Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

An Unexpected Meeting Final Part


( General P.O.V) ( 2 days ago)


The reporter looked professional despite the destruction showing in the background. He looked at the camera man and straightened out his tie to prepare himself to go live.

"And we're on in 3, 2, 1."

The signal was given and the Reporter's face turned grim. His voice was smooth and even, delivering concise and precise sentences in a tone that forced you to listen intently.


"The mass destruction caused by the Terror twins continues. Earlier today, The two twins found themselves in an altercation with the Flash after attempting to rob priceless gems. They managed to escape but the Scarlet Speedster was able to retrieve the stolen gems..."


A picture showing two blonde twins, a girl and a boy appeared on the screen next to the image of the reporter. Lex Luthor placed the glass of wine back onto the table while humming in interest. His gaze stared at the two twins in thought before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Brutes whose powers are predominantly Super Strength with a below average intelligence level. No other outstanding qualities. Their personalities make them out to be brash and metas who mostly rely on their strength for everything. They are perfect to test 'him.' "


He sipped his wine before abruptly getting up from his seat. He walked forward slowly towards the balcony of his pent house and stopped, looking out over the city. A flash of red and blue cut through the air a ways off into the distance. Superman. Lex had only spotted him out of luck. Luthor sneered at the retreating figure of the Man of Steel.

"Soon. Soon, you will reveal to the world what you really are. The folly of them treating you like a god shall be your ultimate undoing. And when that happens, when you get tired of hiding behind false morals, that will be the time that humanity no longer has a need for you. When that time comes, the gloves are off, Superman. Mark my words."


Luthor retreated back into his penthouse. There was a young Caucasian woman dressed in a formal suit standing next to his table. A small smile appeared back on Lex's face.

"My compliments to the chef, Mercy but I believe that's enough shrimp for the night." He stretched out his arms to the sides and Mercy dutifully dressed him in his black tuxedo jacket. Lex straightened out his suit and buttoned up the Jacket.

"Right now, we have somewhere else to be."


(Aden's P.O.V)


Ok..It's official. I'm bad at the interrogation thing. No matter what I did…Galiel refused to break and give me the information I wanted. I had already wasted too much time here. I wanted to be gone before anonymously giving a tip to the supernatural experts on the shit that had been going on here.


I looked into the eyes of the demon and saw spite. I…I also felt dirty. His face was bruised. Teeth loose and nose broken. It was as if something primal had been born inside me and I couldn't stop myself from messing him up. I looked at the blood in my knuckles and swallowed the fear that something had changed within me.


I've always known that my hands wouldn't be clean. Especially given what I intended to do. To truly bring change to this world…it had to reach the point where Superheroes were no longer needed and to reach that point, I had to make sure that Supervillains were stopped. The ones who could change would be redeemed and the ones who couldn't would die. It was the mission I had given myself due to the knowledge I had. The knowledge that ensured I knew a person better than even themselves due to studying their character and even alternate selves back in my old world.


It sounds dumb and misguided. What made me think I had the power to impose my opinion onto others? To be truly honest…I wanted nothing more than to hole myself up in my uncle's studio and make music like before. Not having to stress about things like saving the world or crap like that. But I couldn't. The path I planned to walk would no doubt create enemies for me but I was ready for that.


Which is why, I couldn't falter. Not now or ever. My hand rose up while I stared at the groaning mess of the demon before me. More of his human skin had slouched off, revealing black scales across his body. A sheath of twisting wind appeared, covering my hand. I didn't look away. Galiel's eyes widened and he scrambled to get up but I had used chi blocking on all of his limbs so he floundered in place.

"Damn you, Human!"

He bit out, the words were barely recognizable however.


"I won't pretend to be the good guy. Taking a life whether that person deserves it or not is something that taints you." My jaw clenched. " But to ensure more people are not hurt, that is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Goodbye, Galiel."

My hand came down onto his chest and speared through his torso. Blackened blood burst out of his mouth and landed on my mask and clothes. They smoked as they melted from the acid like blood. I used my other hand to remove the mask.


The wind attack sliced apart his internal organs from within, leaving a bloody mess on the ground. Galiel's eyes showed fear as he tried to mutter something. His blood flowed onto the carpet floor and neatly arranged itself into a pentagram. I quickly jumped backwards just as a blast of hell fire burst out of the pentagram below Galiel's body.

"No! Dammit!"


A sudden voice cut through the air, followed by a knife aimed towards my head. I ducked the attack, remotely registering the dull thunk! Of the projectile as it dug itself onto the wooden closet behind me. A woman walked calmly inside while twirling a dagger on her right hand. She was beautiful. She was also eerily familiar.

"You stole my kill. You shouldn't have done that. I'm not the sharing type."


Fuck. That voice, the leather, the danger quality, sinfully sensual body, the daggers, L.A and Galiel's demonic presence. I'm talking to Maze. My eyes widened. And if I'm talking to Maze…that means Lucifer is also not far behind. Shit. I cannot deal with this crap. Not now. Why the fuck is she even here! This is Young Justice! Not the Arrow-verse!


"Cat got your tongue? No worries, I like the silent type. They always make the most beautiful sound when I cut them up." She stepped up and kicked a small stool towards me. The furniture sailed through the air and separated into two parts from a hasty swipe of my hand. Unfortunately, I lost sight of Maze.


I used my new subskill to sense fluctuations in the air and rolled away from the dagger coming down at me from the top. How had she gotten up to the ceiling so fast?! The Maze I know is not this strong. Her punch slammed onto my guard and I was thrown back onto the wall of Galiel's office. Cracks appeared on it along with an imprint of my body. I evaded another dagger aimed at my heart by suddenly doing a split.


She jumped forward but I performed a windmill that transitioned into a back spin, hitting her with a blast of wind and throwing her away. The blast pushed away the table and made the papers on top of it fly. Maze grunted once she landed, looking surprised and ready to jump in to the fight.


"Wait! This is all a misunderstanding! I'm not with him."


I told her with my hands raised up.


I didn't want to start a fight I couldn't finish which was especially true for this one. She cocked her head to the side.


"So you do talk?"


I chuckled nervously looking out for 'him'.


"When I have something to say."


Maze stood up from her slightly crouched position and started walking around me.


"What was that attack? Are you one of these...super humans?"


My gaze never left hers and my senses were on high alert.


"Something like that. What about you? You don't look like you're from here."


She smirked.


"Something like that."


There was a brief silence then she cocked her chin towards Galiel's remains.


"Why did you kill him? And how can you remain so calm about it? The first kill is always the hardest. For anyone"


I started subtly moving towards the small table where the goblet had been placed, while forcing myself to act calm. Luckily, I had already transferred the Meta-trigger inside to a whiskey bottle.


Her words struck a cord inside me. She was right. I was eerily calm for someone who had just taken another life. No not calm...composed. My hands were slightly shaking which made me realize that it was composure. I had already made up my mind. This was just a result of my strong conviction.


But her words made me curious.


"How did you know that this is my first time killing someone?"


Instead of Maze answering, a deep silky smooth voice did.


"It's a trait exclusive to the best of the Lilims. The ability to sense sins. Before Maze, your true self is laid bare."


Oh no.


I looked towards the source of the voice and marveled in wonder. He was... distractingly handsome. I'm a completely straight guy if my sexuality has ever come into question This guy, makes me feel as if I'm staring at the combination of every woman's wet dream. He was sinfully, badly and evilly attractive.


My heart hammered in fear. I hadn't felt his presence. Even through my senses, particularly the disturbance in the air...I still hadn't sensed him. What. The. Actual. Fact?! I backed away warily. I needed to get out of there.


"I see you took your time."


Maze commented while twirling a curved dagger.


"I had to. It would be remiss of me to not tour my new premises now wouldn't it? I have even thought of an apt name." He spread out his hands. Every action he did, registered as glorious to my mortal mind.


"What do you think of...Lux."


He finished with a flourish.




Maze hummed, a finger on her chin.


"I like it. Plus the irony is just like you."


"Yes. It's quite fitting." Lucifer looked around and frowned at the state of the room before zeroing in on Galiel's remains.


"Maze why is there a pentagram on the floor? I thought we talked about this. No shenanigans before we settle down."


He snapped his finger and it was like time reversed.


The disarrayed room, smashed tables and glasses, cracks on the wall... everything was fixed and when he was done, The Lightbringer, first of the fallen turned his attention back to me.


"Now what should we do with you, I wonder."


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