Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

13 In Arrow (TV Show – Arrowverse)

Here we go, almost 18,000 words for you.

Isabel Rochev stood with one of her guards as she watched the culmination of Malcolm Merlyn's elaborate plan to discredit the Queen family and their company, Queen Consolidated. The pair stood in a secluded spot to watch as the two earthquake devices were set to go off to cause the Undertaking, which would demolish The Glades and end the rampant crime of the impoverished part of the city.

Isabel wasn't involved herself, as she was only brought in recently and a funding contributor, thanks to Slade's manipulation. She had been surprised when Moira Queen went public and held a press conference to try and convince everyone that it was going to happen and to evacuate. Even when she admitted that her company would profit greatly from buying up the cheap properties and developing them after the demolition, no one took her seriously.

It did put Moira Queen solely in the eyes of the public, which served the other conspirators and their interests perfectly. When the plan succeeded, they knew that Moira would be held accountable as the only one to publicly state that she was involved.

Only one of the devices exploded and caused a minor earthquake to devastate the east side of The Glades. Isabel sighed as everything near her shook apart and a few things exploded in the distance, probably gas mains and propane tanks. She knew that Malcolm's plan had failed. With only part of the slums removed, the danger the criminal element presented, was going to be both stronger and worse with no competition from the east side.

There were sparks and snaps near her and Isabel looked up at a nearby power pole to see a large power transformer start to glow with an overload. She didn't get the chance to curse her misfortune when the thing exploded and her guard pushed her out of the way and a bright bolt of electrical energy lit up the entire neighbourhood.

A second later, her guard was just a splash of blood on the wall behind her and something landed at her feet. Isabel looked down at a man that hadn't been there before and she wondered how he had appeared. He also had a massive circular burn on his bare chest, visibly broken arms and legs, and was unconscious.

Isabel seriously debated running away and taking the car back to Stellmoor International, where she was the vice-president and had bought up as many Oueen Consolidated assets as she could to weaken the company. She started to step back and then stopped when her eyes caught a reflected gleam from his hand. She knelt and looked at the man's hand and saw a very expensive old ring on his finger.

Several small lightning bolts flowed over it and Isabel smiled. She knew a potential asset when she saw one, so she took out her phone and called for backup and assistance. Ten minutes later, six guards showed up in a black panel van. One took the car and the others picked up the unconscious man and loaded him into the back of the van.

Unwilling to let a new asset out of her sight, Isabel entered the back of the van and sat beside the man. She wasn't sure why she felt happy by having the man there, considering his arrival killed her personal guard. When the ring glimmered again, she smiled.


“Uhhh.” I groaned and opened my eyes. I was surprised that they worked and I wasn't blind, considering I was blasted through a wall with a massive lightning bolt. I quickly formed dozens of needles around myself and injected where I was hurt, namely my broken arms and legs that were in thin casts and two into my sore chest.

I heard shuffling nearby and looked around the room and didn't see anyone, which meant someone was guarding the door. While I waited to heal, I looked around the room again and saw that the decor was that of an expensive room. It was slightly ornate and not gaudy, which meant whoever designed it had the perfect balance of looking rich and being functional at the same time.

I laid there quietly and didn't move until the door opened and I almost choked when a very beautiful woman entered the room. She had long and wavy dark hair down to the middle of her back and looked to be around thirty years of age.

She also looked exactly like River.

“I see you're awake.” River said and walked over to me.

I felt energy flowing through me as my Prismatic Regeneration finished and waited until she was close enough before I made my move. I flexed my arms and legs and shattered the casts before jumping to my feet to stand right in front of her. She hadn't flinched or even moved away as she looked into my eyes.

“River.” I whispered and cupped the sides of her face with my hands as I bent down to gently kiss her. An image called 'Ravager' appeared in my head and I smiled as it said 'Trained Assassin'. “Please tell me that you aren't seeing anyone or are planning to get married in the near future.”

River shook her head and I smiled warmly at her.

I swiped my hand at the bed using the Force and the debris and dirty blankets were flung aside. That made her raise her eyebrows at me. I turned to her and put my hands on her shoulders as I dissolved my clothing away.

“Do you really think I'm going to let you do what you want to me?” River asked as a knife appeared in her hand from somewhere and she pressed it to my throat.

“I'm way past the point of caring if you really are my River or not, so I'm going to put you in this bed and I'm going to fuck you so much that you won't be able to scream my name loud enough to tell me to stop.”

River blinked her eyes at me for several moments. “That... actually sounds kind of nice.”

“I knew you would see it that way.” I said and moved the knife away from my throat and picked her up in a princess carry before I laid her down on the bed.

“You know I could kill you when you least expect it.” River said.

“That's why I didn't take the knife from you.” I said and pulled off her sensible shoes and then her socks. I kissed the soles of her feet and then ran my hands up her pant legs and reached her waist.

“Tear them off.” River whispered.

I smiled and slid my hands to her hips and then pulled. Her body jerked from the motion and she blushed slightly, then she bit her lip and licked it. I pulled her individual pant legs down her legs and off over her feet.

“How strong are you?” River asked me as I climbed into the bed.

“I was severely weakened by travelling here.” I said and glanced at my new ring. “If it wasn't for this thing overcharging my ability, I would be as weak as a normal man right now.”

“What is it?” River asked and she tried to touch it. It sparked and she pulled her hand away.

“It's mine.” I whispered and then kissed her.

River responded only a little and broke the kiss. “Please, tell me.”

“Thor's Ring of Storms. It has the ability to charge up someone's innate ability to the point of it not costing anything to activate.”

“I heard a very distinct 'but' there.”

“You need to survive putting the ring on.” I said and held it out towards the window. The sound of thunder came from outside and rain started to pelt the window. I used the Force to open it and a single small bolt of lightning snapped through the window and hit the ring, making it glow.

“Oh, my.” River purred.

“Imagine that about ten times bigger hitting your chest.” I said and waved a hand to cancel the storm and then closed the window.

River caught her breath when she looked at my healed chest. “H-how?”

“A specially engineered biomedical fluid that induces rapid healing.” I said and started to unbutton her top.

“Allow me.” River said and pulled her top open, popped all the buttons, and flung the blouse off.

“It's taken me a very long time to realize how stupid I was to not see you for who you could have been.” I said and kissed her.

“You know I'm not River, whoever she is.” River said.

“I told you, I don't care anymore. I'm going to have you and you're never going to want for anything else for your entire life.”

She blinked her eyes at me for a few moments. “Are you saying what I think you're saying?”

“Ask for it and it's yours.” I said and she had such desire on her face that it reminded me of Leena. I let those feelings fill me up and her last words to me echoed in my head. Things will work out, I promise.

River kissed me passionately and then we were rolling around on the bed as if neither of us had had sex in forever. Her hands and lips were everywhere on me and I did the same to her. I licked her dripping womanhood and she tasted like heaven, so I licked her all over the inside and outside, which made her scream with pleasure.

She rolled me over and dove for my erection as she showed me that she wasn't inexperienced. When I was close, I told her and she gave me a very wicked grin and moved her hand like a jackhammer. Just as I was about to blow, she mounted me and shoved me right inside of her.

“OOOHHHHH!” We both yelled together as I filled her up in both respects. She orgasmed from me orgasming inside of her and she dropped down to lay on my chest. She shivered and twitched from aftershocks and she took several deep breaths.

“Jesus... Jesus H. Christ.” She whispered. “I've never... that was...”

“Fucking spectacular.” I said and she giggled, then she laughed. “Want to keep going?”

“I never want to stop.” She said and sat up, moaned a little, then she started to rock her hips.

“You look so beautiful.” I said and reached up to cup her breasts, then I slid my hands up to her face. “Even naked.”

She barked a laugh and her movements faltered. “Don't... make me laugh. This is some... serious sex... we're having.”

“You have no idea.” I said and sat up to roll her over. “I'm just getting started.”

“What... mmmm... what's your name?” She asked me. “I want to know... what to scream.”

I leaned down to get a good angle inside of her and kept moving at a great pace to make her pant. “I'll tell you... when I'm done.”

Her eyes widened when she realized that my words would be true. She couldn't scream my name to tell me to stop, if she didn't know my name.

I grinned at tricking her and then kissed her hard. She moaned loudly and kissed me back harder.


“They're still going at it.” One of the guards said the next day.

“We should deliver breakfast or something.” The other guard said.

The first guard gave him a look. “Do you want to interrupt her?”

The second guard's face paled slightly. “You're right. They'll ask if they want anything.”

The first guard nodded and they stood there and listened to the sounds of sex, a lot of moaning, and the occasional screaming rant about wanting to know the guy's name to tell him to stop.

It made them chuckle every time.


I was on my side late the next day and cuddled behind the woman I had thoroughly pleasured and pleased myself with. I held her tenderly and lovingly. “My name's John. John Hansen.”

“I'm...” She croaked with a dry cough.

I lightly touched her throat and healed her.

“Isabel Rochev.” She said in a normal voice. “What did you just do?”

“I healed you.” I said and put my arm back down to cup one of her breasts. They were firm and very nice, so I was reluctant to let them go, now that I've held them.

“How?” Isabel asked.

“Magic.” I whispered and closed my eyes as I let out a satisfied sigh.

“Don't you dare go to sleep. We haven't eaten since yesterday.” Isabel said in a stern voice.

I opened my eyes and waved beside the bed. A table full of food appeared there. “Go ahead. It's all within reach.” I said and kissed the back of her head. “Wake me when you decide what you want.”

“I want Queen Consolidated.” Isabel said. “I need enough capital to...”

“How much?” I asked and created another table.

“At least a hundred million to...” Isabel started to say.

I used all of the Gold and Silver Jewels that I had refused to use in the last world, because I didn't want to sacrifice them, and piles and piles of local currency dropped onto the bed and then covered the floor.

“I'm too tired to count it right now.” I said and took a deep breath and let it out. “Have fun with that.”

I felt Isabel sit up and look around the room.

“Can you do that again?” Isabel asked.

“In about twelve hours.” I said and she caught her breath. “It used to be daily when I first got them. The more powerful I became, the quicker I could use them.”

“Now you're at only twelve hours.” Isabel said.

“No, I'm back down to twelve hours. I had them up to ten minutes.” I said and she turned to glare at me. “Staring at me won't make me more powerful. Sorry. Only time and moving around can do that.”

“Then get up off your lazy ass and get moving!” Isabel spat.

I chuckled and opened my eyes to look at her. “I didn't mean walking around the apartment. I meant crossing the planet... and then the moon. Lots of colorless magic on the moon.”

Isabel stared at me.

“Right, I haven't explained yet.” I said and sat up as I cast Ennervate on myself. “I was too busy enjoying you to worry about the little things like learning your name.”

“You look a lot chipper now. What did you do?”

“Energize spell.” I said and tapped the tip of her nose with my index finger and cast it on her, too.

Isabel gasped and sat up straight. “Oh, my god!”

“Well, now that I'm up, I might as well help you count this stuff.” I said and used the Force to pick up all of the money and created several automated money counting machines.

Isabel sat there, quite stunned, as I separated the money and let the machines count it and strap it into bundles. It took twenty minutes to get through it all and I created nice metal briefcases to pack it all in.

“Okay, even I'm surprised. I didn't realize how many local money generators I had, because I usually only used a few at a time and never all of them.” I said.

We both marvelled at the fifteen briefcases, because each of them were filled with bundles of cash.

“Three hundred and fifty million dollars.” Isabel whispered as she read the receipts from the machines.

“Is that enough?” I asked.

“I needed a hundred million for the deposit and I was going to look for investors to pay for the rest.” Isabel said.

“You don't need any investors besides myself. If you need more collateral right away, I can give you about half a million tons of pure gold that was mined from asteroids.”

Isabel's mouth dropped open from shock.

“No, wait. I'm sure that's too much, right? It's been a long time since I worried about things like that.” I said and lightly chuckled. “I'm sure the economy can't handle that much at once.”

Isabel sat there in silence for several minutes, still completely naked, and stared at me the whole time.

“Well, we better get dressed and eat.” I said and stood her up, then snapped my fingers as I cleaned us both up and then I created a nice dress suit for her and switched it with the air around her body. I also put her things into her appropriate pockets. She didn't react, so I gave her a quick kiss and formed my Firefly outfit around myself and left off the Haymaker.

I created two chairs and moved them over to the table and sat her down in one and I sat on the other. Isabel shook herself and gave me a pointed look, then she gathered up some food and started eating. I did the same and the two of us ate in complete silence until we were full. We both stood at the same time and I waved my had to dismiss the food, table, and chairs.

“Just so we're clear. I'm not in love with you and never will be. I'm in this for my own purposes and I am going to use and abuse you as much as possible for everything that you can give me, whether you like it or not.” Isabel said in a stern voice.

I stepped close to her and looked into her eyes. “I'm not on my normal path for some reason. Until I do manage to break out of this odd loop I'm in, I'm not going to worry about the little things.” I ran my hand through her hair and combed it with my fingers. “This is the first time I've had someone actually need me, so I'm going to do everything in my power to help you.”

Isabel looked back into my eyes. “Don't you care what my motivation is?”

“Of course I do.” I said and cupped the side of her face. “I won't pressure you into telling me, though. I'm here for you. If you want to tell me and believe it will motivate me more, I'll listen to whatever you have to say.”

Isabel gave me a searching look, then she nodded. “Come with me.”

“Yes, my lady.” I said and stood at attention as the briefcases lifted from the floor and formed into a stack behind me. “Lead the way.”

Isabel smiled at me and she led me from the room. The two guards didn't react to us leaving, so my theory that they could easily hear inside the room was correct. It also meant that they had heard everything that had happened in there.

“Never embarrass my lady.” I warned them. “Her private business is exactly that. Private.”

“Who are you to-HURK!” The guard choked as I gripped his throat with the Force.

“From now on, I am her personal shadow. Even if you don't see me, I will be right there.” I said. “Spread the word that talk among yourselves is fine. Talk to anyone else is an actionable offence.” I glared at the other guard and then back at the one I held. I let him go and he sucked in a deep breath. “Understood?”

“Y-yes, sir.” “Yessir.” The two guards said at the same time.

“Excellent.” I said and pat them on the shoulders. “Expect big bonuses this year. My lady is buying out Queen Consolidated.”

Both men looked surprised and Isabel nodded to them before she continued to walk on. I followed her and the two guards didn't ask about the metal briefcases following us.

When we reached her office, Isabel sat behind her desk and pointed to a spot beside it. I put the cases there and then walked around behind her desk and stood there at her right side and back slightly. She gave me a questioning look for a moment, then she smiled again.

“You're really going to become one of my henchmen?” Isabel asked.

“No. You no longer need others.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “Ask me what you want and I'll have it done.”

“What if I asked you to kill someone?” Isabel asked.

“I will remove them from this world.” I said, honestly.

Isabel gave me another questioning look for a moment, then she nodded. She turned back to her desk and opened the laptop there. She typed a few things and then she turned her head quickly towards me to see if I was looking over her shoulder. She almost seemed disappointed that my eyes were straight forward and not looking at what she was doing.

What she didn't know was that Eye was pilfering her computer systems from his hidden pocket behind my back and under my jacket. He would get everything I needed to know about this world from that.

“Get me a cup of coffee.” Isabel said.

“Right away.” I said and created a large pot of coffee that I served on Voyager a dozen times a day. “100% Columbian Grown and freshly brewed.” I said and poured out a cup for her. “Careful, it's hot.”

Isabel gave me a surprised look as I held the cup out to her. “What else can you create?”

“That depends on what you want.” I asked her.

“An indestructible sword.” Isabel said.

“What style?” I asked and her eyes widened. “Giving a woman of your lithe build a generic sword would be stupid.”

“A katana. Three feet long with a western grip.” Isabel said. “Right handed draw.”

I nodded and held a hand out towards her desk and created one for her.

Isabel immediately stood and grabbed it, yanked it from its sheath, and swung it around towards my neck. My shield activated and deflected it. She gasped and stared at me.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a nice necklace and pendant. “I have one for you, too.”

Isabel didn't say anything as she stood there with the sword in her hand.

“No, I don't have to drop the shield to give it to you.” I said and floated it over to lay it on the desk. “It's up to you to wear it. I will protect you, no matter what you decide.”

Isabel stared at me or another few minutes before she sheathed the sword and hung it on the back of her chair for an easy draw, then she slipped the necklace on. “Attack me.”

“No.” I said.

“I ordered you to attack me. Do it.” Isabel said.

“No.” I said and turned to face her. “I promised to never hurt you and to protect you. Attacking you won't let me keep that promise.”

“This shield will protect me.”

“Only from physical attacks including energy beam weapons.” I said and she took in a sharp breath.

“Can you give me protection from whatever attack you can do?” Isabel asked.

“No. There's no defense for it.” I said and she looked both intrigued and greedy. “No, I can't teach it to you.”

Isabel frowned. “You are starting to disappoint me.”

“Only because you are trying to figure out how to take what I know for yourself and not rejoicing in the fact that I am completely and totally yours to do with as you wish.” I said and stepped close to her.

Isabel braced for a hit and I smiled as I gently reached for her hair and combed through it with my fingers. Her eyes widened at me not activating her shield. I stepped back and resumed my post, my point made.

“Don't you have a financial situation to examine?” I asked and she glared at me, then she sighed and nodded before she sat down and resumed her computer search.

When Isabel started to laugh and typed faster, she laughed even harder.

“May I asked what happened?”

“Queen Consolidated stock is dropping through the floor. Oliver has apparently fled and his mother is rumored to be facing criminal charges for her involvement in setting up the destruction of The Glades.” Isabel said with satisfaction.

“Then your desire will be fulfilled long before you expected.” I said and Isabel's eyes went to the stack of metal briefcases. “It's really all yours. I suggest buying the stock before the price drops too low. Someone else might swoop in and steal it from you.”

Isabel gasped and grabbed the phone on her desk. She had a hurried conversation with her stock broker and had a little difficulty convincing him to buy it for the same reason. He was adamant for her to wait until near closing for the day and she gave me a pointed look.

I shook my head and mouthed the word 'now'.

Isabel nodded and ordered the man to buy it all now and she would have the money deposited in her account in an hour.

“Ask for confirmation of the purchase.” I whispered.

Isabel frowned at me and covered the receiver of the phone. “I've never needed it before.”

“He's not going to listen to you and he's going to wait and make a huge profit selling you the shares at your chosen price after buying them cheaper himself.”

Isabel gave me a surprised look.

“It's what I would do if I was an underhanded stock broker looking to get rich quick and not only earn commissions.” I said.

“Dammit! You're right.” Isabel said and quickly explained to the man that she wanted the purchase and the confirmation either in her computer or on her desk. If she didn't have it immediately she would ensure he would be exposed as a fraud and a liar for cheating her. When he tried to protest, Isabel yelled at him to just do it or she would have his balls removed and shoved down his throat.

Ten minutes later, Isabel had a full 60% ownership of Queen Consolidated and was extremely pleased. Everyone that wasn't a member of the Queen Family had been almost grateful to offload the stock at a reasonable price, considering the family was falling apart. She had done some discreet inquiries around her broker's sphere of influence and she was happy to learn that he really did buy all available stock at the current price.

The stock was still going down, though.

“You need to release a statement that you're going to save the company from mismanagement, now that you own it.” I said and she gave me a strange look. “You want the employees and the public to be happy that you've succeeded, not let it continue to fall apart.”

Isabel gave me a squinted-eyed and accusing look. “Are you a business expert now? What makes you think I want to save that asshole's company?”

It was my turn to blink my eyes at her for several moments. “My apologies, my lady. Perhaps if you explain the asshole's actions, I can understand better what you wish to accomplish.”

Isabel lost the accusing look. “I suppose I can tell you, now that I control it all.” She said and stood. “Bring the cases. I'll explain on the way to depositing the money.”

“Yes, my lady.” I said and floated the cases up to follow us.

Isabel led me from her office and down to the parking garage. “I suppose I have to quit this job, now that I'm CEO of a rival company.”

“Why? If you own it, just make it a subsidiary and play it off as giving yourself a challenge.” I said.

Isabel stopped walking to give me a surprised look. “I suppose you can drive, too.”

“Among other things.” I said and waved at an empty space to create a black Hummer.

Isabel stared at the thing and then watched as I put the cases in the rear hatch. I walked around to open the passenger side door for her and helped her step up into it to sit down. I reached in and buckled her seatbelt for her and she gave me an amused look.

“Trust me, you'll need it.” I said with a smirk and walked around to enter the driver's side. As a quick update, I switched the plates with those of another company vehicle.

“I don't need you getting speeding tickets.” Isabel said.

“No one will even see us, my lady.” I said and started it up, then I stepped on the gas and drove out of the parking garage. “I haven't been to Starling City before, so please direct me where to go.”

“I thought you said you could drive.” Isabel said and gave me an irritated look. “I'm not from here, either.”

I nodded and slowed down at the next stop light and pulled Eye from behind my back. “GPS please.”

“Beep beep boop.” Eye responded as I stuck him to the dashboard.

“I know it's too simple for you, that's why I asked.” I said and it beeped sadly. “Don't worry, little buddy. You're going to have access to Queen Consolidated's secured computers soon.”


“I knew that would make you happy.” I said and glanced at Isabel, who looked stunned. “What's the bank's address?”

“I don't carry stuff like that around with me. It's on my computer.” Isabel said with a huff. “And you better not tell me you're actually having a conversation with whatever that thing is.”


I chuckled. “I haven't told her anything yet.”

A series of beeps and boops came out of him and the screen showed the address.

“Thanks, buddy.” I said and the light changed to green. “Hold on to something.”

“Why?” Isabel asked.

“I believe the park is the quickest way to get there.” I said and stepped on the gas and crossed the intersection and then drove up and over the sidewalk and through a large manicured hedgerow. “I forgot about how smooth this thing is to drive. Never mind holding on.”

“You're insane!” Isabel said as I swerved around people and drove over several small hills and through a pond.

“I told you I wasn't going to worry about the small things anymore.” I said and saw a nice sloping hill. “Okay, you really should hold on now. I'm clearing that jump to get back onto the street.”

“No!” Isabel gasped as I stepped on the gas.

She grabbed onto the strap above the door just in time as the Hummer went up and over the hill, soared through the air over several people's heads and two cars, then it dropped onto all four wheels and skidded slightly before the tires dug into the pavement and I drove us down the street.

“You really are insane!” Isabel exclaimed.

“No doubt.” I said and ignored the red light as I slammed on the brakes and skidded the Hummer sideways and took the corner like a professional race car driver in an Indy race.

Isabel stared at me and I laughed.

“I told you I could drive.” I said and there wasn't a parking spot near the address, so I pulled up into the alleyway and came to a stop.

“You can't leave this here.” Isabel said. “You'll get a parking ticket.”

“You saw me make the thing.” I said and slipped Eye behind my back before I hopped out and ran over to her side. I opened her door and held my hand out for her to take.

Isabel gave me a little glare, then she sighed and took my hand. I helped her climb down and then took her into my arms and held her for a moment. She gave me a questioning look when I let her go.

“I wanted to remind you that despite the wild ride, I would never put you in danger that could get you hurt.”

“I am not some delicate flower that needs to be coddled.” Isabel said, slightly angry.

“No, you're not. You are a strong and independent woman that hasn't had someone to look after her for a long time.” I said and she lost the angry look. “I'm here now and you don't have to worry anymore.”

“Only when it comes to you.” Isabel said with a little smile.

“Touche.” I said and went to the back of the Hummer and pretended to pull out a large rolling cart and loaded the briefcases onto it. The fifteen cases barely fit, so I strapped them together. I dismissed the Hummer and she watched it fade away.

“That could be very handy.” Isabel said and led me inside the bank. “You're lucky that they are used to receiving large deposits.”

“I could say the same about you.” I whispered and it took her a moment to get it.

Isabel blushed and then she glared at me.

“You look so cute when to make a face like that.” I said and darted forward to give her a quick kiss. “Lead on, my lady.”

Isabel held the glare for a moment, then sighed and walked over to the secretary in front of the offices and not towards a teller. “I'm Isabel Rochev. I don't have an appointment; but, I need to make an emergency deposit to cover a stock purchase. Is Mr. Hampton available?”

The secretary smiled. “I'll check. Give me a moment.”

Isabel nodded and the woman stood and walked over to the clearly occupied office. A few words were exchanged and the man made a startled sound and stood to look out the open door of his office. He made another sound when he saw the cases of money and then he smiled widely.

“Please do come in, Miss Rochev.” The man said, happily. “Thank you, Rosalee.”

The secretary nodded and stepped out of the way to let us get by.

What followed was a lot of posturing, a small banking fee for the emergency, and a giggling man as he counted out one of the cases of money. I switched out the partial case of money for a full one to cover the fees and things. He checked each case after the one he counted and he was happy that each one had 24 million dollars for a grand total of 360 million.

Isabel gave me a look while the man was distracted. She was going to ask where the extra 10 million came from, because I said I couldn't generate any more cash until tomorrow. I smiled and winked at her and she squinted her eyes at me, which meant I was going to get verbally assaulted as soon as we were alone.

The account manager approved the deposit and most of the money was electronically sent out to other banks, leaving about 50 million in Isabel's account. He thanked Isabel profusely for using his bank and for making him so happy.

Isabel almost scoffed at him before I distracted her with a hand on her arm. She gave me a pointed look and I gave her a warm and loving smile. She sighed slightly and we left Mr. Hampton in his office as he dreamed about the huge bonus he was going to receive for having such huge transactions happen through his bank with so many rich clients from over a dozen other banks.

We went to the alley and I created another Hummer and opened the door for her to get in and then helped her do so and buckled her in.

“You do realize I'm going to get extremely annoyed with you if you keep doing this.” Isabel said.

“I know.” I said and paused to looked into her eyes. “I just can't help myself sometimes. I'm just so happy to finally be with you that everything else is almost meaningless.”

“Almost?” Isabel asked and her hand reached up to touch my chest.

“Yes. I gained a copy of the Bank and it creates a hundred thousand dollars of local currency every minute.” I said and she caught her breath. “Depositing so much money at once raised it up from ten thousand dollars an hour.”

Isabel gave me a searching look. “Is that where the extra money came from?”

“No. I copied one of the briefcases.” I said and gave her a kiss as I made another one and put it on her lap. “It's one of my abilities, now that I've gained some lands back.”

“I don't understand.” Isabel said and then she felt the weight of the briefcase on her lap. “No!”

I chuckled as she scrambled to open the thing. I closed her door and went around to the other side and climbed in. Isabel sat there, stunned, at the 24 million dollars in her lap. I reached over and pet her hair again, put Eye on the dashboard before I started the Hummer, and drove out of the end of the alley.

“Queen Consolidated's main building.” I said to him and the GPS drew a line to let me cross as many lands as possible to get there across the city. I smiled and stepped on the gas. “Thanks, Eye.”


I reached back over to tap Isabel's shoulder to get her attention. “You had a story to tell.”

Isabel blinked her eyes at me and then she looked around at how I was driving. “You're driving on the actual street like a normal person.”

“Your story is important for me to learn, so I'm taking the long way to get to your new acquisition.” I said and she smiled. “So, fill me in.”

“I may... if you ask properly.” Isabel teased.

“My dearest lady, my ignorance knows no bounds in the financial world you've just conquered.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “Please enlighten this lowly grunt of your desperate fight to get revenge on the dastardly Queen Family.”

Isabel looked surprised for a moment, then she looked pleased. “At least you know your place.”

“It is always under you, my lady.” I said.

Isabel blushed slightly, then she told me how it all started. She had been a bright and fresh new student at university and made excellent grades in her business courses. She was noticed in her second year by Robert Queen and offered an internship at Queen Consolidated. She accepted, because even back then, she was the aspiring woman she was meant to be.

The affair started almost immediately and she fell deeply in love with the man and he with her. They were almost inseparable because they went everywhere together. Conferences, business meetings, and his bedroom at the Queen Mansion. His wife Moira knew all about it. They had been separated and slept in separate wings at the mansion.

Robert had convinced Isabel to run away with him, to leave everything behind and to take the liquidated company assets and start a new life somewhere else. Isabel had agreed and gave up everything else in her life. Her apartment, her friends, her school, and everything else.

Then Thea Queen had fallen from a horse and almost died.

Robert refused to leave until he saw her and left Isabel at the airport... and never came back. Their flight left without the two passengers and Isabel went to find him. What she discovered was that she had been blacklisted at all Queen properties and her internship had been cancelled.

Robert wouldn't return her calls or meet with her and she found out from her replacement that Robert had changed his mind and decided to stay and take care of Thea, even though she was Malcolm's daughter and not his own.

Isabel stopped talking as tears rolled down her cheeks and with heartbreak clearly on her face.

I pulled over and parked the Hummer. Unhooked her seatbelt, and gently lifted her across the seat to sit her on my lap. I held her tenderly and rubbed her back and she started sobbing pretty hard. I didn't whisper sweet nothings to her or promised her that everything would be okay. I had promised to never hurt her and I wasn't going to start lying to her now.

Isabel clung onto me and cried her heart out for quite some time. When she was done, I wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and I saw the resolve in them. “You are to never speak of this to anyone. Ever.”

“My dearest lady, I will treasure this moment forever.” I said and she leaned away slightly. “You let me comfort you in your time of need. I couldn't have asked for a greater gift from you than that.”

Isabel gave me a searching look. “You mean that.”

“With all my heart.” I said and kept rubbing her back. “Even if you haven't consciously chosen to trust me yet, unconsciously, you are already all in and letting me serve my purpose.”

“Your purpose is to let me cry?” Isabel asked, a little perturbed.

“No, that hurts my heart to see you in so much pain.” I said and used my free hand to lightly stroke her cheek. “I told you before that my sole purpose is to help you as much as I can. Being a sounding board for you or someone for you to cry on when it's necessary, is exactly what I meant.”

“This... this is never happening again.” Isabel said with steel in her voice.

“I know.” I said and gave her a light kiss. “You've confided in me and you won't suffer like that again.”

Isabel squinted her eyes at me. “I'm still going to use and abuse you as much as possible.”

“I would expect nothing less from you, my lady.” I said.

Isabel nodded and started to move. I held on and she gave me a questioning look. I just smiled at her and put the Hummer in gear and started to drive. She started to lean back and out of my way and I used my hand on her back to stop her.

“You can't drive with me like this. You can't see.” Isabel said.

“I'm seeing everything in this world that I need to see.” I said and kept looking into her eyes. “Nothing else matters to me.”

Isabel stared into my eyes, as if she was looking to see if I would ever break eye contact and look out the windshield. I didn't. Her eyes widened slightly for each passing moment as I drove with her right in my way. I gained fifteen more lands by the time we reached Queen Consolidated and I parked in the large parking lot.

“You... you didn't look away.” Isabel whispered.

“I never will.” I promised.

“What if... what if I told you that... I paid Malcolm to have Robert and Oliver disposed of?”

“Are they dead?” I asked.

“Robert is. Oliver was shipwrecked and became an assassin and killed hundreds of people around the world before he came back to Starling City and then killed several prominent corporation owners as The Hood.”

“Have you taken revenge on Malcolm for not doing as you asked?”

Isabel caught her breath. “I... no, I... I didn't think...”

“Perhaps another ruined career and another hostile takeover is in order?” I asked.

Isabel let a smile grow on her face.

“Let's go pilfer Queen's things and see what goodies he has for you.” I said and she nodded.

Isabel started to move off of my lap and stopped to give me a pointed look, then she kissed me deeply. “Keep pleasing me with ideas like that and I might let you lick my feet again.”

I beamed a smile at her, because I knew she loved it when I did that to her. “Yes, my lady.”


Two months later, Felicity Smoak was concerned when she saw the financial reports. Isabel Rochev had taken the financial world by storm and had bought out two large conglomerates with hostile takeovers and she had her eye on a third. With Moira Queen in jail, no one was left to vote their family shares and Isabel was ruthless in her business practices.

Things were also starting to get desperate in The Glades. Two new crime lords had emerged from the destruction of the east side and had split up the west side between them. The worst part were the rumors of a gang called The Hoods that were taking things a bit too far in their retaliation over The Glades being ruined. They blamed the rich for it and robbed them when they could.

Felicity knew that she and Oliver's old bodyguard John Diggle would have to do something about it all. Something drastic and shocking.

They would have to go to Oliver's island retreat Lian Yu and convince him to return to save Starling City.


“It's happening.” Isabel said as her surveillance drones showed her Smoak and Diggle leaving on a private plane to fly to Lian Yu. She looked up from the monitor to give me a pointed look. “As soon as you get the chance, I want Oliver taken care of.”

“Yes, my lady. He will not be a problem for you much longer.” I said.

“Good.” Isabel said and changed feeds to look at the nightclub that Thea had taken over after Oliver's absence. “I regret ever telling Malcolm I wouldn't take out my anger on Thea. It's her fault my life was ruined.”

I put a hand on her shoulder and she turned her head to look at me. “Buy out the nearby nightclub and make it the 'happening' place to be. Malcolm can't trace a subsidiary business back to you under shell companies. You can ruin her without actually confronting her at all.”

Isabel smiled warmly at me and kicked off her shoes. She pushed her chair back from her desk and leaned back to present her feet to me. “You may claim your reward.”

“Thank you, my lady.” I said and she started to moan and squirm as I gave her a foot massage and kissed and licked her sore feet for her. I had barely finished one set of 'My Little Piggy' before she had me on the floor and was kissing me passionately and rode me hard.


Oliver Queen returned to Starling City with Felicity Smoak and John Diggle, only to find his company had already been taken over. He reluctantly went to see Thea who had snatched up his club Verdant, which was now struggling from fierce competition. She told him all about Isabel swooping in and buying out the rest of the company's public shares and that she was debating selling her own.

Roy Harper, Thea's boyfriend, worked at the club and he and Thea were back in a relationship together. He stumbled into the club with Oliver there and he was bruised and battered from going out at night and having fights with criminals. Roy pointed out that someone had to stand for something like The Hood did and Oliver left the club feeling frustrated.

The next day, the Mayor of Starling City discussed the vigilante situation with the District Attorney right before a press conference about Moira Queen's sentencing. Laurel Lance arrived and revealed that she was working with the DA to help investigate the rampant crime in the city.

The Mayor is pleased to hear that they were being proactive in cleaning up his city and took to the stage to make his speech. He was barely at the part about The Glades when the event was attacked by four men calling themselves 'The Hoods'. They were imposters of the original Hood and were perverting what he stood for.

Unfortunately, during the confrontation with the police, the Mayor and several cops are killed by them. One of the Hood members even threatened the DA and another threatened Laurel for investigating them. Laurel wasn't having it and punched the man out with one shot, only to see a gun aimed at her face. After a short and tense standoff, sirens are heard and the other two Hoods pick up the unconscious one.

“We gotta go!” One exclaimed and they ran off to their stashed getaway vehicle.

“You won't always be as lucky as you were today, Lance.” The Hood with the gun said and slowly walked backwards away from her, then he turned and ran.

Laurel's father, Quentin Lance, arrived with the rest of the police force and Laurel finds out that he has been demoted from Detective to Beat Cop. Oliver arrived as well and he and Laurel soon get into a heated argument over how she regretted sleeping with him and how she felt like she cheated on Tommy, despite being in a relationship with Oliver first.

Once again, Oliver left feeling frustrated that his good friend blamed him for it when they both were involved. It wasn't like he didn't care about Tommy. In fact, it should have been him that died and not Tommy, and Laurel knew that.

Back at the Hood's old lair, Oliver confronted John Diggle about being tricked into coming back and being duped to try and save his family's company, when they only wanted him there to stop the Hoods.

Almost at the same moment, The Hoods watched the news reports about the Mayor's murder and are annoyed that despite them killing the Mayor, Oliver's return was still the front news. That gave them the motivation to attack Oliver directly and a plan was quickly hatched.

They had an inside man at the mansion that let them know that Oliver had a meeting with Isabel about her taking over Queen Consolidated and he wanted to buy controlling interest back. That was when they would strike and the world would finally acknowledge them.


“Remember, as soon as you get the chance.” Isabel whispered to me as we stood in Oliver's old office.

“I thought you wanted to play with his emotions first.” I said and pet her hair.

Isabel looked conflicted and I bent down to kiss her softly on the lips.

“I'll wait for the right moment and then no one will suspect it was you that got rid of him.”

Isabel looked happy about that and nodded.

“Miss Rochev, Oliver Queen... and party... are here for their appointment.” The secretary's voice said from the intercom.

Isabel pushed the button. “Send them in.” She said and let the button go. “He's already trying to intimidate me by having more people at the meeting than I do.”

“It's too bad that won't work for him.” I said and changed my clothing into my supersuit costume and crossed my arms as I let some of my Chi out as intimidation.

“Oh... oh, my.” Isabel whispered and licked her lips. “That's tasty.”

I winked at her and nodded to her office door as it opened. Isabel turned just in time to see a pleasant sight.

Oliver Queen, John Diggle, and Felicity Smoak had entered the room and stopped walking when they saw me. Felicity's mouth hung open, Diggle looked worried, and Oliver looked shocked.

Isabel looked like she was trying hard to not laugh as she took several moments to compose herself. “Mr. Queen. We finally meet in person.”

Oliver shook himself and walked over to her. He walked with purpose and started to reach a hand out... and I was there instantly to knock it away and put my finger to his chest and poked him.

“No one touches my lady with anger in their heart or without her permission.” I said in a deep voice and glared at him. “Do so again at your peril.”

Oliver blinked his eyes at me for a moment and then he glared back.

“Hansen.” Isabel said and I disappeared from in front of Oliver and reappeared behind and slightly off to the side of her. The others looked stunned at what just happened.

“Is... is that what the 'H' on your chest is for?” Felicity asked as she walked over to stand beside Oliver.

“No. It stands for 'Hers'.” I said and Isabel smiled.

“You have a lapdog. How quaint.” Oliver said as Diggle walked up behind him.

“I am whatever my lady wants me to be.” I responded.

“A killer?” Diggle asked, almost as a challenge.

“Do you ask Oliver the same thing?” I responded and Felicity caught her breath. “Yes, you unsuccessful little computer hacker. I know all about Oliver's illicit lifestyle choices that you tried to bury before he returned to Starling City the first time.”

“No! I destroyed... I made sure...”

“Backups of backups?” I asked and she had a sad face. I looked at Oliver. “You did a bad job in Russia, Mr. Queen. I'm surprised the League of Assassins would let you leave after that utter failure.”

“I succeeded in that mission.” Oliver defended himself.

“Only an idiot would call that mess a success.” I said and he glared at me. “You pretty much relied on others to do the work for you and revealed everything to the Russian Mafia. That is not how the League of Assassins work. At all.”

“Enough.” Isabel said and I bowed my head to her. “Oliver's not here to be humiliated... in that way.”

I smiled as both Diggle and Felicity sighed.

“Your company is all mine, Mr Queen.” Isabel said. “I've already sold off the immaterial assets and shifted the main focus into producing the updated version of Mirakuru that I am calling Miracle.”

“No!” Oliver gasped. “You can't! You'll have an army of crazy psychopaths and...”

Isabel laughed and stopped his tirade. “You are behind the times, Mr. Queen. My trusted companion has already fixed the flawed formula , improved it, and provided me with the means to grow and produce the needed ingredients.”

“You...” Oliver glared at me. “You'll plunge this city into a warzone!”

“No, you did that. Your overbearing tactics, your murders, your thirst for death, have done that.” I said and he looked surprised. “Your own actions led to The Glades downfall and its resurgence as a crime-infested cesspool. You even have a gang of murderers prancing around the city in your name...”

The office doors slammed open and three men dressed as The Hood strode in. Two with machine guns and one with a shotgun.

“Oliver Queen! You have failed this city!” One of them said as the man with the shotgun aimed at him.

“NOOO!” Felicity screamed as Diggle pulled a pistol out and both that and the shotgun went off.

I immediately cast Stasis on the entire room and everything froze in place. I used the Force to touch Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle to gain images of them and smiled when Oliver's image was called 'The Hood - Retired'. I created an identical copy of him and shoved Oliver into my Azkaban Prison and 'out of play'.

“I want you to play along and get shot.” I said and The Hood nodded to me. “I'll heal you after I kill the murderers and your new friends will take you out of here and back to their hideout. Once there, plant a connection for Eye and see what they're all about. Don't agree with anything, just listen and then talk to me.”

“Yes, father.”

“Good man.” I said and positioned him to take the shot to the shoulder. “Your name is Hood and you can answer to Oliver.”

Hood nodded. “This is going to hurt.”

“Oh! I can apply some of the bacta needle's numbing fluid.” I said and did just that.

“Thank you.”

“Okay, I better get back to where I was. This is going to be fun!”

“Only for you, father.” Hood said and I laughed and went back to my spot.

I obliviated the Hoods, Diggle, and Felicity of the last couple of minutes and cancelled the Stasis. Utter chaos was unleashed. Hood was shot and jumped back dramatically to land on the floor, Felicity screamed bloody murder and lunged for him, and Diggle ducked for cover near the office desk and kept firing after shooting one of the machine gun men.

The other machine gun man pulled the trigger and sprayed bullets all over the office as the shotgun guy kept pumping the shotgun and pulling the trigger. Isabel and I stood behind a magical barrier and watched it all calmly.

“Shouldn't you be doing something?” Isabel asked me with a glare.

“It's already done. That's a magical construct taking Oliver's place.” I said and she caught her breath. “Oliver is no longer on this plane of existence.”

Isabel moaned and licked her lips. “You planted your own spy.”

I nodded as bullets bounced off of the barrier in front of us. “I suppose I better save 'Oliver'.”

Isabel nodded and caught my hand before I moved. “Make sure they know you saved his life and he owes you... and by extension, me.”

“Yes, my lady.” I said and stepped through the barrier as if it wasn't there and pointed my hand at the machine gun guy. An energy blast removed the man's heart from his chest and he dropped dead. I turned to the one with the shotgun and he yelled and turned to run. A second blast burned his heart away and he fell to the floor as another gunman entered the office.

“Die, asshole!” The last man said and pulled the trigger... and nothing happened.

“Right back at you.” I said and did Goku's signature move with a flourish. “Ka... me... ha... me... ha!”

A bright beam of energy disintegrated the man completely and then blew out the office door, the secretary's door, part of her desk and the hallway, and the outside wall.

“Oops.” I said and ended the beam. “Beams have a much stronger effect here. Good to know.”

Isabel, the secretary, Diggle, and Felicity stared at me.

“H-help.” Hood said and I walked over to him.

“I really should let you die.” I said and then winked at him so only he would see.

“Please... let me live.” Hood said and took Felicity's hand. “I need to stay... for her.”

“Oh, Oliver!” Felicity exclaimed and kissed him.

I pulled out several needles and started injecting him.

“What are you doing?” Felicity asked and reached for my hands.

“Healing him. You won't even know he was shot.” I said and she gasped. “Look for yourself.” I said and pulled off the ruined suit coat and the blood soaked shirt he wore to reveal bare skin.

“Oh, my god.” Felicity whispered and her fingers touched and then rubbed the spot.

“Mmmm.” Hood moaned and Felicity blushed.

“You owe me... and my lady.” I said and stood to give him a hand up.

“Of... of course.” Hood said and took my hand to stand. “I'll stop my efforts to try and wrest control of the company back.”

I nodded and Isabel smiled and nodded as well. I walked over to the Hood gang's bodies and checked them over to find the address where they had their base. I found a few things that pointed to a warehouse near the east side and brought them over to Isabel.

“Rotten scum.” Isabel said. “We're buying up the properties and rebuilding them into affordable housing and giving people jobs, and all they do is harass and kill our workers for doing their jobs.”

I lightly touched her shoulder and turned to look at the secretary. “Call the lobby and let the police come up when they arrive.”

“Yes, sir. Right away.” She said and went to her desk.

“Oliver, what are we going to do for money?” Felicity asked.

Hood laughed. “You do realize I have a gigantic trust fund and I still own 40% of this company. Unless they want to lose millions of dollars and make everyone angry for shutting it down, they have to keep it going.”

Felicity nodded. “You'll always have a steady source of income.”

“No, we will.” Hood said and put his arms around her. “I saw how you reacted when I was shot.”

Felicity blushed. “Oliver, I... that was...”

“I really like you, too.” Hood said and kissed her.

Felicity pretty much melted into his arms and held on as they made out until the police swarmed the place fifteen minutes later. Her face was bright red and she answered the police's questions, despite her embarrassment at being caught kissing Hood. Hood just held her with an arm around her waist and calmly answered the police's questions as well.

Not surprisingly, they left Isabel and myself for last.

“So, you're the murderer.” Officer Lance verbally prodded me as he approached me.

“Murderer, killer, agent of justice, kicker of ass, taker of names, etcetera, etcetera.” I said and he looked surprised. “What other inflammatory words would you like to say for me defending myself and my new friends from automatic weapons?”

“I want the security footage of the incident.” Officer Lance said.

“This isn't my lady's normal office. We came here today to meet Mr. Queen.” I said. “We're also not in the habit of filming private business meetings, because that would defeat the whole purpose of privacy.”

“So, you're refusing an order of an officer of the law.” Officer Lance said and took out his handcuffs.

“There's certainly no wonder why you were demoted from the rank of detective, Officer Lance, if this is how you strong-arm victims of crimes.” Isabel said loudly and got everyone's attention. “We refuse to answer any more of your questions without our lawyer present, which will happen right after we sue you for harassment and defamation of character.”

Another officer walked over to us. “Officer Lance, you can go outside and get witness statements from the crowd.”

“But sir, he admitted to being a murderer and a killer.” Officer Lance said.

“Did he? I only heard you prompting him by your inflammatory statement and him retaliating with one of his own. If there was footage of the conversation...” The officer pointed to Officer Lance's tie. “ will discover that he only said the words and not, 'I am these words'.”

Officer Lance opened his mouth to respond hotly.

“I said you can leave.” The other officer said.

Officer Lance gave him a bit of a glare, gave me a strong glare, then walked out of the room.

“I apologize for my fellow officer's behavior. His previous association with a known vigilante has corrupted his sense of propriety.” The officer said.

Isabel smiled and nodded. “It's understandable. If you're around certain people and their disregard for the law, it tends to change how you observe the law yourself.”

“Unfortunately, that is very true.” The officer said and looked around the shot up office. “I don't know how any of you aren't hurt after all of this.”

“One of us was.” I said and he looked surprised. “Mr. Queen was shot by the criminals with a shotgun. Once Diggle and I handled them, I used some of our new product line to heal Mr. Queen.”

The officer took out a notepad. “Can you tell me more about this product?”

“Of course.” Isabel said and went through the whole spiel about the emergency injections. “We haven't announced anything, because we're just ramping up production and we haven't made the tanks available to the hospitals yet for limb regrowth.”

The officer's mouth dropped open from shock and he stared at her.

“Yes, officer. You heard me right. Anyone that's lost a limb, a hand, or a foot in the line of duty, can have them regrown in anywhere from a day to a week.” Isabel said, quite proudly.

“This... this is... you're going to change the world!” The officer exclaimed.

Isabel smiled and then lost it and sighed. “There is a limitation to the process, however.”

The officer positioned his pen again to write it down.

“If you were born deformed, or without fingers, limbs, or any other defect, the parts can't be regrown. It won't fix things that the body believes is a part of it.” Isabel said. “Those still require surgery. The boosters can be used then to heal in limited doses, unless it's a replacement part, because it has a tendency to heal them independently of each other, negating the surgery.”

The officer wrote it all down, read it over, and nodded. “It's still going to change the world.” He said and smiled at her. “You are going to be famous when this gets out.”

Isabel smiled back. “Do you have any questions about the incident today?”

“No, ma'am.” The officer said. “It's clear by the people they assaulted on the way up here that they came to kill you all. You don't bring guns like that if you're only going to talk.”

“I'm glad that at least most of the officers in your department are reasonable.” Isabel said and he smiled again. “Thank you for listening and not interrogating us.”

“Don't worry, ma'am. Most of us know how to treat victims of violent crime.”

Both Isabel and I nodded to him.

“Have a good day.” The officer said and waved at the other officers to retreat.

When they were all gone, Hood, Felicity and Diggle came over to us.

“This is going to be a huge insurance claim.” Diggle said.

“That should make some people happy.” Felicity said. “Insurance people need to work, too.”

Hood smiled. “We should go.” He said and held a hand out to me without moving forward. “It was nice to meet you, Hansen.”

“You can call me John.” I said and shook his hand. “Don't be a stranger.”

Hood modded and led the other two people out of the office. When they left, I waved my hand at the room and cast Reparo. Isabel and the secretary watched in fascination as everything repaired itself and all the bullets were 'spit out' of the damaged things.

“That amazes me every time you do that.” Isabel whispered.

“How did you do that?” The secretary asked.

“Like this.” I said and waved at her desk to repair it and then I did the same to the walls and the damaged outer wall.

“Woooow.” The secretary whispered.

“We should go.” Isabel said and went to the desk and grabbed the restored papers there.

“Yes, my lady.” I said and opened the office door for her.

The secretary gave us a longing look.

“We'll be back in a couple of days to check on things. Can you hold down the fort until then?” I asked.

“Yes, sir! Not a problem, sir! I can do that for you, sir!” The secretary gushed.

I waved at her desk and two small gold bars, the same ones I passed to the guards at SG Command's observation point. “Go buy yourself something nice.”

The secretary gasped and picked them up. “YESSIR!”

Isabel gave me a pointed look as we walked to the elevator. “Positive reinforcement?”

“And a distraction.” I said and checked the elevator before we stepped inside. “She was a little overwhelmed with me fixing everything and needed something shiny to stare at.”

“Instead of your butt?” Isabel said with a knowing smile.

“Oh, right. My costume.” I said and reformed it into my Firefly outfit.

“How could you forget you were wearing it?” Isabel asked.

“It's really comfortable.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “I can make you one as well and you can see for yourself.”

Isabel looked thoughtful as we rode down to the lobby. “I suppose I could use a different suit than the one I have.”

“I'll keep the same color scheme to honor your teacher, Ravager.” I said and she looked pleased. “How is Slade doing, by the way?”

“He's immensely pleased at not being crazy anymore.” Isabel said. “The difference in his personality is negligible.”

I chuckled and the elevator doors opened. I walked with her out of the building and over to the Hummer I had parked there. “You should send him a message about us replacing Oliver with a compliant clone.”

Isabel nodded. “That is essential information for his plans.”

I opened the passenger door for her and offered my hand to help her.

“You do realize I can crush your hand now?” Isabel said.

“If my lady wishes to do so, she can. I wouldn't have fixed the formula for you if I didn't want you to be strong enough to do what you want.”

Isabel gave me a pointed look and took my offered hand, then she let me help her inside the Hummer and I buckled her up. “You really would have let me crush it.”

I smiled and gave her a quick kiss. “You know I don't bother worrying about the small things.”

Isabel couldn't stop her bark of laughter. “Masochist.”

“Gorgeous woman's property.” I countered, which made her smile. I walked around the Hummer and climbed inside.

“Using the bacta as a distraction was quite brilliant of you.” Isabel said.

“I only mentioned it. You ran with it and the officer didn't ask us about anything except that.” I said and started the Hummer. “You're the brilliant one.”

Isabel looked pleased. “I suppose we have to push up the press conference to a sooner date.”

“After we go to the Hood Gang's hideout to handle the rest of them and to trace where they were getting their equipment and weapons.” I said and Eye beeped at me. “Oh? Good job.”

“He already knows?” Isabel asked.

“It's one of the kingpins of crime on the west side.” I said and gave her an eager smile.

Isabel reached over and pat my head. “Down boy. We'll take them down together.”

“Yes, my lady.” I said and drove out of the parking lot. We had a lot of work to do.


Replacing Oliver with a magical clone was such a great move, because it let Isabel control exactly where the new hero 'Arrow' would go and the things he would do. She loved it so much that she started an entire campaign of replacing troublesome people with clones. Once she had them all in place, including key ones that were running for mayor and for the senate, the entire city became hers.

She had an entire block of the east side of The Glades hidden from sight and then had me go in and convert the ruins into futuristic city buildings. I used the ones I had gained on Miranda in the Firefly universe and in the Alliance for the administration buildings and medical facilities. I even created a memorial for the people that had been killed.

When that first block was completed and then revealed two months later, the population of the whole city was shocked. They all wanted to move there and a fierce competition started and bidding for the best apartments began, even though more of The Glades had to be converted first.

All the people left homeless from The Glades destruction, were given apartments in one of the new high rise buildings and given new wardrobes and jobs in the factories being built. They were all happy and sang Isabel's praises for it all.

New high-end shops opened up for different products and the people were shocked at the cheap prices. They were also swarmed with job applicants and there was no shortage of people that wanted to work and earn a lot of money. Once again, they sang Isabel's praises.

Thanks to the new bacta tanks and the influx of 'customers' at the upgraded Glades Memorial Hospital to have limbs regrown, the hospital was prospering and was not in danger of shutting down. When someone tried to hijack a shipment of medical supplies, Arrow, Ravager, and Hers (calling myself that always made Isabel smile) made an appearance and dealt with them permanently.

No one steals from Isabel and gets away with it.


Time marched on and The Glades improved by leaps and bounds as each new block of buildings was revealed and people swarmed in to revitalize the previously ruined part of the city. The entire place was wired with cameras, sensors, and surveillance drones to keep everyone safe and secure.

Each time someone tried to go in and cause a ruckus, or start any kind of crime, it was quickly and silently handled by Arrow and Hers. Isabel would occasionally join them when she was feeling restless and the boardroom wasn't enough of a conflict for her. All in all, she was having the best time of her life.

Sara Lance, Laurel's little sister and previously believed to be dead, was revealed as The Canary to Arrow and his team. Of course, Isabel and Hers immediately investigated this and discovered that her body had been taken by the League of Assassins and dunked into a Lazarus Pit to restore her to life.

It didn't take them long to track down where that happened and Hers quickly cleared out the facility and set up protections for their own use. With access to what was essentially a magical lifeblood of the planet, John recreated his experiment lab and began to examine and take apart the Lazarus fluid.

What shocked him was the similarities it had to bacta. He couldn't find the catalyst that caused the reversal of death; but, he did find what caused the madness in the resurrected subjects. It was very similar to the Mirakuru and John quickly filtered that out of the liquid. Once he had vats of the thing prepared, he copied it and took it back to Isabel.

Isabel was so grateful for his efforts that she ended up pregnant two weeks later.


The news stations were bombarded by the coverage of the protests about the particle accelerator at Star Labs. People were afraid of what would happen if it was activated in a populated area.

“I need to go check it out.” I said to Isabel as we sat on the couch in our penthouse apartment.

Isabel gave me a piercing look. “Are you actually asking to leave my side?”

I chuckled and gave her a kiss. “No, my dearest. I'm asking if you want to take a little trip and see if there are any good acquisitions to be gained in Central City.”

Isabel smiled and one of her hands rubbed her still flat belly. “I suppose I have become a bit of a homebody, now that you've made my clone take over most of my work.”

“Made her do it?” I asked with a huge smile of my own. “I had to fight her to only let her take your business meetings and not completely replace you.”

Isabel barked a laugh. “I am rather ruthless, even as a clone.”

I gave her another kiss. “I can only hope our child takes after you.”

“Oh, she will.” Isabel said and stood. “Now make us a transport and let's go buy some corporations.”

I chuckled and stood up to give her a hug, then we went to the roof and I created a Firefly. We were in Central City a few minutes later and I landed us in an out-of-the-way park and applied the proper spells to hide the ship and repel everything away from it. I created Isabel's favorite sports car and she kissed my cheek as I helped her sit inside, then I ran around and entered the driver's side.

We sped over to Star Labs and Eye beeped at us to let us know about which companies could use an Isabel makeover. When we parked at Star Labs, people with signs were there to stop us and shouted at us for wrecking their city.

I hopped out and held up a detective badge. “Back. The. Fuck. Off!” I shouted with a Sonorus spell and a lot of the protesters winced and backed away. “We're here to inspect the place for safety!”

“Jesus, mister.” One of the guys said and rubbed his ear. “We're just protesting.”

“No, you're a goddamn mob and you were about to assault me and a pregnant woman for coming here, thinking we worked here!” I shouted in a normal voice and glared at him. “Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong!”

He looked embarrassed and the other protesters looked away.

“Get out of the way or I'm taking you all in for uttering threats and being a violent mob.” I said and they cleared out of the way. “If you're still here when I come back out, you are going to regret it.”

“Hey, you can't threaten us! We know our rights!” A woman shouted.

“That wasn't a threat.” I said and walked around to open the passenger car door. “By the way, you have the right to remain silent. I recommend that you use it. Immediately.”

The woman looked angry until I helped Isabel out of the car. “It's Miss Rochev!” She gasped and pointed. The protesters became fans almost immediately and then the questions began about if she was going to keep doing her wonderful work in other cities to revitalize their slums, too.

“That's why we're here. To see what is available and what can be done.” Isabel said and the protesters cheered. “This is a major site, considering the time and effort put into creating the particle accelerator. If it works, your city will become famous. If it doesn't, your city will become infamous.”

“We know!” They shouted in response.

“We're going to check it over and make sure it's safe. If it isn't, we'll dismantle it and you no longer have to worry.” Isabel said and they cheered again.

“Rochev! Rochev! Rochev!” The crowd chanted and she smiled at them as I led her around them and into the main building.

“I can't decide if I like that kind of attention or not.” Isabel said as she lost the smile.

“That's because its fickle.” I said as we walked over to the receptionist's desk. “Their opinion could change in a heartbeat and you'll be vilified in the public eye instead of praised.”

“That's what's happening to me right now.” A man's voice said as he was pushed on a wheelchair and entered the lobby from a back door. “When I created hundreds of jobs to build the thing, I was praised. When they were done working, they turned on me and now it's like this.”

“You must be Harrison Wells, the head of Star Labs.” I said and held a hand out for him to shake. “It's a pleasure to meet someone of your vision.”

Harrison smiled and shook my hand. “I wish I could say the same.”

“Ha!” I barked and let his hand go. “That's both an insult and the truth. Good one.”

Harrison laughed and motioned to the woman behind his chair. “This is my protege, Caitlin Snow.”

I held a hand out to her and she took it. I turned it over and placed a quick kiss on the back of it. “It's a pleasure to meet someone else that can stand being around an ego so large.”

Caitlin blushed and also laughed softly. “Dr. Wells isn't that bad, really.”

“I know. I just like teasing my lady about it.” I said and let her hand go as I turned to Isabel. “Allow me to introduce the lady...”

“No introductions are necessary.” Harrison said and nodded to Isabel. “As the crowd outside proved, Miss Rochev is well known around here.”

“We were going to make an appointment to see you.” Isabel said and offered her hand, which Harrison shook.

“I'm not selling, if that's what you're here for.” Harrison said with a smile.

“We would like a tour, actually. You've done your part in trying to revitalize the local area and we came right here when we heard about the protests.” Isabel said. “I had similar reactions from the people when I bought up and then sectioned off entire blocks of The Glades.”

“They thought you were wrecking it all, didn't they?” Harrison asked and Isabel nodded. “It's difficult to find people with the intelligence to realize you're changing things for the better, before you unveil what you've done.”

“I know that all too well.” Isabel said and motioned to the receptionist. “When can we arrange for a tour? Or is that even possible? Are things too busy around here for that?”

Harrison smiled. “Security saw you be swarmed in the parking lot and we came out here to rescue you.”

“By giving them a real and slow moving target?” I asked and he chuckled.

“My appearance would have distracted them enough for you to escape into the safety of the building.” Harrison said. “Caitlin? Can I bother you for another short while as I play host?”

“Of course, Dr. Wells.” Caitlin said. “Where should we start first?”

“I'd say your bio-engineering section would be appropriate, considering the things Miss Rochev has been achieving back in Starling City.” Harrison said.

“We almost have all the hospitals in the city equipped with at least one regrowth tank.” Isabel said. “The demand is much higher than the availability.”

“It always is.” Harrison said and waved at the door that he and his apprentice had come through.

The four of us went through the door and started the extensive tour of the entire Star Labs and we even met one of their enthusiastic tech people named Cisco Ramon. He couldn't stop raving about the particle accelerator and how it was going to change the face of particle physics when it went online.

We ended the tour in the main control room for the particle accelerator and it was a marvel of modern technology. Apparently, anyway. When I touched it, there were a few things inside that didn't fit the current level of Earth tech. When I read the ailment 'Designed to Fail', I successfully didn't look at the crippled Harrison Wells, or as my image stated 'Body Thief - Eobard Thawne - Reverse Flash'.

I had no idea what Reverse Flash was supposed to be until I read the abilities of 'Super Speed' and 'Linked to Speed Force'. I immediately thought of Bart Allen from Smallville and his Super Speed ability with the same condition. I couldn't copy it because it was just like most of a Kryptonian's abilities. My body couldn't handle the friction that running so fast would cause.

I could still move really fast for short distances and did so on many occasions over the years; but, I couldn't run across the country in minutes or anything ridiculous like that.

“What do you think of it?” Cisco asked.

“I would love to tear it apart to see how it all works.” I said and he, Harrison, and Caitlin let out laughs.

Isabel gave me a pointed look and I nodded slightly, which told her it was going to explode. “Are there any other major projects you are planning and don't have the funding for?”

Harrison stopped laughing and smiled widely at her. “Perhaps you can stay and share a meal with me while we discuss things.”

“I never mix business and pleasure.” Isabel said, shutting him down right away.

“Then my office? We can talk privately there.” Harrison offered.

Isabel nodded and she, Caitlin, and Harrison left the control room.

“Dr. Wells never hits on anyone.” Cisco said. “He's been pining after his dead wife for years.”

“Why don't you fill me in on his history.” I said and waved at the chairs.

Cisco sat down and started talking all about the man that had given him a great opportunity to come here to work.

I cast Stasis on him and slipped Eye out and attached him to the computer. “Get to work, little buddy. Tell me if it can be fixed and changed.”

“Beep!” Eye said and started hacking.

“Cisco, Harrison Wells isn't who he says he is.” I said and Cisco didn't react, because he was frozen. “He probably died in that accident or was severely hurt. A man named Eodbard Thawne stole his body, either by copying his DNA or transferring his consciousness into Wells. Either way, the man you know is a complete lie.” I said. “Also, he's not crippled. He's pretending to gain sympathy from everyone. No one would suspect the cripple of sabotaging his life's work.”

Cisco was still in stasis, so I wasn't sure why I was pausing in my speech. It wasn't like he could respond right now.

“Anyways, this thing is deliberately set to fail. My buddy there is trying to see if it can be fixed.” I said and checked Eye's progress report. “There are a few tech things inside that shouldn't be there for a normal particle accelerator.” I looked at Cisco and dismissed Stasis. “Maybe insurance fraud? Is the particle accelerator insured if it fails or causes damage?”

“No! He sunk all his money and Star Labs into it and... hey! I can move and talk again!” Cisco exclaimed and then glared at me. “HEY! You can't be doing what you're doing!”

“I already am, so your hypothesis is flawed.” I joked and he reached for Eye. I smacked his hands away. “Bad Cisco! Don't touch my tech without permission.”

Cisco glared at me as he rubbed his hands. “You can't rob Dr. Wells like this.”

“Rob him? Of what?” I asked.

“The particle accelerator design and all the programming we've done to get it to work.” Cisco said.

I couldn't help my grin. “I usually don't boast about things like this.” I said and leaned forward. “I can program my own AI. And have. Dozens of times.”

Cisco's mouth dropped open and he stared at me.

“I'm kind of getting used to seeing that reaction.” I said and sat back in the chair. “You see, I've had a lot of experience pulling tech apart and figuring out how it works and how to replicate it and adapt it to be better. This particle accelerator is just the latest hurdle for me to leap over.”

Cisco took a few moments to recover from the shock. “You sound like you don't need one.”

“I don't.” I said. “I've gone centuries beyond this old tech... except for those odd pieces that shouldn't exist here.”

“Why do you say that?” Cisco asked.

“Because you need a particle accelerator to research the parts to make them first.” I said and he was once again shocked into speechlessness.

“Beep boop boopbeep.”

“Well, that's a surprise.” I said and looked at Eye's display. “It seems this control room has a secondary data access point from another mainframe computer.”

“What? That's not possible. It's a closed system and Dr. Wells designed it to... oh.” Cisco said.

I chuckled. “I'll hide Eye and let him work while we go find the other computer.”

“I... okay. I need to know if you're telling the truth or not.” Cisco said.

I read the display. “It's in the third hallway between the central lab and the entrance to the particle accelerator's main pathway.”

“Huh? That's just a blank hallway. No doors or anything.” Cisco said.

“Let's go see.” I said and cast an Illusion over Eye before I led Cisco out of the control room. We walked through the facility and weren't stopped or questioned, probably because Cisco was with me, and we came to a stop at the bare wall in the third hallway.

“You see? There's nothing there.” Cisco said. “I knew you were lying.”

I smiled at him and pulled out a Haymaker. He squealed like a stuck pig and then kept screaming as I silenced the hallway and shot the wall six times to make a doorway. I kicked the debris out of the way and waved at the opening.

“After you.” I said as I dissolved the shotgun.

Cisco just stared at me and didn't move.

I shrugged and stuck my head inside.

“Unauthorized entry detected.” A female voice said.

“Oops. Just a second.” I said and created the magical clone of Harrison Wells.

“Welcome, Dr. Wells. What can I do for you today?” The female voice asked.

“Ask it for the plans you have for this time.” I whispered to the clone. “Oh, and your name is Eobard and can answer to Harrison Wells or any incarnation of those.”

“Yes, father.” Eobard said and stepped towards the end of the room before he asked the computer for a recap of his plans.

Apparently, he wanted to ensure the creation of his nemesis called The Flash and also create a plethora of villains, and other super-powered people, by intentionally overloading the particle accelerator. It was a shock to me that he would willingly kill and injure thousands of people to complete his goals, and I had seen a lot of shocking things in my lifetime.

“Ask her to alter the program to not overload or to just not send that command when it's time.” I whispered. “Tell her you've figured out another way to make your nemesis a reality.”

“But, I haven't.” Eobard said.

“She doesn't know that.” I whispered.

“Right. Just a minute.” Eobard said and then tried to do as I asked. The computer refused, because having a hundred percent chance was much better than whatever else he had come up with.

I created another security panel and handed it to him. “Ask her to transfer any tech designs, information, and anything else she can to this security device.”

Eobard did so and it beeped at me that it would take a while. “I'll stay here. Cover the entrance with an illusion.”

I nodded and gave him a comm badge, cast the illusion over the hole, then took Cisco's arm and led him all the way back to the particle accelerator's control room. I checked the surveillance on Isabel and Caitlin was still in the room with her and Wells.

“How are you doing all this?” Cisco asked.

“Magic and technology.” I said and checked Eye's progress. “You're doing great, little buddy.”

“Beep beep!”

“I wasn't being sarcastic.” I said and pat his side. “You're going faster than I thought you would. A computer programmed with future coding is no small feat.”

“It's coding from the future?” Cisco asked, surprised.

“You didn't realize that?” I asked and he shook his head. “How did Wells explain it?”

“That it was his own brand of proprietary programming.”

I nodded. “That would explain having to teach you all about it.” I looked at the progress bar and sat down on a chair to wait.

“Can you really do what you said? Create the Flash?” Cisco asked.

“Technically.” I said and he gave me a questioning look. “I could make a clone of Wells, transfigure him to look like Barry Allen, and call him the Flash... or, I could reproduce this process in a smaller scale, copy the abilities Wells has into the real Barry, and blast him with a reproduced particle accelerator explosion.”

Cisco choked and coughed several times. “You can't be serious.”

“That's why I said technically.” I said.

“Beepbeep BEEP!” Eye yelled and I looked at his display.

“Well, there goes that idea.” I said with a sigh. “It's partially a bomb. One of the future components will detonate and cause the accelerator to go out of control, in a controlled manner, and cause specific destruction that's keyed to Barry's DNA.”

“That sucks.” Cisco said.

“I think I'd rather stop it all before anything bad happens, now that I know this thing is going to explode, no matter what.” I said and hit my comm badge. “John to Eobard.”

“Eobard here.”

“Expedite Eye's copying. If you can't, end it when I come to get you. We have to wreck the place.”

“No!” Cisco exclaimed and tried to lunge at me.

I cast Stasis on him and sighed. “I'm sorry. I had hoped to make you an ally by letting you in on this evil scheme.” I created a wand and stunned him before I ended the Stasis and sat him in a chair. I unplugged Eye from the computer controls.

“Boop boop.” Eye said, sadly.

“Yeah, me too.” I said and unhooked my Thunder Hammer from my belt. “I had the feeling he could have been a good friend.”

I hefted the hammer over my head and sparks of lightning came from my ring and covered the hammer, then I brought it down onto the control computer and crushed it. I walked around the room and smashed each bank of machines and made sure there wasn't anything useful left, then walked out of the control room.

I cast a Notice-Me-Not charm on myself and then ran through the facility to enter the main particle accelerator. Thanks to the computer plans and the image of the thing in my head, I knew where all the key components were. I flew using the flying technique and used the Thunder Hammer judiciously to smash each and every junction point and computer controlled acceleration point. I would not allow this disaster to happen.

I paid particular attention to the pieces of tech from the future, especially the part designed to explode. That I separated out and put inside a shield device before smashing the thing. It exploded, exactly like I thought it would if it was tampered with, and I moved on. I worked efficiently and was done barely ten minutes later.

“BEEP!” Eye yelled and then said a short series of beeps.

“The advanced computer alerted Wells?” I asked and flew back at my best speed. I ignored the doors at the entrance to the particle accelerator and smashed through them. I flew through the facility to smash through the door to Harrison's office and saw Isabel had the man's face smashed against the desk.

“He dared to try and touch me without permission.” Isabel said and squeezed the man's neck.

“Please let him go!” Caitlin pleaded.

“He can move at an accelerated speed.” Isabel said. “He couldn't compensate for my enhanced senses or my superior reflexes.”

“No, he couldn't.” I said and walked over to her. “Do you want him disposed of?”

Isabel gave me a look before she huffed. “Yes, send him to be with the others that have annoyed me.”

I nodded and tossed Wells into Azkaban Prison and 'out of play'.

“What did you do?!?” Caitlin shouted. “Where did he go? WHERE?”

“Where he deserves for killing the real Wells.” I said and Caitlin gasped. “It's okay. I've already made his replacement. No one is going to lose their jobs over this.”

“But... no, you... the particle accelerator was going to make us famous.” Caitlin whispered.

I put a hand on her shoulder. “My lady proved that you don't need to be flashy to become famous. You just need to do something to impress people. She did it with business practices and turning those companies around.”

“She rebuilt part of a city.” Caitlin said with a flat voice.

“She has contracts to do more, too.” I said and Caitlin looked surprised. “Keep doing the work that you love and be happy with the people in your life. You don't really need more than that.”

“Besides endless riches and the ability to kick anyone's ass when it's necessary.” Isabel said.

“That, too.” I said and stepped back from Caitlin. “We'll see ourselves out.”

Caitlin didn't respond and Isabel and I left her in the office. I repaired the door behind me and we went down to the third hallway. Eobard was still there and he unplugged the security panel from the advanced computer.

“Eye, check him to see if he's been corrupted.” I said and held the copy near Eye. After a long series of beeps and boops, I sighed with relief and slipped him into Eye's pouch with him. “Okay, disseminate the data. I want it checked for validity with current tech and then with advanced tech.”

“Beep.” They both agreed.

“Eobard, you're taking the place of Harrison Wells. You're going to make an announcement that because of the public outcry, you've decided to not activate the particle accelerator and you've already dismantled the main parts.” I said and used an energy blast to disintegrate the advanced computer.

“Yes, father.” Eobard said. “What do I say about my legs?”

“We treated you.” Isabel said with a smile.

I chuckled and kissed her cheek. “That's brilliant! Everyone will latch onto that and ignore Star Labs failing to complete a project.” I said and pat Eobard's shoulder. “Do you want a case of money now or do you want to wait for a transfer of funds?”

“The transfer would be more believable. You didn't enter the building with the case.” Eobard said.

I nodded. “Keep us informed of any developments. If you need help with anything, just call. Oh, and Caitlin knows you are a replacement. Treat her well.”

Eobard nodded back, bowed to Isabel, and walked away. Isabel and I went in the other direction and left the building. When we were outside, the protesters were gone, so I took Isabel over to the car and checked it for explosives.

“It's both annoying and sexy that you do that every time.” Isabel said before I helped her sit inside.

“Your safety is my utmost priority.” I said and gave her a quick kiss, then went around and entered the driver's side. I drove out of the parking lot and spotted a group of vehicles parked off of the road and the protesters standing around them. I slowed down and rolled down the window. “Special announcement from Star Labs tomorrow! It's shutting down the particle accelerator!”

The crowd waiting there cheered and then started to chant. “Rochev! Rochev! Rochev!”

Isabel looked both pleased and annoyed at getting the recognition. I laughed before I carefully pet her cheek and then I drove us into town for her to go shopping for businesses to buy.


It didn't take long before Hood, as both Oliver and Arrow, brought all the people with abilities together. Roy Harper as his apprentice Arsenal, Sara Lance as the Canary, Laurel Lance as the Black Canary, Oliver's sister Thea as Speedy, Cindy Simone as Sin, and new members named Helena Bertinelli as Huntress and Ted Grant as Wildcat. John Diggle finally adopted a codename as well, Sentinel.

Each of them were given a special version of Miracle that doubled the effects of the 'normal' version being produced for the military, and they were inducted into Team Arrow. They were also given new outfits, new upgraded equipment, and a new mission.

Save the world when no one else could.

Thanks to all the contacts that all of the magical clones had with the government, Team Arrow were always kept informed of what was going on. When Amanda Waller tried to have Diggle kidnapped and brought to her ARGUS facility, Team Arrow went in and assumed control of the place, killed all of the illegal criminal operatives and subdued the rest.

Amanda Waller was brought to Isabel and Hers and she was disappeared and a perfect copy replaced her. Her new orders were to operate as normal, except that she no longer used criminals to do her missions. She also informed Isabel about everything, including Amanda's liaisons with the President of the United States and handling certain things for him.

Team Arrow were all over that and did everything they could to keep the world safe from destruction. They even went in to rescue Diggle's ex-wife Lyra from a Russian prison when she was captured on a mission. The Russians didn't even know she had escaped until a week later.

Of course, Lyra and Diggle hit it off again. They had divorced only because they lacked the joint combat parts of their lives, which they now had a lot of. Lyra was upgraded like the others of Team Arrow, given a new outfit and equipment, and she revelled in her new role as a world peacekeeper. However, she wouldn't take a codename and was just known as Lyra.


Time moved on again and Isabel gave birth to an absolutely gorgeous little girl that looked just like her. Both Isabel and John were pleased by that. They were also relieved that they had so many people around to handle everything while they took time off to raise their daughter. They still maintained constant contact from their retreat in the mountains; but, it wasn't a priority anymore.


At one point, Ra's Al Ghul made a play for Malcolm Merlyn's clone for some perceived slight from years ago, so Team Arrow stepped in to save Thea's birth father. They easily defeat the under-powered League of Assassins squad that had been sent and then they took the fight to them. It was about time to deal with the assassins and the team did so.

Once the team gained control of the main facility and the Lazarus Pit located there, it was child's play to take the rest of the assassins out. It just took time and resources. Since they now controlled the League's resources, only time was a factor.


Two years later, every assassin had been hunted down, given the choice to surrender or die, and then killed. None of them ever chose to be free of their slavery or joined another organization. It was a bit sad that even their own self preservation wasn't enough to convince them that there was a better way of life.

Even Nyssa Al Ghul chose to die instead of betraying her father's legacy. She spat at the team members and swore that her father wasn't dead and was just resting. He would emerge from the Lazarus Pit, like he always had, and he would take back what Team Arrow had stolen from him. Even her own death would be reversed and she would gut each and every one of them personally.

Nyssa was cremated like her father had been and her ashes were spread out over six different bodies of water that weren't connected.


With Team Arrow steadily expanding as new people were found worthy of taking up the responsibility, Hood retired from hero work to spend time with his longtime love, Felicity. They moved into the retreat next to John and Isabel and the four of them lived long and happy lives together with their families.


I stood in front of the banks of regeneration chambers and waved at my dearest love, Isabel. She gave me the middle finger and I laughed.

“Dad, stop teasing her. She's going to kick your ass when she's decanted next week.” Sable said.

I blew Isabel a kiss and jumped down to land beside my eldest daughter. “You know I do it on purpose, don't you?”

“Yes, and it's still just as annoying as it was decades ago.” Sable said and looked at her datapad. “Billy's just about done. Sarah and Izzy still have another couple of days to cook.”

“I don't think I've ever thanked you for always going in first and then staying out with me while everyone else is regenerating.” I said and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Sable waited until my lips were right there and turned her head to kiss me right on the lips.

I pulled my head back from her and laughed. “Dammit, you get me every time like that!”

Sable smiled slyly. “Uh huh, Mr. Super Reflexes.”

“Shh! No one really remembers I can move faster than people can blink!”

Sable laughed softly. “I've always wondered if you would let me kiss you if I didn't look like mom.”

I gave her a pointed look. “Sable.” I said in a serious voice. “I would.”

“I can't ever really know if that's true or not.” Sable said.

I took the datapad from her and took her hand. “Let me show you something.”

Sable gave me a skeptical look and then nodded.

I led her from the regeneration room and took her to the Hall of Memories.

“Dad, you've shown me...”

“Shh.” I said and took her to my section, then I tapped the wall. The case of memory vials moved backwards and slid to the side.

“Oh, my god.” Sable whispered at the room that was almost the same size as the Hall of Memories.

“These are copies of all my memories of my time here and my family.” I said and walked with her over to her section. I pointed to the very first one on the second shelf. “What does that label say?”

Sable leaned in and caught her breath. “Daddy's First Sable Kiss.”

I let her hand go and waved at the row.

Sable gave me an odd look, then she walked down the row as she read the labels. When she reached the end of the twenty foot section, she stopped and had tears rolling down her cheeks. She picked up the last one and walked all the way back over to me.

“Dad.” Sable whispered and clutched the memory vial in her hands. “I'm so sorry.”

I smiled and took her into a hug. “You broke my heart a little that day.” I whispered back. “My beautiful little girl was just a little too big to kiss her daddy 'like that' anymore.”


“Just so you know, you've kissed me more than your mother has.” I said and she gasped. “Your mother isn't really prone to affection, not after what she went through.”

“But, you love her anyway.” Sable said.

“She needed me just as much as I needed her.” I said and looked into her eyes. “You were right about me allowing you to peck me on the lips. I just can't stop thinking about that cute little girl and her completely unrestrained love. You surprised me every single time you would jump on me and hug my neck so tightly that I almost choked, then you would tell me you loved me and gave me a peck on the lips.”


“It was so innocent and so powerful that you fluttered my heart every single time.” I said and gave her a warm smile. “I will always treasure those memories the most, because those are the real ones. The ones that meant my time here wasn't wasted.”

“Oh, Daddy.” Sable whispered.

For a brief moment, she looked just like that happy little girl as she leaned forward to give me a peck on the lips.

“I want you to put that on the shelf, too.” Sable whispered.

“I already have.” I whispered back... and then everything around me turned white and started to dissolve. I felt my power kick in to save me and the last thing I saw was a giant purple man appear wearing weird armor as he shook his head.

“You meddled too much to keep that reality intact.” A deep voice said.

I used the Force to reach out and grabbed his smug face. “You ruined my perfect moment, you asshole!” I shouted and crushed his head before I completely dissolved away.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.