Addict’s Recovery Journal

Chapter 94

94. Why did you get out of there (1)


The bustling streets of Ellano, a free neutral city.

Karakol’s Clan House is spectacular and eye-catching, even among its sprawling buildings.

Continental tithe, Citrio Altus, brought together all the major executives of the clan to the most decorated place within its magnificent building.

Five top executives and eight just like them.

All 13 of them are as formidable as the court wizard or knight commander of a country, and have been devoted to Karakol and Citrio for as little as 10 years.

“Today, I have called you to share information about the cause, and to keep up the good work. Adelio?”

“Yes, there are a few minor issues, but they are not of great concern, and the progress is very smooth. First, regarding your contact with Prince Ramon · ·”

Adelio, a practical sub-master, intuitively and clearly explained matters relating to the civil war in Gleasia.

Citrio smiles.

His succession was outstanding in many ways. In terms of power, he was handicapped compared to the twelve year old Citrio, but the ability to lead the group was rather favorable.

“· · Reporting is ideal. To put it into perspective, it looks like we need to recruit clans around Elano to completely block variables in civil wars. ”


“Yes. The massive clans are beginning to notice the glitches of civil war. We’d better get them together and warn them so they don’t have any useless ideas. ”

“Indeed. It is possible that one of our key executives has left Clan House and is up to the task.” ”

The clan itself is no threat to Elano. However, if you don’t look back and forth and try to attract foreign countries, the Karakol side is also a bit of a problem.

By dragging time with the right combination of carrots and whips, you will be able to pass over the civil war safely.

“Well, that’s a good idea. Host a banquet and invite key members of your surrounding clan. ”

“I understand.”


Here comes the continent, Evel Stroke!

It’s such a big event that if it’s been known to be public, it can cause a commotion around it for a while.

I only visited Clan House in secret with a handful of escorts who didn’t fit the reputation.

Among the remaining five or six attendants, there were familiar faces.

These are the three elite knights ─ Rinfred, Maximilian and Wolfgang who escorted me and Chesha to Blisspeel the other day.

The rest of you are in eye contact with them, and Arent steps forward.

“This is not Arent Lindal, current Clan Master of Blissful. It’s an honor to meet you, Lord Ebel of the Duke of Stroke. ”

“Abel Stroke. Lord Lindal, I hear your anonymity with the last thousand slain is far north as well. ”

“Haha, I was burying my best friend, and there was an overestimation. Compared to Sir Ebel, who received the power and influence directly from the Struggle Church, is he not a congenital hemophiliac? ”

Arente and Ebel grin.

Look at how friendly these old guys are.

“Then I ask you, Lord Ewell, Aiden. ”

Soon after, Arent left the nobleman to me and suddenly left for the training room.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but if I look closely at my title as a sub-master, I feel like I’m treated like a clan master, both internally and externally.

After a brief welcoming ceremony at Clan level.

I greet Evel in the reception hall with only my usual associates.

Chesha says hello.

“It’s been a long time, Uncle Shifu. ”

“Tsk, you must be Elvio’s daughter. You’ve worked so hard to stay by this troublesome guy’s side. ”

Before leaving the country, she stayed at the Stroke Manor for a long time. Thanks to this, I had a moderate relationship with Evel.

There’s more to worry about than that.

The last time I saw him, there was a dark shade on Ebel’s face. But now he is a sudden fad somewhere.

It must mean that there was something to be accomplished that would completely remove the heart.

· · Character seats.

Ebel Stroke

[Level: 55/55]

[HP: 17] [Strength: 20] [Agility: 13]

[Magic Power: 14] [Mind: 13] [Sense: 08]

[Holy: 03]

[Characteristics: slugger (U), sword (S +), intense will (A) and three others]

[Skill: Stroke Glutensil Ultimate (S), Stroke Skill Ultimate (A +), Croa Protection Slash Ultimate (A), National Palpation (B) and 6 others]

[Description: 69 years old, human. It is part of a dozen current continents and is named one of the strongest knights in the North. Currently retired as commander of the Riferta Front.]

“· · · Ha. ”

I groaned.

It’s June 15th, 984.

It is four years before the beginning of the original.

But he had already surpassed himself in the future.

Originally, all the stats needed to go to [Strength] went to [Mentality], and within 2 years, the level limit of potential increased by 1.

This is remarkable growth. It is also difficult as you get older. There is no need to explain how difficult it is to expand a vessel beyond its limits.

Among them, it’s worth noting that Ebel developed a unique trait as expected.

A Slugger (U) .

It feels heavy like a homerun typewriter, but I can hardly understand its capabilities just by looking at its name.

The confuser changes its function fluidly as the mind of the user changes. It also means that it is not possible to text through the power of the tripper system.

The characteristic may be persistent or transfigurative, but there is no other information.

Soon after, Ebel said to me,

“You look like you could use a fighting seal. You’re not the only one or two letters embedded in Reekroll’s mansion. ”

“I’m just getting settled. If you have the means, you have to use them all you want. ”

“You’re not wrong. ”

Ebel nods softly.

Seeing him made me confused.

“I assumed you came here to gloat over the seal, but you don’t seem to care much, do you? ”

“I recently resigned as commander of the Riferta and was quite free because the Demihuman nations on the border with the government were silent. I’m surprised to hear that you’re in trouble. ”

But, do.

Ebel stares at you sharply.

“· · Nevertheless, the seal has been abused to the fullest extent possible. Did you know that when I do something worthless, I have to take care of it all? ”

“I thought you were considering all that trouble the first time you gave me a seal. ”

“There is such a thing, such a thing. ”

Abel rebukes me in an unfit tone.

But it doesn’t seem very angry.

I asked in curiosity.

“Uncle, we’re not both Bang Bang Bang Bang people, so let me ask you plainly. What brings you here? ”

“Huh, yeah. I’m glad you’re a fast talker. ”

Evel shakes her hand slightly.

Then there’s the first article I’ve seen in the back.

Leopold Bjoergen

[Level: 29/31]

[Health: 11] [Strength: 08] [Agility: 09]

[Magic Power: 12] [Mind: 03] [Sense: 14]

[Holy: 00]

[Characteristic: Dog’s Eye (A), Brawler (C)]

[Technology: Stroke Skill (B), Stroke Slash (B), Speculative (B), Northern Deep Slash (C)]

[Description: 30 years old, human race. An elite knight of the Stroke family who is considered discerning.]

Leopold Bjoergen.

A character who appeared in the original.

Within the stroke dynasty at Part 1, it was one of the elite knights rated as strong after Julio, who was the closest to Riddlet.

But Leopold’s worth is not in combat, but in the eye of the beholder. He is very good at measuring someone’s competence.

Insight (A) is a characteristic of the number of skills learned by the opponent at a glance.

And Speculative (B) is a skill that gives you a rough idea of the difference between your level and the opponent.

“Leopold, what does Aiden look like? ”

“· · With all due respect, aside from Evel, there doesn’t seem to be any knights in the current Stroke dynasty that are worthy of a public opponent. Perhaps even the entire kingdom of Croa, a great nation. ”

Leopold opens his eyes, almost unbelievably speaking for himself.

Ebel nods and opens her mouth.

“I do. Now I can feel how things are going. ”

“What situation?”

“You may not be unaware of the recent movement of the Free Neutral City · · · Karakol Clan. Perhaps they intend to devour the entire kingdom of Gleasia. ”

“Hmm · · · ·. ”

Only four months until the civil war.

It was time for the chaotic giants to notice that the Karakol Clan was making some strange moves.

“And according to Leopold’s assessment, Aiden, you seem to have already grown to the end of a dozen continents. Does the Blissful Clan have a way of fighting back against Karakol? ”

My heart was full.

But as the bear sat down to think about it, it wasn’t that strange that Evel noticed my movements.

In a cold three-way view, Blissful is a small clan that has just resurrected.

However, the story changes slightly if the focus is on the individual who is the country.

To clear Karakol’s debt alone.

Solved the Giant’s Sword with Kuby.

Working underwater through Camelot.

Separately, I can think of it as a coincidence, but Ebel Stroke has already watched my strange gait and common sense grow in Recruits.

That’s why I assumed I might be planning a civil war.

Of course, it’s close to assumptions without clear evidence, so the vigilante Karakol wouldn’t have been watching me as closely as Evel.

“· · Since you seem to know everything, there’s no reason to hide it. My great-grandfather’s guess is mostly correct. ”

“That’s what I thought. ”

Abel nodding his head.

I asked him.

“You’ve turned around and come back to square one. So what do you want to tell me? ”

“The Knights of the Republic, including myself, are fiercely interested in joining the Glish civil war on behalf of the Blissful Clan. ”

“· · Is that the entire position of the Republic or the individual wishes of your great-grandfather? ”

“Both. ”

“Hmm · · · ·. ”

“You may have gone and joined the clan, but you were the next of the stroke royals.” You’ll get a lot of help at a small price if you just decide. I wonder why you didn’t ask for help. Poden was also reluctant. ”

Evel narrows her eyes.

“I am also personally interested in Citrio Altus, the Clan Master of Karakol. He’s the closest thing I’ve ever had, so if I had the chance, I wanted to fight him. ”

Citrio is a mastermind of traditional blunt force technology.

Ebel, on the other hand, saw the pole of the Sword.

So it was natural for him to have a rival consciousness towards Citrio in some sense. Seeing the great achievement there lately, my whole body seems to be itching.

“You want me to stage a one-on-one war with Master Altus?” They’re on the same continent. No matter how dangerous your great-grandfather may be. ”

“Twelve opportunities don’t come around very often. Considering my age, this might be the last time. ”

Evel seems determined to come.

For a moment I thought about it.

If things go according to plan, we’ll be able to win civil wars quite easily with the support of the Quential and Elf Knights.

However, if Ebel stops Citrio from moving, which is a variable, then the odds are extremely close to 100%.

There’s no reason to say no to this.

“In other words, your great-grandfather will participate for free, right? Well, thank you. ”

“It’s not free. I would have given you a condition not to throw up on the ownership of the seal. ”

“That’s it. There’s one more thing your great-grandfather needs to do right now. ”

“What is it?”

“Join us here. ”

What I gave him was a fancy letter. It was an invitation to a banquet hosted by the Karakol Clan.

I was originally going to stay in shape until the beginning of the Civil War in Gleasia, but his appearance changed things a bit.

The only thing that matters right now is air pressure.

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