated myself in my head. “All right, what's the current situation?”

“Krillin and Tien were killed, Chiaozu sacrificed himself again for no reason, Yamcha ran away, Piccolo had his arms torn off, and Dad had a great time.” Gohan said. “He protected me when the horned guy tried to impale me, though.”

“So, three dead, two severely injured, one coward, and you're all alone.” I said and he nodded. “How are you?”

“Battered and feeling better.” Gohan said. “The bad guys got bored and now they're killing the Nameks.”

“Okay, I'll be right there.” I said and stood up.

“That's great!” Gohan said. “I'll let the others know that we only have to hold on for another month and you'll be here to heal them.”

“No, I said I'll be right there and I will be.” I corrected his assumption. “See you in ten minutes.”

“What? How?” Gohan asked and I cut off the signal.

I walked out of the room and went to see Panchy in the kitchen. “I'm going out for a while. The guys bit off more than they could chew and need me to go rescue them.”

Panchy laughed and gave me a passionate kiss for several moments. “Make sure you show them you're not an idiot when it comes to fighting.”

I smiled and walked over to the door to leave. “Let Bulma know when she wakes up, will you?”

“Of course.” Panchy said and waved. “Have fun!”

I went out the door and an automated Firefly ship appeared in front of me. I entered and went up to the cockpit. “R2, I assume you've got the coordinates and the maps?”

“Beep boop.”

“Excellent.” I said and sat down on the comfy flight couch. “Let's go.”

The ship lifted off and zoomed out of the atmosphere in only 30 seconds, then we flew for another fifteen seconds before we jumped into hyperspace. About 4 minutes later, I arrived at Namek without incident and the ship zoomed down to the planet's surface. I homed in on the Capsule Corporation ship and landed beside it. It looked wrecked.

I touched it and used my Repair skill on it. It was restored back to pristine condition and I went inside. “Gohan? Chi Chi?” I asked and Gohan let out a yell and ran over to me.

“You're really here!” Gohan exclaimed.

“Yes. Where's your mom?”

“She... they took her.” Gohan said and started to cry.


“Two days ago when Dad was hurt. I don't know where they went.”

“R2? Give the coordinates of the enemy ship to my R2.”


“Thanks. I'll be right back, Gohan.” I said and walked right back out of the ship.

“What about my Dad?”

“He can wait. I have a much more important thing to do right now.” I said and boarded my Firefly. “Take off and get me there immediately. If we're lucky, she's still fighting them off.”


“I'm sure she'll bite them off if they try touching her.” I said and stood there on the ramp as the ship took off. “Gunner! Lay covering fire and kill any enemies you see on the way.”

“Boop beep beep.”

“You're welcome. Have fun.” I said and an array of energy blasts left the ship. I almost laughed along with the Gunner droid. Almost.

When I heard the large planetary assault weapon fire, I knew we were at our destination. The ship landed and I stepped off the ramp and onto the blue grass. Bodies were scattered all over the place and half of the enemy ship had been disintegrated. I formed my sunglasses with Dumbledore's enchantments on my face and then formed my Firefly outfit without the long duster coat.

I looked around and found Chi Chi's name in a room with five aliens. It was just on the inside of the ship from where Gunner had pierced the ship. “Nice shot, Gunner.”


I ran over to the ship and jumped up the twenty feet to land inside. I kicked open the slightly melted metal door and saw three of the aliens dead, one was crying with a broken arm, and the other was struggling as he fought off Chi Chi from choking him to death. Her clothing was torn and one of her breasts was hanging out; but, she still had her panties on.

“I've come to rescue you.” I said.

“I don't need... rescuing from... this garbage!” Chi Chi said between panting breaths and then she snapped the alien's neck.

“I was talking to the garbage.” I said and created a Haymaker. I shot the crying alien in the face and his head exploded. “It looks like I'm too late. That's so sad.”

Chi Chi was shaking and her face was angry.

I walked over to her and dissolved the shotgun and the sunglasses. I didn't say a word and she looked up into my eyes. I gave her a completely understanding look and she started crying. I put my arms around her and she grabbed onto me tightly as she cried and cried.

We stood there for quite some time as Chi Chi calmed down. When she stopped crying, she lifted her head from my chest and looked up into me eyes. She was only five feet four inches, so she was eight inches shorter than me and two inches shorter than Bulma.

“Where's Goku?”

“Still hurt. Gohan just called me and I came right here.” I said.

“What? Why did he... he must have... I'm going to smack him good!” Chi Chi exclaimed.

“I'm not sure what you're saying.”

“Goku must have told Gohan to wait, to see if he would recover and come here himself.” Chi Chi said and anger came back to her face. “He left me here for two whole days before he realized he couldn't get to me himself!”

I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it. That was a pretty stupid thing to do, especially if they thought it would take a month for me to get here.

“Take me to him right now! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind and it can't wait!” Chi Chi spat.

I eased my hold on her and she looked a little sad through her anger. “Let me just fix your clothing first. We can't let anyone else see such treasures.”

Chi Chi blushed and put a hand over her exposed breast.

“You need to move your hand for it to work.” I said without looking down at it.

Chi Chi looked back into my eyes and moved her hand.

I cast the Repair spell on her clothing and the hole closed over on her top, then the overcoat reformed and covered her completely.

“Th-thank you.” Chi Chi whispered.

“There's no need to thank me.” I whispered back and walked her out of the room and to where the ship was disintegrated.

“What happened here?” Chi Chi asked.

“Anger and righteousness.” I said and scooped her up into a princess carry. She didn't react, except to blush a little, and I jumped down and landed on the ground. She held on when I moved to put her down, so I walked with her in my arms into my ship. I also quickly went through her memories and was grateful that they hadn't raped her and dressed her again.

“Beep?” Gunner asked as I sat down on the flight couch with Chi Chi still in my arms.

“Yes. Use the new Naquadah Popper if you want.”

“BEEP!” Gunner yelled happily and the Firefly took off.

A bright flash came from beneath us and we flew around in a circle. Chi Chi caught her breath when all that was left was a three hundred foot wide crater where the giant crab-like ship used to be.

“Nice shot again.” I said and Gunner beeped at me. “Let's go back to the Capsule Corporation ship.”

The Firefly flew at its best speed and we landed beside the ship. I stood up and carried Chi Chi down the ramp and into the other ship.

“Mom!” Gohan exclaimed and ran over to us. “You're okay!”

Chi Chi tapped my back and I took the hint and put her down. In the next second, Gohan had a red hand mark on his face. “That's for listening to your father and not calling for help right away.”

Gohan held a hand on his cheek and nodded, even with the tears in his eyes.

Chi Chi started crying again and knelt to take him into a hug. The two of them cried for several minutes, probably in relief. I stood over them and waited for them to finish, then Gohan led us to where Piccolo and Goku were resting.

Chi Chi walked right over to Goku and gave him the same slap that she had given Gohan, then she gave him a huge piece of her mind. A really loud and ear piercing piece.

I walked over to Piccolo. “What happened to your Instant Limb Regeneration?”

“Only works... if energy available. Losing two... I can't build any reserves.” Piccolo said.

“Wimp.” I said and Gohan chuckled. I took out a case of needles and they both looked at them nervously. “It's the same stuff I used on you before.”

“Oh. Go ahead. That stuff's great.” Piccolo said and relaxed. “I had quite the power boost after nearly dying the last time.”

“That sounds like a Saiyan trait.” I said and injected his right shoulder with six needles. I moved around the bed and did his other shoulder. “I wonder if that's common in purely fighting species?”

Piccolo gave me a surprised look. “I never thought about it.”

“You should. I mean, you teamed up with your years long arch nemesis because there were stronger people out there for you to fight. Is that normal?”

Piccolo smiled. “I got to kill him, so we're even for him killing my father.”

I chuckled. “Good point. It's hard to stay angry about it if you actually get your revenge.”

“He was gone for a whole year.” Piccolo said with satisfaction and I felt energy surge into him. “That bacta stuff is great!” He exclaimed and then yelled as he poured that energy into his ability, then both of his arms popped out with slurping sounds. He laughed loudly for two seconds and fell unconscious.

I shook my head at him. “He would have had them back in fifteen minutes anyway.”

“He's not known for his patience.” Gohan said with a smile.

“Yeah, you would know.” I said and we walked over to Goku. “Do I need to heal your ears, too?”

Goku shook his head. “She's right. If it had taken you a month to get here, waiting two days to call first, only made the situation worse.”

“So, you can learn.” Chi Chi said with her hands on her waist and Goku winced.

“That's because you were having a fight and he learned it because of his ability.” I said and removed the bandages around his chest. “That horn grazed your heart. You should be dead.”

“WHAT?!?” Chi Chi and Gohan yelled.

“I'm stronger than that.” Goku said.

“Barely.” I said and used several diagnostic spells on him. “Unfortunately, the damage has accelerated your heart condition.”

“He has a heart condition?” Chi Chi asked, shocked.

“He was born with it and I suspect that was why he was smaller than the other Saiyans and was sent here to a little known planet.” I said and looked at Chi Chi. “With his chest already open like this, I can operate. Unfortunately, he'll have to heal the normal way and it can only be accelerated and not instantly grown like the bacta can do.”

“Will it cure him?” Chi Chi asked.

I wanted to lie, I really did. “No, it will only delay him getting sick. The medicine he needs won't be invented for another ten years.”

“No!” Chi Chi cried.

“How do you know that?” Goku asked.

“Someone from the future should appear to give you a vial of it before you fall ill.”

“Should?” Gohan asked.

“It might not be possible that the future happens the same way now, which means there would be no need to send someone back to save Goku.” I said. “It all depends on if Bulma has a boy or a girl and if I can find Dr. Gero's lab before the computer activates the androids.”

Goku, Gohan, and Chi Chi stared at me.

“I know. It's a mess. I'm working on it.” I said.


“I have satellites in orbit searching for energy signatures in remote areas. It's taking a while, because I know the lab is in low power mode and is hidden in a cave.”

They didn't say anything in response.

“Do I operate and leave Goku hurt for a while, or use the bacta and heal him up as much as possible?”

“Heal.” The three of them said at the same time.

“I would rather have him healthy for as long as possible before he has to leave, rather than have him weak for a long time and not be as healthy for the rest of it.” Chi Chi said.

Both Goku and Gohan nodded.

I nodded as well and used the bacta injections judiciously to heal the heart first, then did his back and built up towards the front. The three of them watched as Goku was healed like magic. I didn't tell them I was using magic as well, especially to vanish the excess blood.

Goku sat up when his chest healed over. “I'm completely healed!”

“LAY BACK DOWN!” Chi Chi yelled and he did it immediately. “You just had a huge hole in your chest! Take a minute or a hundred to relax!”

I clamped my mouth shut, so I wouldn't laugh.

“You need to eat as well.” Chi Chi said and pointed at his face. “Do. Not. Move!”

Goku nodded and Chi Chi glanced at me.

“I'm good. I ate before coming here.” I said and she smiled warmly at me before she left the room and she stopped just outside the door to listen.

“Mom sure can be scary sometimes.” Gohan said.

“Only because she fiercely loves you and wants you all to be safe and healthy.” I said and put a hand on his shoulder. “All good mothers act the same way. Her family comes first and no one can ever tell her differently.” I let his shoulder go. “Her family is her life and that's all she's ever wanted.”

“She makes me study all the time.” Gohan said.

“That's because she wants you to be smart and a good provider for when you meet your future wife. She's already looking out for your future and you didn't even realize it.”

“Hey, you're right. I never thought of it like that.” Gohan said.

“Your mom's a lot smarter than any of you realize.” I said with a smile. “I need to get back to my ship. I have a few things to take care of.”

“Okay. See you.” Gohan said.

I heard Chi Chi quickly walk away as I walked over to the door of the room. “Try to not give her a hard time. She really loves you. The both of you.”

Goku and Gohan nodded.

I walked through the ship and Chi Chi was waiting for me by the exit.

“John.” She whispered.

I smiled and took her hand, bent over to kiss it, and let it go. “Keep taking good care of your family, Princess. Heaven knows they need you a lot more than they think they do.”

Chi Chi laughed softly and nodded. “Thank you.”

I winked at her and left the ship, then dropped ten Battle Droids outside with the Heavy Plasma guns. “Kill anyone that shows up, except for the Namekians. Those can be protected, too.”

“Yes, sir.” They said and took up defensive positions.

I entered the Firefly and sat down on the flight couch. “What are the scans like?”

A long string of beeps and computer sounds came from R2.

“Let's start the sweep.” I said and formed eleven other Fireflys before we took off into the air. “Let's go girls. Namek needs rescuing.”

“You got it, boss!” A dozen female voices responded.


For the next hour, energy bolts splashed across the planet's surface. There were over a hundred troops to burn through that were attacking the Namek villages and the Fireflys worked hard to get them all.

The troops must have been from the same ship, because the only other ships we found were five of the spherical pods that the Ginyu Force had used. Of course, we destroyed them as well. The remaining Nameks cheered us as we flew around.

“Beep!” Gunner said.

“Finally! Are they all there or just that big blue guy?” I asked.

“Beep boop.”

“Okay. Lay covering fire to get their attention as we land.” I said and hopped up from the couch to walk over to the ramp. “I hope Guru hasn't been hurt by them.”


“He still has strong life signs? That's great!” I said and the ship settled down a short distance away from the oldest Namekian's house. “I'll check the bodies around the building to see if any of them can be saved, too.”

The ramp opened and I walked down it to see the red guy and a muscular alien. The little pudgy alien and the human looking guy were already dead.

“Look, Burter! We don't even have to go hunting anymore! They're coming to us again!” The red one said in an Australian accent.

“Cool it, Jeuce. We don't know what this guy's power is like.” Burter said.

“Let me check.” Jeuce said and used his scouter. It clicked at him for a few seconds and beeped at him. “Ha ha! He's only at about five hundred! Even that old weakling Raditz could handle him.”

The two of them laughed as I walked over to them. I just smiled until I was close enough and formed my Haymaker, which made them laugh harder.

“A gun? A stupid gun? A weakling like you can't even fight! What's a gun going to do?” Jeuce asked.

“This.” I said and shot him six times from the belly up to his face. I instantly reloaded and then repeated the shots.

The red alien screamed as his chest and face were shredded and he tried to cover his face with his hands. I dissolved the shotgun and formed an M41A pulse rifle and held the trigger down and aimed only for his head.

Jeuce didn't defend himself at all and the hundred shots shredded his fingers and then mulched his face into putty. At least a dozen shots went into his brain and the body dropped to the ground, bleeding and unmoving.

“JEUCE!” Burter yelled. “You're going to pay for that!” He said and took a pose to build energy for an attack. “HUUUUYYYYAAAAHHHHH!”

“Do you actually expect me to just stand here and let you power up?” I asked as I walked closer to him.

“Yes! That's how it's always done! I'll just be a minute!” Berta said. “HAAAHHHHHHH!”

I created a wand and took aim. “Bombarda Maxima.”


“AHHHH!” Burter screamed as his legs and arms were blown off.

“That's some great armor.” I said and walked over to the alien flopping around on the ground. I touched it and gained it. “Cool. I'll recreate it and transfigure it to something useful later. Thanks.”

“Wait! Don't kill me! Spare me!” Burter begged.

“Did the Namekians you killed ask for the same thing?” I asked and shoved the end of the barrel of a Haymaker into his mouth. He didn't nod and I pulled the trigger anyway, because I knew they did. The back of his head disappeared and he stopped moving.

“You're pretty ruthless. I like that.” Captain Ginyu said as he came out from inside Guru's house. He looked bigger and a lot more powerful than before. “Your toys won't work on me now. The old Namekian unlocked my hidden potential.”

“I'm not worried about that.” I said and dissolved the gun.

“Why? I'm going to pound you into the ground and you're going to join my squad when we're done.”

“I don't think so. Did you use your scouter on me?” I asked.

“I did, and I think you're like the others that we fought and can hide your strength until you build it up.”

I smiled and kept my face pointed away from him. “It's too bad that you'll never confirm that.”

“Why do you think that?” Captain Ginyu asked as he walked over to me.

“You're far enough away from Guru's house to be shot.”

“Ha! I said your toys wouldn't work on me.”

“You couldn't be more wrong.” I said. “Gunner, use the PAW.”

A really loud and happy beep came from the Firefly and then I had to cover my eyes as the world lit up with a bright white energy beam. When it died down, I glanced over to see Captain Ginyu still stood on one leg, had most of his chest and his right side gone, and had a shocked look on his face.

“It's a Planetary Assault Weapon, or PAW.” I said and didn't look at him directly. “Finish him off, Gunner.”

Another bright light disintegrated the rest of Captain Ginyu and I used the Force to check the bodies around the building. There were no life signs and I sighed. I entered Guru's house and the old Namekian sat there and looked very sad.

“Most of my powerful children are gone.” The old gravelly voice said.

“We've saved about forty or so from the aliens and their clean-up crew. We also destroyed the alien ships.”

The old Namekian nodded. “What of the Dragonballs?”

“I assume since they were used, they will just be large round stones for a Namekian year.” I said and he nodded again. “We have smaller ones on Earth that'll be ready in about four months.”

“As will ours be.” The old Namekian said.

“So, there's not much for me to offer in exchange for unlocking my hidden potential.” I said and the old Namekian took a very deep breath and let it out.

“Come here and I will do so.” Guru said. “You saved me from having to power up the people killing my people.”

“I didn't do it for that.” I said and walked over to him.

“I know.” The old Namekian said and placed a large hand on top of my head. “Hmm. Lots of potential, you have.”

I chuckled. “You just sounded like a very old friend of mine.”

Guru couldn't stop his rumbling laugh. “It is too bad I can never meet him.”

“Yeah, I feel the same way, too.” I said.

“This may feel a little odd. Please do not panic.” Guru said.

“I've felt a lot of odd things during my travels, Guru. I've only panicked once and that was because I hadn't been blown up first when I arrived there.”

The old Namekian laughed and laughed as his power poured into me. It was surprisingly a lot like the Force. My connection latched onto his power and they seemed to flow together.

“You are a kindred spirit and I am happy to meet you, John. You have a connection to a fundamental element of the universe that few know of.” Guru said. “You have copied a lot of things to benefit you, which is good. Only a few bad things are still inside your head.”

“Unfortunately, they are necessary to keep. I've had to use a few to deal with bad situations.”

“I know, my new friend. I know all too well having to make personal sacrifices of morals and conscience for the people I love.” Guru said and then smiled. “Now hold onto your panties. This is going to be a wild ride.”

That line said in his old and gravelly voice, was absolutely hilarious. I started laughing and he did as well, then the entire world shifted and we were engulfed in a power-up energy unlike any I had seen before.

“Behold, the multiverse.” Guru said and scenes formed around us. Worlds I've been to, worlds similar, and worlds unlike any I had ever imagined, let alone seen before. “Your travelling power has been altered by others that are similar to you. That first jump you had, was a complete accident.”

“Yeah, I knew the first jump was an accident. I've had a few of them so far and they weren't pleasant.” I said. “Knowing I've been damaged by others of my kind is a kick to the teeth, though.”

Guru nodded. “I cannot restore that which was taken from you. I can only enhance what you still have.”

“Anything you can do, would be appreciated.” I said.

“I can change that Hidden Potential you copied from little Gohan into part of your power. You will no longer need to blow yourself up to leave a world you visit. Merely build up your energy and shove yourself through.”

“That's great! Do it! Thanks, Guru!”

The old Namekian chuckled. “You may still appear inside explosions after travelling and you cannot choose where you go. That is the part of your power that has been removed from you.”

“Dammit, I knew we should have gone back to Gloria's world that time!”

“Yes, even if your Gloria had been concentrating, it wouldn't have worked.” Guru said.

“Did she make it home?” I asked, concern in my voice.

“I cannot say. Your powers do not allow you to detect others of your kind.”

I sighed. “Whoever did that to me, really nerfed me, didn't they?”

“Besides taking all those memories from you? Yes, they did.” Guru said. “Now close your eyes and prepare to be changed into your old new self.”

I chuckled at his wording and closed my eyes. Everything went white and I lost consciousness.


“I am sorry I cannot help you more than that, my friend.” Guru said ten minutes later as he caught the very old man in a young body before he fell to the floor. “Even the power of a universe cannot undo what has been done to you.” The old Namekian said and pulled the man onto his very large lap. “What wonderful stories you have inside your head. Thank you for sharing them willingly with me.”

A muscular Namekian flew into the house and landed beside the old Namekian. “Guru! These great ships like the one outside have cleared out the invaders across the whole planet!”

Guru chuckled and pet the hair of the man who did it. “I know, Nail. I know.”

“What are we going to do now?” Nail asked.

“You are now the planet's Guard. You need to train and grow strong. Invaders can no longer be allowed onto our lands to hurt our people.”

They both looked at the man on Guru's lap.

“This one can give us what we need.” Guru said.

“If he leaves the ships, we may have a chance against the evil overlord.” Nail said.

“We need more than ships, my young Guard.” Guru said and pet John's head again. “Much more.”


“Uhhh, my head.” I groaned and opened my eyes. “Oh! I didn't travel!”

Guru's rumbling laugh seemed really close, so I turned my head and saw that I was on his lap.

“I'm sorry I collapsed.” I said and sat up, then carefully slid off his lap to stand. I created a headache potion and drank it.

“It is all right, my friend. You were not heavy at all.” Guru said.

I chuckled in understanding. “I'm sorry, Guru. I'm in a committed relationship with Bulma... and maybe with her mother, too. It's hard to tell some days.”

Guru laughed. “This old Namekian can dream big when I need to.”

“Ha! You saw everything.” I said and he nodded. “How young do you want to be?”

“Maybe three hundred or so.” Guru said.

“That's not a problem. I'll need a couple of hours to make the extra large tank and to set everything up with medical droids and diagnostic equipment.” I said. “I've also seeded communication satellites all the way back to Earth, so you can call me and I'll be here in five to ten minutes when you need me.”

“You are generous, my friend.” Guru said.

“You saved me from having to blow myself up to travel. That's worth a lot more to me than giving you your youth back.” I said with a knowing smile.

Guru saw it and his rumbling laugh filled the room. “Wait to copy me until I am young again, please. Even I have standards about who I share time with.”

I laughed and pat the old Namekian's arm. “I'll get to work right now.”


Just before Guru was tanked, he asked for a planetary protection system. He promised one of the three wishes to me for it and I told him that I had everything I've ever wanted, because the things I would wish for, the eternal dragon would be unable to grant. The old Namekian nodded in understanding and would be soaking in specially prepared bacta for four months.

I went back to the Capsule Corporation ship that Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, and Chi Chi were on and told them I had cleared the planet of enemies. The only one not shocked by this was Chi Chi. Goku was pretty sad, though.

“I really wanted to fight them, now that I'm so much stronger!” Goku said.

“This was just one of their search teams. There's thousands of them in Freiza's organization.” I reminded him.

“Oh, yeah! Thanks, John!” Goku said and hugged me. “I need to start training again!”

The others laughed as he ran off to turn the gravity controls up again.

“I'll be in orbit setting things up to protect the planet.” I said.

“Can I come?” Gohan asked.

“Did you do your homework?” I asked and saw a pleased Chi Chi's smile.

“Yep! I even did the bonus sheet!” Gohan said.

“Then let's go. You can see how an automated factory makes drone ships.”

“YAY!” Gohan said and ran out of the room, just like Goku had.

“That kid.” Chi Chi and Piccolo said at the same time, shared a respectful nod, and Piccolo followed Goku for training.

“Protect my son.” Chi Chi said.

“Preaching to the choir.” I said and she laughed softly.

“If I wasn't married...” Chi Chi whispered.

“I know.” I said and kissed her cheek. “Enjoy it all while you can. It can be gone before you know it.”

Chi Chi nodded and I left to get to work. I entered the Firefly and Gohan was hopping up and down in front of the viewport. I let him stay there and asked the ship to take off. He yelled happily as he had a front row seat for leaving the atmosphere. The round Capsule Corporation ship only had porthole windows and nothing facing where they flew.

Gohan had a ball watching me floating around in space and setting everything up. His constant questions about what things were and how they worked, kept me company and my mind on the task at hand. I set up automated security stations, shield emitters, weapons platforms, droid factories, and created a hundred Fireflys.

When I dropped Gohan off, I saw Goku floating round. “Hey, how are you doing that?”

“It's easy!” Goku said and landed beside me. “It used to be really energy intensive; but, once you start training in 50 times gravity, the energy it uses reduces to let you fly around for hours!”

“Show me again.” I said and he demonstrated it several times for me. “Okay, yes. That does make things easier.”

“I can't wait to see you try it later! You just need to train up to my level and we can spar while flying! It'll be great!” Goku said, excitedly.

I laughed. “You expect me to train to your level before we go back to Earth? Are you crazy?”

Goku laughed, too. “You're right! I shouldn't ask for miracles.”

“Get back in the ship and tell Chi Chi she needs you.”

“She does? I better go! I'm coming, Chi Chi!” Goku said and flew off to go inside the ship.

Gohan gave me a knowing look, so I rubbed his hair and pointed to the ship.

“During your free time, take your dad's advice. Get stronger and learn how to fly. It's pretty useful.”

Gohan smiled. “You can already do it, can't you?”

“I just learned.” I said and focused my energy and floated up into the air a foot, then landed.

Gohan nodded and followed his father. Now both he and Chi Chi knew I was as strong as Goku. I didn't tell them I was quite a bit stronger than that, thanks to my other abilities.

With my body being reinforced to be tougher with Chi techniques, the Kryptonian abilities I had copied a very long time ago, were burgeoning and making me even stronger and tougher. I was approaching peak efficiency with Chi as well. I was sure that Guru did a bit more for me than just restoring my potential for travelling. I wasn't going to ask him about it, though. Why question gifts that are given?


When the planetary protection grid was finished, I flew around to the various villages and repaired any damaged buildings and things. The living Namekians in the first village I helped, thanked me. I saw that they were sad about the people they had lost, too.

“You know, I have an ability that might help. Guru will be accepting it when he's young again.” I said and that gained a lot of interest. “Who's your strongest young Namekian here?”

“Nail!” Most of them shouted and a muscular Namekian that looked kind of like Piccolo flew out from the sky and landed.

“Is the stranger causing trouble?” Nail asked the elders.

“No, he has an offer to make.” The shorter and older Namekian said.

“Yes, this.” I said and created the Generic Namekian I had gained from Piccolo. “This is a clone of a kind of friend from Earth.”

Everyone was suddenly around us and they touched and pet the one I had created.

“Pocco can stay here in the village with you to help protect you.” I said.

“Thank you!” The Namekians shouted and dragged the new member of the village away.

“What did you need me for?” Nail asked.

“I want to copy you as well.” I said and held my hand out to him. “The more Namekians around, the happier Guru will be.”

“Explain the magic you used.” Nail said and shook my hand.

“It's one of my abilities. I gain copies in my head of whatever I touch. As I travel and gain new lands, I can cast more and more spells. One of which is summoning creatures.”

“I am NOT a creature!” Nail bristled.

I laughed. “That's just a generic term used for any living thing created, just like all spells and enchantments are magic, all lands are classed as lands, even the specialty ones, and any technology or things I create are classed as artifacts.”

He didn't look convinced, so I created a copy of him.

“This is a Guard, a generic copy of you. It will do everything you do if you want him to.”

“What is his name?” Nail asked.

“Why don't you name him? You can keep him with you at all times, too.”

“But, he is yours.” Nail said.

“Actually, I created him for you. If you don't want him as a constant companion, I'll have to dismiss him and create another for a different purpose.”

Nail gave the Guard a searching look. “He is mine?”

“For as long as you want him.” I said. “I also know how choosy Namekians are with who they spend time with. What better choice is there than someone that will understand you so well?”

“You know how we reproduce.” Nail said and I nodded. “Then, I will give Jin a chance.”

“I am Jin.” The Guard said and smiled. “I am your Jin.”

Nail blushed a little. “I must continue my patrol.”

“I will accompany you.” Jin said.

Both of them lifted up into the air, then they took off flying together.

“Thank you, stranger.” The elder said as he walked back over to me. “Nail has been lonely since the invaders killed his training squad.”

“He might calm down and relax a bit with company around, too.” I said. “I need to get to the next village and see who else needs help.”

The elder nodded and I entered the Firefly and went on to the next village with people there. They needed a few more Generic Namekians to help them and they had fun naming them.

I did this all day and then returned to the Capsule Corporation ship.

“You better call Bulma.” Chi Chi said. “She's not in a happy mood right now.”

I lightly touched her arm. “Thank you for not interrupting me today.”

“You were busy helping so many people rebuild. I couldn't let Bulma bully you for not being home with her.” Chi Chi smiled demurely. “Until now.”

I chuckled and kissed her cheek. “You're starting to make me regret that you're married.”

Chi Chi laughed softly and blushed a little. “Don't let Goku hear you say that.”

“Why not? He knows he's lucky that you chose him over every other strong fighter you've ever met.” I said and walked towards the communications room.

“He better.” Chi Chi whispered.

I smiled as I turned on the viewscreen. “Call Bulma.”

The screen flickered and Bulma's angry face was there.

“Where the hell have you been all day?” Bulma spat.

“I've been wishing I could be there and rubbing your feet and feeding you strawberries.” I said and she closed her mouth. “I can be home in ten minutes and I'll give you a bath and a thorough licking.”

Bulma's face brightened right up. “I'll get the tub ready!” She exclaimed and ended the call.

“I honestly thought it would take a bit more grovelling on my part.” I said with a shrug.


While at home and waiting for Guru to be rejuvenated, I finally got the scanner results from the satellites. Dr. Gero's lab had been found, as had dozens of other secret hidden bases. I flew on a Firefly over to Dr. Gero's lab and disabled the traps and security features before I entered the lab.

Inside were twenty five pods with androids of all kinds inside. I walked along the rows of them and vanished the bombs they had in their chests. I wasn't going to allow any of them to retaliate when I killed them.

“Beep beep!” Eye said and I chuckled.

“All right, you eager lush. Start with 18 first. She's the most important one.” I said and stuck him to the front of her pod. “I'll deal with Gero and the others androids.”


“I'm not taking the chance of reprogramming them.”

“Beep boop. Beep.” Eye argued.

I laughed. “I'm not doubting your hacking skills, my little friend.” I said and pat it. “You have 17 and 16 to do as well, remember? Don't bite off more than you can chew.”

“Beep beep.” Eye said sadly.

“It's okay. I know it's hard to resist the temptation.” I said and walked over to Gero's pod. “Don't forget that you get to raid his main computer, too.”


I laughed and powered up as I walked over to Gero's stasis pod. Unlike the Z-fighters, my mental prowess allowed me to meditate and build power instead of yelling out loud and warning people that an attack was coming. I held up my hand in front of the pod at the level of the android's face. His real brain was contained inside the head and it needed to be destroyed.

“Kosenko-Ha!” I said and a bright beam of energy shot out of my hand and burned through the pod and the android's face. I heard something click and smiled, because I had already removed the death bomb from inside the android bodies. I used the Force and crushed the remains, then went to each successive pod and did the same thing.

“Beep beep.” Eye said.

“Already? Nice going, little buddy!” I said and it beeped happily at me. I moved him to 17's pod. “He's going to be a bit more work. We don't need his murderous attitude trying to influence the others, right?”


“I'll leave you to it.” I said and looked at 18's pod. I used the Force and felt through it and touched her directly. I formed it all over her and closed my eyes. I felt a pang of guilt and pain as her image formed and I learned all of the little alterations he had done to her. She was exactly like Seven of Nine.

A good portion of 18's physical make-up had been augmented by mechanical parts, especially her brain, to make her reprogramming possible and to run the other mechanical parts. I wasn't surprised when I found a similar inhibitor mechanism in her brain to control her emotions.

I debated removing it, then sighed and formed a needle inside the pod. I couldn't open it without possibly waking her and that wouldn't be beneficial to have her awake and seeing Eye reprogramming her twin brother. I vanished the part and injected her with bacta right in the proper spot and looked over at her monitoring equipment.

There was a blip in the electromagnetic spectrum from losing the mechanical part, then it disappeared as her brain grew that part back with flesh instead of metal. I was also tempted to remove her power source as well. When I checked her mechanical parts, I could tell that they needed more energy than a human body could produce on its own, so I had to leave it.

With that done, I walked over to the middle of the lab and formed a Haymaker. Six shots cut a nice hole into the floor and I jumped down into the under-lab. I walked over to the computer and the tiny little glass case with a pupa floating in amniotic liquid.

“Kaaa... meee... haaaa... meeee.... ha!” I said and did Goku's famous move perfectly and the large energy beam slammed into the container and disintegrated it, the pupa, and the computer behind it. I used the Force to feel out for any remains and didn't find any. I would have Gunner use the PAW on the lab after we left, just in case. Nothing could remain of Cell.

I went back over to the hole and flew up to land beside the hole. I used a wand and cast the repair spell to fix the hole and the floor reformed as if the hole had never been there.

“Beep.” Eye said.

“I told you he would be a difficult one. Do you want a hand?”


I walked over to the pod with my wand out. “Tell me where you're having a problem and I'll pull it.”

Eye said a series of beeps and I tapped 17's temple and pulled out a long string of white gossamer smoke, then I shook it off the wand and vanished it.

“Beep boop boop?”

“Yeah, let's give him an almost clean slate and blame it on Dr. Gero. A very dead Dr. Gero.” I said.

We worked for half an hour to fix 17's casual murderous tendencies by removing everything bad that had ever happened to him. It was easy for Eye to reprogram 17 after that. He wouldn't question the huge gaps in his memories, either. Eye had planted the memory of 17 agreeing to have more storage and some superfluous memories needed to be removed. We also left the emotional blocker in place.

We went to 16's pod next and he was downright easy compared to the other two. He was a fully mechanical android, like Data was, and he had his own designs in his memory. That was like a gold mine for both Bulma and myself, because it meant we could make our own androids and they wouldn't be based on someone else.

I put Eye on the main computer next and he wirelessly laid the groundwork for himself, then I plugged him in and he beeped in pleasure as he had what he described as a glorious fight with a rival AI. It was over in seconds and he made the same loud beep and his panel dimmed when Ripley stroked him, which meant he was quite satisfied.

I unplugged him and walked over to 18's pod. With the controls at my fingertips, I brought her out of her stasis. She slowly blinked her eyes and looked at the pod lid in front of her. I waved at her, like a fool, and she barked a laugh before she frowned.

“Get me out of here.” 18 said in a deadly voice.

“Oh! Sound travels through it? I didn't now that.” I said and hit the open button. The pod hissed and the door opened with a rush of superfluous steam. I assumed it was for dramatic purposes as 18 stepped out of the pod.

“Wait, I'm still me.” 18 said and pat herself several times all over.

I did not miss her grabbing her breasts and checking both her crotch and her ass. I also tried to not react to her essentially groping herself.

“I'm really still all me.” 18 said and looked at me.

“Mostly.” I said and coughed. “Ahem. I mean, you are, it's just you've had a few augments and...”

“Dr. Gero already gave me the speech. All powerful, really tough, yada yada yada.” 18 said.

“Did he mention the suicide bomb, the brain implants, and the reprogramming?” I asked.

She gasped and stared at me. “Excuse me?”

“Have a look.” I said and showed her the map of her systems on the security panel display.

“Give me that!” 18 said and tried to swipe at it to grab it.

I caught her wrist and looked into her eyes. “You're really strong now. I can't take the chance that you'll hurt him.”

18 gave me an angry look, then she realized I had caught her hand. She tried to pull away and couldn't.

“Relax.” I said in a calming voice and let her wrist go. “I came here to help you and your brother.”

“No! 17!” 18 gasped and whipped around to look at the pod next to hers. “Get him out of there! Now!”

I took a deep breath and sighed. “I have to warn you that I wasn't as successful with him as I was with you.”

“What do you mean?” 18 asked and put her hands on the pod.

“I managed to undo the hidden commands and things he laced your brain implants with and I fixed a lot of the issues you would have had feeling emotions. I also removed the bomb from your chest.” I said and started the revival sequence for 17's pod. “I successfully removed the bomb from your brother's chest...”

“But.” 18 prompted as she saw her brother stir and open his eyes.

“I can only guess that Dr. Gero didn't quite finish reprogramming him before the old man started dying and made himself into an android to save himself.” I said. “By the way, Dr. Gero's dead.”

“Good.” 17 said as the pod opened and the dramatic smoke came out with him. “It's good to see you, 18.” He said with a flat voice.

“Oh, no.” 18 said and hugged him.

“I suspect he's going to be missing a lot of memories about a lot of things.” I said. “He's had a bit more extensive work than you, too.”

She looked at the security panel and saw the differences. “Why would he...”

“The differences between male and female, I think.” I said and brought up both schematics. “Either that, or he had plans for you both to be components inside something else.”

“That rotten lying bastard!” 18 spat and let her brother go.

“He really was.” I said and walked over to the next pod. “He's had you asleep in here for nearly five years.”

“If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him!” 18 exclaimed.

“He's crushed into a metal ball in pod 20 if you want to go kick him around while I bring 16 online.”

“Thank you!” 18 said and kissed my cheek, then she ran over to the pod and lifted out the metal ball the size of a soccer ball. “Come on, 17. We're going to play a game.”

“Okay.” 17 said and they set up goals and then had a great time slamming their feet into the metal ball.

I chuckled and activated 16's revival sequence and the android opened his eyes. “Good morning, 16.” I said and created a sparrow for him. “Here's a new friend for you. Your other two friends are playing soccer over there.”

“Thank you, John.” 16 said and stepped out of his pod with the dramatic smoke around him. The sparrow hopped onto his hand and 16 stared at it. It tweeted at him and hopped up his arm to sit on his shoulder.

“Go have fun. I have a bit more work to do here before we leave and I destroy the place.” I said and he nodded, then he walked over to where the other two androids were playing. He became a referee for their game and their movements became more enthusiastic.

I watched them for a minute while they had fun, probably for the first time in their lives, then I started going through the computer records and seeing what else Gero had stashed at the lab. He had lots of components and pieces, a few fabricator machines, and the false skin machine. It was what Gero used to make the flesh to cover 16's parts and his own realistic android replica.

I was surprised that it was very similar to a Terminator's living skin covering a metal endo-skeleton. I copied everything I could use and even took the design computer he had, just because it was convenient.

“Okay, boys and sexy girl, we have to go.” I said and walked over to them.

“What did you say to me?” 18 asked.

“I called you sexy and I dare you to deny it.” I said and she gave me a glare. “See? You can't.”

16 chuckled and 17 smiled.

“I'm going to blow this place up and we can't stay here.” I said and walked by them. “I'm flying my ship up for a great view. Who wants to watch with me?”

“I'm in.” 17 said.

“I will watch.” 16 said.

“I guess I'll go, too.” 18 sighed and then gave me another glare. “Don't try anything!”

I laughed and held the door open for her. “I would do that, just to see if you could stop me, if I didn't have a girl waiting back home for me.”

“You're not lying, are you?” 18 asked.

“She's pregnant with my child.” I admitted.

“Oh. So, this is just banter?”

“Pretty much passive flirting. We both know it won't go anywhere.” I said and pointed to my ship. “Let's get going. Gunner's trigger finger is itchy.”

“Gunner?” 18 asked as we all entered the Firefly and went to the cockpit.

“Beep beep.” Gunner said and then saw 18 and let out one long beep.

“Hey, no propositioning the guests.” I said and Gunner beeped sadly.

17 and 16 smiled and 18 glared at me.

“What? I said not to!”

18 huffed and sat next to her brother.

“Take off and get us in a good position for Gunner's shot.” I said.

The ship took off and flew up and away to a good distance, then turned around to highlight the lab's entrance.

“Gunner? Light it up with the PAW and make it rubble.”

“BEEP!” Gunner said and carefully took aim, then pulled the trigger.

A bright light of energy lit up the space between us and the lab, then the explosion darkened the viewports for several moments. When the brightness faded and the viewport glass polarized again, there was a gigantic crater where the lab and part of the mountain used to be.

“Wooooow.” 18 whispered with awe.

“That is an impressive weapon.” 16 said.

“Can I try it?” 17 asked.

“R2? Where's the next hidden base located?”

A series of beeps and boops came from the intercom.

“Great! Let's go there and 17 can have a try.”

“Beep.” Gunner said.

“How many times have you enjoyed using it?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Beep.” Gunner said, sadly.

“Don't worry. There's lots of bases to clear out and save the world from their evil. One is hidden in the arctic under a glacier, too.” I said and they all perked up at that. “Taking turns is fair, right?”

“YES!” The three androids said and Gunner beeped just as loudly.

“Then lets go have some fun!” I said and they cheered.

Bonding over causing massive destruction was oddly satisfying, especially when one of the hidden bases was Bobbity's lab with a gestating Majin Buu. It disintegrated under a PAW like all the others.


A month later, the androids were relaxing in the backyard of Capsule Corporation with me, a bulging Bulma, and two twenty year olds. Dr. Brief and Panchy.

“I'm bored.” 18 said and sighed. She was wearing a yellow string bikini and looked hotter than a young Panchy, and that was saying something, because Panchy was gorgeous.

“As your friend, I could recommend a few things.” I said suggestively and wagged my eyebrows at her.

Everyone laughed and 18 shot me with an explosive energy blast. I flew out of my wrecked chair and landed twenty feet away on my butt. Everyone laughed harder.

“You could have just said no.” I said as I stood and rubbed my butt. Being tougher was going to be a huge benefit for me during my travels.

“You know how dangerous it is to flirt with my sister.” 17 said with a smile. Bulma had really come through with getting him adjusted to using his limited emotions to their fullest extent. She really was a whiz at things like that and agreed with me that operating to get the implants would probably do more damage than leaving them in would.

“I can't help it. It's just too easy to get her to react.” I said and he nodded. I walked over to 18 and knelt beside her. “I'm sorry for teasing you. I really do have something for you guys to do.”

18 gave me a pointed look and then sighed. “All right, what's your idea?”

I leaned in and whispered in her ear what my idea was.

Her eyes widened when I was done talking and then she gave me a glare.

“Honestly, I think you can have fun. You can even call for help if you get into trouble, just like Goku and the others on Namek.”

18 stood up, jiggling enticingly, and nodded. “We accept. Get it ready.”

“Yes, ma'am!” I said and saluted, which made the others laugh.

18 blasted me in the chest and flung me thirty feet away this time. “I said stop doing that!”

I picked myself up from the ground and rubbed my chest as I tried to catch my breath. “Too easy... to tease.”

“Just get the damn ship ready!” 18 spat at me.

I nodded and ran over to the nearby landing pad.

“Ship? What ship?” 17 asked.

“We're going hunting.” 18 said with a smile and told them about Freiza's organization of killing entire planet populations and then selling the worlds for massive profits to races from overpopulated worlds.

“Are we helping them?” 16 asked in his robotic voice. Bulma had offered to fix it and he said he liked it that way.

“No, we're going to give them a taste of their own medicine.” 18 said with a feral grin. “We're going to take over Freiza's home planet and then offer to sell it back to him for everything he owns.”

“That does sound like fun.” Her brother 17 said. “Let's get changed.”

“Thank you for the hospitality.” 16 said to Bulma and stood up. “We must depart for more fun.”

“Good luck and don't forget to call!” Panchy said and waved at them.

Ten minutes later, they were dressed and on the landing pad with shocked looks on their faces.

“It's all automated; but, there's no onboard AI.” I said and pat the side of the upgraded Naboo Imperial Starship.

“Beep beepbeep boop beep!” R2 shouted.

“Of course I wasn't counting you, you're a droid and not an onboard AI.”

“Beep boop.”

“Without you, they couldn't fly to space at all.”


I rolled my eyes. “Yes, they know that, too.”

“You can really talk to them?” 16 asked.

“Sure.” I said and put a hand on him. “There you go. Have fun laughing your ass off. R2 curses like a sailor.”

“Give that to me, too.” 17 said.

“Are you sure? Once he starts talking to you, he won't shut up.”

“Beep BEEP!”

I laughed. “Yes, I'm the asshole.”

“I definitely want it.” 17 said, so I gave him the Droid-speak ability, too.

I glanced at 18 and she shook her head.

“I get enough of that from you guys.”

“That's true.” 17 said. “16's the worst.”

The sparrow on 16's shoulder tweeted.

“Yes, he is joking.” 16 said and pet the bird's head.

“Let me give you a tour and show you the galley and your rooms.” I said and led them inside. The three of them were surprised at how nice it was and how everything was also functional. I had already downloaded the piloting program into 16's head, so he could easily fly the ship.

“I will power us up for flight.” 16 said after seeing the queen's bedroom.

“I'll come with you.” 17 said and they left the large bedroom to go to the cockpit.

“I better go before they finish the pre-flight checks.” I said and turned to go.

18 caught my arm and stopped me. “Why are you doing this?”

“Two reasons. First, you deserve the Queen's ship and her clothing. She would want someone worthy to wear them. Be warned that some of it is a bit ridiculous.” I said and she didn't react. “Second, I wanted to make up for all the teasing I've been doing. I'm sorry about taking advantage of your anger like that.”

18 let my arm go and stepped close. “Do you know why I'm angry at you?”

“You hate me? You're frustrated? Maybe you actually like me and hating me is just a front?”

18 gave me a pointed look, then she bent down to kneel and pulled my pants down at the same time.

“Whoa! Wait just a... ohhhh.” I moaned as she took my erection into her mouth.

She sucked on me for several minutes and then she stopped and looked up a me. “It's because I see you have this thing for me every damn time you look at me and I'm not allowed to do anything with it!”


18 dove back onto me and kept sucking. A few minutes later, I reached my limit and unloaded into her mouth and down her throat. She moaned and swallowed, then she slipped her mouth off of me and stood up as she pulled my pants back into place.

“Bulma only allowed me to do that much because she can't satisfy you in bed with her as big as she is.” 18 said and stared into my eyes.

“Bulma put you up to this?” I asked, surprised.

“Yes, because she said, and I quote, 'Even with regeneration, I'm not going to live as long as you do. You'll have your chance with him soon'.” 18 said and my mouth dropped open in shock.

“But... she... why...”

“I did what I just did to make sure.” 18 said.

“To make sure?” I whispered.

“Yes, that I'm next in line.” 18 said and pulled me in for a passionate kiss that lasted several minutes. “It might take 200 years and I don't care. I'll wait for as long as it takes to let you have me.”

“I... I don't know what to say.” I said, honestly.

“You say, thanks for the blowjob and you can't wait to have the rest of me.” 18 said, smugly.

I shook myself slightly. “18, thank you.” I said and gave her a lingering kiss. “I really can't wait.”

“You have to.” 18 said and stepped back with her hands glowing. “You better start running.”

“I can do better than run. I can teleport! See you!” I said and apparated out of the ship to stand on the landing pad. I thought I heard her yell something about me not escaping from her so easily and then the ship took off.

Bulma waddled over to me, still wearing her bikini. “She had the guts to actually do it?”

“She did, to my shock.” I said as I turned to her and then I hugged her tenderly. “I think you would be the best wife ever if we were married.”

“That was the worst proposal in the history of proposals.” Bulma said.

“Are you sure? Dr. Brief told me about his attempt.” I said and Bulma laughed.

“Mom's right. I won't marry you until you do it right, just like she told dad.” Bulma said and kissed me. “I need my feet rubbed.”

I scooped her up into my arms. “Anything you want, dear. Anything at all.”

“I want a little brother for Bulla.” Bulma said.

I fake gasped. “You peeked!”

Bulma blushed. “I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. That holographic medical scanner is awesome.”

I walked with her into the house. “I knew you couldn't resist it if I left it out.”

Bulma gave me a glare. “You did it on purpose?”

“Of course. I want to know, too.” I said and she lost the glare.

“You did? I thought... well...”

“There's nothing more important than family and taking care of them.” I said. “I made some mistakes with that in the past and I'm trying my best to not repeat them. With your help, we can be the best parents this world has ever seen.”

Bulma smiled and kissed my cheek.


Guru, the oldest Namekian in existence, was decanted when it was time and he was no longer old. He was also not morbidly obese like he was in his old form. He was cleaned off and then given a custom robe to wear by the droids.

“Looking good there, Guru.” I said as the 18 foot tall and muscular Namekian came down the stairs without assitance. “That wasn't me making a pass at you. I meant you're no longer wrinkly and fat.”

Guru laughed and his rumble had remained, as did his deep voice. “It really is too bad that you cannot copy yourself.”

“I've decided one of me makes enough trouble as it is.” I said and shook Guru's hand. “How does it feel being three times my height and not confined to a support chair?”

Guru let my hand go and pat the top of my head. “I have never felt so strong or so virulent in my life.”

“That's a side effect of the rejuvenation.” I said and and created a Grand Elder Namekian. “You and Goru have fun unlocking each other's hidden potential.”

Both of the Namekians laughed similar laughs.

“I somehow have the feeling that Namek is going to get a lot more crowded soon.” I joked and they both nodded happily. “Well, have fun.”

“We owe you a wish.” They said as one.

“I don't want it.” I said. “There's only one thing I could wish for and Guru already told me it was impossible.”

Guru sighed. “You may find her again someday.”

“I can only hope.” I said. “Goodbye, my friends. Call me if you need anything.”

“We will.” Goru said and I started to walk out of the room.

“John, you forgot the rejuvenation tank and your droids.” Guru said.

“Did I?” I asked and waved over my shoulder at them.

“After we restore the others that were lost, we will make a wish for him.” Goru whispered.

“Agreed.” Guru whispered back and took Goru into a tender hug.


Bulma gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl. She named her Bulla and then she cursed at me for an hour straight for making her give birth. After she calmed down, she begged me to hurry up and give Bulla a little brother.

I kissed her soundly and then kissed Bulla's blue hair. “Let's get you healed up first and then we can worry about how many times we can have sex before you get pregnant again.”

“Mom's already pregnant.” Bulma said.

“Before you ask, yes, I checked. The baby's your dad's.” I said and she smiled warmly at me. “He knocked her up while I was on Namek, the sneaky bastard.”

Bulma laughed and we looked out the room's observation window and saw Panchy and Dr. Brief hugging and crying. She waved them inside and Panchy squealed in delight and was by Bulma's side instantly.

“Can I hold her?” Paunchy asked and Bulma nodded as she handed her over. “Oooo, she looks just like you when you were a baby! The same hair and everything.”

Dr. Brief laughed. “I'm so glad that blue hair is a dominant gene in my family, or you would think I would be doing inappropriate things with my daughter.”

“Your hair is white.” I commented.

“Also a genetic quirk. There's a ten percent chance that any male Bulma gives birth to will have it.”

“So, always blue and possibly white. Good to know.” I said and he pat my shoulder.

“You get used to it, believe me.” Dr. Brief said. “My father's hair was blue, so when Bulma was born...”

I looked at Panchy and she blushed. “Okay, I don't feel so bad about how things are now.” I said and put my hand on Dr. Brief's shoulder. “By the way, I just told Bulma the good news. Panchy's baby is yours.”

Panchy let out a squeal of delight and Dr. Brief looked very relieved as he hugged Panchy and also Bulma's baby.

“You've done so much for my family that I wouldn't have cared either way.” Dr. Brief said.

“Panchy feels differently.” I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You are still all his, even after everything.”

Panchy held onto my head and gave me a deep kiss. “I'm sorry, John. I love him so much.”

I chuckled. “I'm not sorry. I love your daughter just as fiercely. That we're both getting what we want and also giving those we love what they want, is the best thing for all of us.”

Panchy smiled. “It really is.”

“Now that we've worked all that out, can I have my baby back? I think she's hungry.” Bulma asked.

We all laughed as Panchy handed Bulla back to her and then we all smiled as Bulma nursed her.

“That'll be you soon, my dear.” Dr. Brief said and held Panchy close.

“Us.” Panchy said and kissed him. “That'll be us soon.”

Dr. Brief nodded and we all stood around the bed, proud as can be.


I sat in the communications room a month later and I was taking a break from Bulma's demands. They had been getting a little unreasonable lately and even Panchy thought I needed a break from her for a while.

The viewscreen flickered to life and a battered 18 stood there. “HELP! Freiza rejected our offer and he's trying to retake his home planet with thousands of troops!”

“I'll be right there.” I said and stood.

“He's already in stage two of his morphing!” 18 exclaimed.

“Not a problem. Hold on for a few minutes. He's weak to power attacks in that form.”

“I'll let the guys know!” 18 said.

“He's weak to speed in the next form, so hold him off as much as you can.”

“We will! Thanks, John!”

“We have a 200 year old date to keep. I'm not losing the chance now.”

18 smiled at me, nodded, and cut the call.

I ran out of the room, told Dr. Brief, and ran out into the landing pad area. I formed a hundred Fireflys and boarded one. They got the data from the local satellites and we took off at our fastest speed. Eight and a half minutes later, we dropped out of hyperspace and saw the multitude of crab-like ships in orbit. A hundred Planetary Assault Weapons fired as one and every enemy ship was obliterated.

We flew down into the atmosphere and our energy beam weapons scoured the planet and removed the thousands of enemies that were trying to retake it from the androids. Needless to say, this got the attention of the more powerful elites. They were quickly taken out by Gunner droids and liberal use of the PAWs.

The ship I was on landed beside the Imperial Starship and I calmly walked down the ramp. I looked around at the devastation and laughed, because Freiza was an idiot. While trying to take back his once pristine planet, he had wrecked it.

“John!” 18 shouted and I walked over to where she was tending to her brother 17 and their friend 16. They were behind one of the droidekas and their shields.

“He's just blasting everything and hoping for the best, isn't he?” I asked.

“Like a little kid throwing a tantrum.” 18 said.

“Has he gone to his third form yet?” I asked.

“He's doing that now.” 17 said and pointed.

I looked over and saw Freiza hunched over and glowing slightly. “I'll be right back.”

“Be careful. He's really tough.” 18 said. “He withstood 16's All Out Blast.”

I pulled out a wand and cast Immobulous on Freiza before I glanced at 16 and he looked like he was having a hard time moving. “Override code Tango Hotel X-Ray 1138. Reroute power to secondary power source.”

“Acknowledged.” 16 said and closed his eyes or a moment. He straightened up as his power was restored. “Thank you, John.”

I chuckled. “I would have told 18 the override if I thought you would expend the first power source.”

“Do we have that, too?” 17 asked.

“No, your secondary power source was the bomb and I removed that.” I said and he and 18 looked surprised. “16's bomb was added on after he was constructed and it wasn't a part of his main systems.” I explained and the three of them nodded.

“Why did Freiza stop moving and yelling?” 18 asked.

“Magic.” I said and walked over to the alien. “I knew you would take the bait and come here after the androids. Kids don't like others taking their toys away, do they?”

Freiza didn't react at all and I could almost feel his frustration.

“The funny thing about being stuck between transformations is that all of your weaknesses are revealed. Your overextended joints, your strained muscles, your fluctuating power levels. All completely out in the open for someone to take advantage of.” I said and held a hand out to the side. “Destructo Disc.”

The androids gasped as Krillin's special move appeared above my palm.

I threw it and cut off Freiza's legs at the knees, then made another and another to cut off his arms. Because of the immobilization spell, his torso hovered there in the air and I was sure he would be glaring at me if he could move.

“By the way, I do not want you coming back later, so I want you to meet one of my friends that just loves eating souls.” I said and created a Dementor.

A moment later, the Dementor split into sixteen copies of itself.

“Okay, that was neat. I assume his massive power let you form?” I asked and they nodded as I touched them with the Force to gain a copy of this more powerful Dementor. “There are thousands of dead and dying aliens all around. Go have fun tracking down any wayward souls.”

The Dementors waved happily and floated away at a speed I didn't think was possible.

“What the hell was that?” 18 asked.

“Justice.” I said and used another Destructo Disc to decapitate Freiza and then vanished his body parts. “How much do you want to bet that Frieza stashed all his wealth here on the planet you liberated from him?”

All three androids looked happy at my words.

“Finders Keepers.” I said and they nodded. I used some bacta needles on both 17 and 18 to heal them up to normal and then touched 16 and used my repair skill on him. “Go have fun hunting down any secret bases.”

“Thanks, John.” 18 said.

“Anytime.” I said and smiled crookedly at her.

“You're not getting another one.” 18 said and squinted her eyes at me.

“I was hoping to return the favor, actually. Bulma just gave birth and...”

18 looked frantic as she grabbed my arm and then dragged me into the Imperial Ship and to her room. She tore off her clothing and then jumped on the bed as she shoved my face between her legs.

I think she's a little eager for this. I thought and started in on her.

“Make me scream like Panchy does!” 18 shouted.

Ten minutes later, she did.


With access to Freiza's hidden base and his computers, that Eye enjoyed hacking, we had all of the locations of Freiza's men all across the galaxy. With that information at hand, I gave it and several ships to the restored Z-fighters. They wanted payback for their friends that had died and had to be brought back, and those friends wanted revenge for being killed.

It was a win-win situation for me, especially with the androids joining in. I just had to sit back in the communications room at Capsule Corporation and monitor their progress. Even with faster ships, it was going to take years to hunt them all down and remove them from their hideouts and wreck their operations.


Bulma had another child by me, a boy, and she named him Trunks. He had blue hair, albeit a slightly different shade than hers and Bulla's. That meant that if a Future Trunks did show up in this timeline with medicine for Goku, then some other disaster must have happened.

Panchy had a boy named Buxur, and was pregnant with another girl, Nikka. It was such a rare thing that Bulma's older sister, Tights, came home from her intergalactic job for several months. When she found out what the Z-fighters were doing, she called her husband Jaco, an intergalactic policeman, and he immediately issued deputy warrants for them all.

Once the androids knew they were getting paid for every criminal they brought in, their enthusiasm was beyond all expectations. It didn't matter if they actually needed the money, because they didn't. It was just a great reason to not hold back or show restraint.

Chi Chi was ecstatic that Goku and Gohan were actually earning money now. She also had another boy, Goten. Travelling on a spaceship wasn't possible for her now, so she stayed at home and relied on the droids I gave her to take care of everything.


Time moved on and the Z-fighters and androids became stronger with each fight and officially joined the Intergalactic Patrol. I just stayed at home and trained constantly.

Goku became sick while at the Patrol's Galactic Base and he was quickly diagnosed, had surgery and given medicine, and made a full recovery a month later. Chi Chi was relieved, because she was pregnant again. Even with the droids around, taking care of two young kids was taxing on her.

Gohan went to High School and he was one of the best students in the school. He made a lot of friends and he even saved a bunch of them when robbers tried to kidnap them during a school field trip. He was hailed as a hero and one of his classmates, the daughter of Mr. Satan, kissed him for saving her.

Videl loved meeting a strong man like her father and they soon started dating. She claimed they were just training and everyone laughed, because they knew she wasn't going to settle for anyone else.


It took me training for nearly a decade before I reached a thousand times gravity, which was what I suspected Superman's home planet of Krypton was like in the comics. You had to be very tough and strong to survive with a normal humanoid shape on a planet with that much gravity. Practising flying in that environment was torture and drained my energy reserves pretty quickly, so I had to keep trying.

Bulma made massive contributions to the scientific community and to the world, once she had the kids to the age where they could be safely watched by her mother and the droids. She even collaborated with her father to make everyone's lives easier by breaking down a food replicator and reproducing it with Capsule Corporation technology.

I did not ask for copies of the recipes they programmed into the thing. When I moved on from this world, I would be glad to never see another dinosaur steak again. The wild taste was the worst and I wanted normal meat. I couldn't be a bad example for the kids, though. So, I ate what they ate and pretended to like it.

Gohan had a great corporate job and he and Videl were married. Chi Chi couldn't have been prouder, until Videl announced that she was pregnant. Chi Chi almost burst with excitement at the prospect of having a grandchild to spoil so soon.


Life moved on again and I wasn't surprised when nearly everyone refused my rejuvenation offer. They had seen what Dr. Brief and Panchy had gone through and that had convinced them that being young again and having more kids was not what they wanted. Our families were already huge and didn't need to get any bigger, except with more grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Our children kept the underwear naming theme and our grandkids and their grandkids were all variations and in different languages. It was almost funny watching them all trying to think up new names that meant the same thing. Boxers for boys and panties for girls.

On the plus side, Panchy was still smoking hot. She was back to what she looked like when I first arrived and she was still just as horny for playtime as she was way back then. She didn't regret not being able to get pregnant now, though. She had all the kids she wanted with her man, Dr. Brief, and now she was just having fun until she couldn't anymore.

Bulma was also a hot looking older woman now and she and Panchy looked like sisters instead of mother and daughter. Neither of them minded the attention they were getting, because they felt like they deserved it. They had done their time as mothers and passed that stage of their lives. Now it was their time and they were going to use it. I didn't mind that at all.


With no more major conflicts in the world or in the galaxy at large, the people of that universe settled down into a nice and comfortable lifestyle. None of them would ever know that when the Tournament of Power happened and the weaker universes had to fight off against each other to see who would be erased, their universe was exempt from participating because their standard of living was so high.


It had only taken a hundred and fifty years for 18 to get her chance with me. We had both lived our lives with the people we cared about, with me pretending I was growing old with everyone else, then I faked my death of old age after Bulma and Panchy died of old age as well. I left Earth behind and travelled out to where she was living, on Freiza's old planet that I had terraformed for her.

“Finally.” 18 whispered when I stepped off of my ship.

I smiled and kissed her deeply, then I picked her up and brought her into Hogwarts Castle and to her bedroom. We stayed there for nearly ten years as we made love to each other, only taking breaks when we needed to eat, or wanted to watch television, or just wanted to cuddle and hold each other.

“When are you going to move on?” 18 asked.

“How long do universes last, anyway?” I asked her.

She sat up and looked at my face. “Are you serious?”

“Now you know why I didn't mind it when you said you would wait for 200 years for me. That's just a drop of water in the ocean.”

18 smiled warmly. “I never thought someone would ever say that they wanted to stay with me until the universe implodes.”

“Is that not romantic enough?” I asked and she laughed.

“It'll do, John.” 18 said and kissed me. “It'll do.”


Three billion years later, two giant beings stood on their planet and watched the darkening sky.

“Do you think John will like the wish we made for him?” Guru asked his life partner Goru.

“Yes. His unrequited loves and their dopplegangers across dimensions need him as much as he needs them.” Goru said. “We can only hope that it will eventually lead him back to who he truly desires.”

The two giant Namekians stood there and watched as one of their system's suns faded and collapsed. The Universe was dying and its Grand Kai was using up the last of his energy reserves to try and keep it going. It was a losing battle and anyone still alive knew it. This was the end and everyone but the Grand Kai had made peace with that.

“We lived a good life.” Guru whispered as the sun went supernova and then his planet was no more.


“I can't believe we're seeing this.” 18 said ten million years later as we sat on the flight couch of a Firefly and the last bits of mass in the universe compressed together. “How are we staying out of it?”

“Magic. I don't want to let you go.” I said.

“My darling, you have to go. She's waiting for you out there, somewhere.”

“I don't want you to die.” I said and kissed her.

“Unlike you, we all have to die sometime. Some sooner than others.” 18 said. “I am so glad that I met you, John.”

“I'll never forget you, 18.” I whispered and gathered energy up within myself. “I'm sorry that I can't take you with me. Gloria would have loved you as much as I do.”

18 smiled and gave me a long and tender kiss. “Give her that for me when you find her.”

“I will.” I said. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” 18 said and sat back as a bright glow surrounded me. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I said and then my power snapped into place and yanked me out of that universe.


That very second, the magic ended and the ship and 18 were crushed into atoms and the universe imploded and collapsed in on itself. John would never know that he alone had been the only thing holding it back.

A bright light, the light of creation, lit up the eternal darkness as another Big Bang created the universe anew.

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