Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Seido High Vs, Yakushi High 6

Bottom of the 5th inning.

The audience cheered seeing Miyuki come to the batter's box.

"Yabe!", thought Sanada.

Yakushi's catcher signaled for a cut fastball.

Sanada nodded and pitched.

Miyuki hit the ball but was jammed so the ball didn't go far.

"OUT!", said the umpire as the 1st baseman caught the ball before Miyuki came on the base.

Masuko came to bat next. Sanada's cut fastball struck him out. He swung and missed each pitch.

"Ah…Thank God, he's out. That dude has got one powerful swing", thought Sanada.

Jun came to bat next. Sanada's fastball struck him out.

Jun stomped back to the dugout.



Yelled the audience which pissed off Jun even more.

Top of the 6th inning.

Ooda came to bat first. He was given different orders now from the coach since they were behind Seido.

Raizou knew it was now or never.

Miyuki signaled for a low fastball to the inside.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

"STRIKE!", said the umpire.

"Hmm…They're not aiming for 1st pitches anymore", thought Miyuki. He signaled for a fastball right down the middle.

"BAKA YARO! He's definitely going to hit it if I throw it straight down the middle", thought Rei pissed off because of Miyuki's calling.

Miyuki glared at Rei since he knew that Rei would defy him.

Seeing the glare Rei felt shivers down his spine. "Ugh, I'll do it but don't blame me if he hits it", he thought.

Rei winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

He threw it right down the middle.

Ooda reacted and hit the ball. The ball went to the center field.

"YEAH! He finally threw something hittable", commented Raizou in the dugout seeing Rei throw the ball down the middle.

Ooda made it safely to the 2nd base.

"SAFE!", said the umpire.

"I was just checking their strategy, but I didn't think that he would hit it so far", thought Miyuki awkwardly. "I feel like I'm forgetting something", he thought. Turning his head, he said "oh", seeing Rei glaring at him.

"Calm down", said Ryosuke seeing Rei so worked up.

Rei got startled seeing Ryosuke come up to him, he knew Ryosuke had a twisted personality too.

"Don't worry we got you", said Kuramochi.

Rei nodded in response to both of them.

Raichi came up to bat next.

Miyuki signaled for a 2-seamer to the inside.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

Raichi grinned seeing the ball coming. He held the bat and swung it heavily. The ball went over the right field fence.


"Oh, dear god, Raichi finally hit a home run".

"Maybe we still have hope of winning".

Cheered the players in the Yakushi's Dugout.

Raichi was grinning while touching all bases.

"Too easy…", said Raichi mocking Rei and giving him a thumbs down.

"T-that brat…how dare he copy me", said Rei. That somehow bugged him more than Raichi hitting a homerun off of him.

"You kind of deserved it", remarked Miyuki laughing at this sight.

Akiba came to bat next.

"Hopefully this bunt is successful", thought Akiba in the batter's box. The coach told him to


"Whew…Rei doesn't seem out of It because of the home run", thought Miyuki. He signaled for a high fastball to the outside corner.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

Akiba successfully bunted and the ball rolled near the mound.

Rei hurriedly grabbed the ball in his glove and threw it to the 1st base.

"OUT!", said the umpire.

Oota made it to the 3rd base safely.

Sanada came to bat next.

Since Miyuki knew that Yakushi was aiming for 2nd and 3rd pitches, he signaled Rei for a low fastball to the inside.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

Unexpectedly Sanada swung at the first pitch. The ball went past the 3rd baseman.

"Fastballs are my specialty", thought Sanada running to the 1st base.

Oota made it home, and Sanada safely made It to the first base.

Yamauchi came to bat next and bunted successfully and Sanada made It to the 2nd base.

There was movement in Seido's Dugout after a while.

"Pitcher Change. #11 Fujikawa Rei to Kawkami", said the announcer.

Rei who was preparing to strike out the next batter stiffened. He looked to the dugout and saw Kataoka signaling him to come back to the dugout.

Kawakami came to the mound and asked for the ball.

Rei groaned giving him the ball.

After Kawakami came to the mound.

Fukuda and Mino who came to bat next were struck out.

In Seido's Dugout.

"As expected of Nori Senpai", said Sawamura.

"He is the closer of Seido after all", said Harucchi proud.

Rei groaned at their comments.

"Gosh is Rei still upset about not being on the mound", said Kuramochi teasingly.

"I can't believe that he still wants to pitch more", said Chris sighing.

"Yeah, Rei-kun it's better to rest up", said Haruichi.

"But I'm not even that sweaty", responded Rei.

"Why are all pitchers like this", thought Chris shaking his head.

During the top of the 7th inning, Watanabe scored a run off of Kawakami.

Bottom of the 7th inning.

Kawakami came to bat.

Sanada threw his Shuuto.

Kawakami made contact with the ball but unfortunately, he was jammed. The ball was a fly to the 3rd baseman.

Kadota and Shirasu came to bat next and were struck out.

Top of the 8th inning.

Yakushi was getting more aggressive since the pitcher changed and it was their only chance left.

Raichi hit a home run again.

Bottom of the 8th inning.

Kuramochi was up to bat, and he made it to the 2nd base safely.

Ryosuke hit the ball past the 3rd baseman and made it to the 1st base safely while Kuramochi made it to the 3rd base.

Yuki came to bat next since Sanada didn't want to risk anything. Yakushi's battery walked him.

Kuramochi made It to the home plate, Ryosuke made It to the 2nd base and Yuki jogged to the 1st base.

Ryosuke tried stealing a base but was outed by Sanada's excellent pickoff.

Top of the 9th inning.

Yakushi couldn't score anything.

Bottom of the 9th inning.

Seido couldn't score as well.


Yakushi: 0-0-0-0-2-1-1-1-0

Seido: 2-1-2-0-0-0-0-1-0]

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