Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 287

Chapter 371


Qingxinliao Canteen.


“My pitch has a weakness?”

Sawamura sat sweating profusely ~ opposite Watanabe.


“From the data!”

“When you’re facing a left-hand hitter, the speed changer gets hit a little higher!”

Watanabe replied affirmatively.

“That being said.”

“Danzawa doesn’t actually use the speedball very many times in practice sessions.”

“In other words.”

“The current data is not perfect.”


“Sawamura, you can refer appropriately, don’t believe it all.”

Lin Tian, who was sitting on the side, said with a smile

When Sawamura heard this, he was slightly relieved.

“Lin Tian is right.”

Watanabe nodded in agreement.

Then he said to Sawamura:

“But today’s practice session.”

“When you face the left hitter, the variable speed ball you throw is significantly higher, which is the core reason why the left hit is easier to hit!”

“If you can change that.”

“It should be able to increase your shifter power.”

Sawamura looked thoughtfully at his left hand:

“Cast a little lower…”

Lin Tiandao:

“It’s useless to just think.”

“If you want to keep the variable ball down, you can only practice more.”

“When you practice the body to form a muscle response, you naturally don’t throw high.”

Sawamura got up immediately:

“Then I’ll go practice now!”

Descending Valley silently followed.

Because the Anda he was blasted out of today far surpassed Sawamura.

So in order not to be overtaken by Sawamura.

When he trains in Sawamura, he also has to train.


Sakura Country’s professional baseball draft is held as scheduled!

In a lively atmosphere!

Kiryu’s horror smile hall Hiromi was selected by Hiroshima!

Sano Shuzo, the monster beater of Nishibo, was chosen by Nakahi!

Masako Harada, the former captain of Inagiro, was selected by Hokkaido!

Tetsuya Yuki, the former captain of Seimichi, unlike the original, he did not go to university, but went to the Giants Club!

At the same time!

Fujio Minefu and Akiko Owada came to Chengkong Academy!




Just arrived at the baseball field.

The two of them heard a succession of batting sounds.


The baseballs that were hit all flew deep into the outfield!

“That’s awesome!”

“All fly far!”

Akiko Owada exclaimed.

“It’s not just hitting far!”

“The players who are in holes, the range of action of swinging the bat is much smaller than the normal movement!”

“This way of swinging the bat, although it will speed up the swing of the bat, but will reduce the power of swinging the bat!”

Feng Fujifu said solemnly: “If the strength and swing speed do not reach a certain level, they will definitely not be able to hit the outfield wall!” ”

When Owada Akiko heard this, she subconsciously looked at the players who were conscientious.

Then discover.

And that’s true.

Everyone’s swing is much faster than expected.

“Are they practicing this to deal with Sawamura of Seido?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mine Fujifu shook his head:

“According to my inquiry.”

“That’s how they train.”

“As for restraining Sawamura?”

“It must be just a coincidence, right?”


Coach’s office.

After Rei Takashima walked in, he asked Coach Kataoka, “Who are you going to send tomorrow’s first starter?” ”

Kataoka looked out the window.

After being silent for a while, he said, “Drop the valley.” ”

Takashima raised his eyebrows slightly: “Is it no longer banned?” ”

Kataoka clasped his hands to his chest: “See if he has grown, and if not, replace him.” ”

Indoor practice room.

Sawamura and Shibuya are discussing pitching here.

When Lin Tian, Yu Yu and the others passed by, they saw this scene and couldn’t help but stop.

“What are they doing?”

“Seems to be exchanging tips on pitching?”

“Huh? None of the same balls are thrown, what is there to communicate? ”

“But it’s always pitching, exchanging each other’s experience, and there’s something to gain.”


Miyuki walked in.


“You two!”

“The first mover has already been decided!”


Sawamura and Shibuya looked at Miyuki at the same time.

“Who is it?”

“Lin Tian?”

Miyuki smiled:

“The first to appear tomorrow is the valley of the fall!”

“So you have to rest early tonight, if you are too tired and cause your performance to be out of order, but you will be replaced soon!”

Xianggu’s eyes lit up: “Is it really me?” ”

Lin Tian nodded: “Well, but don’t be capricious this time, otherwise it won’t be as simple as banning two games!” ”

The valley is heavy.

Lin Tian: “Remember to rest early and raise your state!” ”

Xianggu immediately said, “I’m going to sleep!” ”

Finish speaking.

Under the gaze of Lin Tian and the others, he quickly left the scene.


Sawamura looked at the back of the departing valley, his face was full of unwillingness, and his fists were clenched unconsciously.

“Have you memorized the rules?”

Lin Tian suddenly asked towards Zemura.


“Not yet…”

Sawamura, who was still unwilling just now, stammered in response with embarrassment at the moment.

“Not yet?”

“If you don’t recite it again!”

“The coach can’t let you play!”

Hear this.

Sawamura quickly responded:

“Hurry up, I’ll be able to carry it back in a good day!”

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