Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

21 In Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animated)

Almost 15,000 words this time.

For centuries, the legendary Avatar kept the world and its four nations at peace with each other. The Avatar was the human embodiment of light and peace through the connection with the Avatar Spirit. As the only physical being with the ability to bend all four elements, it was considered the Avatar's duty to master the four bending arts and use that power to keep balance and peace among the four nations of the world, as well as between mankind and the spirits.

Upon their death, the Avatar Spirit causes the Avatar to reincarnate into the next nation, dictated by the cyclic order: Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. Mirroring the order in which the first Avatar, Wan, learned the elements, this is also the traditional order in which any one incarnation is to master the elements, beginning with the bending art of the Avatar's birth nation.

However, the Avatar named Aang, born into the Air tribe that teaches contemplation, measured action, and avoidance of conflict, feared his future duties and fled. He disappeared from the world and had not been seen since.

During that time, the tyrannical Fire Nation used the opportunity to wage war on the other three nations, seeking to conquer them. They had even nearly exterminated all of the Air Nomads to try and end the Avatar Cycle. Because the Avatar did not turn up to stop them or to try to sue for peace, the Fire Nation believed that they succeeded and their campaign of war began.

Following the destruction of the Air Nomads, the Fire Nation launched a massive coordinated invasion on the western Earth Kingdom. Over the course of the next hundred years, the Fire Nation slowly advanced into the Earth Kingdom and established several colonies on the mainland. On the seas, the Fire Nation also initiated raids on the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, which devastated the South, while the North managed to remain relatively untouched for almost a century.

By 99 AG, the Fire Nation had virtually annihilated the Southern Water Tribe and controlled most of the Earth Kingdom, to the point of near total victory. The last strongholds able to defend themselves were the Northern Water Tribe that were very difficult to get to, and the Earth Kingdom cities of Omashu and Ba Sing Se.

The people of the world began to lose hope that the Avatar would ever return and bring peace back to the world. Even the Southern Water Tribe village of Wolf Cove, located in the distant South Pole sea, has been affected by the Fire Nation's war. The men of the village had sailed abroad to fight, only to die or be captured, which left behind all of the women and children to fend for themselves.

Sokka and his younger sister Katara were the oldest of the village children in the South Pole and it was their primary job to hunt for food and fish for everyone to eat. They were not very experienced and Katara continued to try and use her water bending powers to capture fish. After a short altercation, they were soon caught in several ice floes that captured their boat and crushed it.

Luckily, they escaped the boat's fate and then realized they were not much better off, because they were now stranded in the middle of the ocean. After gathering their bearings, Katara blames her brother for failing to do as she had instructed and steered clear of the ice. Sokka countered by pointing out that Katara should have waterbent them to safety if she did not like his steering.

When he concludes that it would be left to a girl to screw things up, Katara loses her temper and yelled at her brother that he is sexist, immature, and nut-brained. While she continues to rage about all the things that she does for him as part of her chores, she involuntarily waterbends and cracked a large iceberg.

It eventually broke apart completely and plunged into the ocean, to their shock. As they are pushed back on their ice float, another iceberg rose to the surface and it's clean looking ice seemed to bask in the sunlight. It also contained two forms, one large and one small.

Katara quickly deduced that one of the forms was that of a human, she grabbed her brother Sokka's club and made her way over to the iceberg, despite Sokka's order to stay back. He tried to tell her that they didn't know who they were dealing with and chased her. He also said there was no chance that anyone could be alive after being frozen in the ice.

When they both arrived near the iceberg that floated near the large piece of ice they were on, they were shocked when a manly yell came from above them and they watched as that figure fell thirty feet into the freezing cold water of the southern arctic sea.


As I swam to the surface of the ice cold water, I severely regretted never meeting an aquatic species that would let me breathe underwater. I broke the surface and swam over to where two astonished teens stood and stared at me. I pulled myself up onto the ice and then turned to throw up all of the water I had breathed in and swallowed.

“Salt water... tastes terrible.” I said and the two of them stared at me like I was speaking gibberish. I probably was to them and held a hand out to the young woman. She took it instantly without even asking me what I wanted and I smiled warmly at her as I copied her local language speaking ability.

My smile froze as I also felt another ability. Telepathic Water Manipulation. It was severely underdeveloped and it would probably stay that way, unless she found a good teacher. I quickly used several mind reading spells and groaned out loud when I discovered what world I was in.

Avatar. I thought and shook my head. Now I knew someone was messing with me on purpose, because I had wanted to get away from anything relating to Avatars and my power sent me right to another one. It was similar in name only, thank goodness.

“Are you all right, mister?” Katara asked me.

“I am relatively fine, pretty Water tribe member.” I said in her native language.

Both Katara and her brother relaxed at hearing me speak like them, then Katara realized what I said and she blushed.

“Hey!” Her brother exclaimed.

“Thank you for helping me.” I said and kissed the back of her hand before I stood up and let it go. “Please allow me to return the favor.”

Katara looked happy at my offer and her brother looked perturbed.

“How are you supposed to help us, stranger? You're stuck on this ice floe in the middle of the ocean just like we are!” Sokka said with a glare.

I chuckled and closed my eyes as I felt out for the Force. It slammed into me and begged me with nearly all of its sentience to fix the imbalance that it had suffered for the last hundred years. An entire piece of it had been removed and it desperately wanted it back.

I gave it a feeling of reassurance and it reluctantly backed off. I now had some inkling of what using the Force back on Pandora would have been like. Almost completely overwhelming to get it to do what it wanted.

I looked over to the iceberg that Katara was intensely thinking about and used the Force to engulf it. Once I had an image of Aang in my head, copied all four strong elemental connections from him and pilfered the previous knowledge from the boy's coma-frozen mind, I stored the iceberg in its entirety.

I wasn't surprised that I could not gain a copy of the Avatar power or the spirit connection, because inherent powers seemed to be a stumbling block for my copy power. Not that I needed them, anyway.

“Where did the clear iceberg go?” Sokka asked.

Katara whipped her head around to stare at the empty space. “Oh, no! It's gone! That poor guy and whatever that other thing was!”

I chuckled and she turned back to me. “He's probably a lot safer staying exactly where he is.”

“How would you know that?” Sokka asked me and his eyes were squinted at me.

“I'm friends with a seer from another world.” I said and both of them were shocked. “Her name was Taylor and she loved seeing all of the things going on here.”

It was a very popular animated cartoon that had been imported from Earth Aleph and she watched it constantly when she was older and bought all of the video discs of it. She had tons of free time after she retired and we watched a lot of things together.

“How are you talking to someone in another world?” Katara asked, genuinely curious.

“I'm not. She moved on years and years ago.” I said, a little sadly.

“I'm sorry.” Katara said and took my hand again. She lifted it to her mouth and kissed it, which made me chuckle. “Did I do it right?”

I nodded. “I'm usually the one giving those.”

Katara smiled at me. “We just met and I've already mastered a calming technique!”

Sokka sighed. “You need to stop with the magic crap, Katara.”

“It's not magic! It's BENDING!” Katara yelled and the ice we were on let out a loud crack sound. “Oops.”

I pat her hand and then used that hand to point down and used the waterbending technique to bond the ice back together.

“HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?” Katara yelled and stared at me. “I felt you do it! I FELT IT!”

“It was pretty easy.” I said and waved my hand at the air around us. A wind picked up and swirled around us. I then pointed my finger at the ice piece we stood on and used Fire to melt a good portion of it and then I used water to form three chairs for us to sit on and froze them.

The brother and sister stared at me like I was the messiah, which was why I did it.

“Let's get you to back home.” I said and sat down on the chair on the far left.

The Force was extremely eager to help me and I used it to move the large piece of ice slowly. Katara and Sokka gave each other pointed looks and then sat down in the chairs. Katara next to me and Sokka on the right of her. Once they were conformable, I increased the speed and they let out surprised sounds.

“You're not bending.” Katara said.

“No, I'm using a fundamental aspect of the universe.” I said and they both stared at me. “It's very eager to have the balance returned.”

“It really IS you!” Katara exclaimed.

“You're the last Airbender.” Sokka said in a whisper.

“For now.” I said and they caught their breath. “I won't be repopulating the Air Tribe by myself. At least, not right away.”

Katara blushed and looked away.

I took her hand and she looked back at me. “I know you are loyal to your tribe. I won't ask you to leave it or to give up the responsibilities you have earned on your own merits while taking care of it.”

Katara gave me a smile and nodded as her blush faded.

“Just don't do that calming technique with anyone you don't like. It can sometimes lead to... certain relations... later.” I said with a knowing smile.

Katara's blush made a quick comeback and she nodded again before she looked away.

“She's my sister!” Sokka exclaimed.

“Yes, she is. She is also a girl and she is also a waterbender.” I said and upgraded her to the more powerful telepathic connection to the water element.

Katara gasped and she turned to stare at me. “You... you... you...”

I winked at her and she didn't blush this time. She also didn't say anything and kept staring at me. I brought us over to where there was a large sailing ship.

“No! It's the Fire Nation!” Sokka exclaimed and pointed.

“You don't have to worry about them.” I said and brought the ice floe to a stop a hundred feet from the ship.

“You there!” A man with black hair shouted and pointed at us. “You're under arrest and...”

I pointed back and a surge of icy water flowed up and over the ship, using both waterbending and the Force, which seemed very happy to help again. Screams and yells came from the people on it and there were several explosions from inside. I stopped the water assault and knocked out everyone the water and the Force had touched.

“Who dares?!?” Zuko shouted as he and an old man came up on deck.

“That would be me.” I said and he looked shocked.

“It can't be!” Zuko exclaimed.

“He has all four elemental connections.” The old man said and gave me an odd look. “You are quite old to be the Avatar.”

“You have no idea.” I said. “Do you want to surrender or should I send you right to prison?”

“How dare you threaten the Prince of the Fire Nation!” Zuko shouted and called fire to his hands.

“Exiled and dishonored Prince, and it wasn't a threat.” I said and he disappeared.

The old man, Katara, and Sokka gasped and then looked at me.

“What did you do to him?” The old man asked as his hand reached for where his charge used to be.

“He is currently in the maximum security wing of an extra-dimensional prison.” I said and the old man looked shocked. “I assume you want to go with him?”

The old man sighed. “His father sent me to watch over him and to guide him back home.”

“I'll consider sending him to minimum security if he behaves.” I said and the old man looked sad. “I can send you to the administration wing and you can still watch over him. If you try and break him out, the guards will suck out your soul.”

The old man's face lost all of its color. “You're a demon!”

“Did you think a hundred years of war wasn't going to come back on you and your people?” I asked.

The old man sighed. “Send me to him. I will try to talk sense into him.”

“Warn him that if he doesn't behave, I'll remove his elemental connection and he can suffer the eternal cold of the prison without its assistance.” I said and the old man nodded. “I'll send his men to minimum security.”

“Thank you.” The old man said and I sent him to Azkaban. The rest of the ship's crew were sent next.

“Wh-what just happened?” Katara asked.

“It's nothing to be worried about.” I said and stored the ship.

“First the iceberg and now a Fire Nation ship!” Sokka exclaimed. “What the hell is going on?!?”

I chuckled and turned the ice floe and headed towards their village. I had its location from Katara's mind and knew where to go and how to get there.

The people in the village were absolutely shocked when we appeared in their little harbour riding on a large ice floe. I stood up and motioned for the two young people to follow me, then we walked over to the dock I had stopped the ice beside.

“You can't leave that there.” An older woman said and pointed at the ice. A few of the other women around her made odd sounds and berated her for being rude.

“I wasn't going to.” I said and pointed at it. Water flowed up under it and lifted the gigantic thing up into the air, to show everyone in the village how big the thing was, and I waved my hand at it. The water formed into a hand and then crushed it.

“AHH!” A bunch of the women and children screamed.

“It's all right.” I said and the giant water hand threw the broken pieces far into the distance. “I couldn't throw it as a huge piece, because that would cause waves and ripples all over the place.”

Everyone stared at me and not a single person spoke.

“These young fishing people found me out in the ocean and told me you needed food.” I said and still no one spoke, not even Katara and Sokka. The brother actually looked sick as he stared at me.

I managed to not sigh and had to do the same tricks I did out on the ice, except I made a little tornado and then added some Fire to it. It went up like a Roman candle and everyone stared at the thing. I snapped my fingers at it and it blew apart as if it never existed.

“A-a-a-avatar.” The oldest woman whispered.

“He can't be! He doesn't have the tattoos!” One of the youngest kids said.

“Simple air concealment.” I said and created an illusion of a bald head with the arrow that Aang had, and dismissed it. “I don't want my enemies to know that I'm back yet.”

“The Fire Nation will come here to destroy us!” A moderately old woman exclaimed.

“No, they can't.” I said and she looked at me. “I'm going to deal with them as I travel the world and grant deserving people bending powers.”

“Me!” “Me!” “Me!” “Me!” All of the children chanted.

I chuckled at them and went to each one rubbed them on the head. “When you're as old as your big sister Katara, I'll come back and make you all benders.”

“YAY!” The kids yelled.

“Big sister?” Katara asked, her face almost sad.

I smiled at her. “It's okay. Believe me, that won't be a deterrent for them when they're old enough to date. You're just too great to ignore.”

Katara blushed and her brother made several choking sounds.

“So, who wants food?” I asked and the kids yelled and hollered. “Do you want more fish and things or will Fire Nation food do?”

“You have Fire Nation food? Where?” The oldest woman asked.

“Right here.” I said and created ten copies of all of the food crates that had been in the hold of the ship. Touching things with the Force always gave me copies in my head and I used it to create literally tons of food. It cost a fair bit of magic, which didn't matter at all to me, considering the hundreds of thousands of lands I had access to.

The entire village cheered when the food appeared.

“Enjoy it.” I said and they all swarmed over the crates and started sorting everything out, even Katara and Sokka. I stood there and watched them as they made short work of it.

I helped them as they distributed the more perishable foods to the main houses and the rest went into the main village building. I went to each building and house and repaired them and made them look brand new. I was tempted to add newer buildings and decided not to. I wasn't going to change their way of life, just enhance it.

They all gathered in the main building and discussed things while I went back to their docks. I checked their boats and repaired and fixed them, their equipment, added fishing supplies, better nets, and added harpoons and things that they might need. I went back to the main building and stood at the door to watch and listen.

“Even if he is the Avatar, he cannot stay. When word spreads, and it will, we will be hunted and destroyed.” One of the older women said.

“He is a strong man.” One of the younger women said. “We have none left in the village and he is a good provider.”

Several of the other women nodded at her words.

“Is it worth being attacked by the Fire Nation?” The oldest woman asked and they all looked worried.

“I'm not staying.” I said and nearly everyone jumped in fright. “Like I told you before, I'm leaving to spread bending around the world.”

“You can't do that without proper teachers.” The oldest woman said.

“I know. That's the point of my journey. I'll gather teachers and bending will be spread to many people.” I said and she looked conflicted. “I noticed that none of you asked to be given bending powers.”

“We're too old.” One of them said.

“What if I fixed that?” I asked and she caught her breath. “Just so you know, I'm a healer.”

“You can heal old age?” The oldest woman asked, clearly shocked.

“In several ways.” I said. “Would you like to try it first?”

The oldest woman looked around at the other women's faces and back at mine. “Yes, please.”

“We'll need some privacy.” I said and she pointed at the back of the room and a door there. I followed her shuffling gait to it and we entered an unused office. I shut the door and cast several spells to stop anyone else from entering or hearing anything.

“I am unsure what requirements you need to perform your healing.” The oldest woman said.

“How young do you want to be?” I asked.

“I... well...”

“Is thirty okay? You still need to be the oldest, I assume.”

The woman nodded.

“Then I'll see you when you wake up.” I said and stunned her, caught her, and changed the desk into a hospital bed. I created Panacea and explained what I wanted her to do. I also apologized for abusing her ability like this.

Panacea laughed and kissed my cheek. “You are such a delight, father. It's a simple matter to reverse the aging process, especially since you gave me all of that wonderful bacta research material.”

“Thank you, Panacea. This will save them weeks of soaking in a bacta tank.” I said.

A few minutes later, the oldest woman in the village looked like one of the youngest.

“I'll stand over there and wait.” Panacea said and went over to stand behind the door.

I chuckled and cast an expansion charm on the room. I also gave her some furniture and things to occupy herself before I created a divider to block off the old office from it. “We could be a while.”

“Thank you, father.” Panacea said and went behind the divider.

I woke the woman up and she didn't believe me, even when I created a mirror for her. So, I led her out of the office and the entire village was shocked at the beautiful young woman that had replaced the oldest woman in the village. It took them half an hour of making appropriate sounds and reassuring the old woman that she really was young again, before one of the other old ladies asked to be healed.

I spent the the rest of the day with Panacea while she made the older women of the village into younger versions of themselves. Not surprisingly, their mentalities hadn't regressed and none of them suggested that I try out their new bodies. I wasn't insulted, because they had probably spent years not even thinking about sex. There were also no men around for them to admire.

My eyes went to Sokka and I hid my smile. It might not take him long to find out that it wasn't his sister that was soon going to be finding all of their spare time being taken up by all of the available spouses in the village. I walked out of the main building and into the middle of the village. The people of the village followed me.

“Thank you very much, stranger.” The oldest woman, now one of the average aged ones, said.

“You know, you can just politely ask me to leave instead of trying to hint at it with the tone of voice and the pointed looks.” I said and she looked shocked. “I already told you I was leaving. Why are you so nervous about me staying?”

“We can't have anyone knowing we harboured you.” Someone else said.

“Yeah, you can forget about that. I wasn't going to tell anyone I was here and now I'll be spreading word far and wide that there's a hidden village at the south pole where all of the women are only thirty, even the ancient ones.” I said and laughed at their shocked faces before I walked over to Katara.

“You're not really going to do that, are you?” Katara asked me.

“No, I just don't like people trying to manipulate me for their own ends. It's annoying and I annoy them right back.” I said and took her hand.

Katara blushed a little and didn't look away from me, because she knew that I hadn't done this to any of the others in the village. “Where will you go first?”

I smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand. “I was thinking the Southern Air Temple.”

“We can lead you there.” Katara offered.

“Hey!” Sokka exclaimed and shook his head no vehemently.

I chuckled. “Thank you for the offer, young lady. The journey will be a rough one, especially when I stop off to deal with any Fire tribe members.” I said and Sokka slapped a hand over his face. “To make your brother relax, I must decline your offer and insist that you remain and be the best waterbender in the village.”

“But, I... I don't know any waterbending.” Katara said, a little sadly.

“I'll send a teacher to you from the Northern Tribe when I reach it.”

Katara looked into my eyes and saw I wasn't lying. “I will wait for however long that will be, just to hear from you... um...”

“You can call me Hansen.” I said and she smiled.

“Hansen. I like that name.”

“Me, too.” I said and let her hand go.

“You'll have some trouble when passing through the straights on the ice. The Fire Nation have ship blockades all over.” One of the women offered and I quickly read her mind to find out what she knew.

“I won't be going over the ice.” I said to her and slowly lifted up into the air.

“YOU'RE FLYING!” Katara and a bunch of the children yelled.

“Live your life and enjoy it, Katara.” I said and converted my clothes into my skin-tight superhero costume with the big H on the front. There were several sounds that came from a few of the women in the village, that shouldn't be heard in front of children. I chuckled and waved to Katara before I flew off in the right direction towards where the woman said the first blockade was.


The Fire tribe crewmen were in a frozen hell. The ice shard bombardments, the icy water waved that slammed into their ships, the giant icebergs appearing from nowhere and crushing their ships, and giant water hands grabbing them by the dozen and making them disappear into the water.

It was hell for people with a Fire affinity.

“You brought this upon yourselves.” A menacing voice said and two giant water hands reached for the last remaining ship.

“You won't survive to do this to another patrol, you monster!” The captain's voice called out and he unleashed his most devastating firebending attack at the flying stranger.

To everyone's surprise, the fire actually curled lovingly around the stranger and he pet it.

“I'm sorry that they don't properly respect you.” The stranger said and the fire seeped inside of him. “Oh? You want an upgrade to help? Very well. Fiendfire!”

The entire crew and the captain stared as an immense cloud of Fiery Death formed in front of the stranger. It was filled with animals that leapt and growled, wanting to attack.

“You may have the abuser and all of the ships. I will send away the crew.” The stranger said and the fire grew brightly and then swarmed down upon the Fire Nation's blockade ships.

The stunned crew watched as their captain screamed and was burned from the inside out as chunks of him were torn off by bears, horses, and wolves, all made from fire. None of them had ever seen anything like it before and they were absolutely terrified... and then they disappeared to reappear inside a dark prison and felt a bone chilling cold.


I wasn't surprised that the Fire Element wanted revenge. I was surprised as it was very efficient with removing the Fire Nation's ships and completely consuming them, even the ashes. I could feel the fire's satisfaction of a job well done and it flowed back over to me. It gave me a silent thank you and flowed back inside and through my Fire Element connection.

That was enlightening. I thought and almost felt a laugh come from the fire element. Sorry, I didn't mean for it to be a pun.

The feeling of amusement came to me and I nodded. I had checked the ships with the Force and found maps, orders, and movement plans. It clarified what I already knew, so I started a systematic sweep across all of the southern areas to remove all of the patrol ships and the blockades. The Fire Nation's monopoly on the world's seas would soon end in the southern hemisphere.


“Sir!” An older man said when he ran into the office of the commander for the Fire Nation outpost on the far south side of the Earth Nation. “We've lost contact with our ships!”

The commander of the outpost sighed. “Just send another fire message and...”

“Sir, you misunderstand.” The other man said. “None of our ships are responding to our messages.”

The man sat up in his chair. That's not possible. We just sent out reinforcements to...”


Both men jumped at the explosion that was entirely too close. Their scouts should have reported something long before anything could approach their position. A second later, water flooded through the room and swept the two men up and pulled them out of the room, along with everything else.

The wave they were in was dumped into the central compound with dozens of other waves and each deposited men and furniture. They all stared around for several moments and didn't know what was going on.

“That was waterbending!” An older man said. “Are the Water Tribes attacking?”

“We will step up their extermination.” The base commander said and stood up. “Blockading them and stopping their trade goods doesn't seem to be enough.”

“I think it's time you idiots learn that you need to LOOK UP for threats.” A menacing voice said from above them.

They all did as he ordered and stared at the floating man that wore a very revealing outfit.

“I was going to take it easy on you all and let you send a message back to your nation.” The figure said and then he smiled. The look was not a good one. “I believe a taste of your own medicine is once again appropriate.”

A dozen of the soaked people in the square shivered as they felt their own firebending react to the forming cloud of fire behind the floating figure. The older man and the base commander paled as they felt it draw upon their own firebending power.

“Who are you?” Someone asked and tried to reach for the fire with their power.

“Balance.” The figure said and reached back to pet the fire. “Leave nothing.”

Everyone screamed as the cloud of fire changed into massive forms of different animals and then they descended and devoured everything in their path, including them.

“I'm sure there will be firebenders back in the nation that won't be so corrupt.” The figure said as the base commander died. One of the smaller animals came back up to the figure. “I'm sorry that the other nations hate you, too. I'll do what I can to change that, I promise.”

The dog barked and flew back down to join the others as they completely consumed the Fire Nation Base and everything in it.

“We need to report this.” A young man whispered. He and his group had been spying for the resistance for several weeks to get the movements of the troops inside the base. “If we can get his help...”

“I sincerely doubt whoever that is would be willing to talk to us.” The young woman next to him whispered back. “How would we even contact him after we do report? He can fly.”

The young man sighed. “I hate that you're so smart.”

“That's not what you said in bed last night.” She responded.

The young man couldn't stop his smile. “That's because you were a goddess of Earth last night.”

She blushed and then laughed softly. “Keep your mind on the mission.”

“You mentioned it.” He said and then sighed again. “The mission's a bust, anyway.”

“Yeah.” She said. “We can't leave, though. If he sees us...”

“I agree. He could squash us like he's squashing the Fire Nation idiots.”

“I wouldn't.” A voice said from above them.

The man screamed and the woman let out a yell and leapt backwards as she waved her hands at the ground in front of her... and nothing happened.

“What... what.. how...” The woman stammered and stared at her hands and then at the dirt.

“The Earth Element doesn't want you attacking me.” The figure said. “You're fairly strong with it. Who was your teacher?”

“I... I... why would I tell you that?” The woman asked.

“I'm going to liberate your nation.” The figure said and her mouth dropped open in shock. “Luckily, the people the Fire Nation recruited for their armies are all murderers. I have no problems killing them and tossing the not-so-bad ones into prison for following their orders.”

“THE FIRE'S COMING THIS WAY!” The man yelled and tried to run... and the earth grabbed his arms and legs.

“It's done cleansing the area.” The figure said and turned to greet the horde of fire-animals. “Well done. We'll redeem your element even sooner than I thought.”

The two earthbenders actually felt a feeling of gratitude as the fire seemed to flow into the figure and then it was all gone.

The figure turned back to them. “I never thought I would say these cheesy lines.” He said and smiled. “I come in peace. Take me to your leader.”


I didn't bother covering up my superhero suit as I followed the two scouts to the walled city of Omashu. It looked like several tall pyramids were inside and it wasn't. It was just the aesthetic of where they placed their buildings and houses, like steps up a pyramid. It was quite nice, if you liked practically living on top of everyone.

I gained it as a special land, just like I gained the deserted Southern Air Temple. It had been emptied of all its treasures, knowledge, and everything else. Both gave me bonuses to bending their elements, Earth and Air, respectively.

“Are you serious?” The guard asked and stared at the woman.

“He really is.” She said and motioned to me.

I floated up into the air and used the bald head and tattoo illusion. The two guards stared at me with their mouths opened.

“We reacted just like that.” The man said.

“I'll take you right to the king himself!” One of the guards said and started to run in through the doors.

“It's a nice day for more walking.” I said and dropped to the ground and ended the illusion.

“You don't mind being so exposed?” The woman asked as she looked at me.

I patted my chest and looked back at her with a smile. She laughed and we followed the guard as he ran through the streets towards the largest pyramid. Almost as soon as we entered the king's crowded throne room, the ancient man stood up from where he sat and glared at me.

“You aren't him!” The king spat.

“Him, who?” I asked.

“Aang!” The king said. “He was the Avatar and the last airbender!”

“He was also a coward and ran from his responsibilities.” I responded.

“How DARE you say such a thing!” The king shouted.

“Did he, or did he not, flee from the Southern Air Temple a hundred years ago when he was informed of what he would be trained to become?” I asked and the king closed his mouth. “Aang hated and feared conflict, as the Air Nomads taught him. Why would he want to go to each nation and fight to keep the peace?”

“It's the Avatar's job!” Several people in the crowd shouted.

“Yes, it is. Which is why I took it over.” I said and floated up into the air. I called forth Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. They formed concentric rings around me and everyone stared. “Just in case that's not enough to prove I will do the job...”

A small storm cloud formed above my head near the ceiling as I took out my copy of Thor's Hammer. Several bolts of lightning flew down and hit it and the ring I wore. Not a single person spoke and a few of them weren't even breathing.

I ended the storm and put the hammer away, then thanked the element manifestations for coming to my aid and they slid back inside and through my connections to the elements. “Any questions?”

The king sat back down and his glare lessened somewhat. “Do you know where he is?”

“The last time I saw him, he was contained within an iceberg deep in the southern arctic ocean.” I said, completely truthfully.

The king sighed and slouched down on the throne. “My old friend really is dead.”

“No, I said contained.” I repeated and he sat up straight. “The cycle can only be broken if the current Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State. Until then, he will remain alive and well.” I said and saw the relief on the old man's face. “And frozen.” I added and he chuckled.

“At least I heard about him before I died of old age.” The king said.

“Yeah, about that.” I said and smiled at him.


“These are all the intelligence reports we've gathered over the last few months.” A thirty year old King Bumi said and the large group in the meeting room handed over piles of reports. “Troop numbers, movements, recruitment plans, arrest warrants for other benders. Everything.”

I looked down at the treasure trove of information. “Do you want a part on any of this?”

King Bumi barked a laugh. “I'd love to, except when word of my returned youth reaches the leader of the Fire Nation, Fire Lord Ozai, he'll send an invasion force to deal with me and my people.”

“How many benders do you have here in the city?” I asked.

“About three hundred experienced and a hundred novices.” One of the other men said. “The Fire Nation has been arresting and imprisoning anyone with even a hint of bending talent.”

“The first job of a tyrant is to crush the opposition.” I said and exchanged knowing looks with Bumi. “The problem is that they always create that which they hate the most.”

“Someone to fight back.” Bumi said with a grin. “What would you like to do first?”

“Send word to your people in the city and ask them if they are willing to fight.” I said.

“Most will refuse. It's safe inside the walls.” A woman said, a little angrily.

“That's because you need the right incentive.” I said and pointed to a young woman that stood off to the side of the room. “As the only one here that can't bend, what would you do to become an earthbender?”

“I would marry you and bare your children, Hansen.” She said without hesitation.

I gave her an appreciative look, just like she wanted me to, according to her thoughts.

She stood a little straighter and pushed her chest out a little. “I am of age and have not been sullied.”

I had to smile at the confidence. “What would you say if I could make you a waterbender?”

Everyone in the room gasped. Having access to water at any time, especially in the drier lands for farms, would be almost priceless.

“I have one available sister.” She said and looked at the woman in front of her. “With my mother's permission.”

“She would make a good wife.” The woman said and sighed. “She is not as... pure... as Shanna.”

“If she is with someone, I would never break them up or ever ask them to.” I said and held a hand out to Shanna. “What of you? How many suitors does someone so beautiful have?”

“Several potential ones.” Shanna said and took my hand. “Including you.”

I gave her a welcoming smile. “I like confident women.”

“Then you may court me during my training.” Shanna said. “I will also need access to a teacher if I am to waterbend successfully.”

“I was on my way to the Northern Water Tribe for that. I promised to send one to a Southern Tribe to teach their waterbenders.” I said and she smiled. “I'll leave on that quest when we get your people mobilized to start learning from King Bumi.”

“Can you truly grant earthbending to someone?” One of the men asked.

“I'll let Shanna answer that.” I said and gave her the same connection King Bumi had.

“OHH!” Shanna gasped and held onto my hand tightly. “The EARTH! It CALLS! It NEEDS help!”

“Welcome to my world.” I whispered to her and kissed her.

“MMMM!” Shanna moaned and almost melted into my arms. There was a loud rumbling as a five foot wide circle of the floor around us churned and her earthbending responded to her arousal. Over the next several minutes, chunks of gold ore and diamonds were pushed out. Several people coughed when the pile was almost a foot high.

King Bumi laughed. “I think we can all agree that was confirmation.”

I broke the kiss and saw a very happy smile on Shanna's face as everyone nodded. “You know, it's usually the suitor's job to provide gifts.”

Shanna laughed softly. “Can you blame me for bending tradition?”

“Ha!” I said and waved a hand at the fresh materials. They rose up into the air and I floated around our heads with the Force. “I can make you something very special with all of this.”

Shanna didn't react when everything disappeared. “I look forward to it, my intended.”

Her mother stood and gave me a pointed look. “I will not have another dishonored daughter to deal with.”

I took her hand. “Can they get married? He took her honor. It's only fair if he gave it back to her.”

“No, he is a scoundrel and has defiled several young maidens.” Her mother said with a sigh. “She was foolish and believed he loved her.”

“That sounds like someone I used to know.” I thought and remembered Sirius Black in the Harry Potter universe. “Will no one else date her?”

She shook her head. “Our ways are strict and she did defy them, even if she was tricked.”

“Do you allow concubine contracts here?” I asked and everyone in the room snapped their heads towards me. “What is it?”

“You want to buy her as a slave?” Shanna's mother asked with venom in her voice.

I gave her a calm look back and then started laughing. It made everyone confused and that was exactly what I intended. I took out the one I had made in case Amelia hadn't wanted to become my wife and then transfigured the words into the local language.

“Please read what a real concubine contract should entail.” I said and handed it to Shanna's mother.

She was immediately surrounded because everyone wanted to know what I meant and why I had laughed so hard.

“This... this... this is NOTHING like the Fire Nation's contracts!” Shanna's mother exclaimed and handed it to King Bumi for him to read. “I will talk to my daughter and she will sign it without haste!”

“I'm tempted to sign it and I'm already married.” The scout woman that brought me to the city said.

“As am I.” Shanna's mother said. “I will not be able to fulfill the actions that the contract details.”

“Understandable.” I said and waited for King Bumi to finish reading. “We need to get started right away if we are to prevent further imprisonment of your people.”

“May we keep this?” King Bumi said and waved the paper at me, and I nodded. “We will make hundreds of copies and will distribute them to every city, town, and village in the Earth Kingdom.”

“I can handle the creation for you.” I said and created a stack of several thousand sheets and then transfigured them into copies of the contract. “Do you also want promotional papers about people gaining earthbending and then learning it from you and your experts?”

King Bumi chuckled. “We want to do this under the Fire Nation's noses, not in front of their faces.”

I smiled and nodded. “Then send word and we'll get started as soon as they start to arrive.”

“If we liberated several of the prisons, we could double or even triple our current fighting strength.” One of the men said.

“I assume it's in the reports?” I asked and the man moved several of them aside and handed me three of them. I quickly looked over them and nodded. “I'll have the closest one back here within an hour.”

“You... are going alone?” Shanna asked and sounded worried.

“It's all right.” I said and gave her a hug and a kiss. “I won't be gone long.”

“Take me with you.” Shanna said.

“I can't court you properly while I'm busy dealing with the Fire Nation people.” I said and she blushed.

“I want to stay by your side.” Shanna said.

I thought about refusing, then chuckled. “I usually don't find someone to be with so quickly.”

Shanna smiled at me. “You appreciate quality when you see it.”

I laughed. “All right, I'll keep you safe while I tear apart the prisons.”

“We will send horse and cart transports as soon as our scouts tell us it is safe.” King Bumi said.

“That won't be necessary. I'll bring the rescued prisoners back myself.” I said and hugged Shanna close.

“How? You are only one man and...” One of the men started to say, then he closed his mouth as I apparated out of the room.


Shanna stared at the man... no, the god... that floated below her as he commanded living fire to tear apart and devour both buildings and people. She was protected by some kind of energy shield and nothing could touch her. The century-old enemies of her people meant nothing to the being in front of her... her soon to be husband... and she couldn't have felt more proud or honored.

She watched the destruction and didn't feel any fear or nervousness. In fact, she felt something else stir within her. Desire. She wanted this man, this being, to be with her. She wanted to be in his bed and to be his. His strength and his power were as much of an aphrodisiac as his handsomeness and muscles were. He was saving her people from oppression and she would forever be grateful to him for it.

When all of the enemies were gone, Shanna watched as he waved his hands and the main prison building split apart and was thrown aside to reveal all of the prisoners. They all stared up at him and at her.

“Who wants to learn advanced earthbending to teach the Fire Nation a lesson they won't forget?” Hansen asked and the freed prisoners cheered.

He made a large seating thing appear and everyone sat down and started to compliment the comfortable seats, then they disappeared with a loud crack.

Shanna didn't ask what happened and gladly hugged her suitor as he floated to her, then they disappeared as well. The scene she had just watched was repeated twice more at the other two prisons and her desire for him grew to be almost too much to bear.

As if he knew what she was thinking and feeling, Hansen gave her a gentle kiss. “We have all the time in the world to love each other, Shanna.” He whispered and then he kissed her passionately.

Shanna vowed then and there to force her mother to skip all of the time requirements for a formal courtship and they would perform every ritual within the next week. She was not going to be able to take being this close to him and not offer herself up. Not for long.

“You will not touch my sister before me, even with the contract in place.” Shanna ordered when the kiss finally ended.

“Of course, my dear.” Hansen said and then they disappeared and reappeared inside King Bumi's palace.

“You are truly a wonder, Avatar.” King Bumi said with a knowing smile.

Hansen chuckled. “Don't worry, your highness. I know where he is. I'll deliver him to you as soon as the current conflict is resolved and things settle down. He just wanted to be a child for a while longer, so why not grant that wish?”

King Bumi grinned and nodded.

“We have over a thousand people willing to become benders to fight for the kingdom.” One of the men said.

“Excellent.” Hansen said and let Shanna go to take her hand. “Shall we? This is going to be quite the experience to feel through the Earth element.”

Shanna nodded and went with her future husband out of the palace and into the very packed courtyard.

“Listen up!” The head of the king's guard shouted. “Be prepared! The Avatar is going to grant your wish! You will become an earthbender!”

Everyone started talking and muttering about it being too good to be true and not wanting to miss it in case it wasn't.

Hansen held onto Shanna's hand and held up his free one. “I don't know if you'll feel this first part, though I suspect you will. A fundamental Force of the universe is desperate to help bring balance to this world.”

“DO IT!” Several people shouted.

Hansen chuckled. “This is going to be a wild ride.” He said and then Shanna and every other woman in the area gasped as the warmest feeling they ever felt engulfed them and hugged them.

“By the AVATAR'S WILL!” Some people shouted, both men and women.

“I can feel you all now.” Hansen said and smiled. “I grant you all Master Capacity Earthbending!”

“OHHHHH!” Everyone moaned and yelled as the Earth Element itself flowed up and out of the Avatar and flowed through them all as the Master Telepathic Ability was copied into all of them. They all dropped to their knees and hugged themselves as they felt the Earth Element happily welcome them.

“I told you.” Hansen said and cradled Shanna against his side.

“Please, take me! We can get married later!” Shanna said, her resolve to not do that was forgotten.

Hansen wasn't surprised that most of the other women said the same thing. He didn't respond and just held her as the feelings of the Earth Element receded and flowed back through him.

“Now it's time to learn.” The head of the king's guard said in a normal voice. He had been swept up in the feeling as well and recovered faster than the others.

King Bumi had just grinned at Hansen and hadn't reacted at all.


While the Earth Tribe were learning how to use their new powers, I went back to the meeting room and started going through the reports from all across the Earth Kingdom. Some of it was worrying, just because of the implications. The top file was about a spirit monster attacking one of the villages several days walk away.

I searched through everything for similar files and reports, then nodded. I went out to the balcony and created a thousand Dementors and gave them orders to hunt down the spirits that have escaped from the Spirit Realm and to consume them. They could also feed on any criminals along the way.

They all looked happy and quickly floated off to get to work.

I returned to the meeting room and King Bumi was there and gave me a questioning look. “I've released a few agents to handle the spirits that have escaped the spirit realm. They should make short work of them.”

King Bumi smiled warmly at me. “You're already doing the job better than any of the other Avatars.”

I chuckled. “I've had a lot of experience with things like this.”

King Bumi nodded. “What will you do next?”

“I'd like for you to send envoys to these people.” I said and pulled out another file folder. “It says there is a small band of Fire Nation deserters. They haven't hurt anyone and are avoiding all conflict.”

King Bumi rubbed his chin. “I suppose I can find a few of my soldiers that don't hate the Fire Nation too much.”

I chuckled. “Just order them to not attack unless attacked. If the Fire Nation people are stupid about it, I won't risk your people. I just want to talk to them and make a deal with them, if they refuse, that's their choice.”

King Bumi smiled and nodded. “Very wise.”

I took out another folder. “What's this tournament about?”

“It's a ploy for the Fire Nation to find earthbenders without having to search for them.” King Bumi said. “Although, I have heard a rumor of a young earthbender that could give me a good fight.”

I smiled at that. “Would you mind giving me a writ of passage and perhaps an official badge or something? I want to go in there and clean up the mess.”

“Are you going to end the tournament?” King Bumi asked.

“No, of course not. I'll just make it into a legitimate one.” I said.

“Good! I'm glad you aren't trying to change my people's natures. They need things like those tournaments to keep their hope going.”

“I'm only here to help.” I said and moved a few of the reports aside. “I might even bring it to the fore and not have it remain as underground one.”

“What? Why would you do that?” King Bumi asked.

“To give the people fighting more exposure and fame.” I said and plucked out a small file folder. “I'm going to stop off somewhere first.”

King Bumi saw the folder and sighed. “You are chasing a false dream.”

I laughed. “I'm a false Avatar. Why wouldn't I chase a false dream?”

King Bumi shook his head. “Be prepared for disappointment, Hansen.”

“I'll only be disappointed if I can't repair it back to its former glory.” I said and copied the map. “Tell Shanna I'll be back as soon as I can.”

“NO! She'll kill me if she knows I let you leave without her!” King Bumi exclaimed.

I waved and apparated out of there and appeared in the Si Wong expansive desert. I looked at the map and flew around to find the right visual markers, then followed the map's directions that a professor had sent to the king to ask for funds to conduct an expedition. I found the small tower partially sticking out of a sand dune and floated above the place.

I closed my eyes and held my hands downwards, then called upon the Force and the Earthbending Element to assist. They were very eager to do so and sand and debris rolled out of the way as the Wan Shi Tong Library slowly rose up and out of the desert sands that had almost claimed it completely.

I held it in place as I bent the earth underneath it and formed extensive pillars and embedded them into the surrounding lands and formed a solid base for the library to sit on safely. It would never sink below the sands ever again.

I opened my eyes and it was a pitiful sight. Decades of sand and erosion had done a number on the building that surprisingly looked like the Taj Mahal. I floated down to touch it directly, even though i didn't really have to, and cast the Repair spell on it and poured a bunch of extra magic into it.

It took several minutes for the damages to be reversed and a pristine looking building stood where there was once only a single tower. I made it indestructible and landed in front of the main doors. I gained it as a land and politely knocked. Nothing happened, so I opened the door and stepped inside. I was a little surprised that I didn't meet anyone, namely the spirit that resided in the place, and chuckled.

I created a Dementor. “Have your brethren been here?”

It shook its head.

“Please pass on that sacred temples and shrines that have friendly spirits inhabiting them, can be left alone? I was a bit too general with my last orders.” I said. “If the spirits are not friendly, you can still have fun.”

It nodded and floated out of the door and I closed it.

“You are a strange mortal.” A disembodied voice said.

I couldn't see anyone, so I had to assume they were hiding. “Do I have the honor of speaking to the spirit of Wan Shi Tong?”

A large fifteen foot tall owl-like spirit floated out through the wall to look at me. “You do.”

I gave him a deep bow. “I hope I haven't made it too difficult for you to reside here, bringing the building fully into the mortal realm once more.”

“I am attached to the place, no matter where it is.” Wan said. “Although, the contents have not been updated in quite some time.”

I didn't need the prompt and created a copy of Alice in Wonderland, first edition. “Please accept this gift for allowing me entrance.”

The spirit was beside me instantly and stared at the thing. “What is that wonderful book?”

“A classic children's story from where I come from.” I said and stood there as I carefully flipped through the pages for him. He would shiver at the fancy artwork etchings every time and he remained silent until the book was read.

“That is a valuable gift that will be treasured among the others.” Wan said. “Please place it where I say.”

“Of course.” I said and followed him to the place he wanted it and I placed it on the shelf.

“I must apologize for the state the library is in.” Wan said. “It has been a long time since we've had a proper caretaker and not just spirit sprites doing the large things to keep the aisles clear.”

I chuckled. “I'll be helping with that.” I said and used the Force to fill the room we were in. “Repair.”

The walls, floor, shelves, and even the books all returned to pristine condition.

“By the Avatar's Spirit.” Wan whispered.

“What room should we do next?” I asked.

“If I had any living relatives, I would give them to you.” Wan said. “We should start in the archives. If you can repair the scrolls and documents that have almost become dust, I will be forever grateful.”

“I'll do what I can.” I promised and the owl looked like it smiled.


Toph Beifong prepared herself for another match, one that was going to be quite easy for her, considering she was a Master Earthbender. She was only 12, blind since birth, and angry at her parents for coddling her to the point that she hated staying at home and had run away every chance she could. That most people didn't even know her parents had a child, only benefited her efforts.

“It's almost time.” An announcer said and then the entire place shook with a little tremor.

“Someone's showing off again.” A man said with a chuckle.

“It wasn't me this time.” Toph said and reached out with her earthbending powers. She caught her breath when she felt HIM. He was the one. The connection. The prime connection to her beloved Earth Element. She used it to see, sense, and feel everything around her. She turned her head towards him and she felt as the Earth responded to him, welcomed him, encouraged him, and embraced him.

“You can't come in here!” Someone shouted and then the Earth swallowed him as if he had never been there, his own power refusing to work on his new Earth prison cell.

“I had to come.” HIM responded.

Toph felt him walk towards her. He is coming to me! TO ME! She thought and raised her head to stare at him with her blank eyes.

“It's so very nice to meet you, Toph Beifong.” HIM said and knelt in front of her.

“You can't be real.” Toph whispered. “No one knows my name.”

“I do.” HIM said and his hands reached up and cupped the sides of her face.

Toph sighed as she felt her master power connect with his prime connection. “It's real. It's really real.”

Yes, it is. Hansen thought to her and she gasped.

How can I hear you like this? Toph asked, shocked. Wait, how do I know your name and who you are?

The Earth Element. Hansen responded. We are apparently going to produce powerful children when you're older.

Toph stood there and stared at the man that just said they were going to become a family.

Shall we go and talk to your parents? You were going to win this tournament anyway, Blind Bandit. Hansen thought and she felt his amusement.

You already know all about me. Toph's thought.

Only what you would have done had I not come here to this world. Hansen thought back. Now that I'm here, I'm going to change it. All of it.

Toph gasped as his plans filtered through her mind. You're insane!

Hansen chuckled and leaned in to kiss her cheek, which made her blush. I'm to bring balance to this world. Will you help me teach them?

Yes! Toph thought, because he had already expanded the earthbenders by a thousand users already and he was just getting started. A million times, yes!

Hansen scooped her up into his arms and walked right back out of the tournament arena without looking back.

The earth cell spit out the other earth bender and the man was too shocked to try and fight back.


Toph's parents handed her over to me without question and refused any payment. They crossed out most of the future marriage contract as well and signed it gratefully.

Now you know why I hate it here. Toph thought to me.

They do care about you a lot. I thought back. Your mother especially. They are just relieved that you'll have someone else taking care of you.

Toph huffed out loud. Their social life is going to pick up with me out of the house. They don't have to work so hard to hide me anymore.

I put an arm over her shoulders. At least you're all getting what you want out of this.

Yes, freedom. Toph thought and gave me a look. At least, you better give me my freedom.

I smiled at her. You're going to be quite busy being paid a ridiculous amount of money to train a bunch of students. I'm not going to interfere in your life, even after you're of age.

And you won't enforce the marriage contract? Toph asked.

No, and I never would. The contract is just to reassure your parents.

Toph's expression softened. Thank you, Hansen.

You're welcome. I thought to her.

We left her parents in their house and I picked Toph up in my arms.

“I can walk, you know.” Toph said. She didn't try to get away and actually hugged my neck.

“If we were walking.” I said and flew us up into the air.

“AHH! NO!” Toph shouted and started to panic. “Don't take me away from...” She stopped shouting and immediately calmed down. “Why can I still see and feel the earth around me?”

I chuckled. “You're connected to me, and through me, the Earth Element. It loves you as much as you love it. It will never abandon you... and neither will I.”

Toph blushed and tucked her head against my neck. “I still won't calling you John until I'm of age.”

I laughed and she laughed, too.

A minute later, Toph stiffed slightly. “Hansen, there's something huge and heavy moving down there.”

I concentrated through the Earth Element and felt what she felt. “Your ability to sense like that is wonderful.”

Toph lightly slapped my shoulder. “I'm too young to flirt with.”

I chuckled and came to a stop in the air. “Should we attack and bury it or should we use the metal for ourselves and make it into a city or something?”

Toph gave me a pointed look. “How can you know things I've not done yet?”

“Seer friend on another world.” I said and let her see Taylor and her watching the Avatar's adventures.

“That is both amazing and terrifying.” Toph said. “It's both the future and not.”

I nodded and looked down at the giant drilling machine that was headed for the walled city of Ba Sing Se. “After I take care of this and drop you off with King Bumi, I'll go handle the Fire Nation's sea ships and stop their development of any airships.”

“They won't like that.” Toph said.

“No doubt.” I said and gave her a protection amulet. “Do you want to help?”

Toph gave me a crooked smile. “You did take me away from the place I usually beat up idiots.”

I barked a laugh. “Try to not have too much fun.”

“Bite your tongue.” Toph said. “That's the only fun to be had with idiots.”

We both laughed and descended upon the Fire Nation's protection detail like the wrath of the gods.

Needless to say, Toph had a lot of fun.


Fire Lord Ozai sat on his throne and felt frustrated. Very frustrated. All of his plans, years worth of resources and costly expenditures, had come to a screeching halt. He had just received word that the assault on Ba Sing Se had been stopped before it even started, and his troops were captured or killed.

That had just been the latest blow. The loss of the blockades stopping sea trade between the nations was also a heavy blow. That had cut down on his own nation's available food and resources, because they had either confiscated the other nation's cargoes or taxed them heavily. He also couldn't divert his shipyards to produce more civilian craft because they were working to add more ships to his invasion fleet.

He needed more ships to handle the impressive defenses that the Northern Tribes had for their cities and he would launch an attack as soon as the numbers favored him. They had defied him and the Fire Nation for far too long. They would accept his rule or they would be destroyed like the Air Nomads.

The doors to his throne room burst open in a flash of fire and a man stood there with a shocked expression on his face. “My Lord Ozai! Our secret airships are gone!”

Ozai leapt to his feet. “WHAT?” He yelled. “Who would dare betray me and destroy...”

“They weren't destroyed, my lord!” The Advisor interrupted. “They were taken with the war balloons!”

Ozai stared at the man and he couldn't understand it. It wasn't possible. How could anyone steal five giant airships and over a dozen war balloons?

Another man ran into the throne room and he was breathing heavily. “Our... fleet... is... gone.”

“WHAT?!?” Ozai and his Advisor shouted.

“Docks... gone, too.” The man said and tried to catch his breath. “Earth... swallowed them.”

“No.” Ozai whispered and sat down on his throne. “No.”

“My lord, there's no need to fear. We will work twice as hard now to...”

“We can't afford to.” Ozai said and his Advisor closed his mouth. “All of that prosperity... all of that advancement... lost.” He sat back on his throne and let the feeling of melancholy fill him.

“My lord.” The Advisor said, then he didn't know what else to say.

“How will we bring my light to the world now?” Ozai asked. “The darkness of ignorance will engulf the masses and they will devolve into mindless beasts with no one to lead them.”

“Who said they didn't have a leader?” A voice asked out of nowhere.

“I did.” Ozai said and sat up straight. “Only I deserve to rule these lands. Only I can bring this world into the next industrial age!”

“You? A man who maimed and exiled his own son?” The voice asked with a laugh.

“You dare...” Ozai squinted his eyes and called upon his firebending ability... and barely a flicker responded.

“You have been reduced to the lowest of the low, Fire Lord.” The voice said the title with derision.

“No! I am the greatest firebender! I always have been!” Ozai exclaimed.

“No, you abused your power and you've cause nearly the entire world to hate the Fire Element.” The voice responded. “Where is the reverence you promised to gain from the people? Where is the progress to make your people better?”

“I have done everything to achieve those things!”

“Warmongering does not make you a benevolent lord to the people. It just made you a tyrant that everyone... even your own son... hates and desires to get rid of.” The voice said. “How will you fare against the entire world without your vaunted powers? You have instilled in your troops and your people with the instinct to despise those weaker than them.”

Ozai and the other two people in the room didn't respond.

“Now ask yourself who will follow a weakling like you?” The voice laughed before fading away.


“I absolutely refuse!” Azula spat at me from her holding cell.

“Why?” I asked.

“I will bow to no man!”

“Not even your father?” I asked and she closed her mouth. “I think you're confusing supplication with respect.”

Azula glared at me and kept her mouth shut.

“Do you believe, completely and truly, in your father's vision for the world?” I asked her.

“Of course I do!” Azula spat. “I desire nothing else except to bring new heights to the people and...”

I held up a hand to stop her and she glared at me again. “I want you to actually think about it. Don't spout the rhetoric he gives to the people. Don't try to convince me that he's right. I want you to look at yourself and I want you... you, personally... to tell me if you believe it. Do you truly believe it?”

Azula's glare didn't lessen as she did as I asked. She contemplated things, some very complicated things, and then she closed her eyes. Fire flowed through her and she took a deep breath and let it out.

“Yes.” Azula said and opened her eyes to look at me calmly. “I believe the people need to be shown that the old ways are outdated. The old way of doing things isn't working anymore. Food is becoming scarce, because no one is learning how to farm the land properly or raising animals for meat. Hunting them in the wild is depleting them far too fast for sustainability.”

I smiled brightly at her and held a hand out to her through the metal bars of her cell. “Then accept my offer and join me. Become my Third. Let's show the people... the entire world... what it needs to see.”

Azula looked at my hand and back at my face. “You believe you can succeed where my father has failed?”

“I've already succeeded.” I said and didn't laugh at her surprised face. “It's just going to take time for everyone else to realize it.” I wagged my hand at her. “What do you say? Will you become the new leader of the Fire Nation and help me bring full and complete balance to the world?”

“Through advancement?” Azula asked as she took a step forward.

I smiled. “Become my wife and I'll show you advancement so advanced that you will think it's magic.”

Azula nodded and took my hand. She gasped when the bars bent apart for her and she walked out of the cell to stand in front of me. “You must tell me how you bent metal.”

“Tell you?” I asked and she narrowed her eyes at me. “Why don't you see it for yourself?”

“How would...” Azula caught her breath as the wall behind me became an archway and I hugged her and floated us out of the hole. She stared at me with wide eyes until I pointed downwards. “By the Elements!” She gasped at the sight.

A hundred earthbenders led by Toph were bending iron ore and combining it with carbon and other impurities, with the help of Firebenders adding heat, and made gleaming steel armor plates.

“I've never seen such things.” Azula whispered. “I never knew it was possible.”

“We're just getting started.” I said and she lifted her head to look into my eyes. “With you along to provide leadership, we can move all of our plans forward.”

“I thought you just wanted me for my body.” Azula said with a smile.

I couldn't help but laugh. “Not only that.”

“Your second wife seems a little young, even for an uneducated backwater tribe.” Azula said and I had to laugh again.

“Contract can't be used until she's of age and she can refuse at any time.” I said.

“She won't.” Azula said and leaned her face close to whisper. “I can feel it inside of you now.”

“I don't have to block Fire's favorite anymore.” I whispered back and she smiled, then she kissed me.


“Finally.” Shanna said as we landed near the town in the Northern Tribes that had a waterbending master. “I can finally learn what you promised.”

“Women are forbidden from learning the sacred art of Waterbending.” An older man said as he came out of the closest house.

“That's because men like you are shortsighted and pigheaded.” Shanna said. “Hansen, copy him and toss him in prison. Someone of his limited mental capacity can't be allowed to corrupt the younger generations anymore.”

“Wh-what?” The old man said, looking shocked.

“By denying women the right to learn, you've essentially cut the water element off from being balanced on its own, let alone balanced with the other elements.” I said and he looked shocked. “The water hasn't responded well to you for quite some time, has it? It takes a lot more effort, doesn't it?”

The old man sighed. “I thought... I was just getting old.”

I chuckled. “King Bumi was the most muscular old man I have ever seen. He bends every day, usually tons of earth, just because he can and he enjoys it.”

The old man nodded. “Then send me off and I'll do my proper penance.”

“Proper penance?” Shanna asked and then gave me a pointed look. “Can you do that?”

I understood what she meant and barked a laugh. “It'll just be superficial.”

“It won't matter.” Shanna said. “Say, a year?”

“Sounds about right.” I said and created a wand. “I hope you like peeing sitting down, old man.”

“What? Why?” The old man asked before I stunned him.

It took me a good half an hour to transfigure him into a forty year old woman. On Shanna's advice, he had huge boobs that would always get in the way of whatever he was doing and his butt was plump and would get sore if sat on for too long. We both laughed pretty hard when I was done, because he looked like a Barbi doll. I woke him up and he immediately noticed the changes.


“A year's penance, old man.” Shanna said. “By your own words.”

The old man sighed.

“You have a lot of people to convince that girls are actually worth teaching, old man.” I said and waved at the other houses in the village. “You might find a few students to teach properly, too.”

The old man that looked like a woman nodded and walked off, still using his cane out of habit.

“I love you so much, John.” Shanna said and kissed me.

“I've got a full set of teachers now, so I have some deliveries to make.”

Shanna nodded and grabbed onto me. We disappeared from there and reappeared in the Southern Hemisphere near Katara's village.

“Why haven't you sent us any men yet!” A woman's voice rang out.

I turned to see the oldest woman of the village. “I was joking about that threat. I had too much work to do and also spread rumors of the village of youthful women.”

“Then get back out there and hurry up with the spreading!” She said in a huff and walked off.

Shanna laughed softly and let me go. “Do you know where Katara is?”

I nodded and cast the spell to specifically target her. We walked across the village and knocked on her hut's door. It opened and Katara gasped when she saw me, then she jumped and hugged me.

“I'm so glad you're okay!” Katara said and held on tightly.

“I'm sorry if I worried you.” I said and hugged her back. “I've found a teacher for you.”

Katara nodded and didn't let me go.

“Are you going to be the Fourth?” Shanna asked her.

“The fourth what?” Katara asked and turned her head to look at her.

“Wife.” Shanna said.

Katara let out a surprised sound and let me go.

“Don't mind her. She just wants me to hurry up and complete the set.” I said.

“Wh-wh-what?” Katara asked.

“I am to be Air when I learn to bend it properly, Toph is Earth, and Azula is Fire. We need a Water.” Shanna said, logically.

Katara stared at her with wide eyes.

“Like I said, she's eager for the set. She thinks you'll all get a massive power up with all four elements, as if having the strongest connections wasn't enough.”

Katara's eyes went to me instead. “You already gave me that connection.”

“He did? That's wonderful!” Shanna said and hugged her. “We just have to make it official and sign the contracts. When we're all together, it will be phenomenal!”

“T-t-together?” Katara asked, nervously.

“She means in the ritual room at the Elemental Temple I created.” I clarified.

“Yes! With all four of his intended and him in the center, the convergence should give us the best feeling in the world.” Shanna said and Katara blushed.

“She means a Unification with your element.” I said and Katara relaxed. “I know you can't really leave your village...”

“Actually, I can.” Katara said and then blushed again. “Sokka... he...”

“Say hello to the husband of the prettiest girl in the village!” Sokka proclaimed loudly as he skidded to a stop in front of the house.

“He totally waited for that cue.” Katara said and slapped a hand over her own face.

I chuckled and shook his hand. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks! I'm already moved out and I'm living with her, because she has a bigger house.” Sokka said and sighed. “I hate leaving Katara alone, though.”

“You aren't. She's coming with us.” Shanna said.

“Really?” Sokka asked and Katara nodded. “Yes!” He said and hugged her. “Go and be happy! Like me!”

Katara pushed him off and smacked him on the head. “You better not be happy happy yet!”

Sokka grinned at her. “Who actually waits for the honeymoon? We did it right after the wedding!”

“By the Avatar's Spirit.” Katara said with a groan.

Shanna gave me a very significant look.

“I know you're skipping a lot of traditional courtship rituals already.” I said.

Shanna grinned at me and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

“Not waiting seems like a good idea.” I said and she laughed softly. “Katara? Is there anything you want to pack?”

“Um, I could be a while.” Katara said and looked at the hut.

“Not a problem.” I said and touched the hut, shrunk it, and handed it to her. “Anything else?”

Katara stared at the tiny hut in her hands. “Wow.”

“Tell everyone where she went and that we'll be back to visit later.” Shanna said to Sokka and he nodded. “Hansen, let's go. Everyone's going to be so happy that we have the Fourth!”

I took Katara and Shanna into a hug. “Here's a wedding present for you, Sokka.”

Sokka stared at the piles of money, food, and weapons that appeared in front of him.

“Enjoy your life.” I said and disappeared.


The Earth Tribe's campaign against the Fire Tribe's aggression was history in the making. For the first time in recorded history, Fire was completely ineffectual against Earth defenses. The were soon proven to be impotent when Earth started fighting back and they couldn't be stopped. The sheer amount of fighters used to defend against the Fire Nation, ensured victory.

The Earth Element fighters didn't need attrition to win. The intense training by several masters had brought them to a point that no one could stand against them. It was actually the Fire Nation's worst nightmare to come across someone that could make their powers practically worthless. That was why they had attacked the Earth Nation so ruthlessly and for so long. They feared their fiercest opponents.


When Katara came of age four year later, she readily accepted John as her husband and also the full connection of all four elements through him. Her personal power skyrocketed as all four elements accepted her as a full member, beside both Shanna and Azula.

Toph only felt a little jealousy, because she had to wait two more years to experience the same thing. She wasn't worried about waiting so long, however. John had promised to restore her sight when she decided that she wanted to see the world like everyone else did. She wouldn't accept that offer until she could look upon her husband's face with her own eyes and accepted him within her body.

It was tradition, and she wasn't going to insult her ancestors or those of the Avatar, by trying to rush things or making the man she had slowly fallen in love with, regret his decision to wait for her.

Little did she realize that John would wait for her for as long as she deemed appropriate, because he had agreed with the Earth Element. Their children would shape and form the next generation of benders to become the most powerful benders of all time.


The Fire Nation were soon confined back to their own lands and they felt stifled and repressed, exactly as all the other nations of the world felt for the last hundred years. A taste of their own medicine was appropriate, especially when their new leader, Fire Goddess Azula, had declared their penance or the oppression they had forced upon the rest of the world.

With the people's acceptance, albeit reluctantly, the entire world started to accept small advancements to their daily lives. Slightly better food production. Slightly better working conditions. Slightly better things available for them to experience and to buy.

It was all very subtle and no one of the general population knew what was going on, until the Avatar made a public announcement. He, and his four wives, would begin repopulating the Air Nomad tribe and then each of the Noble Elements. With each birth, a new advancement would be released into the world, and distributed to the masses for free.

The people rejoiced, because the Avatar himself would be giving them his blessing.


Two years later, the final consummation ritual was felt throughout the entire planet. Every bender had an orgasm when John bedded Toph and impregnated her with a continuation of both the Earth and Air bloodlines. It was a celebration that everyone participated in, because all four elements were finally one.

Balance had been restored to each of the elements and they rejoiced with the people that been enlightened about them. Their decision to accept Hansen as the replacement Avatar had been a great one, because he had brought peace to the lands that hadn't felt peace for over a hundred years.


A very old Aang laid on his deathbed and held his hands out to his two good friends. King Bumi and Avatar Hansen. “I can... never thank you both... for what you've done for me... and the world.”

Bumi chuckled. “You could have if you accepted a dip the rejuvenation chamber, you stupid fool.”

Aang chuckled and looked at his other friend. “You understand why I didn't.”

“I do.” I said and held his hand. “I hope you'll forgive me if I leave before you finish kicking the bucket.”

Aang laughed. “It's your wives that you need forgiveness from.”

“They gave it long before we had our first child together.” I said. “I told them a long time ago that I could be forced to move on after I brought you out of cryogenic stasis.”

Aang nodded. He knew there could not be two avatars present at the same time and he also knew that if he passed on, Hansen would be quickly chosen as his replacement. His powers beyond those of a normal Avatar, practically dictated that he would become the real Avatar, especially after he had fulfilled the sacred duty before reviving Aang.

“Then I wish you luck on your travels, my friend.” Aang said and looked at Bumi. “Thank you for letting him give me my fondest wish.”

“I wouldn't deny an Avatar's words, false or not.” Bumi said. “He had the world's best interest at heart, after all.”

“And mine.” Aang said and looked back at me. “Thank you, John. Thank you for assuming the responsibility that I wasn't ready to shoulder.”

“It was the least I could do, my friend.” I said. “I also got to marry the best women on the planet.”

Both Aang and Bumi chuckled. They didn't argue against my comment at all.

“Best wishes, my friend.” I said to Aang. “Say hello to Wan when you go to the spirit realm.”

Aang smiled. “You really saved my soul with that story, my friend. He should readily accept my help.”

“Good luck, Aang.” I said and let his hand go. “I'll leave the teachers for as long as they are needed.”

“You are too good to us, Hansen.” Aang said and closed his eyes. “I feel the pull. The spirits... the realm... they want me to join them.”

“It's finally your time.” Bumi said and held his hand. “My children will visit the library. I promise.”

Aang smiled. “I look... forward to... telling them about... our adventures, Bumi.”

“Don't you dare!” Bumi exclaimed and Aang chuckled.

“That's my cue to go.” I said and walked over to my wives and all of my children. “I love you. I love you all.”

“Goodbye, love.” My four wives said and hugged me.

“Father!” My children exclaimed and hugged me as well.

As a final gift, I copied over the full connection to the elements over to them, which made them all gasp and the elements rejoiced.

“I know you will all keep the world safe.” I said and then copied over the connection to the Force to them, which made them and the Force gasp with joy. “I really do love you all.”

“We know.” They said as one and hugged me.

“Goodbye.” I said and let them go as I stepped back.

“You are a good man, John.” Toph said as she looked at me with her normal eyes, then she winked.

“Thanks, you little minx.” I said and she giggled. I covered myself with Chi and magic energy and waved to everyone before I disappeared.

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