Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Seido High Vs. Yakushi High 3

Rei continued pitching the 2nd inning and struck out the batters.

“Nice pitching!”, said Miyuki.

"Hmph", said Rei walking back to the dugout.

"What are you a tsundere!", said Miyuki.

It was Rei's turn to bat, so he grabbed his metal bat and walked toward the batter's box.

"Hello", said Rei to the catcher.

The catcher ignored him.

The Yakushi's pitcher threw the ball.

As soon as Rei saw the ball coming toward him, he hit it making it go over the fence.

"Too Easy", thought Rei grinning, while he jogged to touch all the bases.

In The Audience.

"What was that!"


"YOKO are you ok", said a concerned friend seeing her friend faint.

"I-I Just can't, he's too cool", said the girl before closing her eyes.

"May you rest in peace", said the concerned friend.

"REI-SAMA!", yelled the concerned friend continuing to cheer after forgetting about Yoko.

In Seido's Dugout.

"R-Rei, that brat…how dare he show off with his batting", said Kuramochi trembling in anger.

"It's fine", said Miyuki patting his shoulder.

Kadota went to the batter's box after Rei and hit the ball.

The ball was a fly to the left fielder getting him out.


Yakushi: 0-0

Seido: 2-1]

Rei continued throwing the 3rd inning and he struck out the 1st batter.

In Yakushi's Dugout.

"How about you have a taste of my new strategy", said Raizou.

"It will definitely catch them off guard", said his assistant.

“Is it necessary to do the tackle? I mean it doesn’t make sense”, said Sanada.

“We are just trying to confuse them so that they can be on guard”, said Raizou.

Sanada nodded in agreement.

Back to the field.

#17 the hard hitter was up to bat.

Miyuki gave Rei a signal for a low Fastball to the inside corner.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

As soon as #17 saw the ball coming toward him, he hit it.

The ball went past the 1st baseman to the right field.

#17 ran to the base while thinking about the strategy his coach told him to do.


In Yakushi's Dugout.

"Just for this one play. Tackle someone on the field to catch Seido off guard", said Raizou.

Seeing #17 hesitant, Raizou said, "It's not going to get you in trouble these, things happen in games".

#17 nodded.

Present, back to the field.

Shirasu hurriedly grabbed the ball and threw it to the 1st baseman, Yuuki.

#17 came running toward Yuuki. In just a few seconds before Yuuki could grab the ball, #17 tackled him to the ground and stepped on the base.

"Safe!", said the umpire.

In the Audience.

"Our poor Yuuki".

"Hey Umpire, what are you doing?".

"That's not fair".

"Change your decision".

In Seido's Dugout.

Kataoka hurriedly ran to the field to check up on Yuuki.

"Are you ok? Any injuries", asked Kataoka concerned, approaching Yuuki.

"I'm fine, I avoided it", said Yuuki shaking the dust off his pants as he stood up like the tackle never happened.

Kataoka nodded fully trusting Yuuki because if he didn't, he would have switched him out after this incident.

After a few minutes, Kataoka approached the umpire and started arguing with him.

"Do you think, Yuuki senpai is ok?", asked Haruichi concerned.

"I'll go give them a piece of my mind", said Sawamura ready to go to try to beat up #17.

"Calm down, Eijun-kun", said Haruichi.

Watching this Rei's concern was why did Yakushi suddenly do this? Was this part of their new strategy? He never saw this kind of play being displayed by Yakushi in the anime but then again, they were a rustic public school-type team.

Back in the Field.

"I can't change my decision. #17 didn't do anything that would disobey the rules of the game. As you know the game has some violence in it. I Can't just stop it", said the umpire sternly.

"I see", said Kataoka as he knew the umpire wouldn't change his decision based on his attitude.

"Is Yuuki ok?", asked Miyuki and Jun together worried.

"He's fine he doesn't look injured, but it seems the umpire is not going to change his decision", said Kataoka while sighing.

"W-what do we do now?", said Director Oota scared.

"It's simple we do nothing. But if you see them about to harm you, try your best to avoid it", said Kataoka.

All the players nodded.

"And Yuuki will still be in the game but if he shows any signs of injuries then we will switch him out", said Kataoka informing the team.

All the players nodded understanding the situation.

After this situation, the game continued with Rei pitching.

"AWESOME! That Tackle was so cool", said Raichi walking to the batter's box.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, RAICHI? FOCUS! They'll find out you're a dumbass!", yelled Raizou from Yakushi's dugout.

Miyuki signaled for a low cutter to the outside corner when Raichi took his batting stance.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

While hitting the ball Raichi was jammed.

The ball was hit past the 3rd baseman.

"Seriously! what a monster…he hit it that far while being jammed", thought Miyuki sighing.

Raichi made it to the 1st base and #17 made it to the 2nd base.

Akiba came to bat next.

Miyuki called for a low fastball to the outside corner.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

Akiba hit a ground ball to the shortstop.

Kuramochi hurriedly fields it and throws it to the 3rd base to get #17 out and Masuko receives Kuramochi's signal telepathically telling him to throw it to the 2nd base for the 2nd out.

Akiba was still on the 1st base.

"OUT!", yelled the umpire as soon as he saw Yuuki catching the ball.

"Nice play, Kuramochi".


"As expected of Seido's defense".

Discussed the audience.

Kuramochi nudged Rei and when Rei looked at him, he saw the most disgusting expression ever. THE SMUG GRIN on Kuramochi Senpai's face.

Rei groaned knowing that Kuramochi was going to boast about this.

"YAAHAA…Rei how was it?", said Kuramochi with his smug grin.

"G-Good Play", said Rei reluctantly.

Kuramochi seemed surprised at his response but still teased him.

In Yakushi's Dugout.

"This is turning into a problem. Hey, Sanada. You should get- ", said Raizou.

"He already left", said his assistant, interrupting him.

"He's quick", said Raizou.

Back to the field.

Kuramochi and Ryousuke were on 2nd and 1st base.

It was currently Yuuki's turn to bat. He hit the ball past the 3rd base to the center field making Kuramochi and Ryosuke touch the home plate.

Yuuki made it to the 1st base safely.



Yelled the audience.

In Yakushi's Dugout.

"We're 5 runs down. It's a little early but we have no choice. Nabe!", said Raizou signaling his catcher on the field.

"Yakushi High School has announced a change in players. Replacing Mino as the pitcher is Sanada. Pitcher, Sanada", said the announcer.

"Don't let them get any further, Sanada!", said Raizou.

"Sanada, isn't he the pitcher who's a future version of Sawamura? Hmm…well this is going to be a problem", thought Rei in the dugout.

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